012 Clothes Stolen

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"Lilith, I've spoken to Viscount Xavier, the city of Delphi they are headed to is near Five Mile Hill, I'll let him give you a ride, so pack up and go with them, I'm departing for home as well!" Leslie opened her misty eyes to see Quincy, neat and sharp all around and slung in a satchel. "What?" She couldn't help but snap for a moment. "Lilith what's wrong with you, you're so sleepy, hurry up and pack your things and go with Viscount Xavier." Leslie was dragged by him to get dressed, and stuffed a small package with gold coins and new clothes into her hand, stumbling out the door. Viscount Xavier's freight caravan is very elegant, it is composed of ten big sturdy carriages, the first one is comfortable and gorgeous, obviously it is the caravan owner's car. when Leslie stepped out of the door of the inn carrying the package, the caravan was already ready to go, Viscount Xavier sat on top of a high head horse in an imposing manner, lightly shaking an ivory fan, with a rather untamed look on his face. After seeing Leslie, he closed his fan with a "snap" and pointed the tip of the fan at Leslie, saying, "Miss Lilith." Then the fan drew a half arc in the air, pointing to the gorgeous carriage at the head: "You take this one, please get on." Leslie had no other way by this point, she could only nod her head and thank him, and at the same time felt slightly relieved in her heart, thinking that this rich young master was quite righteous, arranging the highest class carriage for herself while riding a horse herself. Unfortunately, when she got on the carriage, she realized that it was too bumpy, causing her butt to suffer. However, this carriage was already considered one of the smoothest traveling ones in the fleet, even so, after leaving the town and driving onto the bumpy dirt road, it was still inevitable to undulate and shake. It didn't matter to the others, but Leslie now had a foreign object in her v****a, and the slightest jolt of the wagon caused both relief and pain in her v****a. She changed her position with difficulty, no matter how she sat, she was uncomfortable, and finally had to kneel down on the soft cushion underneath her, biting her lip to endure. The carriage was not too slow in order to make time, and traveled quickly and in an orderly fashion. No one knew that Viscount Xavier's guest - that noble and beautiful appearance of Miss Lilith, at this moment is in the gorgeous carriage surrounded by brocade tents with her buttocks high up in the air, writhing her body with a face full of desire. Her white neck is flushed with layers of scarlet, her soft and slender fingers are trapped in the soft cushion, her white and tender feet are folded and entwined together, and her slender waist is shaking twice from time to time. If you lift up the hem of her shirt, you can also see the legs before the piece of fabric has been wet and sticky into the leg slit, almost can outline the shape of the two full p***y lips and swollen c******s, and chest wrapped in the full breasts of the fabric has also been stained with wet, the lustful appearance is like an unsatisfied slut, thirsting for a man's caresses. When Leslie was having a hard time, Viscount Xavier's voice came from outside the car: "Miss Lilith, there is a station ahead, we will rest there for a while." Leslie was delighted to hear this and was about to reply, but the voice turned into a delicate moan as soon as it left her mouth, frightening her to cover her mouth in a hurry. After a few moments of silence outside the carriage, Viscount Xavier's voice rang out again, "Miss Lilith, are you all right?" Leslie hurriedly calmed down and tried to stabilize her voice, "I'm fine, thanks for your concern." Viscount Xavier: "Quincy has instructed me many times that I am to take good care of you, and that you must let me know if you are unwell." Leslie was about to reply when the carriage suddenly drove over a dirt pit, and the sudden and powerful jolt actually knocked her off the cushions, and the foreign object inside her then hit hard against the inner wall of her uterus, instantly forcing Leslie to let out a yelp of surprise, and a large spurt of mucus spewing out convulsively from her lower v****a. Her cry obviously reached Viscount Xavier's ears, and he immediately ordered the men to stop traveling, dismounted and lifted the curtain to look inside. Only to see the soft satin cushion inside the car lying on the weak Leslie, her face flushed, her plump chest rising and falling drastically, her legs tightly twisted together, seemingly exhausted. "Miss Lilith," Viscount Xavier said with a slight frown, "Are you unwell?" Leslie had not yet slowed down after experiencing that orgasm in her v****a just now, although she wanted to get up, she was unable to do so, and could only try to raise her head to meet Viscount Xavier's eyes, "I... I'm fine, I just have a bit of a headache." Viscount Duke Xavier gazed at her like a torch for a while and said, "Hold on a little longer, when we arrive at the stagecoach station, I'll let the doctor accompanying you see to it." Leslie endeavored to prop up her upper body and sat up against the carriage's compartment wall, smiling weakly, she said, "No need, this is an old problem of mine, I'll get over it if I just hold on a bit." Viscount Xavier nodded his head in half-believe, half-doubt, lowered the curtains, and instructed the people to continue on their way. * The caravan traveled for half a day and the sky was already dark, this place is very desolate, there is not even a village nearby, if we move forward, we can only be trapped in the forest, so Viscount Xavier ordered to spend the night at the same place, and then continue the journey in the morning. Leslie had repeated orgasms from the carriage bumps along the way, her body so pleasured she'd almost rolled her eyes, and then the snake's fire venom kicked in, making her whole body extremely hot. She lay drowsily in the car for a long time, until she heard the noises of people outside, as if they were setting up stoves and starting to cook, then she slowly squirmed and lifted the curtains, and got out of the car with a load of sticky lewdness in her ass. Viscount Xavier was standing under a large tree overseeing the work of the servants in the house, and his afterglow caught a glimpse of her moving over bent over like a consumptive, and he couldn't help but frown. "Miss Lilith, are you holding up?" Leslie nods at him and weakly asks, "Is there a water source here?" Viscount Duke Xavier points forward with his ivory fan, "There's a creek there, is Ms. Lilith going to do something?" Leslie wipes the fine sweat from her forehead and lightly says, "Nothing, it's a bit hot from the carriage ride and I want to take a bath to cool off." After eating the meal, all the people will enter the carriage to rest, the caravan laborious hard, we all seize the opportunity to rest and hurry to sleep, only a few knights left outside to prevent robbers from stealing, Leslie took this opportunity, holding the pre-prepared change of clothes secretly found to the side of the river, see the river in the moonlight under the sparkling, the current is not too fast, will be put the clothes on the river side of a rock to determine that there is no one around, and then take off the already soaked clothes. The pants are already wet. The pants were already sticky and dirty, not to mention her panties, which pulled out a few sticky silver threads as they parted from her labia.Leslie frowned in disgust and balled them up into a ball and threw them into the river, letting them go downstream. After that, she took off her coat, lingerie, and bra, and threw them into the river as well, then stepped into the water naked. The water was a little cool, but unusually comfortable for Leslie, who had a high body temperature. She tied her long hair on top of her head and slowly walked into the deep water, exposing only her neck and head, and let out a sigh of relief. The cool current washed gently over her body, and there was a constant soft scraping sensation on her inner thighs from the tasseled pendant that had been flung from inside her body, the tassels on it rubbing lightly against her skin under the current. She couldn't help but spread her legs and reached down to grasp the tasseled pendant as it swung about, a stream of mucus spread out from it and flowed away, Leslie's face reddened and a strange sense of depravity arose in her heart, this thing was making it difficult for her to move around, but it was really bringing her pleasure at any time and any place. As the moonlight shone on the river, Leslie cupped and scrubbed her round breasts with one hand, and gently rubbed along her labia with the other. These two things are now fat and swollen, compared to the past is very different, breasts needless to say, shape and feel excellent, several times out of the milk after the more plump, very erect and lovely, their own one-handed can not hold it; labia is more plump, bulging in between the legs, like a small pink mountain. After a painful bath, Leslie walked from the water to the shore ready to dress, which came to the rock but saw that there is nothing there. At first she thought it was blown away by the wind, and then searched around for half a day, but not even half a piece of cloth was not found, a moment of anxious face green and white, and stood still shivering uncontrollably. Could it be that someone stole it? She was horrified in her heart. A few days ago, a rapist entered her bedroom at night and insulted her, and now someone stole her clothes while she was taking a bath, could it be the same person? Thinking about this, Leslie became more and more afraid, and couldn't help but hold her arms tightly around her chest, standing helplessly in the cold night wind. After a while, she suddenly hit a jolt, her mind gradually clear thinking, rather than stand still and suffer the wind, it is better to go downstream to look for the dirty clothes that were thrown into the water before. She made up her mind and began to walk along the riverbank, but never moved to ask for help. Perhaps it was by the mercy of God that after less than ten meters Leslie saw a blocked mass on a sharp rock jutting out of the river. She rushed over and fished the mass from the rock, unfolding it to see that it was the very tunic she had thrown away. She wrung out the upper surface of the water with great joy, and draped it over her body, at last a little comfort to her frightened heart. There was nothing more to be gained from the journey, and Leslie's lower body was so sore that she had to return the way she had come. When she arrived back at the caravan's landing place, everyone was asleep, and a few of the guards were dozing off on top of the cargo. She was secretly happy, while tiptoeing back to her carriage, but just lifted the curtain and froze. Inside the carriage, there was a small candelabra, and Viscount Xavier was leaning against the carriage holding a thin pamphlet and looking at her, so he must have been reading a book before Leslie came. The two of them stared at each other for a moment in the weak candlelight, Leslie had not yet recovered from the shock, Viscount Xavier had already opened his mouth first: "Ms. Lilith, where have you been?"
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