Dead Or Alive

1963 Words
Rasmus hits the saddle of his wyvern hard enough to knock the air out of his lungs. He scrambles to look over the edge with wide eyes. His frost witch and his gold are plummeting to their unexpected elimination and there is nothing he can do about it. Suddenly, he feels himself being jerked back in the saddle as Mel decides to make a daring plunge for the witch. Rasmus did not expect this kind of behavior from his wyvern.. She had made the quick choice on her own to attempt the witch’s rescue. The harpy slices in his arms sting as he hols onto the saddle with all his might. It seemed for a moment that they would catch up to the falling witch, but as she falls into the treetops Mel pulls up hard and fast unsuccessfully. The tops of trees snap and crack as the wyvern and its rider go crashing down into the forest. Several yards away from his wyvern on a leaf covered forest floor, Rasmus finds himself waking up. After he comes to, with lightning speed he is on his feet surveying his surroundings with his piercing Elven blue eyes. Mel is close by. He can see her long invisible shimmering body slammed into a row of large ancient trees, with the saddle smashed to bits and scattered amongst them. He reaches for her through their bond and feels nothing.. Panic fills his heart as he races to close the distance between them. Like some sort of ninja assassin, he kicks himself back and forth between two trees until he is high enough to jump over the lifeless wyvern. Landing lightly on his feet, he can see where Mel crashed through the forest canopy, hit the ground, and then slid about forty feet before hitting the row of trees. If Rasmus had not been so worried about his wyvern, he may have noticed just how neat and efficient that row of ancient trees actually is. As though, they had moved into place to catch the giant falling creature. His hands rest upon his motionless invisible friend as he leans his ear in close to listen intently for a heartbeat. A breath. Any sign of life.. Nothing. Nothing but his own heartbeat, beating frantically. Rasmus growls loud and angry. His emotions all at once are exploding from him as he slams his fist into a shimmering nothing. When he did so, there was a flash of white. It looked a lot like Mel’s scales if they had no color. Without much thought he slams his shoulder into her and again a flash of white scales appear. Again and again, angry and hopeful, he crashes into her not knowing what else to do. Suddenly, there is a burst of rainbow colors shimmering over her entire scaly body and then her wing flaps hard as she regains her life force. A gust of wind catches Rasmus off guard and sends him rolling onto the ground. He can feel her bond coming back to him. Had she died? Had she actually died for a moment?! Mel’s body had still been shimmering though, as if she were caught between life and death. Thankfully she is conscious now, but extremely weak. Rasmus crawls to Mel and wraps his arms around her maw, careful not to touch any of the fresh wounds. Harpies and their nasty talons. He could kill every last one of them for this! His attention goes to their bond. She is hurting. Something isn’t right somewhere.. If it’s her wing.. Rasmus tries not to let his thoughts into their link. Instead, he tells her to be still as he cuts loose the reins and saddle. When Mel’s limp body rolls free of the saddle, she lets out an ear piercing screech into the previously quiet forest. Her broken wing sloppily unfolds to show a messy s***h in the patagium, the skin between her fingerlike wing bones. It’s a nasty wound, not just a simple slice. There is no way she will be able to carry her rider, if she can even fly at all. She will have to make it back home alone without Rasmus and the witch. The frost witch! Rasmus had nearly forgotten about her altogether during his sorting of their tragic accident. Mel was his one and only concern. There is a chance he can repair her wing and soothe her wounds. But where in the Forest of TerraVita could that witch be? Oh, no. Dread fills him from head to toe. She’s dead. There is no way she could have survived that fall. Now that he has stopped for a moment to take in his defeat, he too can feel the soreness of his injuries. “Ahhh! Ahh!” A woman’s scream can be heard through the trees in the distance. Could it possibly be his witch? Through the mind link Rasmus tells Mel to hide herself and that he will return as soon as possible to tend to her. The wyvern bids him to go quickly. He is not sure what has gotten into her lately, but he runs in the direction of the continuous horrified screaming. Leaves barely crunch underfoot as he runs and leaps over roots and through pillars of sunlight coming down from above. Shades of browns and greens in every direction he looks. High above Rasmus within the forest canopy, he beholds a fantastically remarkable sight that he rapidly analyzes. The witch is alive! But for how long, surely depends on Rasmus. Mystara’s hands are still bound behind her back by the enchanted unicorn rope. She is laying on a swinging net constructed of dark green vines. This very net was made when the Forest of TerraVita sensed the Druid’s Whisper and Mystara’s illustrious bloodline combined, calling out for help through her unconscious mind. Even now the branches of the nearby trees are growing and moving outwards towards Mystara to create a barrier around her. Imagine her surprise when she woke up hanging high enough to fall to her death if she rolled more than two feet on either side of her. Her hands helpless behind her, clearly with some sort of enchantment binding them. Then before she could really understand her dire situation, a harpy dives and crashes through the canopy. When the vile feathered creature made of half a naked woman and half an unnatural fowl sees Mystara, it’s face lights up. A shrill call is released into the tree above her. Suddenly, two branches on either side of the harpy quickly close together capturing and crushing the creature. This is when the branches began to reach out and grow around Mystara as well. Her heart is beating rapidly at her closeness to a creature she has only read about during her studies. Not to mention, the fact that the very forest around her seemed to be alive. Was it going to crush her too? No she could sense that it was not. The Forest was protecting her for some reason. Just then two more wild and angry harpies come crashing through the forest canopy. At the sight of their fallen comrade, they rapidly start trying to rip at the barrier around Mystara. Within her, she can sense the forest’s energy and essence. She closes her eyes and begins to help the branches entangle around her with the power of her ring. Mystara lets out a sudden whimper of pain as she takes a talon scratch to her thigh and feels herself once more at the cusp of unconsciousness. Her strength and energy is not what it should be. She finds her thoughts to be cloudy. When she thought there was nothing more she could do and was about to let go, Rasmus leaps onto the gnarled ball of branches. He had scaled the majority of a large tree quickly by jumping from branch to branch and using small hand dangers to help when needed. With lightning speed, he flips over one harpy stabbing it in the back with both small blades before slicing upwards hard to remove the wings. Immediately the second harpy releases her talons from the cluster of branches to escape, but not before Rasmus sends a whip from his hip to grab ahold of one of its legs. With all his strength he pulls and swings the nasty creature into a large branch causing it to smash its head and fall lifelessly to the ground below. Satisfaction fills Rasmus at the thought of the creature having to suffer until it dies. Rasmus looks down at Mystara and can feel relief from the forest as the branches slowly begin to pull away. When the branches have cleared, gracefully Rasmus drops down onto the net of vines to join a barely lucid witch. He checks her over with his eyes for any injuries. As he leans closer to lift her, the vines begin to lower them down to the grown, forcing Rasmus to clings onto the net at either side of Mystara. She feels the warmth of this unknown body on top of hers and picks up the scent of the wind from his hair. The powerful heat within her takes control, granting her the energy to wrap her bare leg around his to pull him tight against her core. Heavy lashes flutter open revealing her glowing blue eyes, another sign that her heat is upon her and she is ready to mate. When they finally reach the forest floor, Rasmus grabs ahold of her soft thigh sticking out from under her plain black dress and removes it from around himself. He stands up above her with his lithe muscular body clothed in a black leather mercenaries suit. She notices his brilliant white hair and blue eyes, she has always wanted to see the Sky Elves in person. Mystara’s heat subsides momentarily as she remembers seeing him once before.. And then suddenly her anger comes to the surface in a wave as she recalls the death of her beloved friend. Just like that, her moment of hazy lust disappears along with the glowing of her blue eyes to be replaced by the greatest amount of rage she has ever felt. Rasmus takes a quick couple of steps backwards and prepares himself for anything. While on her knees, the ground and air around Mystara begins to grow icy cold as a ring of three inch icicles spread around her like ferocious spikes. There is an intense aura of energy around her. She closes her eyes and lets out long breath of white air before her body goes completely limp. In an instant the cold is gone, the ice melts, and Mystara falls once again unconscious to the ground. Slowly, Rasmus steps across the damp moss to approach the exhausted witch. He kneels down and moves the brown hair from her face before cautiously lifting her into his arms. Her body is burning hot to the touch, even through the material of her revealing dress. He holds her close to him as he makes his way back to his wyvern. There is no doubt that this witch, creature, or woman is certainly among the most beautiful he has ever seen. No prettier face or desirable body could be found in any palace or w***e house in the elven cities, that’s for sure. She is going to make someone very pleased and if Rasmus can possible resist her, it isn’t going to be him. A chest of gold can fill his desires better than any woman.
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