Episode 6 - GIRLS HELP ME!!!!

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Friday finally came around, I had asked lee if I could finish early, so I could meet the girls for lunch, lee had been teasing me ever since he found out I was going to be Jaxon’s date for the charity ball, I was so nervous and for once in my life, I felt so conscious of how I would look, I didn’t want to embarrass Jaxon, I had invited my best girlfriends Emily, Sarah, Franny and Emma, to lunch so they could help me pick a dress for my date, “so who's your date with?” Franny asked, Franny is the boisterous one of the group, she is not afraid to voice her opinions but she is loyal to her friends, she's kind, she is very beautiful, she has olive skin, jet black hair, she is tall and very slim, she works with, Emily, Sarah and Emma at Club Château Rouge, that’s where I met them all, I first met the girls, when I first moved to Carlisle, I began working at night in Club Château Rouge, for extra money so I could pay my way, staying with Lee, I still work there 4 nights a week I work behind the bar serving drinks and serving the private booths depending on the night, Club Château Rouge is a burlesque club, they are all amazing dancers “I'm just accompanying him to the charity gala and it’s with my boss Jaxon Parker” I said all of the girls gasped at me, “What? … what did I say wrong?” I asked as they all stared at me, “Jaxon Parker, as in the Play boy of our generation, Jaxon Parker?” Sarah said, Sarah is confident, about 6’ 4, long blonde hair, blue eyes, “Well, the one that’s my boss yeah” I said “Nova are you serious he asked you to go with him?” Emily said, Emily is 5’5 she has brown hair, brown eyes, she has 3 tattoos and all hidden under her costumes, she is soon to be married, her fiancé Bryan knows she dances and has asked her to change jobs when they get married, she's happily agreed and has been looking for another job, no luck as it is but I'm sure it won't be long before she finds one. “Yeah … is it really that hard to believe that a smoking hot guy would ask me out am I really that bad?” I asked getting very anxious, “Nova no, no one is meaning that sweetie just Jaxon is a player, he’s been out with every single rich girl in Carlisle” Emma said trying to reassure me but it wasn’t working, “Yeah, and the rest” Franny said instantly regretting what she said when she seen me look at her, I sat there quietly, what the hell was I thinking saying yes to Jaxon Parker he was way out my league the girls were right, I couldn’t hold it in any more, I got up from the table, grabbed hold of my bag and left, I ran out of the restaurant we were in and ran towards, Rickerby Park, a walk by the river would do me good, the river Eden was beautiful this time of year, clear water, fish swimming in the river, butterflies and bees flying between all the wild flowers and long grass, I walked along the river thinking of why the hell I said yes to Jaxon, over and over the same thoughts, all I ever wanted was to be loved, my mum left, my dad killed himself, Lee cared I knew that but lately it felt like all I was doing was annoying him or getting in the way, Bruno left because I wasn’t good enough, maybe he was right, was I the one they wanted to get away from, I had never felt so alone before, I seen a group of wild flowers mixed in between the grass, I sat down amongst them near the edge of the river, I watched the water flow, I listened to the wind gently blowing through the trees and the flowers, I placed my head phones in and listened to my music as I closed my eyes and enjoyed sitting in the warm sun, after a little while, it was getting late my phone had been going off since I left the restaurant, I sent Emma a message ‘hi em sorry I haven’t replied in a while, I needed some space, I'm heading home, see you the next time’ I pressed send, and headed home, when I got home, all the girls were sat on the stairs, I stopped and stared at them, “What are you all doing here?” I asked “well, we decided we had been a bunch of bitches and we are really sorry” Franny said “You probably don’t realize this Nova but you’re the glue that holds us all together before you we all just tolerated each other, we were competition but now … well we’re a family” Emily said “and if your willing to forgive us we want to help you get ready for your date” Sarah said I smiled and ran to them all we all ended up in a huge group hug, “i could never be mad at any of you girls I love you all so much” I said I let the girls into my flat, we got changed in to pajamas and had the best night, pampering each other, getting make overs and having some drinks, “right girls let's get some sleep tomorrow we’ve got to get up early and go shopping for Nova a dress that will have Jaxon parker weak at the knees” Franny said we all snuggled up in a pile and fell asleep...
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