Piece By Piece...Part I

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Chapter Five: Piece By Piece...Part I PACHA It was all I could do to tear my eyes away from Tati’s incredible gifts. Hand-painted portraits by the Fairy Queen containing precious memories and the faces of those who gave my life so much—meaning. I loved them all, though the first two were my favorites. Small pieces of the past that I thought of often, in awe of how quickly time had flown by with Esma and our children... My gaze drifting up to see my adored Mi Novia step up onto the stage, there was a fleeting moment where I saw her as she was in Tati’s painting—the sweetest smile on her cherub face as she brought her huge brown eyes up to meet with mine—the delay in her gift due to a wardrobe change as my Iggy stood before me now wearing another creation she, Esma, and Tati had created. Her off-shoulder blue and white collared top with short, winged sleeves that had a banded bottom that hit just past her hips—giving it a subtle swaying look with distressed jeans that held the same material on each upper thigh with crisscrossing white strings of stretchy material that was tied at the top—fitting my daughter’s unique style perfectly... Though I had an inkling that her gift was one of song, I was a bit befuddled, as our tradition of birthday celebrations on the island had always been musical in nature. Which bears the question—why did Iggy request that it be sung before the party started? Taking in a nervous deep breath, Iggy sent instant tears to my eyes before a note had even been sung—or played as she spilled out, “Happy birthday, Papacito. I, uh—I wrote this for you and our familia. As a thank you. Especially you—for choosing to love me as your own—for never giving up on me—and for putting my heart back together—piece by piece.” Mi Novia’s reasoning was clear from the very first soulful words she belted out acapella, “And all I remember—is your back. Walking towards the doorway, leaving me a part of your past.” Mateo joined in, playing an exquisite slow melody to Iggy’s song. Ryker’s positive influence on my daughter’s life on full display as it had been at Tink and Beast’s wedding—every touching word sung at a perfectly-pitched, mezzo-soprano deliberate, but relaxed cadence that was so unlike the typical fast-paced speech that I was used to hearing from the beautiful young girl who indeed captured my heart the moment I saw her... What affected me the most as Iggy painted a portrait of being saved from abandonment at six years old was realizing that the song she had written about having her faith in love and family restored by me and our familia was Mi Novia’s final piece in her puzzle of allowing herself to let that part of her past go—my eyes brimming with a flood of tears, one of which fell, streaming down my face as she brokenly sang out “Back then I didn’t have anything you needed, so I was worthless”. I could literally see Iggy’s painful past being set free in her passionate delivery before she wholeheartedly followed it with words that emanated from her deep within her soul— Piece by piece, she was collected up off the ground, the holes in her heart mended, filled by the love of him—me, her beloved father, her—Esma, her loving mother, and them—our familia—the people that showed her the true meaning of life, love, and family. The song was so moving that I didn’t need to look around to know that mine were not the only drops of moisture to fall. Iggy’s song doing what music is meant to do to one’s soul—my heart breaking, melting, and filling with warmth all at the same time as she continued—He never walks away—he gives me unconditional love—he takes care of me—he protects me—piece by piece, my faith has been restored that a man can be kind—and a father could stay... She concluded her song by describing how she had fallen far from the tree, “I will never leave them like you left me”, before Iggy sang the last line of song the most beautiful breathless, rhythmic whisper, “In them, I learned that love can be kind—and family can be—great. Piece by piece.” My watery gaze never leaving hers, I stood up as everyone loudly clapped, motioning my daughter towards me as I walked around the table—Iggy charging forward to jump up into my arms near the middle of the dance floor. Holding onto her in the tightest embrace, I adoringly murmured, “Oh, how I love you, Mi Novia! Gracias, mi querida niña (my darling girl)—for your touching song—and for making this a birthday I will never forget with that incredible performance!” “I love you, Papacito!” Iggy heavily exhaled out, “I hope this is your best birthday year yet!” Leaning back to peer down into her teary gaze, I wholeheartedly replied, “I have no doubt that it will be, Mi Novia.” “That’s good to hear, my old friend, though admittedly, I have felt your absence greatly,” Tarka’s soprano voice rang out behind me, causing me to immediately whirl around to see my old friend’s kind smile beaming back at me, “It was an honor to hear such beautiful, perfectly written and performed song on this special day. Happy birthday, Pacha. It is good to see you, mi amigo.” **************** TATIANA Iggy’s invitation for us to join the party early was indeed a special moment I would never forget. Her song to Pacha was so very touching. As was the appearance of Alpha Tarka, a regal man with salt and pepper hair like Horacio and the same smooth mocha skin as our Caribbean familia, but built more like Nicholas, who had graciously invited him to Crescent Moon for the party. The embrace shared by the two long-time friends and allies was so heartfelt, it had me and my fellow Mother’s Club members uncontrollably weeping and falling into a fit of laughter as Tink called out to Iggy— “Man, Ziggy-Iggs! Love you and that song, but you do realize this table is full of preggos over here, including me! Between that and Pacha’s surprise guest, we’re all bawling like idiots all over the now soggy empanadas you piled on our plates!” Pacha and Alpha Tarka laughed, patting one another on the shoulder before the Alpha praised Iggy for her stunning voice and song before introductions were made. Poor Nicholas, Jace, Beast, and Horacio holding a sobbing Madeline, Constance, Tink, and myself close as I thickly complimented, “Every tear is worth it, Iggy. Your song was absolutely beautiful, my darling. And it is very nice to finally meet you, Alpha Tarka.” “Likewise, Señora Tatiana—and please, everyone—it is just Tarka. And gracias again for your gracious invitation, Nicholas. It means a great deal to me to have the opportunity to see my ageless amigo so happy and celebrate his special day,” he warmly replied before he and Pacha took their leave to visit with the rest of his family. Soon after, Iggy sweetly had Esma help her bring a new batch of empanadas to the table as Ryker, Egan, and Eliana walked up. The boys thanked me once again for helping teach the girls how to make their favorite foods before my tender-hearted sweetheart Eliana showed me her beautiful gifts from Egan—the most stunning of which was the mark on her neck, which brought a smile to both of our faces and ribbing from two of her self-proclaimed protectors— Horacio was definitely back in rare form, arching his eyebrows as his gaze fell upon the young warrior, “Took you long enough, but smart move heeding all of my advice, kid. Word to the wise—keep it up and keep my Eliana as happy as she is right now—or deal with me.” Leaning back in his chair, Carson flashed his crooked, humored grin, “With us, Fury. Not that you would leave me with much.” Bringing his fisted hand up, he extended his thumb, which Carson then waved towards Horacio, giving a hushed, deadpanned warning, “He’s more of a destructive obliteration kind of guy.” Enzo had snuck up behind Egan, chuckling as heartily as he was, patting him on the back, “They do make protecting my sister so very easy now, eh, Amigo? Not that I won’t still add a little of my own magic to the mix should mi hermosa be anything but full of joy!” “I hear you loud and clear, gentlemen,” Egan chortled out before admiringly gazing at his Angel, as he adorably referred to Eliana, “And have every intention of exceeding all expectations of my beautiful and loved beyond words mate.” Her cheeks going completely crimson, Eliana ran over to him, weaving her thin arms around his waist before looking up at Egan with a soft, apologetic smile full of love and enamored adoration. His response was just as sweet, leaning down to softly kiss her lips before gently assuring her that he greatly appreciated knowing that he was going to be kept in line by the formidable line of protection around his Angel... Soon after, the rest of our extended family and Crescent Moon friends and warriors arrived, our Caribbean family’s celebration getting into full swing with lively music and animated conversations. And an astonished Pacha found himself surrounded by gifts of all sizes and shapes, leaving our El Corazon shocked, overwhelmed, and gushingly appreciative, thanking each bearer profusely for their kindness... I found myself greatly amused, while Orion, Soren, and even Nicholas found themselves in a dazed stupor as Aruna and Altalune excitedly joined Pacha and Sasi behind the DJ table, my young white lighter teaching the two elder sisters how to use the turntable and sound effects as the band played, the cute dark-headed couple laughing as the Lunas not only excelled quickly, masterfully adding to the beats, but also showed off a few grooves of their own... Beaming ear to ear, Gavin seemed to find it just as amusing as I did, laughing out, “Look at Mother and Aunt Alta go!” Somehow, sounding both aghast and infatuated, I giggled as Soren breathlessly replied, “I am looking, my boy. Believe me, I’m looking! I haven’t seen a few of those moves since they were teenagers. And as they have not been of that age for quite some time, I worry their hips won’t be able to move at all for days to come!” “I don’t know about Alta, but based on the extensive gem hunts she’s joined me on as of late, Aruna will be just fine,” Orion chortled, “Besides, if I remember correctly, from the stories I’ve heard, those two had quite the reputation back in the day for being the first, last, and best on the dance floor.” “Indeed, they did. Aldric and I battled many a strapping warrior who were foolish enough to attempt to garner a dance with those two,” Soren thoughtfully reminisced, “All the while trying to keep up with the dance the night away duo ourselves. Ahhhhh, those were the days!” Laughing under his breath, he wickedly grinned, “My father loved it, but it drove my mother crazy. Mostly because the poor woman had no rhythm whatsoever to speak of. She would get so out of sorts when Father joined Alta and Aruna on the floor! Fortunately, I inherited his smooth moves. Aldric wasn’t too shabby himself.” His enamored eyes on his mother, Nicholas warmly concurred, “Father was actually a very good dancer. They both enjoyed it—immensely so. There was many a night when we were young that Gavin and I would hear music playing in the ballroom and sneak in to find them gliding around the empty floor.” “They knew you two were in the shadows,” Orion kindly confessed, “That’s why you only spied them dancing to slow music. Your father would tell Aruna that he wanted you and Gavin to see the art of romancing your future mates on the dance floor.” Gavin and Nicholas laughed at that little insight before Gavin appreciatively replied, “Sounds like something Father would say—and do. And it sounds like Mother has enlightened you a great deal about her past.” “We’ve enlightened each other on our long lives, Gavin,” Orion devotedly mused, thoughtfully running his hand down his long grey beard as he watched Aruna laughing alongside Alta across the floor, “Your mother is an incredible woman with a beautiful heart and fun, adventurous spirit that I have fallen deeply in love with.” I knew it was coming—Horacio’s wickedness—as he chortled, “And fortunately for them, Aruna and Tati’s younger men help them to retain their beautiful youthful spirits.” Turning my head to peer up at him, I was met with a cute smirk as I dryly countered, “Yes, fortunately younger men are so much easier to train. Not quite as exhaustive. Note the word—quite.” Laughter broke out as Horacio adorably brushed his nose against mine, firming his hold around me before gently running his hand across my stomach, quietly murmuring, “I can’t wait for you to start showing, beautiful.” “I know, but hopefully that won’t occur until after our wedding,” I softly returned, “I would prefer not to have to make anymore adjustments to my gown.” His brow quirking, he jovially exhaled out, “Anymore? You haven’t gained an ounce yet, despite your very welcomed ravenous appetite. What adjustments have you had to make?” Winking, I elatedly mouthed out, “You’ll see.” ***************** MADELINE After a few turns on the now crowded dance floor, my mind and my eyes were drawn to the large table of food not far from where Nicholas and I were. Something he noticed, laughing under his breath before leaning down to whisper in my ear that his father’s enlightenment on romancing his mate through dance was falling on deaf ears before turning me to face the table head-on and guiding us towards my much-desired destination... I had been enjoying the deepening closeness between us since Nicholas and I found out we were expecting the twins and loving the overwhelming happiness it brought to us both, especially my Alpha. Our good mornings and good nights that now included sweet touches and kisses placed upon my quickly growing belly, something I looked forward to every day, as well as moments like these when Nicholas was so attentive and sweet... When we returned to our empty table, however, there was a new occurrence that both elated and surprised me—a slight squeal passing through my lips as Nicholas sat me on top of his lap after my plate was set on the table, pulling me back against his strong, solid frame as his arms wrapped around me, hands clasped together on my stomach, lovingly stating, “Finding myself suddenly wanting to pull a ‘Horacio’ to keep the romance going.” Laughing out loud, I snuggled into his hold, retorting, “Not sure it’s proper for an Alpha and his Alpha Luna to so openly embark on such displays of affection, but I must say that I suddenly understand the appeal it has for Auntie.” “I don’t think any harm will come of it, especially as everyone knows how much I love my stunning Alpha Luna being pregnant. Showing off a little with that new reference, by the way. Perhaps I should take you down a notch and demand that it be Luna Alpha instead.” Turning to peer into his gorgeous blue eyes, I mockingly returned, “And kill the romance, my Alpha? Don’t you dare!” Kissing me tenderly, Nicholas breathed out against my lips, “I do love this, Madeline—holding all three of my Alphas in my arms.” All three of my Alphas—the words bringing a bright smile to my face. Another thing I loved—Nicholas' instant agreement with my wish that Alaric be the designated future Alpha of Crescent Moon with Adara being the designated future Alpha of Mystic Fire. Grabbing one of the apple empanadas from the plate, I wasn’t quite ready to stop our playful exchange yet, informing him before I took a dramatic bite, “You’ll have to give pointers about being an Alpha’s male mate to Adara’s future love, my Alpha Muna. Wouldn’t want the young man to feel intimidated by his strong and formidable she-wolf’s legacy role.” Guffawing, Nicholas let out in a hastened, humored breath, “I don’t know what’s worse—the fact that you’ve already brought up my baby girl’s future love life, which I’m nowhere near ready to think about, or that you have nicknamed me and the poor boy Muna.” “Mmmmm, that definitely wasn’t a ‘Horacio’ was it?” I continued to kid, adding before taking another theatrical bite, “Doesn’t quite have the manly ‘umph’ to it that King of Fury carries.” Jumping after he unexpectedly tickled my sides, Nicholas rallied, “No it doesn’t, which is why I will be employing Horacio and Tink’s dark minds to come up with something better.” “I heard my name and am always at your service, Alpha! What’s up?” Tink animatedly chimed in as she and Beast returned to their seats—both setting piled plates of food down, “Need me to help save your knees and return my amorously hormonal Mystic Fire Alpha to her chair? I can’t believe you pulled a ‘Horacio’, o’ fearless leader! You’re gonna break him!” My jaw dropping, I bit back, fiercely pointing my index finger towards Nicholas, “Hey, this was his idea!” “Sure, it was,” Tink drawled out, her eyes elatedly locked on the large powdered sugar cookie in her hand, “I swear there is nothing I love more these days than a perfect cookie! Auntie says that’s thanks to Titus, who is apparently my little cookie-craving monster. Her strawberry shortcake cookies are his favorite, but as this one will make for an even dozen consumed, I think these jumbo polvorone cookies Ziggy-Iggs made ranks a close second.” Immediately distracted, my mouth was already watering, and my elbow jabbed into Nicholas’ upper abdomen when he snickered after I curiously contemplated out loud, “I must have missed those—that good, huh?” Beast already had his enormous right hand extended out towards me—four of the cookies held in his grasp—before I finished my short sentence, his sweet smile melting my heart as much as the gesture—and his few words—did, “Grabbed a few for you.” Thanking him, I set the other three down while bringing one up to my face, which held a similar enamored grin as my large, formidable Rogue Eight warrior—Tink and I extending our arms out for a little cookie toast, sending powdered sugar and loud laughter from our mates straight up into the air before biting down into what was the most delicious new craving to add to my growing list... ***************** MATTIAS Walking along the lake at Crescent Moon with Jillie after Pacha’s party, her slender fingers intertwined with mine as we laughed about the amount of food our pregnant family members put away and my grandmother and great-aunt’s shocking antics behind the DJ booth, I couldn’t help but think that I’ve never been happier in my life and—much to my relief—neither had my beautiful blonde mate who was wearing a new light blue ruffled lace boho dress with pattered flowers on the shoulders, waist, and mid-skirt that Auntie gifted her with when we arrived earlier today... My throat went a bit dry as another thought came to mind, but I pushed it aside momentarily, amusingly stating, “So, how about Grandfather’s suggestion that I start shadowing him at The Council? Guess I have impressed him lately.” Grinning, Jillie mockingly chided, “Your grandfather says I’m the only reason he is finally able to retire. I think he loves me more than you.” A humored grin crossed my face as a memory returned of the vision Auntie shared with me when I was held captive at Amelia’s—and while the location had changed, I also realized Auntie’s gift was two-fold as my words also remained the same, “No surprise there and honestly, I can’t blame him. I kinda gave him a lot of reasons for concern. But I’m going to make him proud, Jillie. I’m going to work hard to make everyone proud—and for the record, I love our future Luna more than he does. I also promise that I’ll try not to make you work harder to keep me in line—try being the operative word.” Stopping us and throwing her arms around my neck just as she had in my dream-like state that day, Jillie beamed at me, “Well, your grandmother has given me plenty of lessons on how to keep your family in line. It won’t be easy, but I think I can handle it—but only because I love your grandfather—oh, sorry! I meant to say I love you!” It was then that I diverted from what Auntie had shown me, backing out of her embrace to reach into the pocket of my brown dress pants, pulling out the ring box my grandparents had recently given me—the one I had been anxiously carrying around trying to build up the courage to pop the question—taking Jillie’s left hand in mine, hoping my world was about to be complete as well as happy. Her eyes instantly went wide as I earnestly declared, “I love you too, Jillie. And believe me, I know there’s no way I can be the Alpha our Howling Winds deserve without—my Luna.” Opening the box, I revealed my great-grandmother’s engagement ring, a cherished keepsake Grandmother had bestowed to me, knowing it was a favorite of mine as well. An antique three-carat aquamarine ring of white gold, the center stone surrounded by a halo of diamonds with marquise-shaped frames of diamonds on each side—it was the perfect ring for my Luna, who let out a hard puff of awed breath as I ardently declared, “From the very moment I saw you, Jillie, I saw my better half—my everything. And the happiness we share right now—I promise that’s what you and I will share for eternity. I will always love you, protect you, and do everything I can to ensure that—and make you proud. I love you, my Luna—my Jillian. Will you marry me?” Biting her quivering lower lip before her mouth extended out into a pearly white smile, tears burst out of Jillian’s eyes, streaming down her crimsoned cheeks as she ecstatically bounced up and down in place, effervescently replying, “Yes! I will marry you, Mattias!” Mere seconds after I placed the gorgeous ring on her finger, Jillie’s arms were once more thrown around my neck, a passionate kiss shared between us before she tearfully exclaimed, “I make the same promise to you, Mattias. I will always love you, protect you, and do everything to ensure our happiness—and I will make you proud. I love you, my incredible Howling Wind Alpha!”
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