013 Misunderstood

1600 Words
Leslie moved his lips, stiffly, she kept one hand lifting the curtain of the car,with one leg on the board, it took a long time before he could utter a sentence, "I, I just went to take a bath by the river." Viscount Xavier put down his book and held up a candlestick to illuminate Leslie's ghastly white cheeks, "Was it a bath, or did you fall into the water? Why are you all wet?" Leslie felt that since she was poisoned, her brain turned extremely slowly, only then did she remember that this carriage originally belonged to Viscount Xavier, she occupied someone's place during the daytime, and the owner naturally had to come back to sleep in the evening, and she was actually naive enough to think that she would be safe if she returned to the carriage, which was really stupid! The next moment, she suddenly remembered that she was not fully clothed, a snow white thigh was still resting on top of the carriage board, she hastily and awkwardly put down her leg and said, "I'm sorry, just now when I was bathing my clothes accidentally fell into the water, I only picked up one piece, so I ended up in such a state, let Viscount Xavier see you laugh." Viscount Xavier stared at her for a moment with his golden eyes, the corners of his mouth slowly curled into a smile as he put down the candlestick and said, "There's no harm, you can wear mine." He rummages through a bundle from the back of the carriage and opens it up, tugging out several pieces of clothing of fine fabric and handing them to Leslie. Leslie took them and stumbled to say thank you, when she heard Viscount Xavier say, "Come in and change, it's windy outside." When he saw Leslie immediately show a defensive look, he lowered his head and blew out the candlestick, the carriage immediately turned into a small dark world, Leslie hesitated for a long time, but in the end, he still couldn't beat the night wind and climbed into the carriage. The space inside the carriage is very large, enough to accommodate three people, Leslie after coming in close to the edge of the touch to a corner to sit down and then take off the wet coat and throw it outside, touch the darkness randomly put on Viscount Xavier's clothes. In the darkness, she felt the sound of men's breathing close at hand, although she could not see anything is extremely shameful, and just cleaned her lower body and gradually wet.Viscount Xavier's clothes are very soft texture close to the body, she did not have a replacement bra, but only let the two tender breasts pasted in the silky smooth material friction. When she finished changing clothes, the opposite side of the rustling sound, must be Xavier Viscount lay down to sleep.Leslie think of their own these strange encounter, is also physically and mentally exhausted, close to the compartment wall lie down, hands protect in front of the chest, face the wall and sleep. Early the next morning, the caravan of men and horses all get up, after sharing breakfast, point all the men and horses goods and then continue to go on the road. Leslie thought that Viscount Xavier would also ride to supervise the caravan today, but unexpectedly he returned to the carriage after the caravan had successfully embarked on the road, and sat down in Leslie's panicked gaze, and brewed a pot of tea for himself. The atmosphere in the carriage is a bit depressing, Viscount Xavier slowly sips a cup and looks at Leslie, "May I ask if Lilith and Quincy are old acquaintances?" Leslie's hands clutched the corners of her coat and replied as calmly as she could through the crisp and numb gushing through her lower body, "No, just met them on a recent journey." "Well..." There was another moment of silence and Leslie, finding that talking seemed to be a distraction, took the initiative and chimed in, "I have not yet asked for the full name of Viscount Duke Xavier." "My name is Xavier-Ackerman." Leslie was not good at talking to people, and Viscount Xavier's not talking at the moment, so the atmosphere was once again in an awkward state. At this time the wagon was driving on the pothole uneven road, the wheels in the size of the stones, puddles of dirt rolling, it is simply in the test of the endurance of this endurance of this demon sect leader, Leslie one hand grasps the neckline, as far as possible not to let her breasts out of the wide clothes, the other hand grasps his ankles, in a burst of tingling sensation of pain and grit his teeth and persevere. Viscount Xavier also felt the difficulty of the road, so he put down his cup of tea, and moved the small table to the rear of the carriage, so that there is no cover between him and Leslie, Leslie felt that she was about to pass out from the pleasure of the carriage's occasional rocking and bumping, although she knew that the man on the other side of the road was observing her, but she could not control the end of the nose to let out a small moan. Finally, the carriage pressed over a rock and turned violently crooked, Leslie did not sit steadily, her body tilted along with the strength of the carriage, and unexpectedly crashed into Viscount Xavier's arms. This change came very suddenly, even Viscount Xavier was startled, only saw Leslie's panicked face zoomed in front of his eyes, and then his arms sank and softened. Said heavy because a person in the role of inertia will naturally increase their own weight, said soft, is because Leslie's body is extremely soft, especially in front of the chest of the two soft things, precisely squeezed right on top of his chest. xavier viscount froze for a moment, unconsciously embraced this soft, fragrant beauty. Leslie had already lost her colour in fear, and hurriedly struggled to get up, "Right, sorry, Viscount Xavier, I, I, I didn't mean to ..." At this moment, Viscount Xavier's mind flashed through many possibilities and conjectures, and suddenly came to a conclusion, then tightened his arms to restrain Leslie who wanted to break free. "Lilith do you want to continue to disguise?" He opened his mouth coldly. Leslie looked up at him in shock, "What?" Viscount Xavier leaned in with a snort, "If you wanted to seduce me, why go through all the trouble, you could have just said so, this is a long and mountainous journey and I wouldn't mind the company of a w***e like you." Leslie was completely frozen, her breasts still pressed against Viscount Xavier's firm pecs and the other woman's warm breath spraying on her face, she moved her lips and only managed to spit out the words, "w***e?" Viscount Xavier leaned to look at this adorkable look of hers, more determined that this little w***e has a mind, all the way above in order to tease him under a lot of effort, things to the present day also with their own play dumb, then said, "No wonder Quincy to you this way, you are indeed smarter than him, he must have been fooled by you." "You ... "Leslie was so furious at his words that her body trembled, and angrily pushed him away, "Viscount Xavier, please watch your words! I am not a w***e!" Viscount Xavier leaned in and saw that she really looked like she had been greatly insulted, his heart was also angry, his face sank and said, "It's not like I haven't seen goods like you before, it's just to get some more money, just tell me how much you want." Leslie if there is still the force of the past, will certainly be this self-righteous, full of nonsense dude killed, but now she's poisoned and has a foreign object shoved inside her, become powerless, but when she got angry, leaking even more from between her p***y, only to gasp sharply back to the car near the curtains, trembling hand pointing to Viscount Xavier said: "f**k you, I do not go with you! Stop the car and let me out ..." The word "car" has not yet shouted out, the carriage suddenly lurched violently, it turned out to be driving on a road full of gravel, the foreign body in her body to follow the frequency of the wheel shaking in the uterus actually bumped up. This can be fatal, Leslie wailed and fell on the soft cushion, covering her abdomen in horror, at the same time, her legs could not stop rubbing, letting out a sharp and soft moan. Viscount Xavier was also swaying his body a little because the carriage, he somehow looked at Leslie, looked for a while, suddenly struck by an idea to lift the hem of her shirt. He saw that his expensive trousers, which he had lent out last night, were soaked to the skin that they covered his thighs with wet marks from between his thighs. He was so shocked that he thought the little w***e had pissed her trousers, and then he saw that he had rubbed a small amount of clear liquid on his finger, which he held up in front of his eyes in disgust, and was about to chastise her, when he realised that it didn't seem to be urine. He twisted the tip of his finger, then looked incredulously at Leslie, who was moaning.
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