Episode 8 - The Charity Gala part 2

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"ladies and gentlemen, please take your seats and get comfortable as we are now starting the auction for our very beautiful, ladies who have signed up to raise money for the many charities we are sponsoring tonight, the winners will be decided by the lady who wins the highest bid tonight, she and the lucky bidder will be wined and dined at The Grand Hotel for a 5 star meal so the first lady on my list is Celia" Celia got up and began prancing around the stage, "who will give me 50 pound" "50" Bruno shouted "100" an old gentleman shouted from the back of the room "150" Bruno said "250" another man said "300" Bruno said "1000" the older man said "1000 pound any more bids" the host said Bruno shrugged his shoulders and "gone sold to Mr Chester for 1000 pounds" me and carrie couldn't stop laughing, celia got off the stage she was furious at Bruno, "Carrie come on up on to the stage" the host said "now who will start the bidding off at..." "1000" her boyfriend shouted "1100" a tall man wearing a white suit standing at the bar had shouted, "1500" another man shouted "1700" someone else shouted I wat he'd in amazement, as so many men fought over Carrie she was a stunner, "1800" "2000" "2500" "3000" her boyfriend finally said, "going once, going twice, sold" the host said Carrie walked down off the stage, and sat back down where she was we were both laughing and talking together, there was another 6 women that went up, a girl called Angelina had got the highest bid at a wiping £10,000, "that's so amazing think of all those people that money is helping" I said and looked at Jaxon looking at me, "your a very special man you know that" I said I didn't know if it was the drink talking or if it was the fact I was so high on love and kindness that I wanted so badly to kiss him, "Nova, do we have a Nova in the room" the host said as I turned my head, I was shocked, jaxon looked at me, "go on babe you'll smash it" he said "no, jaxon I can't I don't want to please" I said "carrie go on stage with Nova" he said Carrie took hold on my hand, I walked up on to the stage, with her "well gentlemen what a stunner we have here" he said I was trying to hide away Jaxon was whistling along with Lee and the rest at our table Bruno had just moved to a different table others in the room had all joined in cheering for me, I was so nervous and my cheeks were turning red, I had no idea what I was getting myself in to or rather what someone else had got me into, "who will give me the first bid?" the host said "10 quid" Bruno shouted carrie and a few others boo'd him, "10,000" Jaxon shouted, my head turned so fast to look at him I thought I might get whip lash, gasps were heard around the room, "11 thou" "12" "13" "14" "15" it carried on just about every man in the room had a bid on me, I couldn't believe it, it had to be a joke, "50 thousand" Bruno shouted gasps were heard around the room along with whispers, "100 thousand" Jaxon shouted, "going once, going twice, sold" cheers erupted from the while room, Jaxon ran up on stage, I had my head in my hands, he swept me off my feet bridal style and carried me off the stage, he carried me outside into the garden, he finally placed me on my feet, "I can't believe you just did that" I said "did what he?" he said "paid all that money for me" I said "I would have paid more" he said looking at me, he gently caressed my cheek as he moved a small peice of hair that had gotten stuck on my cheek, "I'm not worth that Jaxon" I said "your right, your not worth that" my heart sank hearing him say that, my head fell and looked at the ground, "your priceless" he said I looked up at him, I couldn't hold it anymore got he was beautiful and he made me feel beautiful, I kissed him, once he had gotten over the surprise he joined in pulling me closer to him, we moulded to each other like we were made for each other, after a moment or two, we pulled apart to catch our breaths, "wow" he said "yeah wow back at you" I said "I hope you've enjoyed yourself tonight" he asked "I really have its been amazing thank you so much for everything" I said "well I hope we can do it again?" he asked "but next time it will just be us" he said "hmmmm I'd like that" I said as I smiled at him, "so when's the next time your free?" he asked "well fortunately for you I'm off on holiday all next week, and apart from visiting Billy I am free as a bird" I said "mmmm really?" he asked "well I'm sure we could plan some dates in, that's if you'd like to" he said "I'd love to on one condition though" I said "whats that?" he asked "I get to pay for the next one" I said "oooooo that's a tough one but ok you can pay for only the next one" he said "no I'll pay my fair share" I said "Nova?" he said "yeah" I answered "kiss me again?" he said "no that I'll do" I said, the night was so perfect a cool breeze blew through the garden that was lit up with fairy lights in the trees and huge church candles that lined the stone paths, our lips came closer together and as soon as our lips touched everything felt different, it felt tender and intimate, like he was savouring every taste, "come on let's get you home it's been a long night I want to make sure you get home safe" he said I smiled at him he held my hand and we walked to collect my bag then to the Limo we came in, I felt so comfortable with him, I felt like I was home, as soon as we were in the Limo he placed his arm around my shoulders and I snuggled into him, breathing in his scent, we finally pulled up infront of my building, he walked me in and up to my flat, I opened the door and stood inside, "thank you for seeing me to my door" I said "your very welcome" he said he moved closer for a kiss, I kissed him back, "see you soon and I will message you" he said smiling, "see you soon, I will look forward to your message" I said I began to close the door as he walked off down the stairs, once I closed the door, I stood with my back against the door giddy as I school girl I was so happy, I took my shoes off stripped off my dress wiped my face and got changed into my short pyjamas put my Tom and Jerry hoodie on, I laid on top of my bed and my phone decided to make a noise, when I checked it, I had received a message from Jaxon, hi baby girl, thank you for coming with me tonight, you made the night so much better for me, can't wait to see you again, where you taking me for our second date Jax xxx Hi handsome, thank you for inviting me, I had an amazing time tonight, as for our second date it won't be as fancy but it will be a whole load of fun Nova xxx that sounds interesting, I'm looking forward to it... Well I will say good night I have an important meeting in the morning talk tomorrow? jax xxx hope your meeting goes well tomorrow and of course we can talk tomorrow, sweet dreams Nova xxx I placed my phone on my dresser and fell into a peaceful sleep looking forward to what the weekend would bring...
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