Episode 5 - Nova's POV

3592 Words
I had finally finished setting up the scene for the photo shoots, 12 bags of sand, 10 gallons of water, 30 foot of material a paddling pool, 1 water pump and 1 sprinkler later I was finally done, I was sat in the middle of the floor scrunching my bare feet in the sand giggling to myself at my toes being tickled it felt amazing, I had some music playing as I worked, so I hadn't heard the door to the lift open, nor did I see Jaxon or Lee walk in, all of a sudden the words of what Bruno said ran through my head and my smile faded, I wiped a tear away from my cheek, I shouldn't be thinking about him or his words I'm worth more than that, I deserve more that to be treated like nothing, I wiped my tears off my face l, stood up walked off the stage and used a brush to flatten out the sand I was sitting it, I turned around to walk to my desk after picking my shoes up when, I got a fright seeing Lee and Jaxon looking at me, they both towered over me "this looks great Nova" Lee said "thanks Lee I appreciate that" I said "Lee's right it's amazing, did you do it all on your own?" Jaxon asked "yeah" I answered "why didn't you ask for help we could have helped you lift the bags of sand" Jaxon said "Jax one thing you need to learn about Nova, is that she never asks for help, learn that now before you go any further" Lee said ouch that actually hurt, it's not that I don't ask I have done but if I'm being honest Lee never bothered he always had other things to do conveniently, so I just done it he I owed him so much, I couldn't help it but a tear ran down my cheek, I quickly wiped it away but Jaxon noticed, I ran off down the stairs and headed outside for some fresh air, god I had been working here 4 years and never once had I felt so overwhelmed before, I felt suffocated like I would faint at any moment, I finally reached the back door, I pushed it open and made my way over to the ramp that led towards the double doors on the back of the building, for loading and unloading, it was a beautiful sunny day, there was a cool saunty breeze blowing, I sat down on the edge of a step, this was silly I never cry for just anything what the hell has happened to me,  "hey" a voice came from behind me, when I turned to look it was Jaxon,  "hi" I said, "are you ok?" he asked me  "yeah I'm fine thank you, I just needed some fresh air" I said,  "ok I won't push but do me a favor?" he said  "what's that?" I asked  "the next time you need help just ask me" he said and he smiled at me my god my heart was racing, I smiled back, "sure" I said back "I mean it" he said I giggled a little "me to" I smiled at him, he walked back inside, I sat for a few more minutes then walked back inside, I walked back up to the fourth floor, Lee already had all the female models posing in all the latest designs of bikinis, shorts and vest tops, summer dresses, I always looked forward to the next part Lee did everything in groups before mashing them together it was his own filing system of how to do them, well tomorrow it was the male models that were coming in, I could at least ogle at them while they were here, Lee and Jaxon weren’t the only two who had perks with the job, hey Jackson and Lee had some perks to the job it's only fair that I some, I walked back up to the 4th floor, when I got there, the wicked witch was there with lee the models and Jaxon the moment Wilma clapped eyes on me she started “NOVA WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?” she shouted everyone "); border-bottom: 1px solid transparent;">stopped what they were doing and turn to look Wilmer shouting at me I wasn't expecting it, I didn't know what to say at first,  “I... um I.... I was just getting some fresh air what's wrong?” I asked   “what's wrong is that Lee has been here on his own and you have been gallivanting and skiving off, Nova if this behavior is going to go on, it will not be tolerated in these offices” she said   I could feel the anger in me simmering inside of me, I looked at everyone staring at me,   “Yes Wilma” I said and walked towards my desk working on paperwork that needed to be done, I put my head phones in and I had no idea why but I began to cry, ever since Wilma became editor and chief, she decided I would be her victim, always having a go, making an example of me, it hasn’t really bothered me though, I've usually just told her to shut it and walked off, lately though it's began to bother me more and more, I've also noticed that even Lee takes advantage of me now he never used to, don’t get me wrong he sticks up for me but he’s dropped me a few times, and especially when I've really needed him, he’s not been there, I had no idea Wilma had carried on her rampage towards me, I thought we had finished that was until I heard her shout,   “NOVA YOU STUPID GIRL ARE YOU EVEN LISTENING” Wilma shouted at me,  then Wilma pushed me nearly knocking me off my chair, forcing me to take my head phone out of my ear, My eyes landed on Jaxon, I had no idea what he was thinking, Lee ran over to me, gasps could be heard from all around the room, before I knew where I was Jaxon had his back to me and began talking to Wilma “Wilma no matter what happens you must never think you are allowed to put your hands on another person, Nova did nothing wrong, I will not tolerate this kind of behavior at my magazine” he said  “Oh, Jaxon my dear I didn’t hurt Nova, I was just seeing if she was, ok? Wasn't I Nova?” she said looking at me trying to convince everyone she hadn’t done anything wrong, I stared at her for a moment, “no you didn’t do anything wrong” I said giving in to her again, I had no idea what was going on with me, it was like Bruno had sucked all the life I had right out of me, I had to get it back and sooner rather than later, I turned and sat back down at my chair, “ok folks shows over for today back tomorrow nice and early for another shoot” lee said everyone disappeared, Wilma walked off in a huff, I was left with Lee and Jaxon, “Baby girl what’s going on with you?” lee asked, “if she has done that 2 years ago you would have had more to say and you would have slugged her” he asked, I shrugged my shoulders and said “it’s not important lee, look I'm going to head home, I'm going to see Billy at the hospital”   “But, Nova” he said I turned and put my hand on his cheek, “I'm ok lee, promise I will see you tomorrow ok … goodnight Mr Parker” I said and walked away before I burst into tears, I went home got changed, I was wearing my high top converse as usual a pair of denim shorts and a black t-shirt and I was about to walk back out of the door when there was a knock on the door, I opened it and I never expected to see Jaxon standing on the other side, “Mr. Parker, how did you? What are you? Is everything ok?” I said not finishing one of my questions, he smiled,   “Lee told me where you lived, I'm here to take you to the hospital I bought Billy a gift for when he comes back to work and I wanted to give him it, so yes everything is fine” he said   I burst out laughing, it was the first time I realized that ever since I met Jaxon I had genuinely begun to smile and laugh again, I hadn’t felt like this in a long time, “well now that you’re hear how can I say no” I said we both smiled at each other, I walked out of my door I locked it and we began to walk down the stairs, “so how are you feeling after today?” he asked   “I'm ok I guess I could have done without everyone being there when she did it, I was so embarrassed but thank you for sticking up for me again, I know you did what any other manager would do for his employee” I said   “Yeah of course... I don’t like to see any of my staff being hurt by others” he said   Silence filled a gap as we walked down the stair to the main door, “so how's the renovations going?” I asked “they're going well the boys have assured me they will be completed by Friday, so next week we can organize and assign new offices to people, give everyone breathing space and time to do their work properly” he said  “oh, that sounds wonderful, I am sure everyone will appreciate the effort you’ve put in to make the place, a better place to work in” I said as I smiled at him, we had finally reached the main door and walked out in to the warm night, we headed towards the curb and there sat on the road was a black 1969 Ford mustang convertible, “oh my god a 1969 Ford Mustang convertible, is this your car?” I asked   “yeah” he said completely shocked at me knowing anything about cars,   “Oh, wow” I said   “How did you know what kind of car it was?” he said as he smiled and opened the door for me,   “Why thank you?” I said “and the answer to your question is I know because I don’t live under a rock” I said he laughed as he watched me, he got in started the engine and like all great American cars its roared to life, we set off to go towards the hospital, the wind was blowing through my hair, I closed my eyes and just enjoyed the ride, when we parked up in the hospital car pack and headed in, “so do you know which ward Billy is on?” Jaxon asked   “Yeah, his son mark messaged me earlier on, he’s on maple ward” I said   “perfect” he said walking in with me to the hospital holding the gift he bought him, we walked up the stairs, Maple ward was on the 4th floor of the hospital, I reached the 4th floor and jaxon was still on the 3rd floor, “come on slow poke” I said giggling at him,   “I'm not as young as you, you know” he said I burst in to fits of giggles   “Your how old exactly?” I asked   “I'm 32” he said   “Your still in your prime or would you like me to get you a walking stick or maybe a wheel chair” I said as he finally reached the top of the stairs, he took a few deep breathes before we carried on, once we reached the door I pushed the intercom button for the ward, “hello” a voice came from the intercom,  “Hello we’re here to see a patient of yours Billy Winkleman” I said   “Ok push the door and come in” the nurse said a buzzing noise came from the door I gently pushed it open and walked in with Jaxon following closely behind me, as we walked through the ward, nurses were coming far and wide to see the hunk of sexiness that walked on to their ward, we carried on until we found the main desk, “excuse me” I said to the receptionist, she lifted her head looked at me then at Jaxon, “yes what can I do for you?” she asked staring at, Jaxon while he was looked at me for a moment, “can you tell us where Billy Winkleman is we came to visit him?” I asked the nurse ignored me, “you two are together” she said like it was an impossibility, “no” I said at the same time Jaxon said “yes” we both looked at each other I was in complete shock, he just smirked at me, “which is it yes or no?” the receptionist said hopeful it was no, then I heard a soft voice behind me,   “Nova” I turned around it was Jean, I walked up to her,   “Thank god Jean, how are you?” I said while giving her a cuddle,   “I'm ok sweetie, Billy is doing great he’s back his old self?” she said   I smiled “Jean I'm so happy, so have the doctors said when he can go home?” I asked,   “He can come home tomorrow” she said I smiled at her, Jaxon had finally caught up with me, jean looked up at him, “Nova who is this long streak of gorgeous here?” she asked   Jean stepped around me, I smiled and watched how gooey eyed she was over seeing him, “jean this is Jaxon he is Billy’s boss and mine, Jaxon this is Jean Billy’s delicious and soon to be single wife I think” I said laughing “you cheeky thing” she said as we all laughed, “why Nova you didn’t tell me we would meet your sister?” he said as he kissed her hand,   “Oh, my goodness I hope someone catches me before I fall” she said as she became flushed in her cheeks, “I'll leave you two alone” I said giggling and walking in to Billy’s hospital room, Mark was stood by the window, Billy was sat up in bed I placed my bag on the chair, and walked up to the bed to give Billy a hug and a kiss on the cheek as I always did, “aww it’s so good to see you feeling better” I said smiling, Jean and Jaxon walked in, Mark and I always greeted each other with a hug we had become good friends, I walked round the bed to the window to where Mark was standing, I gave him a hug, “how are you mark?” I asked   “I'm good glad dads ok, how are you?” he said   “I'm ok thanks busy at work for the summer issues but all's right with the world” I said I noticed mark looking at Jaxon, “Jaxon this is Mark Billy’s son and Mark this is Jaxon my ...” “Boyfriend” Jaxon said before I had a chance to finish what I was saying, I was completely gob smacked what the hell was he doing?   “Oh, Nova you're a lucky girl” Jean said looking at me winking, I smiled to be polite, Jaxon caught my eye we held each other's gazed for a moment before turning our attention towards Billy and Jean, we spent a little time laughing, getting to know one another and making sure that Billy was comfortable, it was great to know he was well enough to come home,   “Billy before I forget I brought you a little present to go with something else when you get back to work” Jaxon said handing him the box he brought with him, Billy opened the box and unwrapped a metal plate that said ‘Billy Winkleman Maintenance Manager’   “Oh Mr. Parker thank you so much you didn’t have to do this” Billy said   “Billy I truly am sorry that your concerns weren’t taking in to consideration when you put them in, but I assure you, now I am back in charge there will be major changes for the future and all for the better” Jaxon said I watched him, he was so sincere and I knew he meant every word,   “it’s true Billy the entrance has already been transformed and will be finished on Friday, the heating and gas has all been fixed and renewed and the old machines in the basement have all been cleaned, fixed and brought back to life” I said talking to Billy,   “That plate there goes with your very own office that is designated in the entrance hall of our building” Jaxon said Billy was emotional and became speechless,  “Thank you so much to you both, if it wasn’t for you, I wouldn’t be here, Mr. Parker you’ve made an old man very happy” he said   “Billy call me Jaxon, you just make sure you come back to work, when you're ready, take all the time you need” Jaxon said the bell rang, to let all visitors know it was time to leave,   “that's our sign to go, it's good to see you Billy and I will see you soon, ok?” I said   “ok Baby girl see you soon” Billy said   I gave him and Jean a cuddle, I walked over to mark to give him a cuddle and Jaxon grabbed hold of my hand and pulled me close to him, our faces were inches away from each other,   “bye” I said   “Bye” Jaxon said he held my hand as we walked out of the room, he kept hold of my hand right up until we got outside, I ripped my hand away from his, “what the hell was all of that in there?” I asked Jaxon  “Nova calm down I know, please let me explain, I'm really sorry but I could help it?” he said   “What do you mean you couldn’t help it?” I said   “look please let me take you home and I will explain everything when we get there” he said   “fine” I said as I got in the car, the whole ride back to my place was silent neither one of us spoke, when he finally pulled up outside of the building,   “ok then … explain” I said   “Nova I'm sorry ok, I never meant to cause you any trouble” he said   “so why did you?” I asked   “Because I like you” he said   I looked at him, I couldn’t believe it, did he really just say that to me, “what” I asked   “I like you ok, when you gave Mark a hug, I was jealous, I wanted you to hug me, I wanted him to know you were mine” he said I stayed silent, I had no idea what to say, “Nova please say something?” he said   “I have no idea what to say, we only met three days ago, I was only dumped four days ago I don’t want to rush into anything and I have no idea what you see in me?” I said   “Look I'm not asking for marriage or for us to live together, I just want a chance to know more about the woman I find attractive, beautiful, kind, caring, sexy and very cute, I have an idea ok...be my date for the Charity Gala I have to go to on Saturday and let me show you who I am and if you don’t like me then I will leave you alone and never bring it up again but if you do like me just give me a chance” he said   I thought for a moment and I said “ok I will go with you” I said   “Really?” he asked me I nodded then, kissed him on the cheek got out of the car and ran into the building before he had a chance to hold me any longer, God I was so nervous I was shaking, had I made the wrong decision? Oh my god what would I wear? GIRLS I NEED YOU!!!! 
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