A Meeting Of Inquiring Minds...Part I

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Chapter Twelve: A Meeting Of Inquiring Minds...Part I TATIANA I hope you and Aruna made the right choice, love. Carson looks jittery as hell. And based on Nicholas’ link to me a second ago to keep him apprised of how this is going and that he, Gavin, Jace, and Beast plan on popping in at some point, I’m guessing they don’t expect things to go well. I know very little of Carson’s parents, other than they’re odd travelling scientists and the kid favors his father, but maybe this wasn’t such a good idea. Horacio’s link was highly concerning, as was the fact that I couldn’t bring forth a vision of the outcome of the visit despite my many tries. But Sabrina and especially Otto had given me hope that this would end up being an incredibly good idea, as Carson’s parents rejoined Aruna and I to depart. Coating us in my emerald green, I closed my eyes, praying for the best before bringing us back to Aruna’s balcony at Crescent Moon where Orion, Horacio, Charlotte, and Carson were waiting for us... Immediately glancing over at Carson, who did indeed appear overly anxious as he stood with his arm around Charlotte, I gave him a reassuring wink before he pensively greeted, “Hey ya, folks. It’s good to see you. You, uh—you both look great.” Flashing a very familiar crooked grin, Otto timidly returned, “It’s good to see you, Carson—and looking so well too.” “Yes, you look very well, Carson—and very fit,” Sabrina thoughtfully assessed, “Your workout regimen must have intensified greatly since we last saw you. I believe your biceps are three and a quarter larger in thickness and your chest has extended out on either side by—hmmmm—yes—eight and a two-thirds inches from your sternum. Well done on all your hard work to appear more—” Her eyes drifting over to my colossal mate, she disbelievingly murmured, “formidable.” His lips curving up in an uncomfortable smile, Carson let out an airy chuckle, “Thank you for noticing and for the—kind compliment—I think.” Okay, his father didn’t start out too shabby, but the mother? No offense, love, but odd is a bit of an understatement. Why is she looking at me like I’m a potential science experiment? Horacio privately echoed out in my head as he walked towards me, leaning down afterwards to softly kiss my lips as Orion made his way to Aruna’s side, doing the same... Peering over at us, Sabrina breathlessly proclaimed in awe, “So, you are Tatiana’s mate, Horacio? The father of her girls? And here I thought being pregnant at her age was the most shocking feat. Just your prodigious disproportionate size differences alone would lead one to hypothesize that there must be deep concentration required on your part to control the instinctive exertion of your enormous, dense musculature to prohibit deadly harm occurring during intimacy. I hope for Tatiana’s sake that she’s right about your daughters taking after her in size or, I fear, objectively speaking, you may have put your mate in a very perilous position when it comes time for delivery.” And here I thought awkward would only apply to me, Carson mortifyingly linked, Again, science is their thing, and my mother has no filter. I’m so sorry! His eyes humorously flickering as they connected with mine, I fought back a giggle by biting back my lower lip as my King of Fury linked back, No worries, Carson. Just breathe, kid. You know me—I’ve got this. Turning to face Sabrina and Otto, Horacio pulled me tightly against him as he animatedly replied, “I am indeed Tati's mate, Horacio, and it’s nice to finally meet you both. But don’t let this little pint-sized powerhouse’s lack of stature fool you. Immense sorcery trumps enormous, dense musculature every time. And according to the ultrasound, you should be more worried about me. I’m going to be magically outnumbered three to one pretty soon, rendering all these muscles completely useless as they wrap me up like a pretzel.” “Hmmmm, yes, immense sorcery would explain it—and your humor speaks volumes. A strong trait the Moon Goddess seems to desire in Tatiana’s mate. Something that I can only assume must be deemed necessary to help maintain the male ego in light of her overwhelming powers of magic,” Sabrina observingly replied, kindly adding, “And it is nice to meet you as well, Horacio. I would be very interested to hear more about your genetic background.” Horacio flashed Sabrina an arched-brow look of incredulous dropped-jawed disbelief at the ego-reference before slowly moving his continued stunned gaze back to me, as Otto cleared his throat and kindly diverted, “Indeed, it is very nice to meet the remarkable King of Fury. Carson has spoken very highly of you and admires you a great deal, Horacio.” Moving his gaze back to his son, he admiringly continued, “Especially appreciating your assistance in his lovely mate’s time of dire need, though his description of how beautifully she has grown up was a bit lacking. It’s nice to see you, Charlotte. I’m sure you were too young to remember us. I am Carson’s father, Otto—” Extending his hand towards his mate, he then introduced, “And this is his mother, Sabrina.” “Actually, I do remember a visit you made to Mystic Fire, but it’s wonderful to see you both in person now,” Charlotte sweetly replied, quickly adding, “And thank you—it means a lot to us that you put all your experiments on hold to visit. I hope we haven’t caused you too much trouble.” Sabrina was obviously impressed, approvingly smiling, “Not at all, but thank you for even considering that. Seems Otto’s initial assumption was right, you have grown up to be a lovely young lady. Stunning, in fact, and so thoughtful, polite, and well-spoken. I dare say that you have proven very quickly that Carson is, as he has said since your return, Charlotte—the luckiest guy on earth.” Beaming at her, Carson kissed the side of Charlotte’s head as she encouraged everyone to take a seat at the table, which Aruna had requested earlier to be set up with finger foods and pitchers of tea and lemonade. At first, she and I offered to leave them to themselves, but after seeing the return of intense anxiety in Carson and Otto, we relented, all of us sitting down with them as the couple sat down across from his parents and an attempt was made at pleasantries—Aruna introducing Orion and Carson inquiring about his parents’ experiments—before Sabrina dove into her burning queries about her son’s indelible talents... ************* CARSON YEP! Nothing has changed. So, SO AWKWARD and SO VERY WEIRD! This shocking face-to-face get-together with my parents could be described no other way—yet, at the same time, it felt different... I don’t know if things felt different because of Lottie’s influence on my life—and on my parents, who seemed to be instantly charmed by her—or if it felt different because I was different—older and to whatever extent one would call it where I was concerned, more mature... And while both were still just as quirky as ever, my mother was still my mother. Highly intelligent, stoic, analytical, straight to the point and most importantly, harsh or sincere, no filter. Where science was definitely her thing, emotions were definitely not. For a long time, I thoroughly believed she didn’t have any. That to her, everything was black and white, fact or fiction, end of story... My father, on the other hand, was a bit more of a complex character and, surprisingly, the one who was really throwing me for a loop. At times, he could be like my Grammy, who held every single emotion possible inside her, only in him, it was hit or miss on whether they were outwardly displayed, which was typically dictated by Mother’s more dominating voice on any subject. But while still very much an apprehensive introvert, his tone and demeanor today felt—well, different—warmer and more Grammy-like. I really missed her—my Grammy—especially right now. She always made their visits easier... As they made small talk with Orion about the mines at Prism Moon and Mystic Fire, one could easily see that my parents were perfectly matched. Wicked, WICKED smart, both of them—a reason they were highly renowned and sought after for their services in the field of scientific research. A deeply held passion they also shared that was of the utmost importance to them, taking priority over everything and everyone, including me, their only son, for as long as I can remember... But there was also no denying the pair were equally eccentric, odd, and socially awkward, though truthfully, things were going smoother than I ever anticipated—thanks in part to Auntie, Horacio, Aruna, and Orion sticking around—more than likely due to seeing me falling into a panic attack when they tried to leave. Horacio had been particularly kind, especially after Mother’s embarrassing assessment of his and Auntie’s love life and mortifying reference to his ego, privately linking me throughout with words of encouragement and comfort when needed—and even stepped up when my mother made a surprising inquiry about my work— Turning her attention to me, my mother matter-of-factly said, “Carson, Tatiana made a comment earlier that I found quite intriguing. She stated that you are very skillful in the art of investigation in the field. In fact, she stated you were quite valuable to the Crescent Moon army in accurately deciphering clues to battles that have taken place.” “I can vouch for the value as I saw it firsthand when my nephew was placed in dire straits,” Horacio admiringly spoke up, “I’ve never seen anyone who can pinpoint the exact number of wolves involved in a battle so quickly. Carson can look at any pile of dirt and, within minutes, pick apart all the different pawprints, even if they’ve been imprinted right on top of one another. Impressive as hell.” I uncomfortably shifted in my seat as I saw my mother look both highly impressed and—proud?—her eyes never leaving mine during the exchange, astonishingly replying, “I should say so. Would you mind elaborating on how you accomplish that—and so quickly?” It felt strange trying to explain how I did it, because honestly, I didn’t consider it a talent. It just came naturally to me. But I gave it my best shot, describing how I was able to instinctively lock in on the unique individual variables of a wolf’s pawprint, zeroing in on the different one-of-a-kind lines that were always left behind in their wake. Something that, like Horacio said, I could pick apart even when they were right on top of each other. The reason for that being the most captivating for my mother, as I confidently relayed— “While the weight of their steps and different strides usually gives me a pretty clear picture, it also helps that each wolf’s sweat is as individual as their paw print, the merocrine glands in paw pads reacting differently to the ground beneath them, which in turn, changes the impact of the dirt or mud around the imprint.” My mother was unnervingly rendered speechless, staring at me intently with a look I couldn’t fully decipher. If I were to choose a word, it would be—flabbergasted... “The unique lines in a paw I know well, but in my many years as a wolf and Beta, I seriously had no idea about this sweat, mero-whatever gland thing,” Horacio laughed out in utter amazement, deterring my attention, respectfully adding, “You are even more impressive than I gave you credit for, Carson.” “Incredibly impressive,” my father breathlessly exhaled out as Nicholas’ voice cheerily broke in— “That’s why Carson has been in my inner-circle since day one—and my scavenger hunt partner when we were little. Even back then, he could easily spy the lightest footprint or chemical change in the dirt.” I turned to see all four of my best friends walking out onto the balcony as my mother seemed to regain her ability to speak, shakily greeting, “Good to see you, Nicholas—Gavin—Jace—Beast. I wondered when Carson’s four closest confidantes would arrive to make sure he didn’t need to be rescued.” Instantly seeming to regret her words, my mother quickly backtracked, cordially spilling out, “Please know that I don’t mean that in a bad way. I’ve always appreciated the solidarity you five have shared since you were mere toddlers and know how much it and all of you mean to Carson.” I’ve never seen my mother’s lips quiver like they were when she turned her attention to me, anxiously adding, “I am in great hope that our son feels as his father and I do—that things are going quite well—to ease all of your minds?” That rare apprehensive look on her face—it totally threw me off my game—swallowing hard before quietly murmuring, “Things are going better than well—great in fact.” “I can see that,” Nicholas kindly returned, “And it is good to see you, Sabrina—Otto. It’s been a long time since our Crescent Moons have returned home for a visit.” Though pleasant, my father meekly replied, “Good to see you, Nicholas, and thank you for still referring to us as Crescent Moons. Being gone so long, Sabrina and I have often wondered if we weren’t considered rogues now.” Laughing softly, Nicholas sincerely replied, “Don’t be silly. No matter how prolonged your absences may be, Crescent Moon will always be your home. And I’m very proud of what you have accomplished in your many studies over the years. We all are.” I wasn’t expecting my mother’s next words, shocked to my core as she stoically stated, “Well, I find our Alpha’s response to be a great relief and very much appreciated—thank you, Nicholas. I hope that means that you will be amenable to mine and Otto’s request to prolong our visit. May we have your permission to remain at Crescent Moon for the next two days and steal a little more time with Carson and Charlotte? We would like to hear more of their plans for the wedding.” Shooting my brothers a dropped-jawed, wide-eyed, discombobulated look of terror, all of them peered back at me looking just as stunned by the revelation as I was— My parents—WERE STAYING? **************** NICHOLAS Sitting in my office with Gavin, Jace, and Beast, we were all dumbfounded by the shocking turn of events. Sabrina and Otto requested to stay a couple of days at Crescent Moon—which I informed them didn’t need to be formally made, reminding the two that this was their home, so they could stay however long as they wanted—blowing us all away... “I guess Mother and Auntie really made an impact on their visit to the swamp,” Gavin thought out loud, still sounding shocked about the news as he paced back and forth, running his hand through his thick black hair, “Which seems really odd as Sabrina and Otto don’t appear to have changed that much.” “They haven’t changed at all as far as I could tell,” Jace contemplatively breathed out, leaning against the window frame across from me, “Otto is still an anxious sort and allows Sabrina to take the lead in conversation. And she is still quite rough around the edges in that regard.” With a humored snicker, he added, “Although Horacio found her assessment of his and mother’s s*x life and his ego during their introduction to be hilarious.” Beast, as always, was kind in his thoughts, gently defending, as he stood beside him with his arms folded tightly across his chest, “That’s how Sabrina’s brain works.” Joining in Jace’s amusement, Gavin chuckled, “Maybe, but I still wouldn’t have minded seeing it. We’ll have to see if Auntie will replay it for us.” His humor fading, he hesitantly asked, “But even still—should we check on Carson? I don’t think I’ve ever seen him look more like Otto than when we left.” Knowing their lifelong closeness, it came as no surprise when Beast piped up, his gaze protectively diverting out the window, “They’re on the training field.” Jumping up from my chair, I curiously asked, “The training field? What are they doing there?” Jace had obviously checked in with our brother too, peering out the window as he sighed, “Apparently, Sabrina is very interested in Carson’s talent for spotting differentiations in paw prints, asking if he would show her his process and methodology.” Running his hand along his red and blonde goatee, he heavily breathed out, “Something that has definitely brought out Otto’s nervous tendencies in him as neither have ever shown any interest in his work before. Especially Sabrina.” There was a light knock at the door before Madeline entered, followed by Lorelei, Constance, and irritated-looking Tink. Swiftly wheeling herself towards us, our resident Dark One harshly blurted out, “Alright, we’ve heard from Charlotte, who says everything is fine and not to blow up Chatterbox’s head with a gazillion questions, but I know my sister—she sounds off. The big guy here is only giving me simple two-word assurances of ‘he’s fine’—and even his ‘fine’ sounds weird. So, tell us who else here has talked to him and what you know. Is Chatterbox really okay or sending out panicked SOS’s? And what’s up with his parents sticking around? No offense, but they never stick around! And again—no offense—but the most burning question I have—what made Auntie and Luna think this was a good idea in the first place?” “Tink, remember Auntie’s warning,” Madeline calmly urged, “Stay calm or it's back to your room, you'll go. And as far as why she and Aruna made their little visit, we all already know the answer. Carson’s parents attending his and Charlotte’s wedding is very important to him.” Beast rushed up to meet her halfway, leaning down to kiss Tink before confirming in a deep, low murmur, “It is important to him, Tink—very important.” Placing another tender kiss on her lips, he grinned, “Eight words to calm you.” As he moved her wheelchair over to sit beside her in a chair, she defensively grumbled, “Can’t lie. That was actually really cute, big guy. And for the record, I am calm—well, sort of. You guys know me—I’m fiercely protective, especially when it comes to our family. And right now, especially when it comes to Chatterbox. I’m just sayin’—it’s not going to bode well for Sabrina or Otto if they hurt his feelings or break his heart or something.” Throwing her hand out to the sides, she desperately pleaded, “So, will someone please tell me that Carson is okay and doesn’t need me to take this thing for a search and rescue spin down to the training field?” After hearing Tink’s unusual use of his real name, we told the girls what little we knew about the balcony visit as we made our way over to sit as well, the girls sitting down in each of our laps with Madeline contemplatively breathing out as I wrapped my arms around her waist, “I can only remember seeing Sabrina and Otto once, when they came to Mystic Fire at Father’s request—something about testing our brook for some kind of parasite that was found in a pond in a neighboring area. I remember thinking they were highly intelligent and vastly knowledgeable, but nothing like I had envisioned Carson’s parents to be.” “Mmmm, I remember that day,” I admiringly murmured, “And based on the conversation I overheard in your father’s office—that visit was a rouse. Like my father, Ainar loved Carson immensely, and was also very protective of him. So, he brought Sabrina and Otto to Mystic Fire in hopes they would take the opportunity to spend some quality time with their son, only to be disappointed when they left not even two hours later, assuring him the brook was the clearest water they had ever tested, surmising correctly that the Mystic Fire magic contained in it would keep it that way forever.” Remembering that day with my own great fondness—I was seven—silently standing outside the door for several minutes until the two had finished talking before making my presence known to inform them that lunch was ready. Their heartfelt words sounded as if they were right beside me as I sentimentally relayed, “They made a pact with one another to make sure Carson was always aware that he was not without family—our family—including him as part of every activity and celebration we shared together. Ainar even went as far as to personally visit Carson whenever he came to Crescent Moon, bringing cake and sharing a great deal of time with him and his grandmother over tea.” “That sounds like something Father would do,” Madeline reverently breathed out, “And while outwardly all of you feel that they haven’t changed much, hopefully, Carson’s parents have finally realized the error of their ways and truly want to try to build a relationship with him. Whatever that may look like.” Laying her head down on Gavin’s shoulder, Lorelei despairingly sighed, “I hope you’re right and this visit doesn’t end up devastating Carson in the end.” “That’s what Charlotte is afraid of,” Constance solemnly admitted, “His parents have never been an easy subject for him, but even she didn’t realize how much pain Carson had been covering up until they found out about their impending visit earlier. She said he was a complete mess—full of doubt and second-guessing his desire for them to be at the wedding. I honestly think he expected Sabrina and Otto to do what they have done most of his life—not show up.” Running his fingers lightly up and down her side, Jace dejectedly sighed, “That’s definitely what we expected, though I’ve often worried about Carson hiding the true effects of that recurring fact that you’ve described.” “Look—I get that they’re his parents and I promise that I’ll be civil and respectful if I end up seeing them,” Tink agitatedly spat, “But I’m not going to sit here and lie to you guys, either. I can’t imagine walking away from our Roly Polies like Sabrina and Otto walked away from Carson as a kid, which is why I’m having a hard time staying calm and not rolling my throne down to that training field to release the Dark One and give them a piece of my mind.” I knew the hardened, determined look in her blue eyes and chubby face well as she fervently declared, “So—not that any of you need it—but I’m warning you now—if Sabrina and Otto end up hurting Chatterbox and ruin his and Charlotte’s wedding day for him in any way—bio-parents or not—all bets are off! Those jerks will hear exactly what I think about how they’ve treated their own son! A guy who is not only as intelligent as those smarty-pant geeks, but is funny, loyal, courageous, and full of heart. And after I have my say, with or without your help, I will run their lizardy butts back to the swampland they came from!” “I really hope it doesn’t come to that, Tink,” I solemnly replied, “But if his parents do end up hurting him, I will join you for that meeting and do what my father and I have both tried not to do for Carson’s sake—make it very clear that while they will always be Crescent Moons, as far as their Alpha is concerned, Sabrina and Otto will no longer be welcome here.”
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