A Meeting Of Inquiring Minds...Part II

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Chapter Thirteen: A Meeting Of Inquiring Minds...Part II CARSON Bed rest or not, get me in trouble for filtering into your brain and I’ll find a way to get payback, Chatterbox, but—is everything going okay down there? Because if it’s not, I can turn my throne into a mean wheeled machine of mayhem and destruction in the blink of an eye. Everything is good, Tink, I appreciatively linked back, But thanks. I’ll keep that in mind if anything changes. There was a slight pause before she hesitatingly replied, Oh, well—I’m glad. We both know you would hate owing me. Her tone hardened again as she added, but if anything does change, you better not hesitate to send out an SOS. Me and the kiddos will put this thing to the test, riding like the wind across the field! I was kneeling down in front of some dirt, actually enjoying myself answering my parents’ myriad of questions, our ease of conversation more than I had ever experienced before. But as I envisioned the sight of Tink flying down the hill in a wheelchair screaming out a battle call at the top of her lungs, I laughed so hard that I had to throw out my hand to stop myself from flying completely forward as Charlotte knowingly sighed beside me, “Tink?” Grinning, I amusingly murmured, “Yeah, but don’t say anything. For once, your sister was actually being sweet. And please don’t tell her I said that, or I’ll end up in a wheelchair.” My father laughed under his breath, bouncing back and forth, balancing his elbows on his knees, “From what you’ve described, Tink is still the fierce little thing I encountered at the Mystic Fire brook many years ago. Little being more metaphorical, of course—no offense, Charlotte. She had quite the personality and muscular girth even back then, informing me that I had best not find anything that would ruin your battle moat.” Giggling, Charlotte pleasantly replied, “That sounds like our Tink, and no offense taken. With the exception of being the youngest of us three, there has never been anything little about my sister. One of the many reasons I love her.” Lottie’s effect on my father continued to bring out a good-natured ease in his demeanor as he replied, “Speaking of which, Sabrina and I are intrigued by the exponential growth factors in Tink and Beast. It will be interesting to see what the combination of their DNAs will result in for their children—what traits will end up being dominant and recessive in each of the four.” On the other side of me, tracing her fingers along the outside of a print, my mother peered over at Charlotte, admitting before curiously asking, “Yes, it will be quite interesting to see how their children will turn out. And Tink—her real name is Clementine, is it not? I’ve always thought that nickname to be peculiar—what is the meaning behind it?” Lottie’s blue eyes went distant as a warm smile expanded across her gorgeous slender face, “Father loved to sing. He would break out in tune all the time, which we all loved as he had such a beautiful voice. And according to him, from the time they brought us home, there was one particular song that was always Tink’s favorite—” I was completely taken aback by the new revelation as she quietly sang, “T is for tried, for you are tried and true. I is for intense, your zest for living matched by few. N is for nice, need I say more? K is for keepsake for you are my favorite treasure—a Tink in my heart forevermore.” “Wow,” I breathed out in awe, “How have I not known this until now?” Her focus returning, she softly laughed, “I don’t know, really. I guess since we’ve always called her that, Constance and I don’t really think about the story behind it. Father started calling her Tink as a baby and Mother thought it was so cute, she started doing the same. So, by the time we started speaking, she was just—Tink.” “What a heartwarming story,” Otto appreciatively replied, “And as you also have a beautiful voice, I hope that you sing often, Charlotte.” Flashing her pearly whites, she charmingly gushed, “Usually only privately in our room, especially when Carson and I dance to records—and always in the shower.” Standing up, my mother briskly brushed off her black pants, pointedly stating, “Well, thank you for answering my question by sharing such a wonderful family memory with us, Charlotte. And thank you for being so amenable to my wishes for a better understanding of your process of investigation, Carson. It provided me with a greater appreciation of your role in the Crescent Moon army, which, as it turns out, is so much more than just being a warrior. You should be very proud of your many accomplishments and skills.” Her tone sounded a bit curt, leaving me a little confused as I had thought things were going exceedingly well, stumbling with my words a bit in my reply, “Uh, yeah, thanks. Everything okay?” Rising to his feet, I didn’t miss my father lightly brushing his fingers against hers and glancing deep into my mother’s eyes before returning his attention to us, genially replying, “As we usually take naps in the afternoon, I’m afraid your mother may be feeling a bit—overextended. Perhaps you could take us up to our room in the main house, Carson, for a quick respite before dinner at the lake house?” A tight smile crossing her face, my mother’s eyes were on him, clearing her throat before suggesting in the same kind tone, “Yes, perhaps we should lie down for a bit. I am feeling quite tired.” There was a softness I had never seen before filter into her eyes when my mother turned back towards us, “Unfortunately, as Carson can probably attest to, I tend to come across as being brash or cross at times, but please know that was not my intention just now. Every word I said was meant with the utmost sincerity and I thank you both for what has been a lovely afternoon.” Unable—unwilling—to break away from her unexpected gaze, I warmly acknowledged, “Yeah, sure. Lottie could probably use a little rest too before dinner. Nicholas has set you folks up in a room down the hall from ours, so we can go up together.” After heading up and dropping them off at their room, Charlotte and I entered ours, my body falling against the door after I shut it, the realization of our afternoon hitting me in full force as I let out in a daze, “Lottie? I’m not sure what just happened. This afternoon was like—a dream or something. My parents and I have never—I can’t ever remember spending time like that with my folks before. It was—fun. I mean the beginning and last part felt like it got a little dicey, but overall—I really enjoyed spending time with them today.” Walking up to weave her arms around me, Charlotte pulled me towards her, elatedly breathing out, “I did too. And it’s a good thing, Carson—having fun and enjoying time with them. So, don’t second guess it. Just allow yourself to be happy about it. And, hopefully, today was the start of a new beginning for all of you.” Dropping my head down to rest my forehead against hers, I softly murmured, “All of us, Lottie. You have been so great about everything today. My parents both seem to be very taken with you, especially my father. Not shocking, of course, because my girl is the sweetest, most beautiful gal in the whole world. Thank you for sticking by me today.” “I happen to desperately love you, so you never have to thank me for that,” she devotedly whispered, “Right by your side, thick and thin, always, remember?” “Yeah, I remember,” I breathlessly rasped out, “And I desperately love you, Lottie—forever.” Suddenly feeling her exhaustion, I leaned back, affectionately urging, “Now, let’s get you into your comfys and in bed so you can get some rest before we head into round two of my parents’ mind-blowing visit!” I was glad Lottie fell asleep quickly, both giving her the rest she obviously needed and allowing me time to try to wrap my head around everything. I was happy—really happy—and I wasn’t second-guessing anything. BUT, I was still trying to figure out why today had felt so different. Why did my parents seem so different, yet still the same? Maybe I had matured enough—enough that my parents felt more comfortable sharing more time with me... There was something else that came to mind as my mind was suddenly flooded with links—how lucky I was for my family. During my time with the folks, all four of my brothers ended up checking on me, as well as Auntie, Horacio, Luna Aruna, Madeline, Anabelle, and surprisingly, Iggy and Eliana. AND, last but most certainly not least—an inaudible chuckle breezing through my lips as I thought about it again—my most memorable one—Tink... And now, as I fought to keep up with all the conversations, the rest of my closeknit inner-circle group were all making sure all was well—seriously, every last one, even our new Caribbean familia, the other three Council Alphas, and their mates, which did what it had always done since I was little—made me feel more loved than what I thought was humanly possible... **************** NICHOLAS Even though we had all been set at ease following news that everything with Carson’s parents was going better than he expected, and his parents and Charlotte were resting before dinner, none of us had left my office, continuing to lounge around the room talking about a wide range of subjects and enjoying the sights and beauty of pregnancy with our three Rogue Eights, whose pooching bellies became a flurry of activity... Laughing as Tink’s stomach suddenly shifted to stick straight up on the side as the two sisters battled Titan for the same spot, there was a knock at my door, the room going silent as Otto entered the room, a momentary horrified look on his face before he took a step back, apologizing, “I can see that all of you are enjoying some family time, so I won’t disturb you. I can come back to visit Nicholas another time.” “Nonsense, please, allow me to make some introductions,” I enthusiastically urged, motioning for him to come forward. Though at first very reluctant, Otto soon complied, a familiar crooked smile crossing his face as we each introduced our mates to him, his warm gaze shifting to one of great humor as he greeted Tink, “Like Charlotte, you may not remember meeting me before, but I can’t help but to ask—how is your favorite moat at Mystic Fire?” We all felt it was an odd question with Tink dumbfoundedly repeating, “My—moat?”, before Otto explained their crossing paths when he and Sabrina had come to test the brook that day, leading her to bust out laughing, “Well, there were three Mystic Fire dragons residing there. I couldn’t very well let you destroy their home!” Otto then mentioned hearing the story about the root of her nickname, originating from a favored song Cyrus had sung to her—a fact three of us guys and Lorelei didn’t know, and Madeline had forgotten—complimenting that it had been one of the most heartwarming stories he had ever heard—and I couldn’t have agreed with him more... “Yep, I was a Daddy’s girl from day one, which is why I’m the one who, thankfully, ended up with a cool nickname,” Tink thoughtfully sighed, smiling brightly, “Hopefully my Roly Polies have inherited their grandfather’s vocal cords, unlike me. That would be really cool.” Biting her lower lip directly afterwards, she released it, warning in a humored, but harsher tone, “By the way, my protective streak hasn’t changed over the years. In fact, it’s only intensified. So, I’m glad to hear your visit with Chatterbox—Carson, I mean—went so well and we didn’t have to have another intense conversation. And thanks—for coming to visit him and all. It’s made him really happy.” Nodding, Otto became a bit anxious, “It’s made his mother and I really happy too, Tink, which is why I am here now. And if I’m truthful, I’m glad all of you are here as well.” Turning his head to peer around the room, Otto shakily began, “That day Sabrina and I came to Mystic Fire. Watching all of you running and playing all over the grounds together. Seeing our son so happy and—carefree. That has been a favorite memory of mine to this very day.” A glaze flowed over his gaze as Carson’s father quietly murmured, “Considering all the unfortunate circumstances and losses that you’ve each endured over the years, there are probably a lot of hard feelings where Sabrina and I are concerned in this room, and I can’t argue that they aren’t justified. But know that our choices were not as easily made as you may think. Though, as I have looked back on it often over the last few years, several decisions have admittedly ended up being great missteps on our part, especially when we concluded that staying away was the best course of action to ensure Carson’s continued happiness.” His hands beginning to shake, Otto quickly brought them together, weakly wringing them as he honestly stated, “Sabrina and I have always accepted that while we are uncannily similar, we are also considered odd and aloof to almost everyone else. Our brains being our brawn and our rather scrawny wolves made for exploration, not battle. Carson is, of course, the complete opposite. Although after today, I like to think that he did inherit a few of his parents’ traits, which is more than I ever imagined possible.” Clearing his throat, Otto uncomfortably laughed, “I’m afraid you will have to forgive me. I had no intention of such a long speech but tend to get a bit wordy when my anxiousness settles in.” A soft smile remained as the elder gentleman earnestly concluded, “However, I will now stop intruding on your time and finally relay the simple sentiments that originally brought me to Nicholas’ door. Thank you. All of you. For always looking out for and protecting my son, proven today by the many links checking on Carson during our visit this afternoon and I’m sure further demonstrated after he and Charlotte returned to their room. And most of all, from the very bottom of my heart—thank you for loving him—and for being the family that Carson has always deserved.” “Great speech. I really liked the ‘brains being our brawn’ reference,” Tink mystifyingly drawled out, seemingly touched as I spied moisture in the corners of her eyes, “But you really got me in the feels with the last part. You may have even reversed the unkind status I have you in by a smidge.” After he curiously asked if she could specifically tell him by how much, Tink retorted by telling Otto that it was probably better for him to use his ‘brawn’ to figure it out, making him—and us—laugh as she held up her hands slightly apart before extending them fully out to her sides, grinning, “Keep up the good work, though—and food never hurts in swaying me.” Flashing the first wholesome, albeit crooked smile I had ever seen from Otto, he surprised me again with his humored response, “As food is something we typically find in our surroundings, I’ll have to go through my list of eclectic delicacies. Have you ever tried fried crickets?” Arching her right brow, Tink disbelievingly guffawed, “Crickets as in—bugs?” Her eyes going wide, she dropped her head down, scoffing, “You’ve got to be kidding me! Which one of your little buggers found that appetizing? Titan?” When she seemed to receive no response, Tink knowingly exhaled out, “Liora?” The swift kick she received seemed to point to her daughter being the culprit as she steadfastly chastised, “I knew it had to be one of you two! Hear me loud and clear, Miss Fiesty—don’t you even think about adding bugs to your list of potential cravings. Do you hear me? Fried crickets are a nope, not happening—NO WAY!” Letting out a long, humored breath of air, Otto thanked us all again for our time, a pleasantry that I wholeheartedly returned, appreciative of his visit that had given me renewed hope that it could possibly be the first of many—for all of us... Stopping in front of the door on his way out, Otto turned back, compassionately stating, “I want you all to know that my speech reflected all of Sabrina’s sentiments as well. But, unfortunately, emotions, especially her inner-most feelings—well, they are incredibly more difficult for Carson’s mother to bring to the surface. Her critical thinking and logic often create a barrier around matters of her heart. That’s why I chose to come down here while she was asleep, so she couldn’t overthink the idea of my visit.” His bright blue eyes falling distant, he thoughtfully enthused, “But I caught a glimpse of it today with Carson—the deep love and adoration Sabrina has always carried in her heart for him—and I think he saw it too. That’s the thing about his mother—if you are patient with her, Sabrina is capable of pushing through those barriers. And when that happens, the love she bestows is just as intense and beautiful as she is.” *************** MATTIAS Walking into the garden with Jillian on my arm, I was blown away by how beautiful it looked. Everything—the small pavilion covered in white lights, the table meticulously set with white linens and my favorite china—my great-great grandmother’s set that was adorned with brightly colored blue, purple, pink, and yellow wildflowers in the center, blended with subtle greenery—the whole middle of the long rectangular table filled with silver covered platters, several of which I could already tell contained my favorite foods just by the delicious aromas... Kissing her cheek as my Mom walked up to greet us, I lovingly murmured, “Wow, Mom—this looks amazing. You’ve really outdone yourself tonight, but you didn’t have to go through all this trouble.” Smiling, Mom hugged me, enthusing, “Nonsense. It was no trouble at all. You know I enjoy doing things like this.” “More like thrives on it, though everything does look lovely, Mom,” my eldest sister playfully chided in her ear as she came up behind her, pushing her long, straight blonde hair behind her shoulder as she continued in good humor, “Little brother. Oh, I’m Andromeda, by the way, your loving, but totally forgotten eldest sister who hasn’t been able to schedule an appointment with you for months.” “I thought you looked familiar,” I drolly replied before pulling her in for a bear hug, “Good to see you, Meda. And I’ll have a word with Grandfather and Perun about finding time for a visit from my beloved sister.” Favoring Aunt Aruna greatly, my other sibling joined our group, sweetly chiming in, “And I’m the forever in the middle, middle sister. Though you and I do officially share the ‘M’s’ in case you’ve forgotten—Maia.” Repeating my heartfelt embrace, I lovingly whispered before privately linking, “Hey ya, Maia.” Let’s not ruffle feathers by talking about your afternoon snack visits, huh? Leaning back, her blue eyes were twinkling as Maia winked at me, both my sisters then adoringly greeting Jillian, complimenting her attire—the first light blue dress Auntie made for her after her arrival at Crescent Moon... Their respective mates, Esen and Notus, who worked with Dad as business managers in our territory, heartily greeted me next, with our father waiting until last—all three of them discussing Howling Wind matters as we sat down at the table, leading Mom to immediately stop the chatter, informing them that work was to be shelved for the evening, which in turn had my sisters—and me—flashing them knowing grins... It was nice—really nice—to spend rare time together like this with my family. The beauty of the garden and soft ambiance Mom created relaxed, the menu she prepared contained not only mine, but my sisters’ favorite dishes as well, and the conversation was upbeat and fun throughout our dinner, leaving me wanting more... Gently placing my hand over hers, I looked around the table, earnestly linking, Not to put any pressure on you, but how would you feel about a once-a-month family dinner in the garden? Her eyes dropped down to the crisp white napkin on her lap, playing with the end of it with her free hand while pushing her fingers up in between mine on the other, giving them a light squeeze as she quietly echoed in my mind, You are putting no pressure on me at all. As your sister said, I thrive on things like this. And so long as it will not interfere with our future Alpha’s duties and schedule, then I think that would be lovely. In fact, I would like that very much. Returning her tender grip, I locked into her matching blue gaze, which was misted with moisture, Even when I do become Alpha, I’m still going to be Mattias, Mom. Your baby boy who has always loved you with all his heart. Nothing will ever change that. Though it was almost inaudible, Mom let out in a hastened breath, “I love you, baby boy.” Smiling brightly, I lovingly whispered, “Love you too, Mom.” Grinning, Andromeda amusingly sang out, “Well, I’m not sure what you’re cooking up down there with our mother, little brother, but perhaps now is the time for Esen and I to share our big news—we’re pregnant!” Snapping her head towards her mate to stare in him in utter disbelief, Maia chortled out, “Well, not to steal your thunder, sweet sister, but Notus and I would like to share the same wonderful news!” Jerking my head between an ecstatic Jillie and Mom, my mind started spinning—both my sisters were pregnant?
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