Supposed Mother-in-law

1530 Words
Emeka gulps and accepted Mrs Antonia hand for a handshake, and even though he feels his anger subtly arising in him, and knowing the actual reason why Mrs Antonia is now there in his father's mansion to see them. As first, His father, Mr Williams Lonald, had spoken to him about a political marriage the last time, and stating that he want him to marry Senator Jack Obinna first daughter - Chioma Obinna. To enable him win the upcoming election. As Senator Jack Obinna first daughter - Chioma Obinna is very popular, and she have millions of followers on her social media pages. But Emeka refused and didn't agreed to it. His father told him - "Emeka, I'm not asking you to agree on it, but just accept blindly on this for me to win this upcoming elections, please son." Emeka replied - "Father, you cannot force me into a marriage of your own convenience. How about me?... Will I be able to cope with a woman like Chioma and withstand her?. Don't you know that a model is almost equivalent to a slut here in our state, and I cannot marry such kind of a woman as my wife, who's more comfortable and confident in having her nude displayed out there to the general public, hell no!" Emeka refused as his father proposed to him again about marrying Chioma, the previous time that he visited home. And like that wasn't enough, His mother has started disturbing him to accept Chioma, and getting to know Chioma first, before he concludes on her. But he wasn't interested in wanting to know Chioma either. Now Chioma has navigated her way, into coming into his entertainment house to work as a new actress there, so she can get closer to him, and her mother too, is now in his family mansion to let him know that they've already accepted to the arranged marriage with him. Emeka brows knotted, as he stares at Mrs Antonia Obinna that smiles at him, and holding his right hand warmly. Mrs Antonia says - "Nice to meet you son-in-law." Emeka stiffen as he heard the word - 'Son-in-law' It irks him and his hold on Mrs Antonia hand tightens as he force his reply - "Hmph, Nice to meet you too ma'am." "Emeka, Actually Mrs Antonia came here to spend some time with us, and she's a very wonderful company to have around. I'm sure that you will be happy to finally meet with her pretty daughter soon. As a goat cannot raise a frog" - Emeka mother says to him. "Mom.." - Emeka finally groans out his frustration, as he stares away from them and asked - "Can I go inside now mother, As Arinze actually stated that you requested that we should come home for dinner as family, and I had a hectic day today at work?." "Yes son, Let me escort Mrs Antonia first to her car, I will be back inside" - Mrs Amanda Lonald reply, as she smiles at Emeka, and standing beside Mrs Antonia too.. "That's right son-in-law, I will have love to wait and to have dinner with you, but time isn't on my side. And probably next time, I'm hopeful to come here with my daughter Chioma.. So you two can get along together, and familiarise ahead of the marriage" - Mrs Antonia says, Emeka tries to keep an expressionless face as the word son-in-law irritated him to the core and he managed to respond - "Okay ma, I will be looking forward to that" Emeka finally walks away and climbs the frontage of their mansion to walk inside, and he heard Mrs Antonia says to his mother - "That's good to hear..Mrs Amanda Lonald... I'm already leaving now, and thank you for your hospitality." "You're welcome, it wonderful having you around too, As I cannot wait for us to become inlaws" - Mrs Amanda reply, as she escorted Mrs Antonia back to her black SUV, that the driver has already drove to the frontage of the mansion,, and waiting for Mrs Antonia to enter into the SUV.. "Me too. I'm patiently waiting for my daughter to marry your son, and to give me beautiful grandchildren. As I cannot wait to get home and to describe to Chioma how handsome Emeka looks, As Chioma has been complaining that she hasn't seen any photos of Emeka yet online, or him granting any interviews either" - Mrs Antonia complains. "Hmm.." - Emeka frowns, as he listens to their conversation about him. "That's alright then, we will be looking forward to their wedding" - Emeka heard his mom reply. ,Emeka shook his head and finally walked into their mansion, while Lan walks rightly behind him and stopped in the living room, as Lan handed over Emeka's briefcase to a maid that approach him and collected it from him, before he finally exited the mansion.. Emeka walks towards the living room stairs and he went upstairs to his bedroom. As he's so tired and his room is on the second floor, while Arinze uses the top floor all alone, and their parent room was in the ground floor, As their mother complained of kneecap pains, as a result of her climbing the spiral stairs in their mansion Since there's no built-in elevator inside their home. Emeka climbs up the stairs that have a red rug spread on top of it, to prevent the person climbing on the stairs from falling down, as their beautiful mansion is painted in white and their living room have portraits of Emeka and Arinze when they were younger, and also his parent portraits too. As they have their country's flag mounted at the head seat couch, with their current president photo hanging brightly on wall too, as his father's a politician.. Emeka walks into the second floor lounge, and made his to his corridor leading into sitting room. As he have his study room, bedroom, sitting room, washroom all in the second floor Emeka walked passed his sitting room, and enters into his bedroom to take off his black suit as he's stressed from the day's work. He walk towards his room window to peek out to their surroundings, and he sees their mansion exit gate pulls opened, while Mrs Antonia Obinna black SUV drives out from their resident, with her police escort follow rightly behind her car too. Emeka sighed and took off all his suit, his shoes and his boxer. As he strip himself completely n*ked in his bedroom. He walks to his bathroom to shower first, while he switched on the hot and cold shower tap to refill the bathtub with warm water, and to mix it temperature, and diluted it to become warm and to soothe his dark masculine skin. Emeka feel prickles all over himself, after hearing Mrs Antonia Obinna called him - son-in-law.. "I can never be in-law with her" - Emeka murmurs in his washroom as he finally took a dip in the hot bathtub filled with luke warm water. He relax his body and arms and started washing himself as he pick up his bathing sponge and soap, he start bathing and scrubbing of his hard toned body.. Through with hot bath.. Emeka finally stepped out from his bathroom, as he walk into his bedroom to dress up. He holds his white towel in his right-hand and used it to dry his masculine body, as he walk to his closet to take out his night robe to wear. Emeka wears his white robe first, and he hears a subtly knocking on his sitting room door and respond - "Come in." Emeka walk out to his sitting room door to find out who's there, as the person didn't heard him from his bedroom. Pulling the sitting room door open, Emeka stare at the pretty brown skin maid that stood in front of him, and she bow her head lower and greets him - "Good evening sir." "Yes, how may I help you?" - Emeka asked, as he stare to the maid coldly, and seeing that she was avoiding his gaze on her too. She replied - "Mother said that I should inform you to come downstairs for dinner with her." "Is father back?" - Emeka asked, as his face is void of any emotions. "No, not yet sir." - She replied. "Okay, when father is back, you come back to inform me about it, you can leave" - Emeka dismissed her, and the maid reply - "Okay boss." The pretty maid turned and left the second floor, while Emeka shut his sitting room door close and walk back, as he walk to sit on the couch. Emeka thinks to search about Chioma Obinna, as he says - "I cannot accept to marry Chioma, no matter what mom or dad may preach to me about her." "Hmm..." - Emeka switch on his laptop, and he awaited for his laptop to finish booting. He says - "Her mother may look like a god-fearing woman to me, but I doubt Chioma is one." Emeka laptop finished booting, and he resume to research about Chioma Obinna..
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