Episode 4 - Jaxon's POV

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"Lee can I asked who was the prick that dumped Nova?" I asked Lee "it was Bruno Chambers of the Chambers shopping center" Lee answered "oh god no not Bruno, he was the same jumped up little prick when we were at school how the hell did he land a girl like Nova?" I asked "well she went out with her girl friends, back before Bruno, Nova had more gumption is her little finger than Bruno has in his whole entire body, Bruno was chatting up one of Nova's friends he got a little handsy with her and Nova being Nova she stuck up for her friend, he ended up badgering her until she caved, at the beginning everything was great, he bought her gifts, lavished her with them but he never really cared, and slowly but surly he chipped away at her self esteem, her confidence and she's not even half the Nova she used to be, she's just been putting on a brave face, even with me which is unusual, I'm always the one she talks to" he said looking gloomy, "she maybe just needs time mate, come on I here you've got models coming in for photo's" I said trying to take his mind off Nova, god that girl was something else she really was close with Lee, like brother and sister, I hadn't even known her a day yet and she was already under my skin, what the hell is this? I asked myself trying to make sense of it all, the lift sounded again, If I turned my head any faster I would have gotten whip lash, I was disappointed when I realised it was the models for today's shoot and not Nova, the girls walked in Lee greeted them all using his devilish charm, I stood back and watched I crossed my arms across my chest and became like a hard shell, I had already let my guard down too much as it was, I needed to regain my composure, the girls walked around me touching my arms, "ladies let the boss man breath please stand in a line" Lee said and they did as they were asked to, "Jaxon, here we have, Portia, Kimberly, Talia, Rosie, Melissa and Ashley," Lee said "hello ladies its nice to meet you" I said "so Portia would you like to be the first for the individual test shots" Lee said Portia stood and posed in different positions, I watched as each other the ladies took their turn, a few moments later, I heard the lift PING again, I looked to see Nova coming out of the lift she never looked our way, I moved to a different place so I could watch her from the corner of my eye but still not be too conspicuous, I watched as she stood up from her desk and headed towards the lift again, "won't be long Lee be back soon" I said trying to catch the lift before the doors closed, as it happend i timed it perfectly, I walked into the lift and asked her "need some help?" "I'm ok if you wanted to stay with Lee Mr Parker" she said "Lee has everything under control, I'll be the brawn to your brain" i said she giggled and I smiled back at her, she must have thought it was unbelievably corny but hey she giggled it worked, "well thank you for the offer I'd love some help" she said the lift doors closed and I felt the lift move downwards, i noticed the button that was lit up was the one for the basement, the lift doors opened "ladies first" I said said "why thank you good sir" she replied as she stepped out, "BILLY, YOU HERE?" she shouted "hey there's my favourite girl" a older gentleman said as he walked out of the cleaning cupboard, and walked towards us, they gave each other a cuddle "what can I do for you today?" the old man asked "well you can join me for dinner tomorrow night as always and will you help me build a couple of things for the summer shoot" she asked "yeah to both" he said "perfect" she said the old man looked at me then at Nova, "oh forgive me BIlly this is Mr Jaxon Parker, he's come to spend sometime learning how the magazine works so he can take over and run the magazine for his father" she said we shook hands, "well welcome Master Jaxon" Billy said "thank you Billy and nice to meet you" I said "nova here is learning me the ropes on what she does to get the photo shoots ready for the monthly issues" I said "oh well your in good hands, this girl here knows exactly what's she's doing and she's always willing to help unlike that witch Wilma..." Billy was about to say something else when Nova interrupted hi, "uh oh well Billy I will come back down and see you later to go over everything is that ok?" she said we walked back to the lift, "see you later Billy" she said "see you later Nova" Billy said with a huge smile on his face, Once we were in the lift, I pressed the stop button, "What are you doing?" she asked me in a panic "why are you avoiding telling me how you really feel about Wilma?" I asked she stayed silent for a moment then she finally told me the truth "because I'm not going to stand here and talk about what a bad decision your father made by leaving her in charge," she said shocked that it had came.out of her own mouth, "oh really and why do you think he made the wrong choice?" I said "Wilma is a selfish, spiteful, vindictive, she is nothing but a b***h, she has forgotten why this magazine was made in the first place, all she ever concentrates on is attracting a rich audience instead of a real one, she has upped the price of the magazine and because of that alone, we've lost our regular readers, all she ever puts on the covers is unrealistic ideas of how men and women should look and no matter who is it she knocks anyone back who has a better idea than her because she didn't think of it and I don't just mean for myself I mean for everyone here at Northern Fashion Magazine, I'm normally the one who challenges Wilma but today I really cannot be bothered she ain't worth my time or effort because she never listens, anyway there you are Mr Parker" she said "you have my opinion" we stared at each other for what felt like forever, "very well your opinion is well noted" I said I was so impressed that she had the guts to say how she truly felt, she looked at me confused, but I just couldn't help but smile then I pressed the stop button to make the lift move again, next stop was the resources room, we got off the lift on the 3rd floor, as we walked through the corridor, the women on the 3rd floor were all gathering taking in what they saw and who I was with, as we reached the end of the corridor there was a store cupboard, when Nova opened itx I could see it had boxes of materials, paints, props and various light and effect machines, when she opened the door to the storage cupboard and walked in, the space between the shelving units was cramped, there was three racks floor to ceiling full of boxes, a small set of ladders stood against one of the shelfs, "this is where I get most of my materials from sometimes if you look hard enough you can get inspiration to add to the shoots your doing" she said "you mean like this" i said as he pulled a hat on to my head, it was a huge summer hat, she giggled "yeah just like that, it suits you, you know" she said making her giggle more, i took the hat off and threw it at her, she caught it and threw it back, she walked towards the ladder and set set it up, walked up to the top of it and pulled a box from the shelf, "here I can take that for you" I offered, "oh thank you" she said handing me the box, I placed the box down and reached up to get another one from her, she passed it down to me, I took it, as she turned to get down she lost her footing and fell off the ladder, as soon as I seen her fall I turned quickly and caught her bridal style in my arms, she had arms out waiting for the floor that never came, her eyes were tightly shut, "your ok Nova I've got you" I said close to her ear, I could smell her scent, and I felt the warm skin of her back, she weighed no more than a feather sure she was curvy but she wasn't heavy, I loved holding her in my arms, she slowly opened her eyes and was looking at me "oh my god I'm so sorry I didn't mean to...." she said as if she was doing something wrong "hey no its OK it's fine your not heavy or anything, I'm mean...not that ...I'm....saying that um your....um big or anything thing, ...I mean um ...um ...im sorry please forgive my big mouth" I said instantly regretting how I said it, then she stunned me with what she said I couldn't believe it why would she say something like that about herself, Bruno had a lot to own up for, "it's ok honestly I appreciate what you did but it's fine I know I'm fat... look I better go I got work to do, better not let the boss catch me skiving" i put her down, a sad expression on filled my face, she grabbed a box and walked away, I followed her back to the lift with another box, I couldn't leave it like this I had to say something, "Nova I didn't mean it like that please forgive me" I said she turned around and we stopped in our tracks, "it's ok honest Mr Parker, please let me know if there is anything else you need" and with that she walked off, leaving me stood alone in the corridor... Well I never seen that coming how could she say that then leave me hanging there, we dropped the boxes off on the 4th floor then went back down to the basement to check on Billy, when we got there, the room was full of the most horrendous smell of gas and it was so hot, "oh my god Billy" Nova ran to him, she checked his Airways, he was still breathing she placed him into the recovery position, I had used the office phone to phone an ambulance, "what happened here do you think?" I asked "well Billy's office used to be on the first floor but he got moved down here because he was told his office wasn't in keeping with the magazines image so he got moved down here and it's way too hot, I told him he could share the 4th floor with us but he didn't want us getting in trouble, I've been checking on him every hour since he came down here take sure he's OK" she said why the hell was he moved the basement used to be for the seamstresses not the maintenance staff, and there's something wrong going on down there, I will phone Jonny he can come and help me sort this mess out, the paramedics arrived and were shown down to the basement by Sally the main receptionist, Billy was taken out on a stretcher, "Nova go with him, its ok I will sort everything here" I saidto Nova "do you have your phone on you?" I asked she nodded "I will put my number in it so it you need anything give me a call" I said she got in the ambulance with Billy and was off to the hospital with him, I stood and watched as the ambulance drove away, no I need to get this sorted, I am not having anything like this happen again, Nova said Billy reported it but nothing was done about it, I think I need to look in the jobs file and find out why nothing was checked and how this place has become so dangerous, "hi Jonny I've got an emergency at my magazine company do you think you could take a look for me?" I asked "hi Jaxon mate, I can't come today I can come first thing in the morning" he said "no problem can I switch it all off u till tomorrow?" I asked "yeah there should be a mains power switch for it just shut it off from there and leave it off everything will be fine until the morning" he said and hung the phone up, right to call Lee and tell him where Nova is if he needs any help I will do it, "Lee, are you ok for a little bit on your own?" I asked "yeah why what's happened?" he asked "somethings going on with the heating system Jonny's coming to look at it in the morning, poor Billy has gone to hospital we found him unconscious, Nova's gone with him to make sure he's OK, I'm going to shut the heating off and block the basement off from anyone going down there I shouldn't be long" I said "take all the time you need I'm fine here" he said as I heard the girls giggling in the background, I used the stairs to walk down the basement as I opened the door, the heat hit me and there was a smell of gas flowing out of the door, I covered my mouth walked to the fuse box and gas box I knocked off the heating and turned off the gas, I walked out closed the door and put a sign on the door that said, 'DO NOT ENTER' not that anyone from upstairs would, from what Nova said I could tell she was the only one to come down here to see if Billy was OK, I decided to go to the entrance and take a look around, I asked the receptionist for a pad and paper, which she enthusiastically gave me, the whole place could do with being freshend up and more office spaces need to be, I phoned a couple of my closest business partners, all lads I knew from high school all in different areas of trades, Jason Thomas had a building business, Thomas carruthers was in painting and decorating, Noel Graham was in joinery, all of them had men working for them and teams that would work on certain jobs, I had a scaffolding business aswell as a mechanics garage, and the lovely Bruno chambers didnt have anything it was his parents that made him what he is today, his family own plant machine hire business Bruno and I have never seen eye to eye his father and me get on great, we both put alot of business each others way and it works well, all of us help each other out and every year without fail we have a charity ball, to raise money help Carlisle hospital, the homeless and children's charities, I asked all the boys to meet me at the magazine office at 6am in the morning to go over plans I want this place brought to the present hopefully a fresh new look and the right tools will make my employees find some inspiration. The next morning I was up and at the office, Jonny was down in the basement sorting the heating and gas out for me, I was currently listening to all of them whine about I got them all out of bed to be here at the office at this time, "SHUT UP YOU MOANING SODS" I shouted, they all looked at me shocked, "listen I know your all annoyed I called you here at this time but if you help me plan this out send me a group of your fastest and best boys then you can all go back to sleeping in your offices, we spent the next half an hour working out a plan of how to change the entrance without too much structural changed and how to add a few offices without loosing too much of the entrance, I also made a point of making a office especially for Billy in the entrance, it felt so good to make changes I knew were going to work and it was all thanks to Nova speaking of which she's here and she's really early, I had to speak to her, "right boys thanks for coming so quickly, we need a full over haul of this entire lobby, I want in brought up to health and safety standards, I want it to be cosy and welcoming, the basement I will be using for the sewing department, they will be moved down there so they can be near, everything they need, all the sewing machines, work benches and tools are all down there it's about time they were used" I said "right let's get going everyone" I said she walked out from behind the wall I seen her hiding behind, "I know you said you'd be in early but not with your own team of decorators, builders and plasterers" she said I turned smiling at her I couldn't help it "well this is my magazine and after yesterday with Billy I want to make this a great magazine again, great to read aswell as work for" i said "ok then" she grabbed hold of a paint brush from a near by table, "where do you want me" she said I stared at her my god I could tell her where I wanted her but I couldn't not yet I didn't just want her for that, i shook my head and she giggled "what do you mean?" I asked "well I'm here early to help I figured another pair of hands would be a help" she said smiling, "well Bobby is starting on the basement I was going to go and clean all the machines up cover them over and add a lick of paint to the walls to brighten the place up, I'm going to get all the machines serviced so the seamstresses have the right tools to work with" I said and without any warning she reached up on her tip toes, her hand held on to my arm for support and she kissed my cheek, I wasnt expecting it at all but I wasn't going to scare her away "sorry just it's good to see the old place being put to good use" she said smiling, i smiled back "shall we" she said as I linked her arm, "we shall" I said laughing we began walking off together, "NOVA SCOTT!!!" was the next thing I heard being shouted across the entrance all the boys were looking over to see Wilma walking towards me and Nova "WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING? AND WHERE DID YOU DISAPPEAR YESTERDAY AFTERNOON LEE WAS SHORT STAFFED HE NEEDED YOU!" She whisper yelled at Nova,no matter what anyone said I was not going to have anyone speak to Nova like that she hadn't done anything wrong I told her to go so I told the truth "that was my fault Wilma the maintenance man Billy collapsed due to the heating not being fixed Nova has been helping me, and yesterday I told Nova to go with Billy to make sure his family was told of what happend" I said, "oh oh Mr Parker I didn't recognise you dressed in your work wear" Wilma said retracting what she just said "obviously" i said, "yes well make sure you catch up with what you missed yesterday" she said "yes Mrs Woods" Nova said making sure she didn't get into anymore trouble Wilma walked off, Nova turned around at the same time as me she was giggling it was like music to my ear hearing her giggle "thank you" she said "thank you for what?" I asked "for sticking up for me normally I'm the one who sticks up for everyone" she said "well it was the truth I told you to go, it was the right thing to do for your friend and colleague, by the way Lee was fine, after you left I blocked access to the basement and went and helped him so that he wouldn't get behind" I said I stood there staring at him for a moment "you did that" she asked "yeah why wouldn't I?" I asked "well thank you" she smiled we both walked down to the basement and began cleaning the machines, Lee came in at 9 as always brought 2 bacon butties for me and Nova, we all sat in the basement, eating our breakfast, "thanks for the buttie Lee" I said "it wasn't...." Lee was about to say something when Nova butted in before he finished what he was going to say, "it wasn't busy on the way to work was it Lee?" she said "no no it wasn't and your welcome mate anything for my two best friends" he said recovering well "right I'm going to get cleaned up and start work before the wicked witch calls on me again" Nova said both of us laughed, she gathered her things together and began to walk off, "thanks for your help Nova" I shouted after me "your welcome" she said I couldn't keep my eyes off her as she walked away, Lee was looking between us both, "what" I asked "you like her?" Lee said "your crazy" I said as I moved uncomfortably in my chair, "she's a great girl but I don't see her like that" i said "sure you don't" he said laughing, ok so he was right I did like her already but I had no idea where this was going to go It was way too early to tell I wanted time to get to know her and for her to get to know me and without outside influences, my past relationships had always began with outsiders input and it only ever ended in disaster, I guess before I hadn't really put my whole self into it but with Nova I wanted to share everything with her and for her to share everything with me no matter where we ended up....
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