Unexpected Trouble

1935 Words
Mystara places a bittersweet strawberry mint leaf on her tongue to suck on and hands one to her nearby friend. There is a slight breeze in the air today, granting them comfort in the shade under their favorite willow tree. The long tendrils of greenery hanging from the tree sway together letting beams of sunlight dance in every so often. She picks the petals off of a small white flower while remembering the thrilling sensations that were running through her body the night before. It drove her wild like she was having an orgasm. She couldn’t explain it, but she felt herself getting wet just thinking about it. Thinking about wanting to run, needing to run from the Keep.. As if, she were being called by some unknown force. Mystara found no rest after that, only tossing and turning through the night. Her eyes slowly close for a time and then open again to the sound of her friends soft voice. “What do you think your mate will be like, Myst? I want my mate to be an elven king!” Tellvara giggles. “Okay, he doesn’t have to be a king. But I would be more than happy to be mated to a mysterious elven man. Maybe a forest elf, with green eyes?!” “To he honest, I hadn’t really thought about anything past his long hard sword.” Mystara jokes and they both laugh for a moment before she says the next part more seriously. “I don’t know, Telly. I want him to be strong. Stronger than other men. Strong enough to withstand my persuasive illusions and deathly cold touch. But I want him to see me as his equal. He will my king even if he isn’t a king at all and I want to be his queen.” Tellvara reaches out to take Mystara’s hand in understanding. For most frost witches, even after they have mated there are few ways you can actually remain with your lover due to their cold nature. Some have even lost their lovers between heats and some have mated with mere mortal men with short lifespans. Not many from their coven have found lasting happiness with a mate. To change the subject Mystara whispers loudly to her friend.. “Did you hear the rumor that Danica mated with two men inside of her at the same time?! She never knew who the father was!” They both let out deep well needed laughs that echo through the Keep. “I can’t wait to have a daughter, Myst. I hope Vaneesha blesses me with many beautiful daughters for our coven. How about you?” She questioned Mystara. “You will be a great mother!” “I’m not so sure. I think I would be too serious, like my own mother. She is kind and understanding, but where affection should be are her duties to the coven.” Her own honesty shocks her. She had never truly thought about the kind of mother she would be someday. “Mystara! You and your mother are both natural born leaders. It is no secret how powerful your daughters will be, whoever their fathers are. Your own father was the general of the Northern Ice King’s royal forces and you have surpassed many witches much more practiced than you. Come to think of it.. Your mate is going to have to be strong.” The afternoon light is getting warmer and brighter as the sun rises high enough to shine directly down into their secret Keep. Even with the continuous breeze in the shade the witches were beginning to warm up, Mystara quicker than usual. She can not understand why. But how could she know it’s because her mate is close, very close. But closer yet, is a more threatening problem. “Let’s have an early lunch out here today.” Exclaims Telly, full of energy while Mystara is feeling foggier than ever. Maybe some cold water will make her feel better. “Sure, Telly. I’ll make a salad if you make the tea..” Just as Mystara reaches the edge of the spring’s creek, a wave of dizziness comes over her. She raises her hands to place her fingertips on her temples and sits down quickly in the cool grass. Something forces her to look up. Groggily, she raises her head to the sky, but does not see anything. It is almost as if she can feel a disturbance. Mystara’s intuition is going crazy. And then.. She thought she saw.. Shimmering! An illusion! “TELLVARA, we’re under attack!” Mystara’s voice pierces the air sending a bolt of terror through both witches. Mystara jumps to her feet pointing to the sky as her friend races to her side. Tellvara uses her enchanted ring and instincts to send a storm of icy razor sharp leaves into the air above them. The chameleon wyverns trick is up! Mel does her best to blow the leaves away with a gust of her wings. Only a few stray leaves get past, one of which barely slices the high cheek bone of the wyverns rider. Infuriated, Mel sends a second gust of wind directly at the two witches below making them lose their footing. Mystara easily sends out a dozen foot long ice spears into the sky at her opponent. The wyvern dodges and glides with expert precision, continuing it’s downward trajectory. Gathering her strength, Mystara creates a wall of ice rising up from the creek just in time, in hopes to protect them. Feeling faint she staggers back, almost falling to the ground. All around her elven sleeping potions hit the ground, sending small thick purple clouds into the air around her. Quickly, she freezes her nostrils closed with ice and holds her breath. They have to get to the cabin! The moment the chameleon wyvern touches the earth below, it begins shifting into the colors that match its surrounding. Tellvara sends her own smaller version of ice spears out, while her Druid’s ring makes a vine burst from the ground and wrap tightly around the wyverns neck. With a panicked twist of her entire snake like body, Mel whips her long tail into the icy wall that separates them from each other. While doing so, her tail smashes through the wall and crashes into Tellvara. Her frail body goes sailing through the air, landing in a crumpled heap on the ground. Mystara begins to scream hysterically, inhaling breaths full of sleeping powder. She scrambles on all fours through chunks of ice in the grass to get to her beloved friend. She grabs her Telly into her arms and lays her on her back. Blood was trickling from the corners of her mouth as she looks up at Mystara. This is wrong, this is very very wrong! Tears fill their eyes as they hold each other. Mystara can feel the life dimming in her sweet friend as her own head begins to grow heavy. “Take the ring.” Tellvara’s shaky fingers hand her the Druid’s Whisper. “I love you Myst..” With her remaining strength, Mystara places the ring onto her own finger. She can still sense the warmth of her friend within the ring. Mystara can feel two warm hands grab her firmly at her arms and then pull her wrists behind her back. She does not know if she was pushed or if she laid down willingly, but she gazes into her friends dimming eyes for the very last time. As the frost witch looses consciousness, Rasmus carefully restrains her hands behind her back with an enchanted white rope. This particular rope is braided from unicorn hair, which disenchants anything it wraps around. If it works on other magical creatures, it should surely work on the frost witch as well. Cutting her off from using her icy powers, as far as Rasmus could assume. Once Mystara’s hands are secured, Rasmus inspects the palms of each witch looking for his marker. Unfortunately, the injured witch wore the Scorpian’s Kiss upon her. He was unsure of how many witches he would find once he entered their hideout, but was willing to make the necessary sacrifices. He assumed as well, if any other witches were present that they would have made themselves known by now. Still, he takes a quick look around to confirm his suspicions. After the Keep is cleared, he returns to Mystara. For the first time, Rasmus looks down at her sleeping face and sees that she is quite beautiful indeed. Any man would be happy to have her, especially Prince Vareon. He takes her in his arms and carries her to his wyvern. Mel takes one sniff and shrugs her wings indifferently before lowering herself for her master. Rasmus noticed that Mel was not offended by this creature and that it was strange she did not growl or try to snap her head off. He wonders about this as he climbs into his saddle and places the sleeping witch in front of him, between his legs. As they lift off the ground, Rasmus looks down into the ancient Keep that protected the witches for centuries. Below him lies the remains of his visit. Mystara’s head leans back against Rasmus’s neck. He looks down to see her ample cleavage slowly rising and falling in a rhythmic pattern with her breathing. Then his gaze is drawn to the infamous moonstone at her throat. There are so few known to be left in the world. His fingertips move to caress the stone, but instead he is surprised to receive a bit of a jolt. His hand is thrust away, landing lower towards his captives breasts. His hand cups her rib cage just below the roundness of her chest and he resists the urge to feel her. He might be a blood thirsty mercenary, but he still has his own moral compass to sail by. They were making good time, at this rate if they flew into the night.. They could reach the Elven Kingdom before daybreak. Suddenly, three harpies fly up into the air and surround them. Harpies are extremely territorial as far as sharing the sky goes. Two dive in at once, one aiming for Mel’s neck while the other went for Rasmus. Mel takes a slice to the neck before biting and ripping off one of the harpy’s wings. An awful screech goes into the air as the creature plummets to the forest below. The two remaining harpies attack frantically, flying in and out, slicing the helpless wyvern that trying to be aware of its passengers. Rasmus lets loose a bolo to whip through the air, closing the wings of the harpy attacking Mel. Two down, one to go. Out of nowhere, the third harpy tackles Rasmus and Mystara off of the saddle by grabbing at their shoulders with her talon like feet. Rasmus is quick enough to stab the harpy in the air, causing it to let go of them. Falling through mid air, Rasmus looks down at the beautifully unconscious witch below him with her hair and dress blowing up around her. Mel swoops down and roughly catches Rasmus just in time as Mystara continues to falls closer to the tree tops.
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