The Bonds Of She-Wolf Rogues

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Chapter Ten: The Bonds Of She-Wolf Rogues... ORALIA My mood was bright and cheery as I walked into the great room to find my dear Josie waiting for me at the table, elatedly greeting me good morning as Temora, Theodora, and I sat down for breakfast before immediately turning to the two witches to curiously inquire— “Is there a reason your potions are given at precisely seven a.m. in the mornings? And what exactly is in them?” Caught off guard by her questions, Temora peered at her quizzically, while Theodora kindly answered, “Timing is everything when it comes to potions, Josie, particularly medicinal ones. And sorceresses typically do not divulge their recipes, though I will tell you that there is quite a bit of Boswellia and Caesalpinia root.” She surprised me next as Josie knowingly pressed, “Caesalpinia root? Doesn’t that cause drowsiness? I would think that to be detrimental to Alpha Igor’s comatose state.” The lines on her short forehead deepening, Temora curtly spat, “Are you questioning our expertise? How is it you are even aware of that root?” Josie appeared unfazed by Temora’s tone, picking up a piece of bacon as she deliberately informed her, “Arturo told me all about it. He said it was given to him by—” Her confidence suddenly waned, and I knew why—the name that had my girl fall silent instantly bringing forth rising fury, but I kept it in the background, kindly stating, “It’s alright, Josie. I know Ursula utilized it in her potions to nurse Arturo back to health, bless his dear soul.” Theodora laughed harshly under her breath, “Bless his dear soul indeed—how ironic Ursula saved Arturo, only to bring death upon him.” Josie’s jaw tightened, leading Temora and me to eye her sister wearily, her tone softening as Temora compassionately explained, “I know it’s hard on your heart to think about him, Josie, but if you will remember, Arturo suffered similar injuries from his fight with Horacio that our poor Igor had inflicted upon him by Mahan, which is why we are utilizing the Caesalpinia root. And while it can cause drowsiness, we have added a counteractive Bai Shao peony root that has been proven to help reverse comas.” There was still a great deal of sadness in her reply as Josie thoughtfully repeated, “Bai Shao root. I’ll have to read about that one in the herb books of Arturo’s I kept. I’ve always found potions to be an intriguing facet to a sorceress’ magic.” Thankfully, Theodora regained her composure, graciously replying, “I appreciate your interest and appreciation of our magical abilities, Josie. Magical being the key word. While many attempt it, no potion can truly work properly, especially in cases like Igor’s, without the utilization of magical force. A feat that takes many years to master for those in the sorcery world who have that complex gift and even then, there are many who struggle with it. But fortunately, Temora and I are both vastly talented and experienced.” Intrigued, Josie muffled out between bites, “So, not all sorcerers and sorceresses can do it?” Laughing softly, Temora replied, “No, and unfortunately, because of our suffocation, there are fewer and fewer of our kind out there who have learned the skills of potion making. That’s why it’s been increasingly difficult to find any additional assistance for Igor. But, as I have told Oralia many times, there are circumstances that require additional time to find the right mixture and my sister and I will not give up until we find it.” Swallowing, my dear, sweet girl pointedly replied, warming my heart, “I should hope not. And I don’t mean any disrespect to either of you or your talents, but as I read about them, don’t be surprised if I ask about herbs and roots that I find in my book. There’s a section on rare ones. Maybe I’ll find something that you haven’t thought of that will help bring Igor back to us in that.” “At this point, we would gladly welcome your questions,” Temora soothingly encouraged as I reached over to take hold of Josie’s hand, appreciatively stating— “I will gratefully welcome any and all of your questions. Thank you, Josie.” ******************* MADELINE Following a busy morning of going over revised plans for our culinary arts program at the school with Auntie, Elvira, and a very excited and animated Zahlia, who had excellent suggestions for the classroom, I hurriedly made my way down the hallway to Tink and Beast’s room, about to knock on the door when I heard very familiar laughter, taking me back to our Rogue Eight days at the old house by the waterfall... Slowly opening the door, I peeked in, playfully singing out like I had done often during that time, “Alright all of you—plotting against M stops here and now—there are chores to be done!” I received the same snapping heads, wide eyes, and mischievous grins of innocence from the usual six culprits—Tink, Lorelei, Constance, Charlotte, Remi, and Jade—as Vivian and Raven appeared in the room, my former Rogue Eight Beta and future Luna of Spirit Walker laughingly chiming in, “Well, well, M! I too sense plotting here. Looks like some things will never change.” Snorting, Tink sarcastically chortled out, “Thankfully, the chores thing has changed. M inspections are definitely something I don’t miss at all! Man, you were picky about the house, especially our rooms! That’s how the plotting sessions against our Alpha got started in the first place.” “I’m sure the guys went through the same thing with Nicholas. His room was spotless the first time I saw it and we keep it that way,” I lightheartedly defended, sitting down with Raven and Vivian on the large bench at the end of the bed. Picking up her Roly bear and clutching it to her chest, Tink humorously retorted, “Nope, already asked my big guy. Smooth Talker was the only neat freak out of the bunch. Luna Aruna sent her cleaning crew to pick up after the rest of the slobs three times a week and our Alpha’s office was checked daily. If Nicholas is all Mr. Clean now, trust me—that’s being done out of fear of you.” “The cleaning crew must have been afraid of the kitchen. I know I was when I saw it for the first time,” Lorelei ghastly breathed out, “I still have nightmares about it.” I was relieved to see Tink continue in good humor when Vivian asked how she was feeling, informing us that she was feeling much better and grateful that Gavin and Lorelei came up early to deliver some breakfast. It seems my little sister’s closeness with Beast enabled her to quickly reassure him that Tink would be well taken care of while he helped our Beta and Spiros train some new patrol warriors, sending Beast off with a large bag of his favorite clementine scones. Vivian, Raven, and I were then informed of the real reason behind the laughter I walked upon—and in typical Tink fashion, hilarity ensued... It all started with Constance, who was propped up beside her sister at the head of the bed, amusingly suggesting, “Perhaps we should get our leaders’ opinions on your idea for Charlotte’s wedding, Tink.” Charlotte, who was sitting on the other side of our patient, rolled her eyes, giggling, “That won’t be necessary. I’ve already linked Auntie, who, by the way, agrees that your crazy idea is out of the question—no wings, Tink.” I wasn’t sure if I heard her right, asking as Vivian and Raven looked at each other before busting out laughing, “I’m sorry, did you just say—wings?” Fiercely bringing her arms in front of her chest, Tink fired back in a whine that held the same fervor, “Okay, so we all know I’m no angel, but come on, Charlotte! Wings are a brilliant solution to keeping me off my feet! Plus, I’ve been dying to give it a whirl on the dance floor since Auntie and my big guy’s dance at my wedding—just one—and I’ll make it a slow dance, I promise!” Following Vivian and Raven’s leads to the sounds of soft giggles and laughter all around me, I dropped my head into my hands, laughingly sighing, “Oh, Tink!” “See, even our Rogue Eight leadership agrees—the answer is no,” Charlotte adamantly retorted before amusingly assuring her, “But don’t worry, Auntie has already come up with the perfect solution.” “Why do I get the feeling it’s not my other suggestion—a green bouncy orb?” Tink desperately exhaled out, nervously biting her lower lip. Clearing the humored air out of her throat, Charlotte pleasantly informed her, “You’re right. It’s not. However, you will be put on a pedestal during the ceremony—a fluffy emerald, green cloud—and then enjoy the rest of the evening on a Tink-style throne with wheels.” Auntie appeared in the room—a knowing, loving grin on her face—just as Charlotte uttered her last word, standing beside a wide, plush chair that admittedly looked like a soft blue cloud itself. The overstuffed billowy back and sides looking so comfy, my first thought was that I wouldn’t mind a Tink throne. Her gaze squarely on her sweet girl, Auntie loving admonished, “For the safety of you and my four little loves, I believe this to be much preferable to wings. And it’s not just for the wedding, but something you can use throughout the remainder of your pregnancy and afterwards. Care to give it a try?” While she couldn’t hide it completely, in her stubborn reluctance to outwardly show her excitement, Tink shrugged, “Can’t hurt to check it out, I guess.” Bringing her index finger out in front of her face, Auntie flicked it towards her, Tink immediately appearing on the chair, instantly shocked as she leaned back into it, gasping out, “Holy crap! What kind of stuffing did they use to make this thing? I mean, seriously, it’s a pillowy heaven on every limb and muscle in my body with room to spare. And the material—it’s so soft!” Auntie explained that she happened to remember a furniture maker in a unique little shopping village close to her little cottage that she and the aunts used to frequent. The same place she obtained Tink’s favorite initial necklace that she gifted her. Apparently, she had made an early morning visit before our meeting, procuring the special chair that was equipped with removable wide, traction wheels for rough terrain and a concealed bar in the back—a Tink-style chair that transitioned into a wheelchair to end all wheelchairs and something that would help tremendously as she navigated through the rest of her pregnancy... As Auntie was receiving enthusiastic yesses after suggesting a shopping trip the next week, we heard a knock on the door before Nicholas entered the room, jovially greeting, “I had a feeling there was a Rogue Eight meeting being held in here. The house was too quiet.” Peering over at Tink, he flashed a pearly smile, “I see the throne Auntie and Horacio purchased has arrived. And as expected, exceeds every expectation I had. How do you like it, Tink?” Running her hand up and down the arm of it, she ecstatically gushed, “I don’t just like it—I love it, Nicholas! This Tink throne is the best thing ever!” Tilting her head back, she beamed ear to ear, reaching out for our Fairy Queen’s tiny hand, “Thanks, Auntie. You’re the best Lovey in the world! And make sure Horacio comes by when he gets home from Spirit Walker so I can thank the best Papi in the world too.” As I felt his hands come to rest on my shoulders, I tilted my head back, affectionately stating, “It does look comfy, doesn’t it?” Leaning down, he softly kissed my lips, murmuring after, “It does. That’s why I had Auntie commission a pretty purple one for me that my Alpha can pick up next week during your shopping trip.” While the girls all let out sweet ‘awwwwws’, I grinned, admiringly ribbing, “That almost has me forgiving you for making poor Aruna send a cleaning crew to your bedroom three times a week and your office daily before my arrival. Shame on you, Nicholas.” Slumping forward, he laughingly defended through raucous laughter, bringing forth highly humored reactions from the girls as well, “Oh, here we go. I knew this day would come. Luckily, I’ve had some time to prepare. Ladies, please accept my apologies for this being a bit long-winded.” Clearing his throat, he then blithely continued, “In my defense, I will admit that I am guilty of allowing being the Alpha—of the largest pack, mind you—and a Council member to consume the entirety of most of my long days, an imbalance that at times in the past could be very evident, especially when one entered my highly disorderly bedroom, office, or most shamefully, our kitchen. However—” Bringing his face back down to mine, his blue eyes bore into my gaze as Nicholas devotedly continued, “After finally locating the elusive, formidable, and incredibly charming Alpha of the Rogue Eight—the fearless M—and convincing her to return with me to Crescent Moon following an extensive debate of both rapid-fire and long-winded speeches, I have made great strides to correct the error of my ways. Because you see, in her, I found my why—my true meaning and purpose in life. Which is why—I will always need my Alpha and her love to maintain—the perfect balance—and, of course, cleanliness.” “Damn, you’re good. No wonder you’re the leader of The Council,” Tink breathlessly mumbled, leading me to break our locked gazes to peer around the room—all the girls staring at him in amazement. “He is his father. Well done, Nicholas,” Auntie affectionately breathed out beside her. Finally looking back up at my Alpha’s now-enamored bright blue eyes, I reverently responded, “Favorite long-winded speech to date, I think. And you’re totally forgiven—not to mention, loved beyond measure.” “Mmmmm,” he thoughtfully hummed, lowering his lips to mine, breathing out before sweetly kissing me again, “I do love a good debate with the love of my life, especially when I’m victorious.” After our tender moment, he looked over at Charlotte, chortling out, “I’m not sure if you are aware of this, but Ms. Ines and Ms. Nakia are eternally grateful for your influence on Carson. His was the room they always dreaded the most!” “Oh, trust me, I know,” Charlotte softly laughed, “When they come through every couple of weeks, they always leave a cute little bundle of lavender on the table, leaving our room smelling heavenly and sweet notes to me tied to a bag of Ms. Nakia’s snickerdoodles.” “You seem to be feeling much better today, Charlotte,” Vivian kindly assessed, “I’m glad to see some color in your face.” “As am I,” Auntie earnestly concurred, winking at her, “I believe we have found the perfect mixture for this round of potions, my darling.” “I think so too,” Charlotte eagerly enthused, “And as it appears a compromise has been made with my little sister, I believe you are on a roll!” “Yeah, she is! You have no idea how happy I am that I won’t be confined to that bed most of the time!” Tink excitedly exclaimed before quickly assuring everyone, “I mean, I’ll still take it really easy and rest and all but can still be a little mobile during the day without worrying about the kiddos shredding my ligaments.” As she sheepishly looked up at our Fairy Queen, Auntie rolled her eyes, giggling, “I take it you want me to pop you to the training field to show-off your new toy to my gentle giant?” Receiving an eager nod in response, she kindly suggested that we all go up to Aruna’s wing first for some cranberry chicken salad sandwiches and prepare some for the boys as it was almost lunchtime, making Tink promise that they would return to her room after a short stint outside for some fresh air. Never one to miss a sweet moment between our Tink and Beast, Nicholas and I accompanied them along with Lorelei and Anabelle, who jumped at the chance to spend a break with their mates. And while all three of our warriors’ reactions at the surprise visit were endearing, it was our colossal giant’s overjoyed response that brought me the most joy. Completely stunned to see her, Beast bounded over quicker than one of his mammoth-size should be capable, his eager bright smile full of elation and love as Tink victoriously threw her hands up in the air, hurriedly motioning for him to get to her as she gushed about her new Tink Throne... Bending down so she could hug him tightly around his neck, Beast carefully lowered himself down to kneel in front of Tink, gently running his hands along the sides of her legs as she continued to sing the chair’s praises, looking at every detail before extending his hand out to motion Auntie toward him—his arm weaving just as gingerly around her waist before he tilted his head down to delicately rest on her shoulder. His arms crisscrossing in front of me from behind, Nicholas placed his chin on my shoulder then, lovingly murmuring, “Mind at ease once more, my Alpha?” “Yes,” I breathlessly whispered, tears creeping into the corners of my eyes, “But it will always be instinctive for me, Nicholas. Worrying about the girls’ happiness and well-being. My love for them has been the driving force behind everything I’ve done since the day we woke up alone in that field.” I could hear the despairing undertone in his slow exhaled sigh, but with his next breath, there was nothing but reverence in Nicholas’ reply, “I know, which is why I also know that you are going to be an amazing mother, Madeline.” My Alpha planted a firm, but tender kiss on my cheek directly afterwards, his hand slowly coming down to rest on my protruding stomach, covered by mine mere seconds later, our fingers intertwining as Gavin, Lorelei, Spiros, and Anabelle walked up to gather around Tink, Beast, and Auntie. All their faces radiating with expressions of glee as animated reactions were given about Tink’s throne, before sandwiches were unwrapped and Auntie brought forth blankets for everyone to sit down on to enjoy the lunch break. A break that Nicholas and I sat down and joined in on, making both of our hearts incredibly happy... ****************** JILLIE As I walked down with Celimine to one of the smaller training fields where Soren, Umar, Mattias, and Guntur were performing a surprise inspection, I basked in the warmth of the sun against my skin and the beauty I was surrounded by in the lush greenery and rolling hills of our Howling Wind home... My friendship with Guntur’s mate had become incredibly close since Celimine moved into their suite at the main house, many an afternoon spent together rearranging and redecorating the vast spaces to make them our own and create a warm home for our hardworking future Alpha and Beta. Currently, however—thanks to Auntie and Ms. Dottie—we were on a mission to deliver some lunch to both our present and future leaders... Standing out of sight as they kindly gave their assessments and recommendations to the dozen young warriors who stood at attention in front of them, Celimine and I proceeded forward after Umar dismissed them. Catching a glimpse of us, or rather, what was in our hands, my adorable Soren—Grandfather—flashed us an enthusiastic grin, “I must say, gentlemen, there is nothing more beautiful than a lovely lady carrying a picnic basket, which makes us quite fortunate as there are two headed our way!” Giggling, I enthusiastically returned, “Particularly when one basket contains Auntie’s cranberry chicken salad croissants and the other contains Ms. Dottie’s homemade kettle chips and cherry butter cookies.” Celimine and I snickered as our elder Alpha instantly picked up his step, ecstatically clapping his hands in front of his face as the other three laughed from behind him. The moment he reached us, however, we were left charmed by him, given sweet pecks on our cheeks before Grandfather took hold of the baskets after pointing towards a large oak tree to the side where we could sit and enjoy our lunch in some shade... Greeted similarly by Umar, who quickened his step to catch up to his Alpha, relieving him of carrying the baskets as they strolled towards the spot, Mattias and Guntur greeted us a bit more intimately, Celimine and I hugged close by our respective mates and given tender kisses and thanks before wrapping their arms around us to make our way to the tree. Even in his blue t-shirt and jeans, Mattias looked regal and handsome, wisps of his short blonde hair softly flying up in the gentle wind as he let out an exhaustive chuckle, “Thanks for the momentary reprieve. Those two have had Guntur and I going since dawn with these inspections and planning meetings. And from the sounds of our busy afternoon meetings with our territory commissioners about some needed repairs and upgrades, this will be our only opportunity for food until a very late dinner.” “Other than the usual pastries, you mean,” Celimine softly laughed, “The sweet tooth of Howling Wind men puts all others to shame.” Pulling lightly on her long black ponytail, Guntur steadfastly defended in a mocking tone similar to Grandfather’s, “Sweets invigorate the palate, my dear Celimine, which is why we will begin our meal with one of those mouth-watering cherry butter cookies.” “Well, there’s a word for word lesson well learned from your Alpha,” I laughingly returned, enjoying their sweet banter as I nodded my head towards the tree, “Who appears to be currently hoarding the container of cookies while Umar is spreading out our blankets.” “Of course, he is,” Mattias drawled out, shaking his head, “The master at work. Alright, everyone, let’s pick up the pace before Grandfather devours the appetizer and dessert.” The lighthearted fun and conversation continued throughout our laid-back lunch, leaving me happy, content—and so very grateful for the life I have now—a life that I never allowed myself to dream of... Afterwards, Grandfather suggested that the break be extended for another hour so he could take a walk in the wildflower field with Luna Altatune, who had just finished up her luncheon with the Women’s Guild. Umar immediately headed home to surprise Celestia while Celimine and I decided to take the guys back to our respective suites to show them what we had been working on all morning. The moment our door closed, Mattias’ arms were around me, his brows playfully moving up and down as he suggested, “Noticed the picture of our favorite brook on the wall—beautiful and undoubtedly painted by our Auntie—any chance we can spend the rest of my break in our bedroom?” “You really are your grandfather’s son, aren’t you?” I laughingly retorted as a knock came at our door. Letting out an exhaustive sigh, Mattias turned and opened it to reveal his parents, Tuuli and Samir. His mother, who favored Alta most out of her three daughters—elegant and dignified with a plump, round face and thicker frame—appearing a bit pensive in her gaze as she kindly greeted him, “Your grandmother told me that I might find you both here after our Women’s Guild meeting. May your father and I come in?” I had a feeling I knew the reason for his parents’ unusual sudden visit, but Mattias appeared clueless as he peered back at me, making me realize that there were still a few lessons my mate had left to learn...
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