Episode 3 - Jaxon's POV

4200 Words
"Dad we need to find out what's happend to the magazine? it's the only business we have that's losing us money and it never used to" I said to my dad, "ok fine but I don't want to know about it, just fix the problem I've got enough to worry about with your mother, I don't need to.worry about the magazine to" he said "deal" I said so now all I needed to do was pretend like I didn't know what I was doing, work out what works and what doesn't and why the magazine is losing customers, and fix it, easier said than done but I do know someone on the inside, RING....RING.....RING....RING "yo Jaxon bro where you been all my life?" lee said on the other end of the phone, "hey Lee man how you doing?" I asked "I'm doing great what you up to?" he asked "well I wanted to asked you the same, how about dinner my treat" I said "perfect the usual place" he said "yeah man see you in half an hour" he said and that was it, I was ready and out the door withing 20 minutes, the place we were meeting was an old favourite of ours michelangelos, the best Italian restaurant in Carlisle, all authentic Italian recipes and fresh ingredients, I took a taxi to the restaurant, Lee was waiting for me at our table, thanks to Alessandro the owner, Lee spotted me and stood up to greet me with a hug it was good to finally see him after all this time, it had been a while but he was always my best friend, I phoned him often and we both kept in touch, Lee told me about this Nova girl living with him, how she was an orphan and she had a bad up bringing I have to admit I thought she would sleep on his sofa a few nights take his money steal anything she could sell and he'd never hear from her again but I have to admit I was wrong about her, she's been best friends with Lee for 4 years now so she can't be all that bad, "hey mate" I said as we hugged each other, "it's good to see you to bro how have you been?" he asked "I've been great, finally got Club Château Rouge up and running, the Condo's I built overseas are built and being used as holiday homes for the rich as we speak" I said "Mr Money bags there, plus the other two clubs you've got and the casino" he said "don't forget the burlesque club on South Street" I said laughing "of course not" he said chuckling and taking a swig of his pint, "ok so there was a hidden reason why I asked you here apart from the fact you my best friend and I wanted to see you" I said "oh thanks he said sarcastically" he said "go on tell me then" he asked "ok so you know my dad's been looking after my mum since he retired right?" I said "yeah" he answered "well the magazine isn't doing as well as it used to so I'm coming back to run it but I don't want everyone to think I know what I'm doing, I want to know what the reason is why it's not doing so well i haven't told dad yet but there was an anonymous letter left at the house for him" I explained "what did it say?" Lee asked "here take a look" I said as I handed him the note 'you should take more notice of what your staff are doing?' "what the hell does that mean?" Lee asked "no idea but I need your help" I said "ok deal I'm in but I'm not doing any freaky s**t" he said "deal" I said as we toasted and clinked our glasses together, we spent the night reminiscing about old times, about how crazy we both used to be and how different our lives had become, the next morning Lee woke up at my studio apartment, over looking Carlisle City center, we were both hung over, I was in the kitchen when Lee walked in, "morning" he croaked "how much did we drink last night" he asked "too much how the hell did we even get home?" I asked "I can't remember" he said "come on let's get washed, dressed and I'll treat you to a maccies breakfast" I said smiling "deal I'm going in the shower first" he said Lee went and got in the shower, his phone started ringing on the screen it said my Nova, I just left it to ring while I made a cup of tea and took some pain killers with a glass of water, Lee walked to the kitchen sat at the breakfast bar, he borrowed some of my sweats and a t-shirt, "right my turn there is pain killers in the draw" I said as I walked off wishing my head ache and nausea would go away, I hopped in the shower, god it felt good to wash my sins away from last night the warm water relaxing my soothing my aching muscles, I placed my hands against the wall of the shower and let the water fall down my body, when all of a sudden I felt a small warm pair of hands wrap around my torso, "mmmmm hey baby miss me" a gravely voice came from behind me, "Monica how lovely of you to join me" I said as I turned around, "mmmm the pleasure is all mine" she purred into my ear, "Monica what are you doing here you know you only come here once a week and that has been and gone for this week" I said I know it might sound harsh but I'm not looking for a relationship or rather I am for the right woman and I haven't met her yet when I do Monica and the others are history, besides Monica is not my type sure she's beautiful but she's just not for me, she has jet black hair, olive skin, very small frame if she fell she would bruise like a peach, green eyes, fake boobs, fake ass and she uses that much make up on her face I'm not sure what she truly looks like, "oh baby come on we were made for each other" she said trying to look cute, "Monica get out" I said he face changed anger rose up in her eyes, she stamped her foot, got out put her long coat on and ran out of the flat, I finished off, got out, got dressed I wore shorts, a t-shirt and my trainers, I did feel a little better once I was sorted I was ready for something to eat, I walked out to the kitchen, Lee was sitting up amd looked alot better than the state I left him in, "ready?" I asked him "who was the girl" he asked "oh it was Monica I told her she can stop by once a week, she over stayed her welcome this week and didn't like it when she was told to leave" I said "oh right ...yeah I'm ready dude" he said "maccies here we come" I said maccies was what we called our favourite little cafe, Lee's mum owns and runs with his dad, Lee's mum Michelle, named the cafe after her dad, Billy McDonald everyone called him Maccie and it stuck, when he died he left Michelle alot of money and because they both loved to cook, she ploughed it into the cafe in memory of him, 15 years its been going now and it will always be my favourite place to eat, we walked down to my garage and got into my car, it was a 1969 Ford Mustang Convertible, in lagoon blue, it was my pride and joy and what a beautiful sunny day it was perfect for taking her for a ride, we both jumped in and the engine roared to life, it was music to my ears, we set off driving through the town centre, girls stopping at each traffic light to flirt, guys cheering as we drove passes them, pulling up in to the car pack in front of the cafe, I left the top down, we walked in and were greeted my Michelle, "AHHHHH MY BOYS" she screamed she gave Lee a hug first then seen me and said "get here you, you've got alot to answer for Jaxon Parker buggering off and not coming to see me" she said smiling so happy to see me back in her cafe again, "what will it be boys?" she said "full English please mum" Lee said "and for Jaxon what will it be?" Michelle said "ooooo your famous full English please" I said "two full English breakfasts coming right up" she said and walked off in to the kitchen to start making them, "so when do you start back at the magazine?" Lee asked "tomorrow bright and early and you can't tell anyone Lee not even Nova, I know I don't know the girl but you know what I'm like about trusting people?" I said "yeah I know" he said "I promise I won't tell Nova you know if your going to be here for a while you will have to meet her" he said "maybe" I said sarcastically "you know you shouldn't be such a snob she is amazing inside and out..." he looked at me then changed his mind, "you know what when you meet her and you will, you'll find out what she's like and you'll see you'll love her like I do" he said "I doubt it but ok we will see what happens" I said Michelle came out with our breakfasts, "right boys here's your breakfasts enjoy and there on the house my treat since its your first time back" she said winking at me, "thanks mum" Lee said "yeah thanks Mrs J" I said "your welcome" she said heading back into the kitchen, once we were finished I was starting to feel more like a human being rather than feeling like I was having an out of body experience, "Lee sweetie when you see Nova, will you give her this and tell her to stop by when she can it's been too long since I seen her and she needs to help me with this new recipe she has for polish cake" Michelle said as she walked to the table holding a brown paper bag with something in it, "yeah sure what is it?" Lee asked "err never you mind nosy neb just make sure she gets it ok?" she said I know Lee wouldn't look but Mrs J saying that made me want to take a peek, how did a girl of only what 21 worm her way in to Lee's family like this, maybe Lee is right maybe I do need to give her a chance or maybe I'm justified in what I think, I guess I will find out soon enough, mmmmm I wonder where she works? anyway enough can't think of her right now I need to get us back home so we can work out a plan of how we are going to find out who sent the note to my dad and what's been going on at my magazine, we both stood up, "SEE YOU LATER MUM!" Lee shouted to Michelle to the kitchen, "BYE SON" she shouted back "BYE MRS J" I shouted "BYE JAXON AND DONT LEAVE IT TOO LONG BEFORE YOU VISIT AGAIN?" she shouted "I WONT" I replied we walked out of the cafe got into my car and drove off back to mine, "so whats the plan?" Lee asked "well we need to find out who wrote the note and why? and we also need to know who are they meaning and what has that someone been doing?" I said "well I will keep my ear to the ground everyone one time or another comes up to my floor to see me about something so I will ask questions be nosy see what I get back" he said "good lad, I will spend a week in each area and make out like I'm learning everything from scratch see if I can hear anything then we will eliminate everyone until we are left with the answer" I said "perfect" Lee agreed, After a couple of hours writing lists of all the employees in the whole building including the maintenance staff, cleaners and even the delivery staff, we had some where to start, Lee left about 6pm to get ready for work the next day, I was looking forward to putting the magazine back to where it should be back on top... "oh wow what a beautiful morning?" I said to myself the sun was high in the sky and it was only 5am I put my sweat shorts on and a vest my trainers and went for my morning run, it was one sure way to get my blood pumping in the morning, I had weights at home so I always did my weight training after my cardio, I had finally got to where I wanted to be, I was happy, that's all that mattered to me, I am 6 ft 3, long, dark brown curly hair, full dark beard, tattoos, piercings, broad frame and muscley, I wasn't any weight lifter but I looked after myself, after and hours run, I jumped in the shower, brushed and tied my hair up in a man bun, I wore white shirt, denim jeans, black shoes and a black blazer, I drove my car to the office and parked outside, I strolled in, I went straight to Wilma Woods office our temporary editor and chief, 830am on the dot, I stopped in front of the receptionists desk, "yes could I help you sir" the girl said behind the desk, "yes could you tell Mrs Woods that Mr Jaxon Parker is here and will be starting work from today" I said the receptionist was shocked, "yyyyyes of course sir I will" she said she got up and stumbled to the door, went in, Wilma walked out of her office, "Jaxon darling so good to see you" she said as she walked towards me wearing a designer skirt and jacket ensemble with a fur wrap around her shoulders, "hello Wilma, I am here to start work" I said "oh right no one told me you were starting?" she said "no the email must have gotten lost some where?" I said "I will head to my office shall I" I asked "oh Jaxon your office is not ready at the moment why don't you used an office on the 4th floor until its ready then we can move you up here?" she suggested "well I'm sure that would be fine or I could share your office with you" I suggested "er ....um ... why yes of course you can Jaxon let's get the maintenance crew to get a desk brought up for you" she said while showing me in to the office. "call an emergency meeting this morning please I want to speak to all the employees" I asked "yes of course Jaxon right away" she said Wilma pressed the intercom button "Paula phone every supervisor and get everyone to the conference room for an emergency staff meeting this morning at 10am" she said "yes Mrs Woods right away" Paula's voice came through on the intercom, "right I'm going to get a coffee from the kitchen I will see you at the meeting" I said and I walked out, I went to the nearby coffee shop and got a coffee brought it back just in time for the meeting, I decided I would go to the conference room and watch as people came in to see who would talk and who wouldn't, as I stood by the lifts I was zoned in on by a group of models, I heard the PING of the lift when a woman bumped in to me dropping her files and her pencil she had, "I'm so sorry please forgive me, my friend was pulling me too fast and I didn't see you standing there," she looked up at me with the biggest and most beautiful eyes I've ever seen, there were like warm melted chocolate, I had picked up her pencil I stood smiling at with her pencil in my hand "thats OK no harm done" i said smirking at her, she slowly got up from the floor our eyes never leaving each others we were both mesmerised by each other, the next thing I knew Lee was running to her he took hold of her hand and pulled her along with him after he said "Nova come on we are going to be late oh hi Jaxon we can't stay got a meeting don't want to be late come and see me" so that's Nova wow she was beautiful, stunning, wow I can't believe I've never met her before and I certainly can't believe my so called best friend kept her away from me, well he didn't really I didn't want to meet her because I thought she was stealing my best freind away from me, I guess she wasn't I must see her again but first the meeting I walked towards the conference room, Wilma nodded to me as she seen me at the door, then she faced everyone and begun the meeting "good morning everyone, we have organised this emergency meeting as there will be changes made to the way the magazine is being run here to explain is the owner of the magazine Mr Jaxon Parker" Wilma said introducing me into the meeting room, a round of applause was heard in the room, "good morning everyone, as you've just heard my name is Jaxon Parker, from now on I will be here to work alongside each and everyone of you, you all will be my teachers, I want to learn how my magazine works these last few years, I have been completing other projects I had started before my father retired and now they are out of the way my time is now free to concentrate on learning and making this magazine the best it's ever been" cheers and clapping is heard around the room, "so please go back to your floors, I will be visiting each of the floors in turn, spending a week with each one if by the end of the week I feel I need to spend more time there I will if I don't I will move on thank you for taking the time out of your busy work days to see me and I will speak to you all very soon" I said, i had already spotted Lee and Nova at the ask of the room in the corner, as soon as I finished, most of the models and younger receptionists wanted to know more straight away so they all gathered around me, I spotted her try to seek away with Lee from the back of the room she looked at me then quickly looked away I had to know more about her... "so where do you want to start first?" Wilma asked me, "I will start on the 4th floor" I said knowing full well it was Lee's floor maybe he could tell me more about Nova while helping me with find out the truth about Northern Fashion, Wilma smirked "excellent idea Jaxon, call me if you need anything" she said walking away, I headed to the 4th floor when I got there, Lee wasn't there but there she was Nova sat at her desk drawing, "knock knock" I said but she never moved she couldn't here me, I gently tapped her on the shoulder, "ARRRGGHHH" she screamed jumping from her chair, she took her head phones out of my ears and put her hand on her heaving chest, "oh my god you scared me" she said oh my god she's beautiful, being this close to her I can see how perfect she is, curves in all the right places, her breasts like pillows I desperately would love to place my head on, "I'm sorry I didn't mean to frighten you, I tried saying hello but obviously you didn't here me" I said pointing to my ear, and trying to distract myself from wanting to take her right there, "sorry I work better when I drown outside noise out" she said "it's ok we all have different styles of working" I said as I smiled at me, she stood staring at me for a moment until she cleared her throat, "so what can I help you with sir?" she asked oh now I couldn't have her call me sir I wanted her to say my name "oh please don't call me sir call me Jaxon and I decided to start with your department first, Lee is an old friend of mine and I'd figure I could catch up while I learn about his department and staff" I said "oh well he's just nipped to the baguette bar, I am sure he won't be too long your more than welcome to wait, can I get you anything, cup of coffee or tea?" she asked "thank you that's very kind of you ..." "oh Nova... my name is Nova" I she said "a beautiful name for a very beautiful lady" she was unbelievably cute she blushed bright red like she'd never heard a compliment before from a man that wasn't her freind, wait but what if she hadn't I couldn't believe it, surely any man would see how beautiful she is "so was that a tea or a coffee?" she said as she walked towards the kitchen, my god what is she trying to do to me, her curvaceous bum and hips swaying side to side god I'd love to sink my teeth in to it she was stunning, oh god my d**k is getting hard as we speak I need to change the subject, "I'll have tea please" I said "how do you take it?" she asked oh my god what was this woman doing to me? "milk and two sugars please" I answered as I turned away from her I couldn't look at her any longer, her body was calling to me all I wanted to do was take hold of her and make her mine, as I turned I noticed the papers she had been working on before I came in, they were amazing so real, I'd love to see these in the magazine, "these are really good, why haven't I seen these before?" he asked she walked over to me and handed me a cup of tea, "these are my personal designs, the ones Wilma asks me to do are in this envelope to go up, she approves them, then I get to work with Lee making the back drops scenes and props, Lee sorts all the models and Maggie the seamstress and I designer gather all the clothes that's in fashion and brings them up here for the models to change into" she explained "so why don't you send any of your designs up along with the one's Wilma asks you to do?" I asked her she stayed silent and stared at me like she didn't know how to answer, the next things "HEY JAX HOW ARE YOU DOING MATE?" Lee shouted from the lift, damn it I wanted to know why she didn't maybe I could ask Lee without him thinking I'm too interested I need to play this cool, Nova walked away when Lee came in with the envelope full of the ideas she had done for Wilma not hers, Nova picked up the envelope and walked towards the lift, she got away this time I guess, "so I met Nova" I said to Lee "yeah and?" he asked "she seems nice" I said "she's a really good freind Jax" Lee's said "why doesn't Nova use her designs in the magazine?" I asked "what do you mean?" Lee asked "well Nova worked on some amazing ideas but she never sent them up to Wilma" I said "Nova's tried a few times but Wilma has always sent them back and criticised them, normally Nova give her a flea in her ear to chew on but we'll she's not in the best mood today" he said "oh right it's that time of the month is it?" I asked "what?! eww no bro it's not she got dumped last night by her prick boyfriend, she's not even broken up about him leaving its what he said to her it's really effected her and normally it doesn't i think he might have broke her spirit" Lee said all of a sudden it became clear I had misjudged her in so many ways, thankfully she didn't have any idea how badly I'd judged her, time to put it right for my own peace of mind ....
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