The Love Of A Father...

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Chapter Nine: The Love Of A Father... JACE Pacing around the garden outside waiting for Tink’s IV fluids to finish, the weight of all that occurred suddenly hit me, my mind going into overdrive—Tink scaring us half to death, doubling over in excruciating pain in the kitchen after standing up from dinner. My frantic link to Mother, who appeared with Horacio before I could even finish, bringing us to the hospital before my next blink. The fear I felt and saw in everyone’s eyes, especially Beast’s. And the unbelievable growth of their four little ones— “Tink is almost done and, thankfully, is remaining much calmer. Auntie and Talon are preparing a potion to help her get some rest tonight,” Goddess’ highly concerned voice broke in, hurriedly walking towards me, “Looks like you may need a little help too.” Her hands were on the sides of my head as I attempted a deep breath, wrapping my arms around her waist as I exhaled out, “I’m just glad Tink and the children are alright.” “You’re out here fretting about me and our triplets now,” Constance knowingly sighed, compassionately following up before I could respond, “So, let me set your mind at ease, hmmmm? Repeat after me, Smooth Talker—everything is going well and will continue to go well.” “Everything is going well and will continue to go well,” I pensively exhaled out, dropping my forehead to rest against hers as she soothingly murmured— “And I will not worry incessantly about my mate and my mother, taking away from the joy of this time in our lives.” I opened my mouth, but nothing came out, leading Goddess to steadfastly urge, “Jace.” Closing my eyes, I shakily forced out, “And I will not—worry incessantly about my mate and my mother—taking away from the joy of this time in our lives.” As she slowly ran her fingers along the top and back of my head, a tidal wave of calm and peace washed over me like none I’ve ever felt from her gifted powers, rolling my worries out to the far reaches of my mind, enabling me to inhale a deep breath of oxygen, slowly exhaling it out, “Have I mentioned lately that I don’t deserve you, Goddess? Even if my love and worship of you is immeasurable and for eternity?” “You have and I very much hope it’s true,” she softly murmured, lovingly cooing, “Because bed rest will more than likely be in my future as we enter our last month. I’ll try not to be too needy, but can’t promise that I won’t take advantage of your immeasurable love and worship of me a little. I get it from my mother, who—from the stories she told us growing up—kept my father quite busy in the last month of pregnancy. She referred to her time of bed rest as both comical and wildly entertaining.” Chuckling under my breath, I kissed her fervently on the mouth, huskily replying afterwards, “You know I love it when you display such wickedness, Goddess. Between that and your newfound overwhelming strength in bringing forth peace in my mind, I find myself looking forward to what is to come.” Her brows furrowing, I was given a surprising, dazed response, “What are you talking about? I didn’t do anything differently. It felt—overwhelmingly stronger?” Taken aback, I fell into utter confusion, drawling out, “Y—Yes, immensely so, leaving me to wonder—” Rendered speechless for a moment as I felt a light punch on my stomach, Goddess and I both jumped back slightly, our stunned gazes dropping down as I choked out, “Was that—” “A kick—a hard one!” Goddess mouthed out in wonder, snapping her head back up, her whole face lit up with glee, jumping fiercely into my arms as she ecstatically exclaimed, “Oh, Jace! We both just felt one of our boys kick for the first time!” “I would be happy to tell you which one—and a little more if you would like,” Mother’s voice warmly sang out from the doorway of the hospital. After receiving an eager ‘yes’ from us both, Mother made her way down the path, informing us that it was Jasper who made himself known and, as she affectionately explained the reasons for his move, overwhelming both his parents with pride and elation... “As I have told you before, our sweet Jasper will truly be the heart of our triplets and has inherited not only your curls, but your powers of calm, Constance. Something that after Madeline and I asked Zayden to scour the record books for at Mystic Fire, we found what I had suspected to be true—the entire line of your family’s special gift has been she-wolves—making Jasper the very first wolf to carry it forth into the next generation.” Her gaze full of adoration, Mother happily enthused, “And apparently, my little love bug is not a procrastinator, already utilizing that big heart of his and his gift to help bring his father much-needed peace of mind, as well as show-off his formidable strength to share in his parents’ loving moment. Something Jasper will do often, scurrying over to stand between you, clinging to your legs until you pick him up for a group hug. A penchant I will need to warn Horacio that our sweet boy will also often display with his Papi and Lovey.” Laughing softly, she adoringly instructed, “Put your hand back on Constance’s stomach quickly, Jace. Julien and Jax have become a bit jealous that their littlest brother is getting all the attention—mostly Julien, which is why he will be first.” I had barely placed my palm down when I felt the two back-to-back firm pops against it, beaming at Goddess, who peered back at me with the same exhilaration reflected in her big blue eyes and beautiful face. I would always be worried about the safety of my family. All of them. It was instinctive. For in them was my entire world. But I also knew Goddess was right—I couldn’t let it consume me to the point I lost this—the joy and happiness their presence in my life brought to my heart. Basking in the feel of my trio’s outward display of love... ****************** After making sure Tink was comfortably settled back into her and Beast’s room, I asked Mother if we could go down to her spot by the lake for a few moments, wanting to discuss a surprise I had in mind—and as my curiosity was peaked, ask a few questions about her pregnancy with me... Sitting down on the bench I made for her to reflect my deep reverence and love, I shamefully began, “I’ve always known that your pregnancy with me was difficult, Mother, but after what happened to Tink today, I find myself feeling incredibly guilty about what I put you through.” Mother rested her head on my arm, taking hold of my hand as she softly replied, “There is no reason for guilt. I have always felt the same as Tink does currently—the greatest things in life require commitment, sacrifice, some struggle, and hardship.” Tilting her head up, she winked at me, “It’s not easy, but in the end—it is absolutely worth it.” I inquired as to how long she was on bed rest, colorfully informed that Mother had managed to perfect an unusual and rather comical flamboyant waddle that had both left many amused and allowed her to remain slightly mobile until the last month and a half. Just the description of it had me rolling in laughter... When I told her I was worried that carrying my twin sisters may pose an additional issue to her struggle with intense leg cramps and cause similar problems that she endured with me, however, Mother quickly brushed my concerns off, “Between their big brother kindly stretching the muscles around my womb, giving Rhiannon and Rani plenty of room to work with, and their vastly smaller sizes, I foresee this pregnancy being quite easy, actually. In fact, I don’t think I’ll even have a waddle. Something that will disappoint Horacio greatly, I’m afraid. Apparently, your father wasn’t the only one who thought I was never more beautiful than I was during that time. Horacio reflects upon it so fondly, just like Julien used to.” Laughing softly, she sighed in amusement, “Big and wide as the main house, waddle, and all—only those two would find all of that incredibly attractive.” “Oh, I don’t know,” I thoughtfully murmured, grinning, “Any chance you would consider sharing a vision of the past with me? Allow me to see your vast beauty back then for myself?” It was hard to tell from her initially stunned expression whether Mother was thinking of a funny retort or a way out of my request. Thankfully, it appeared to be my first hopeful thought... Arching a brow, she mockingly scoffed, “You can’t be serious!” Receiving silence and a humored, steadfast gaze in response, she rolled her eyes, replying with an exasperated breath, “Fine. I’ll appease you. Honestly! It’s scary how much you act like and favor your father at times—especially that look.” Chuckling as Mother began to replay a small dinner party held on the side lawn, all humor was erased, replaced with enamored wonderment as I saw the most beautiful sights—Aldric and Aruna, who was holding an infant Nicholas, Faizon and Sarene, who was cuddling a young Spiros in her lap, a youthful looking Zixin and Zahlia, even then appearing adorably in love, Beast’s mammoth father Warrick and a very pregnant Larissa, who, like Tink, was built to bring our colossal giant into the world and whose bright, bubbly chubby face and demeanor as always, both lifted and melted my heart... And then there was my father, a broad, pearly white smile beaming at Mother—his deep auburn hair always cut a little shorter on the sides with a longer, wild, mussed spiky mess on top—Father’s jovial, fun-loving spirit on full display as he pulled out Mother’s chair for her— Placing a thick pillow down on the seat, Father lightheartedly urged, “Alright, Tiny. Wobble on over and fall in. Just remember, straight back this time. You almost broke my arm last time toppling over sideways. How that chair survived, I’ll never know.” The loud chortles had me doing the same as Mother accusingly admonished, “It almost didn’t after the boisterous laughter you responded with. Fortunately for you, I decided not to give my son’s father a headache for days after purposefully tilting me sideways like that. And why does Tiny sound more cynical than cute these days, hmmm?” I was just as awestruck as father was—his dark coffee eyes reflecting more enamor than humor as he took my gorgeous mother in his thick, muscular arms—as much as he could, anyway. While she looked absolutely stunning in a long mauve off-shoulder ruffle-tiered maxi dress with perfectly fitted puffy sleeves that cinched just below her elbow, Mother was indeed as big and wide as the main house as well—not from the sides, but from front to back—a mindboggling vision that left me wondering how her petite frame and little spine ever survived the enormous weight and pressure I bore onto it... Though her face was much fuller than normal, it was still smooth and glowingly radiant, and the sparkling smile I knew and loved was instantly flashed as Father bent forward to close the wide space between them thanks to her burgeoning belly, softly kissing Mother’s lips before charmingly exhaling out against them afterwards, “Sorry if I’m going a bit overboard with my comedic antics as of late, my alluring little firecracker, but I’m afraid I’m consumed with guilt at what your sacrifice to grant your mate his greatest wish—to share a family with you.” Unable to wrap her arms around his neck, Mother instead placed her hands on his shoulders, lovingly cooing, “As I have no regrets, you, my adorable handful, should feel no guilt. I was fully prepared to not see my feet or six feet ahead of them early on, much less have them function properly during these last stages of pregnancy. And I’m incredibly pleased that I will soon have two large and formidable warriors to keep me safe, loved, and unimaginably happy, fulfilling our greatest wish.” “Hey! Don’t forget about Jace’s little sister that we plan to add to our little family soon—and maybe another sibling or two, if I play my cards right,” Father amusingly teased, “But I need at least one more little firecracker in my life to keep things interesting—preferably one without a bad habit of tossing her old man into the lake when he gets out of hand.” Warrick let out a boisterous laugh then, heartily murmuring in a low baritone I also knew well—his son’s, “Well, my night’s made—thank you, Aldric. Words you definitely won’t hear from our dear Julien when he hears the news.” My parents peering over at him quizzically, Aruna playfully swatted Aldric’s leg, both of them attempting to cover their humor as he answered the burning question I now shared, “As always, you smoothed things over well with our Tati, Julien. However, I am also very protective over our girl. Viciously teasing her like that in Tati’s highly uncomfortable state has just earned you a face off against Warrick tomorrow in the ring during our morning workout.” His jaw dropped as Mother let out cute, incessant giggles before Father buoyantly blurted out, “Well, I’ll be damned! You have been completely bamboozled by Tiny's charms! Need I remind you, my once-loyal Alpha and dear friend, that from the moment we met this miniscule ball of mischievousness and mayhem, I have been dropped into almost every lake in Crescent Moon and Spirit Walker territory? That alone should justify my innocent antics!” “As Tati isn’t exactly fully to blame for that, I’m afraid your argument has no merit, my Delta,” Aldric hilariously fired back, “Her Alpha may or may not have suggested a few of those instances. Though in my defense, Lorenzo egged the Spirit Walker incidences on, betting me that Tati loved you too much to do it.” Wide-eyed and completely floored, Father stuttered in response, “You—he—unbelievable! Where is your loyalty?” Pointing towards Mother, Aldric proudly grinned, “Where it has been since the day you and I found that little cottage and you were first dropped into a large pond of water after foolishly provoking her—with your stunning mate.” Warrick’s enormous belly furiously jiggled as he let out another hearty laugh—another reminder that there was more like father, like son in our Beast than I had recalled before—leading my father to switch gears, rallying against his opponent, “Oh, I haven’t even begun with you, my once favorite girthy ally! Need I remind you that my lovely wife was kind enough to confirm that your son is going to be quite the Beast! Our aptly nicknamed Roland—as shocking as it is to believe—is going to be quite a bit larger than even you! You’d best go easy on me, or I will take advantage of being a favorite and return the favor when his colossal-sized wolf appears.” “I don’t know why you’re worrying about that, Darling. We both know you’re already planning on having me teeter-totter out there tomorrow to assist you,” Mother drolly bantered, “Though if you delay my sitting down much longer, you may be on your own. I’m starting to lose feeling in my legs.” Watching as Father instantly leapt forward—pulling the chair out further before carefully assisting Mother’s awkward descent and tenderly placing several kisses on her neck as he gently pushed the chair back towards the table—I felt great disappointment that the vision was fading, quickly peering around at all their happy faces before it fully disappeared... My focus returning, my warm smile matched Mother’s as I affectionately responded, “Father and Horacio are right—you were breathtakingly beautiful, Mother—and thank you for sharing such a beautiful memory with me. In fact, if you wouldn’t mind, I think Nicholas, Spiros, and especially Beast would like to see it. Will you show them when we go back to the house?” “Certainly,” Mother sweetly replied, gliding her little fingers across the top of my head, “And as far as your sweet declaration, you’re biased with regards to my appearance, more than likely feeling the same guilt as your father did back then. But I am glad the memory means as much to you as it does me—and that your father’s namesake will share many of his traits—something that may also have you requesting a few drops into the lake from time to time to calm his fiery spirit.” Reflecting on Father’s words, I hesitantly inquired, “Father spoke of you two having more children. Which means my delivery must have been, as you’ve said—incredibly hard on both of you.” “Mmmmm,” Mother sadly hummed, “My labor was long and intense, which was devastating for your father. Julien felt completely helpless, which is not something your father handled well. And no assurance I gave him that it would be easier with our next child was going to change his mind about having another. Your father was fierce when it came to his over-protectiveness of me—and you. He was adamant that the risk was too great. That my health would suffer—or worse. It broke my heart, but after seeing the pain and torture in your father’s eyes as he pointed out several instances of your delivery, I chose to accept that it was for the best, which, while unfortunate and just as heartbreaking, in looking back on it now, ended up being the right decision.” Squeezing her fingers, I kissed the top of her head, softly murmuring against her curls, “I love you to the moon and back, Mother, infinity and beyond, forever and always. And I couldn’t be happier that you and Horacio are bringing two little sisters into my world to love just as fiercely.” As we continued to look out onto the water, it almost felt like Father was there with us, happily sharing our special time together as Mother snuggled closer next to me. And she was right about the memory—and more than likely right about the future requests where Father’s namesake was concerned—the glimpse of my parents together during her pregnancy with me meant more than I could ever relay. So much so that after we discussed my plans for Tink’s surprise, which she eagerly agreed to assist with, Mother and I sat by the lake for some time before going back in as I was shown more visions of the past. My parents’ love story vividly shown to me, giving me a greater appreciation of the deep love and affection shared between them—also providing the same for what Mother and Horacio shared now— Two men—wolves—who loved Mother the way I loved her—wholly and unconditionally—the same way Rhiannon and Rani would undoubtedly love her. Our light—the always present, bright, beautiful light of the Fairy Queen enriching our lives forever... **************** TATIANA Fulfilling Jace’s request provided me with a new heartwarming memory of the children, especially with my gentle giant, who was overwrought with deep concern about our Tink. My sweet girl also appreciated the shared vision of the past, both of us happy to see Beast’s beautiful broad smile. However, as I watched Carson’s reaction—who was just as enthusiastic to see memories of dearly missed loved ones—I felt badly, though I seemed to be the only one who caught the split-second look of longing in his sweet, cherub face before he joined the others in hysterical laughter... My head on Horacio’s chest as we laid in bed, he commented on my prolonged time with Jace at the lake and was curious about the vision I shared with the boys. After telling him about Jace’s plans and our reminiscing of Julien, I shared the vision I had shown the boys with him, my King of Fury chortling out afterwards— “So, after teeter tottering out there, did my gorgeous pint-sized pixie manage to save Julien’s ass from Warrick?” As I had done with Jace earlier, I replayed it for him—the same loud, raucous laughter spilling out that my son had responded with—before Horacio chortled, “Look at that gleam in Warrick’s eyes! Man, he had one hell of a right hook! Even with your help, he managed to get a good paw in!” His tone turning thoughtful as the laughter subsided, Horacio exhaled out, “I always liked Julien, even though there was part of me that was always jealous of him. But I’ve never really thought about how similar we could be—Julien and the man I am now, thanks to your ruination of my former asinine self. It actually gives me a new appreciation and respect for him.” There was a twinge of regret in his voice at the end and a tensing of his muscles as I felt Horacio falter in his resolve before he made a request that I knew was inevitable—to see my labor with Jace... Lifting my head up, I balked, “That is neither necessary, nor is it a good idea.” “That bad, huh?” Horacio knowingly sighed, “Had to be for Julien not to keep you barefoot and pregnant like he obviously wanted, just like I’m sure I would have.” Ignoring his question, I attempted to divert his thoughts, devoutly assuring, “As I have already informed you, this pregnancy is going to be vastly different than my pregnancy with Jace. Rhiannon and Rani will be a small fraction of their brother’s birth weight.” “But you are carrying twins, love, and Talon and Bertrand have warned us that there is a small chance of Jace’s delivery having a residual effect on ours. Something you have requested to be kept between us four,” Horacio replied with overwhelming concern. Attempting diversion, I pouted, downheartedly chastising, “You promised me that you would not dwell on that off-hand comment, Horacio. Besides, as we both saw, everything on my ultrasounds looks to be in perfect order, negating any concerns, remember?” Bringing his lips to my forehead, he placed a tender kiss upon it, his tone a bit more upbeat as he adoringly murmured, “Yes, beautiful, I remember. Dirty play, by the way—you know that pout and tone drive me insane with guilt.” Replicating his sweet gesture, I ran my fingers along his salt and pepper beard, placing a soft kiss on Horacio’s strong jawline, lovingly enthusing, “I promise that all will be well, love. And with any luck, I will have enough of a bump with the girls to cause at least a little waddle over the last few months to fill your heart with joy.” Chuckling under his breath, Horacio held me tighter against his body, enveloping my tiny hand within his oversized grasp, sweetly breathing out, “While that would be nice, all three of my girls happy and healthy is what will make my heart happiest. Although, admittedly, I am a little jealous of the other fellas and wouldn’t mind enjoying the splendor of feeling Rhiannon and Rani kick soon or at the very least, connecting with me again.” I was thrilled when the girls granted their father’s wish—their two tiny streams creeping up between us before wrapping around our joined hands, providing the perfect diversion I had been seeking—a move Horacio had desperately desired and one that brought another humored breath expelling from deep within his broad chest before a cute grin expanded across his face as the girls sang out in adorable unison in our heads— We’ve missed you too, Daddy! Love you to the moon and back, infinity and beyond, forever and always! Relishing their words, I whispered, “Feel better?” “Immensely,” Horacio affectionately murmured, “I already love them more than I ever imagined possible, Tati. They have me completely wrapped around their little fingers, just like you do.” I joined in the hearty laugh that followed as our King of Fury admitted, “I’m completely ruined for life, which means I’m in for one hell of a ride just like Julien! Only my powerful hits will come from our resident Mother Hen. Persephone can pack one hell of a wallop with that sharp tongue and harsh glare of hers. I had better prepare now or she’s going to rip me to shreds!”
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