Episode 9 - Jaxons POV being honest

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WOW was the only word I could use for anything today, last night was amazing, we raised money for the charity's and it was double what it was last year, that was thanks to Nova, she was amazing last night, she looked stunning, she makes me feel like a better man, I can't believe I won't be working with her this week, I might swap and go to another department so I can work with her when she comes back off her holiday, i know I haven't known her long but she's like an addiction and I'm hooked, I was hooked from the moment I met her, I want to know everything about her, every like, every dislike, every desire, everything she's passionate about, I know we're miles apart on the age scale but does that really matter if we like each other, plus I have to make sure my divorce is over and done with, oh my god I need to tell Nova, she can't find out from anyone else, hello gorgeous, hope your well today? are you free today? I would like to talk to you about something Jax xx I didn't get a reply straight away, or was I to eager to get a reply, I felt like a teenager waiting for the newest xbox game to come out for sale, then there it was the sound I wanted to hear, hi handsome, I am very well today, I hope your feeling well? I am going to see Billy this morning but I can meet you this afternoon if you'd like? Nova xx I am very well today, this afternoon would be amazing I have to go to finish a few things from last night, shall we say at Rickerby Park, at 2pm? Jax xx Rickerby Park, at 2pm sounds great see you then Nova xx I couldn't stop smiling, I got showered and dressed and headed to the Halston, to meet the manager and settle up for the gala last night and hand in my cheque for the Auction, Nova was worth every penny, as I walked into the reception of the Halston, Bruno I and Celia were stood at front of the, making a scene as always, poor Emily the receptionist was trying so hard to calm them both down but Bruno wasn't a man to treat people nicely he was ... well he's an ass, I walked up towards the desk, "good morning Bruno, what's going on here?" I said "non of your business Jaxon" Bruno said "well I might be able to help... good morning Emily how are you this morning?" I asked the receptionist, "what seems to be the problem?" I asked "good morning Mr Parker, I am very well thank you and this couple have..." she was cut off by Bruno, "this hotel is a disgrace, we haven't received the service we payed for and I am not willing to pay the bill for poor service" Bruno said I took my wallet out of my pocket and pulled my credit card out, "Emily would you please charge Mr Chambers bill to my card please" I said handing it over to her, I knew there was nothing wrong with the hotel it was 5 star, its was Bruno and his 5 star ego he was basically a tight bastard and wouldn't spend a penny if he didn't have to, "thank you very much Jaxon coke Celia we have appointments to attend" he said walking off, "there's your card Mr Parker" Emily said sliding it across the desk to me, I pushed it back "do me a favor burn that for me" I said "yes sir" she said giggling, I met with the manager of the Halston concluded my business with him and then left to meet, Nova at Rickerby Park, as I drove through the park, I seen a woman stood by her motorbike, as I got closer there she was it was Nova, I pulled up beside her and got out she smiled as did I when we seen each other, "hi" I said "hi" she said back she moved towards me and I to her, and we both gave each other a hug, he head laid flat against my chest, I knew at that moment she would be able to hear how fast my heart was beating because of her, she was stunning as always but she had this, naughty addition to her, her motorbike suit, was stopped off to her waist and hanging down beside her legs, her round robust bosom was pearing out the top of a strappy top, her small waist and her round hips and gorgeous round bottom, my god I wanted to reveal her naked body right there and then but I knew I had to be patient I didn't want to spoil anything we had, we pulled apart, I look at her for a moment, she's looking at me with her huge brown eyes, through long lashes, now was my chance I needed to tell her, "Nova I need to tell you something?" I said he smiled faded which I knew it would but at least she was still here "ok" she said "ok so listen to me before you say anything then you can tell me what you think ok?" I said "ok I will listen I promise" she said I took a deep breath "I was married... technically I'm still married my divorce is going to be settled very soon, I wanted to tell you before before you found out, I have know idea what is happening between us or what could happen tlbetween us but I don't want to risk anything that would stop that" I said hoping it wouldn't put her off me but everytime I was with her it made me feel like I was home, it was like I had known her all my life, I sat and looked at her, then she finally spoke, "Jaxon I have know idea where we are going either I want to have fun and enjoy whatever time we spend together, everyone has a past, you married young and for whatever reason you both weren't happy and have decided to end it, I appreciate that you told me you were right to be honest with me I would have hated finding out from the papers or anyone else so thank you, if you ever want to talk about anything I'm here for you" she said oh my god I think I'm in love she's so understanding and so caring towards everyone she meets, she doesn't pretend to be something she's not, she smiled at me, and placed a hand on my cheek pulling me out of the day dreaming I was in, "hey" she said she lifted up on her tip toes and kissed me, so gently on my lips, she was so warm and tender, I wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her into me, I pulled away from her smiling "come on let's go" I said "where we going?" she asked "follow me ok I'm going to make you dinner at my house" I said she ran to her bike lifted her suit back up and put her arms back in it, lifted her helmet up and put it on, and she set off following behind me, I loved on the out skirts of Carlisle in a village called Houghten, I bought land there when I first got married and its only since the divorce started 3 years ago I started building my own house on it, I've lived there 2 years now on my own I've never brought anyone back, if I've been with a girl before I've just checked us in to a hotel, Nova would be the first woman to see it... I followed Jaxon on my bike, as we neared the village of Houghten I looked at all the beautiful fancy houses along the way, we turned left and drove down a long track its was covered either side with beautiful big oak trees, and we got to the end of the track it opened out, and there infront of us was the most beautiful house I had ever seen all modern and so secluded out of the way, the whole building was grey slate and glass it was stunning, the drive way curved in to a circle, Jaxon packed up and I parked next to him, he got out of his car, ran over to me and took hold of my hand "come on I want to show you everything" he said I ran up the stairs holding his hand, I felt like a naughty school girl, everything was so exciting, he unlocked the door we walked in and I was in awe of everything, the whole place was open plan the living room area was sunk into the floor there were three steps into it, a beautiful open fire pit that you could see from anywhere in the room, a kitchen equipped with every mod con you can think of and floating stairs that led to the upstairs, the whole back of the house looked out on to and amazing view of the sea and green fields that led to it, it was mesmerising, as I walked to the window at the back to see the view better, a swimming pool, jacuzzi and garden bar were all in the back garden, with a huge grassy area perfect for at home picnics, it was stunning, "oh wow" I said "glad you like it" he said "I love it, your very lucky you've got a veiw only someone like me could only dream about" I said "yeah I am pretty lucky" he said looking at me, I smiled when I looked at him and caught him looking at me, I began taking my suit off, I pushed it off my shoulders and began to work it off my arms, when the top was off I walked to the sofa and sat down taking off my boots and pushing my suit down to the bottom of my ankles and off over my feet revealing I was only wearing a pair of shorts that stopped mid thigh, I stood up dropped my suit over my arm and carried my boots over to the coat pegs that were near the door, when I turned around Jaxon was there "Nova I know your not there yet but I want you more than I've wanted anything in my life, I will wait until your ready, I just want you to know your beautiful and very sexy" he said I blushed, I couldn't do anything but stare at him, then animal instinct kicked in, I jumped up and wrapped my arms around his neck, I pressed my lips against his, then softly whispered him his ear, "I'm all yours" "mmmmm a naughty girl I see" he said "you can count on it" I said winking at him, "are you sure this is what you want?" he asked me, "right now you are what I want Jax" I said it must of been the way I said his name but he swept me off my feet bridal style in his arms, "oh jax please don't hurt yourself I'm too heavy" I said "no your not your perfect" he said I smiled he made me feel like I was lighter that air, I kissed him as we walked up the stairs, he kicked his bedroom door open, carried me to the bed and gently laid me down, he stepped back from me, he began taking his top off, then up fastening his pants and pulling them down to the floor, I sat up on the edge of the bed, I sat there drinking his entire body in, his arms shoulders and back were strong and broad his tummy wasn't completely flat but it was firm, my god he was sexy as hell, his shaft was long and thick, all I could think of was would I be able to handle it, I couldn't wait to find out, I stood up in front of him, I began to kiss him, my hand found its way to his shaft that was getting longer and harder as soon as I touched him, he pulled back and smirked, "now its your turn baby girl" he said purring in my ear, I stood in front of him and nervously lifted the bottom of my top up, "baby girl are you sure you want to do this?" Jaxon said softly, "I don't want you to be disappointed in what you see?" I said, "let me show you that your not a disappointment no matter how much you think it" he said he smiled I smiled back, he gently placed his hands around my back and pulled me closer to him, he stripped all my clothes from my body, I tried to cover myself but he wouldn't let me, his lips traced kisses from my neck down to the middle of my chest, I couldn't help it my body reacted to him like he reacted to me, he moved down my body kissing every inch of it, I felt so beautiful and wanted I'd never felt like this before every nerve in my body responded to every kiss every touch, it was perfect that was until, "hello Jaxon my love" a woman's voice came from the door way, he quickly covered us both up with a blanket "what the hell are you doing here" he said....
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