
The Evil CEO Wants Me Back


Emeka was forced to marry Chioma Obinna but he reject her and falls in love with a new hot Diva in his entertainment industry, but a lot of set up and misunderstanding goes on between him and Amara. Leading to him abusing Amara and he reject her too.

Realizing the truth, he begs to have Amara back.

Read to find out.

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Her Audition
Amara Davis, a 22-year-old with a fair complexion, patiently occupied the ground floor of Lonald Entertainment House, eagerly anticipating her audition. She extended her legs gracefully while seated in the hall. She has a strong desire to become one of the leading actresses in her country. Rumors circulated about the alleged practices of CEOs in the Actors Guild Association (A.G.A) in her country, involving with new, young, and upcoming actresses for movie roles. Nevertheless, that is not her primary concern, as her ultimate goal is to pursue a career as an actress alongside them. Amara vividly recalled her encounter with the previous CEO of Alfred Entertainment House, the one she had submitted her application to. The CEO, a senior gentleman, had asked Amara Davis to stay overnight with him prior to auditioning at his filming institute. Amara was assured that her time was too valuable to be spent on auditions. Instead, she was promised a guaranteed spot in one of the available movies, with the opportunity to play one or two roles. Amara willingly agreed to spend the night with the CEO. However, upon reaching the designated hotel, she encountered a group of other women who were also there for the same purpose. With a sense of unease, Amara returned to the house she shared with her best friend turned sister, Emily Jackson, after considering the risk of contracting a sexually transmitted disease. She and Emily had chosen to stay in the city instead of returning to their village, despite their humble family backgrounds. Over time, their bond grew so strong that they became more than just friends - they became like sisters. "Amara, what happened?" Emily asked as Amara stormed home and plopped down on the only white couch in their shared room. Amara shook her head in disbelief and exclaimed, "Oh my goodness!" Emily stood before her, waiting for her to speak. She possessed a radiant beauty, much like Amara. Amara waved her fingers in front of her face, trying to cool down in the midst of the chilly night. "Emily, guess what I saw at the hotel location today," Amara exclaimed, shaking her head in disgust as she reclined on the single white couch in the room, facing the bed. "What did you witness?" - Emily inquired, hoping that Amara's sighting did not involve any malicious individuals or abductors. Both Emily and Amara came from humble backgrounds and were determined to achieve success in life after completing their university education. Amara shook her head and said, "Emily, can you believe it? I saw about fifteen other ladies lined up there for the same reason as me. And when I asked them why they were there, they all mentioned having personal business with the CEO..." What other personal matters, if not sleeping with the CEO?" "What!" Hold on, so you actually agreed to sleep with the CEO of Alfred Entertainment House just to secure a movie role with them?" "Emily questioned. Amara responded with a heavy heart, "Yes, Emily. What are your expectations of me? I am eager to pursue a career in acting and I am determined to secure a job in the film industry." "Relax, girlfriend. Merely desiring a position with them does not guarantee success. What if the CEO recorded it or used it for malicious purposes?" "Emily questioned. Amara's eyes widened as she exclaimed, "What do you mean by blackmail me?" "You may not fully grasp the level of cunning possessed by many CEOs, as they are well aware of your naivety and enthusiasm when it comes to receiving a job offer from them."So they can record it to use it against you," Emily remarked. "What!"If that's the case, I can take legal action against him," Amara retorted. "Take legal action against him? How do you plan to obtain the necessary funds to pursue legal action against him? It's wiser to be patient and wait for a legitimate job opportunity that offers fair compensation and peace of mind," Emily advised. "Well, I've already returned home, so I won't be going back there again," Amara sadly spoke. "The CEO made it clear that unless I agreed to sleep with him first, If not, I wouldn't get a movie offer with them." "Hold on, is the CEO actually a young man?" Emily inquired, not really interested in anything entertaining. Following their graduation from the university, Emily pursued a career in tailoring, while Amara ventured into the world of acting, a path chosen by many graduates in their country due to the scarcity of job opportunities. "He's not exactly a spring chicken, Emily. He's someone's husband and father, you know," Amara replied, shaking her head in disgust. "So, you actually agreed to sleep with a married man just because of some silly movie job with them?" "Why are you bothering me, Emily?" Amara snapped in annoyance and said, "I've made it clear that I won't be returning there, and I'll be searching for another auditioning center to give it another shot." Emily let out a sigh and decided to leave Amara alone. Amara rose from the couch and made her way over to the bed, seeking a moment of respite. Meanwhile.... "Miss, it's your turn now to go inside and see the auditors," the female receptionist informed Amara. "Okay," Amara rose gracefully from the guest seat and offered a warm smile to the receptionist, expressing her gratitude with a simple "Thank you." She turned and carefully adjusted her dress, only to find the lady who had gone before her exiting with a displeased expression. Amara let out a deep breath and confidently pushed open the door to the audition room. She entered the auditioning hall, anxiously holding her breath. Her gaze fixated on the stages, where three auditors were seated - two women and a man. "Good afternoon, miss. Are you Miss Amara Davis, by any chance?" The male judge posed the first question to her. Amara gazed at his face and immediately identified him as William Jack, a renowned male veteran actor in their country. "Yes, sir," Amara replied with a hint of nervousness. Amara smiled softly and gently rubbed her palms together, finding solace in the act as she tried to ease her nerves. "Alright. Feel free to share with us what you have." "What role are you planning to take on to join Lonald Entertainment House today?" the second judge inquired. Amara gazed intently at the face of the second judge, instantly recognizing her to be Stephanie Roland, a highly esteemed actress in their country. Amara couldn't contain her excitement as she gazed at the three top judges seated across from her on the stage. With a smile on her face, she couldn't help but wonder if the three esteemed judges truly appreciated the depth of her acting abilities. "Are you ready now?" inquired the final judge. Amara gazed at the final judge, her eyes locking onto the familiar face of Fiona Wilfred. "Certainly, ma'am," Amara responded. "Hold on. What role will you be playing again?" William Jack asked. Amara replied, "A kind-hearted girl." "Oh! That's what is written here already, and it seems like you would find it appealing. Why not try pretending to be someone else? Sharing your daily lifestyle with us doesn't truly showcase your acting skills. Embracing professionalism often requires adopting a different persona. You embrace the pain and passion of the new character you're taking," William Jack advised, and Amara felt a surge of nervousness. "So, what role would you like to take on to showcase your talents and potentially join Lonald Entertainment House as one of our new actresses?" William Jack inquired once more. Amara looked at William with a puzzled expression and responded, "I'm sorry, I don't know, Sir. Do you have any suggestions for me? I am capable of performing any role you assign to me with utmost perfection." Stephanie Roland responded, "Okay. How about you portray a princess with elegance, a female gangster with attitude, or a police officer apprehending a suspect?" Amara felt a sudden rush of nerves, while Fiona Wilfred impatiently demanded, "Make a decision already! There are other individuals eagerly waiting to be auditioned as well." Amara promptly responded, "Certainly, ma'am, I will assume the role of a police officer apprehending a suspect." "Great. And when the count reaches three, as you hear the buzzer sounds, it's time to start acting. Are you prepared at this moment?" William Jack inquired. "Yes, sir," Amara responded. "Alright... Let's get this started! Ready, set, go!" Under the command of William Jack, Amara swiftly assumed the role of a police officer, taking charge and apprehending a suspect. "Hey there! Halt!" Amara spoke with a commanding tone, her face displaying utmost seriousness as she addressed an unseen suspect. "If you move, I'll shoot. Get a move on! You are being apprehended for the various offenses you have committed. You have the option to exercise your right to remain silent. Anything you choose to say can be used against you in a court of law. Now, please move! Amara confidently took charge, as if she were effortlessly leading the invisible suspect away. She seemed to have apprehended the invisible suspect and confidently escorted him away.

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