011 Red Tassel Pendant

1588 Words
The next morning, Leslie woke up in a full body ache, last night's rapist was long gone. She recalled how she had been f****d yesterday with no resistance, and the horrible pleasure of extreme arousal, and for a moment she didn't know what to do with herself, so she fumed for quite a while until Quincy's tentative call rang out outside, telling her to get up and eat breakfast. Leslie back to God, want to sit up, but feel a strange feeling in the lower body, immediately lifted the quilt to see, this look is great, not only is the body of the mottled traces of lust scared her, but also between the legs of a long red tassel pendant out of Leslie's surprise to reach out, then she try to tugge on it, the v****a suddenly a burst of tingling, actually like what is connected in the tassel spikes on the other side, shoved into the depths of the body. Quincy outside screamed a few more times, urging her to come out quickly.Leslie suddenly felt a wave of panic, she gritted her teeth, pulled the tasseled pendant and yanked it hard, only to feel that somewhere in her abdomen sank downward, then her v****a was hot and a stream of obscenity flowed out.Leslie's face was suddenly green and white, and a sense of ominous foreboding rose in her heart, as it seemed to have been shoved into her uterus! With this realization, a chill ran through her body, and for the second time in her life except encountering a water snake drilling her cunt, a feeling of despair and helplessness arose. She just sat there frozen on the bed as Quincy at the door made a big show of barging in to check on her, and with a jolt of fear she blurted out, "Don't bother with me, I'll be down later." Quincy had some regret because he had drunkenly and compulsively f****d her yesterday and wanted to come and apologize. Hearing Leslie's tone of voice so unkind, he thought she was still angry with him, so he sheepishly agreed and didn't dare to harass her again. Leslie alone in the bedroom spread her legs, put a mirror between her legs, in front of the mirror to open the two pieces of swollen p***y lips, revealing the red tassel spike connected to the blockage of the thin line. The thread was so thin that Leslie didn't dare to exert any force on it, for fear that if she tugged on it, it would be stuck in her uterus forever. She was sweating for half a day, breaking the mouth of her cunt even wider, the layers of wriggling flesh inside could be seen clearly, but she still couldn't get the thing out. The former infinite scenery of the devil sect master disheveled and collapsed on the bed, the pain in her heart was so great that she couldn't cry out. Otherwise, talk to Quincy and ask he to help pull it out? She thought dully, but then immediately vetoed the idea, she would never want to be known by others that she had been humiliated by her rapist last night. Although she had been f****d by men many times since she was captured, she was still proud of herself, thinking that she was still strong-willed, she thought all was because she was now vulnerable, and in the future she could kill all those who had f****d her in the future, but she must not be belittled now. Leslie finished reassuring herself, before getting up from the bed, wiping off the cold sweat on her forehead, picking up the secret wound medicine Quincy gave her from the bedside, applying it inside and outside the female p***y, and then getting out of the bed. This is Leslie, another person probably would have collapsed, not to mention walking on the floor, because all though this thing was not heavy, but not small, not smooth surface all the time rubbing the walls of the uterus, the slightest movement of the legs will be a burst of itchy, Leslie lifted up a breath, went down to the floor to wash her hands and face, dressed, hobbling out of the room. Quincy is drinking congee and eating bakery downstairs, looked up and saw her coming down, put down the food to welcome her, and asked with a twitchy face, "Lilith, you ... aren't angry with me anymore, right." Leslie all the way to walk hard to the extreme, heard his words only shook his head, said, "I'm not too comfortable, you ask people to take the meal to my house is good." Quincy also realized that her face was abnormal, and hurriedly agreed, at the same time inquiring in a low voice: "Are you having a hard time down there? Should I put some more medicine on you?" Leslie glared at him, "No need, you just need to help me deliver the food." Quincy could do was smile downcast, but he couldn't say anything, he realized that he always lost in front of Leslie unconsciously, so he could only laugh dryly. Leslie returned to her room, and in a few moments a waitress brought in her meal. She ate while reassuring herself that there must be a solution. Today was still a rainy day and she slept in her room until nightfall. Taking off her pants to look at her bottom, she found that the swelling in her p***y had gone down and the red tasseled pendant was still swinging between her legs, stirring up gusts of pleasure at the slightest movement.Leslie thought about it and, fearing that her rapist would come to her door again tonight, got up with difficulty and went to find Quincy. Quincy was in her room polishing her sword when she heard a knock on the door and then Leslie's emotionless voice came through the door, "Quincy, are you there?" Quincy's heart was delighted and immediately stood up to open the door. Leslie outside the door was slightly flushed, and seemed to hesitate before speaking, "I'm sleeping in your room tonight." Quincy only felt a rush of hot blood to her head, and was just about to happily agree when she heard Leslie's next sentence, "You'll sleep in my room." "Huh?" Quincy instantly fell from the peak of joy and asked dejectedly, "Why?" Leslie frowned slightly, "Don't ask, just think of it as a favor to me, okay?" Quincy nodded in confusion, "That's no problem, let's switch rooms and sleep." So Leslie spent the night in Quincy's room safe and sound, she slept peacefully and there was no concern about Quincy being in danger. When she woke up the next day, she was lying on the bed with the quilt on her arm, thinking of a way to remove the foreign body, when she heard Quincy eagerly calling her from outside. Grinding his way down to the ground and opening the door, he saw the youth standing outside with a worrisome on his face, she asked, "What's wrong with you?" Quincy sighed, "Lilith, no wonder you don t like to sleep in that house, so ..." Leslie's heart fluttered, did that rapist like men too? Until now, her heart only slightly born a little bit of guilt, lowered her gaze and said, "What makes you think that?" "It turns out that the bed in that house has a broken leg and wobbles around when you turn over, I've already told the innkeeper to get someone to fix it." Leslie stared at him blankly for a moment, but in her heart she was relieved, but on her face she remained cold: "Okay, let's continue to change rooms tonight." Quincy smiled, "Lilith, the rain has stopped today, we should continue our journey." Leslie suddenly remembered that there is still the matter of the trip, and felt distressed in her heart, with her current physical condition, how can she stand the bumpy ride of the horse? "But ... I'm still not feeling well, I want to stay for a few more days." She said as she inclined her gaze to the ground. Quincy showed a difficult face, "I'm afraid I won't be able to catch up with my father's birthday if I stay for a few more days, why don't you do this, I'll hire a carriage and pull you along?" The purpose of his trip is to attend his father's birthday, if he is not afraid of delaying the date, he would like to stay here to be with Leslie for a few more days. Leslie could only bite her tongue and agree because she still had to rely on his help. Quincy went out to hire a carriage, but before he could find a suitable one, he received a letter from home saying that his aunt has died suddenly and his father has ordered him to return immediately. Quincy was in a dilemma, he has already promised Lilith to accompany her, but he didn't dare to disobey his father's order. Leslie looked at his tangled look of reluctance, heart also half cold, she realized that if she lost this obedient stupid boy, the future will not be good. But she couldn't persuade him to stay, and after pondering for a moment without moving, she turned around and went back to her room to catch up on her sleep. But she didn't know that this sleep hadn't lasted for a while, when she suddenly felt someone pushing and shoving her.
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