Jealous Neighbor

1773 Words
Amara walks into the compound of the face-to-face house that she lives with Emily, Ane she's so excited that she has finally gotten a job to work with one of the biggest entertainment house in their state. She cannot wait to share the gist with Emily, and she remember that Emily wasn't yet at home, as Emily has told her that they normally had a lot of work to do every Friday at her seamstress work-place, and she closed late. Amara steps into the passage that lead to all the rooms in the rented apartment, and she walked up to the room door that she shares with Emily. Amara sees her pregnant neighbour - Mrs Chuka Anthony, A 26-years old short black beautiful pregnant woman, stepping out from the room door that she shares with her boyfriend turned husband - Mr Mark Anthony. Amara has heard from Emily, that Mr Mark hasn't truly married Mrs Chuka yet, and that, Mrs Chuka was the one that forced herself on Mr Mark, to marry her. As she didn't waited for Mr Mark to stand as a rich man, before she packs into the compound, and start living with Mr Mark.. Amara approached Mrs Chuka in the passage, and she greeted Mrs Chuka first - "Good evening ma." Mrs Chuka doesn't respond, as she pretends deaf and walk passed Amara. While walking away to exit the passage door.. Amara paused and turned backward to stare at Mrs Chuka surprisingly, as she's in a good mood. She isn't surprise by Mrs Chuka rude behaviour towards her. As she knows that Mrs Chuka hate to see any cute beautiful lady around her.. The more reason why Mrs Chuka packed into her her boyfriend room, and started living with him as husband and wife... Amara even heard that the engagement ring that Mrs Chuka wore was fake, As Mrs Chuka actually went as far as purchasing the fake marriage ring by herself, that she wore and flaunts around, and claiming that Mr Mark has married her, which Emily told her it wasn't true. "Excuse me ma'am, but I'm greeting you just now" ,- Amara calls back to Mrs Chuka attention. Mrs Chuka stop and turned to face Amara, as she reply - "And so what?! Is it by force to respond to your useless greetings?. Mtcheew! Slut" Mrs Chuka hissed so loud, and Amara jaw drop as Mrs Chuka just called her a prostitute now.. Amara stood speechless in the passage, as she watch Mrs Chuka walk away, and walking out of their passage carefully, As Mrs Chuka is heavily pregnant, Amara shook her head, and she says - "If not that I'm in a good mood today, I will rush up to her now, and beat her blue-black, not minding that she's pregnant or not, or she's older than me too, Since she cannot control her long mouth." Amara shook her head and finally walk up to her room door to unlock it, and not wanting for anything to spoil her mood, as she's so happy and holding her purse, that contained her contract letter of resumption in it. Amara inserted her room key into the keyhole of the door, and clicking it opened, she push the door open and walks into the room. Amara pause and remove the key from the door, and she shut the door closed behind her back, as she locks it properly from within and finally walked up to the divider in the single room that she shares with Emily to keep her purse. Amara is very tired and wanting to rest, as the room is a one-room rented apartment, And it have a bathroom, kitchen, toilet inside of it, Amara wonders - "Hmm.. If is a public kitchen or toilet now, How will someone be able to cope with a neighbour like Mrs Chuka that's very troublesome? Mm." Amara shake her head, and walk to their little television that's on top of the divider in the room, she drops her purse on it, and ensuring that her contract letter of resumption is safe and still inside of her purse, She carefully take out her phone from her purse and zip closed her purse as she decide to contact Emily on phone. Amara walked back to the single white couch in the room, as their room is so tight and they ensured to keep everything in it usual position, So as to make the room a little spacious enough for them to pass. Amara sit on the white couch and dial on Emily's phone number, but the phone call rings and Emily isn't responding. Amara sigh and keeps her phone on the white couch that she sat on, as she feels hungry, and she stood up from the white couch, and walk up to the kitchen to see the foodstuff that was left, as she's so famished. Amara walks into the kitchen and check the kitchen cabinet for the remaining food items left. She sees that they still have some local food left. A local cassava flakes meal named Abacha in Igbo African dialect, and she sees they have crayfish, red-oil, grilled onions, peppers as it remains fried fish to soothe it tasting. Amara check to see if still they've all the necessary ingredients needed to prepare the Abacha. As Emily had travelled to the village the previously weekend to see her parents, and Amara mother actually gave Emily the half-bag of Abacha, an Igbo African delicacy to give to Amara.. Amara finally step out from the kitchen, as she's through checking all the ingredients. She decide to go out and buy frozen fish from any frozen fish vendor nearby, As that's the only food item missing in the kitchen to prepare the delicious Abacha. Amara walks back to the divider in the room, to pick up her red purse again. And she takes out some money that she will use in purchasing the frozen fish, as she still have some money left from the previous money lastly sent to her by her father in the village, for her upkeep. Amara take out some few notes left in her purse and she zip it closed and walked out from the room. Amara had gathered some money that she saved from acting and getting featured in some comedy roles. She walks out from the room and lock back the door, as she turn to exit the passage. She sees Mr Mark Anthony has arrived as he step into the passage approaching her. Amara knows that Mr Mark is a mathematical secondary school teacher, and she greeted him as she walked up to exit the passage too. "Good evening sir." - Amara greet. Mr Mark stopped, and he smiles at Amara and reply - "Evening Amara, how're you doing today?." Amara respond with a smile - "I'm fine sir,, and you?." Just then, Mrs Chuka walks into the passage and sees her husband smiling at Amara, but she flares up immediately and accused them of dating, as she approached them, not minding that she's heavily pregnant. "Honey, so is true that you're actually befriending Amara?" - Mrs Chuka accused, as she walks into the passage. Mr Mark gasp in shocked at his wife's statement and he stares back to his wife in shock, and he tries to explain himself. "No babe, You're getting it all wrong. As I just arrived now and Amara only greeted me, that's all." "You're still lying to me. Haven't you being following Amara on all her social media pages, and secretly admiring her and watching all her videos too?" - Mrs Chuka questions out, but Mr Mark gulps as he became speechless. And he truly, he admires Amara, and he has been watching all Amara videos. He smile embarrassingly, as he's a fair in complexion yellow man like Amara, and he lost word to refute to his wife claim.. "I'm only watching Amara videos to support her hustles, as our neighbour, and that's all" - Mr Mark finally explained, As he sees that Amara is also surprised by his wife statement, but his wife won't listen to that. "You're trying to support Amara hustle? How many of my hustle have you try to supported as your wife?" - Mrs Chuka questions out, and some of their neighbours that were also returning back from work, greeted them, as they walked passed them, to their various rooms. Mr Mark is embarrassed and not knowing how to respond. "Answer me Honey! You like Amara and you're asking her out right? And you're still lying to me in my face, even after catching you both?." - Mrs Chuka accused. "No.." - Amara refuted, as she's surprise by Mrs Chuka claims. Amara will admit that Mr Mark is a handsome man, but she doesn't have anything to do with Mr Mark, as she knows that Mr Mark normally smiles at her, but she doesn't take it as anything wrong. Just then, Another of their neighbour named - Lady Uloma Joseph, who's a middle-aged black single lady that's living alone in the house with them, in her separate self-contained room, and normally hosted different women husband's in her bedroom, stepped out to the passage, as she has been living in the house for years before the rest of them. Lady Uloma walks up to meet them and she questions - "Mrs Chuka, ever since Mr Mark allowed you to move into this compound, and started living with us, we have no peace, having you as our co neighbour with us. Can't you just keep calm for once?." "Eh! Hold it there, you slut!" - Mrs Chuka snapped at Lady Uloma Joseph, and the rest of the neighbours jaws drops. Lady Uloma walks up to meet Mrs Chuka, and she lands Mrs Chuka a hot resounding slap on her left cheek - [Slap!.] Not minding if Mr Mark is standing right there with them or if Mrs Chuka is even pregnant. The sound of the hot slap reverberated in the passage, And Mrs Chuka holds her left cheek in shock and gasped - "Ah!." "Let this serves as a warning to you. The next time that you call me a slut, I won't mind that you're pregnant and beat you dirty, even boxing off your tooth, rubbish!.. How are we even sure that Mr Mark Anthony here is the real father of your pregnancy?, Or you went out and got pregnant and shove it to him, As Mr Mark is a gentleman. So that Mr Mark can marry you by force?." - Lady Uloma Joseph questions out.
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