The Elven Mercenary

1962 Words
Clusters of large white clouds are rolling across the pink morning sunrise, causing the sky elf’s long shadow to disappear and reappear continually from the ground. The same gentle breeze that makes the clouds glide through the sky and lifts the wyverns up to join them, blows through his long white hair. As Rasmus walks he raises a strand of leather to wrap around his hair, restraining it low at the back of his head for his flight. His pace is steady and determined, though, his feet are beginning to feel rather heavy as if his boots were made of steal instead of supple black leather. They always feel heavier when he knows he will soon be taking to the sky. Today is the day. Today he will attempt his most challenging task yet. Tracking down the Frost Witch’s lair was complicated enough. The mission spanned over the course of several months, but indeed it was worth every coin. Rasmus meticulously scoured through ancient scrolls and scripts looking for any clue to where he should search, along with his own theories. Obviously, their environment had to be somewhere that was naturally cold. His guess was that their seasonal retreat was within a short traveling distance from their coven. There was only one missing link at that point that would put all of the pieces together. A small village must be nearby in order for them to stay supplied with their basic foods and necessities. Week after week he flew high above the tallest mountain peeks capped with snow to get a glimpse of anything that would lead him in the right direction. There were many vast mountain regions dotted with small villages, it would take him ages to search each one. Then one day, by luck, he happened to spy a small road-like ledge leading down from an snowy fog covered mountain. A mountain peak too perfect for concealing frost witches. It was more of a path than a road, but it happened to lead right down to a rather sunny and serene location before heading further off to a small sustainable little farming village. Flying on what was mostly a hunch he circled around for a while and noticed a rather odd formation on the side of the mountain. He flew around the small peaks on his wyvern and that is when he knew for sure. There were no shadows between the rock crevices and he couldn’t see the old familiar shadow that his wyvern usually casts upon the objects below. The illusion technique used for this sort of camouflage has become well known to the sky elves. To confirm is suspicions, he flew around nearing the base of the mountain looking for any entry point that could lead to this particular area. His confident attitude was beginning to change into aggravation. He knew he was getting close, but it was taking too long to figure out their clever little puzzle! There was an area he wasn’t able to see well enough from the sky, because the tip of the Forest of TerraVita grew up dark and thick along the side of the mountain. He wondered if that would make the perfect cover and so he landed his wyvern at the forest’s edge. After some time of walking along the base of the mountain between its rocky wall and the enchanted forest, he noticed something that caught his eye. Sure enough, Rasmus Skillwing of all the creatures to search for the frost witch’s lair during the last few centuries has finally found it. There before him was a narrow crevice in the side of the mountain. To any other, if they noticed it at all, it would seem to be a narrow cave entrance. When you look inside it is pitch black but large enough to walk into. From the outside, Rasmus waved his hand with his ornate silver Ring of Perception over the entrance in an arching motion. A dozen runes in an arch began to glow, subtly at first and then more obvious and intense in a brilliant blue light. He was almost dumbfounded, it was hard to believe that he could have possibly found something known to be impossible to find. The runes were ancient so not every one of them was recognizable to him, but there was a clear enchantment here with a warning not to enter. Well, he certainly could not stay here forever to find out. What if a frost witch did appear? He would be dreadfully unprepared. From a small leather satchel on his hip, his long slender fingers reached in to pull out two small black seeds. Carefully, Rasmus placed the Scorpion’s Kiss in the ground where it immediately took root and grew a lovely delicate vine that curled up alongside the entrance to the cave. A single bud appeared halfway up the vine, it will bloom soon and when it is picked a marker shall be placed. Then he will know for sure that a living creature has came to the cave entrance and by then he will be prepared to glide down into their camouflaged lair. If he tried to go through now, there is a chance he could break the barrier that creates the illusion and the witches would be onto him. For now, only time will tell. On the particular morning of his mission, Rasmus was feeling rather restless. He had spoken to the eldest Prince Vareon nine days ago. Nine days should be enough for a frost witch to fully enter her heat with sufficient time left over for her to be mated. There is actually no telling what he may find when drops down into an their unknown world. The marker on his map is a single scorpion flower etched in the center of a mountain and it hasn’t moved from that area in the past nine days. Rasmus is willing to risk it all for the gold. He had gathered everything he would need to travel and obtain the witch. If it is going to be one day’s travel through the air on his wyvern, he packed enough supplies for at least four days on foot if need be. Rasmus placed a few more useful items into his black leather shoulder bag as well. Only a Seerer could know for sure if they will be of any use. As he approaches his wyvern she fluctuates into shades of green which means she is happy to see him, but he can already feel this in the bond they share. He tosses his bag up onto the dark brown elven carved saddle. Both of Rasmus’s hands go under the long neck of his scaly friend to give it a good stoking. Different shades of iridescent green glide along under his hands. Chameleon wyverns are very affectionate, which is really no surprise since their emotions are directly tied to their color changing camouflage. Despite their friendliness and loyalty to their master, a chameleon wyvern can be quite fierce. This certain breed is well known for its quick color changing, agility, obedience, the ability to bond with it’s master, and their unusually long lifespan. “Who’s my girl, Mel? Is it you? Huh?!” Rasmus hugs one side of his beloved pet and then swoops under her neck to love the other side. Mel is an exceptionally beautiful chameleon wyvern that is smaller than most. She is only forty feet long and sixteen feet high, with two shining pearly white horns that spiral straight out the top of her head. Just then she raises her two large wings that also act as her arms. Her immense wings spread open and change an array of rainbow colors, showing how much she truly cares for her bonded master. They have been together for two hundred years with two hundred more to go. “This is going to be a day we are never going to forget, Mel my girl.” Rasmus can sense a low growl in her throat as he turns to see a beautiful sky maiden closing in on them. Her long elegantly sheer navy blue dress is draped over one shoulder and held with a fine silver clasp in the shape of a seven pointed star. The wind is blowing the thin material tight against her body, revealing her every curve and hardened n*****s. “A day you’re never going to forget? How did you know I was coming?” Airania purs like a sultry fire kitten and flashes her pink tongue across her lips. Wetting them in a provocative way. “I could smell your sweet juices on the wind. I’m already hard for you..” Rasmus growls teasingly. He takes his lover in his arms, this is the best he could have hoped for. One last release before he leaves home to seek a creature who will be so desperate to mate, it’s going to be a struggle to resist. Rasmus kisses her soft lips and trails small love bites down her neck. She lets out a moan and he knows he has to have her. He takes her by the hand and leads her to the nearest building on his family’s property, the small one used to store extra saddles. Inside the room it is small and dark with floor to ceiling shelves and one shuttered window, allowing minimal light to enter. Without haste they meet at the mouth and delight in the sweet taste of each other’s wet tongues. With precision and speed Rasmus pulls the pin that is holding both the clasp and dress together at his lover’s shoulder. The dainty material floats to the floor exposing her completely naked slim body. Her breasts are small, full, and firmly placed high upon her chest. Rasmus likes to pinch his fingertips around her n*****s, causing them to harden before taking them into his mouth one at a time. Placing his warm mouth between her legs is usually the first thing he does, he hasn’t the luxury to do so this time. He is on a schedule and needs to regrettably make this a quick one. Which is only going to piss Airania off, but he is willing to deal with that after he gets back. Rasmus removes his hardened member from his pants before he hoists his graceful sky maiden up, so her legs are wrapped tightly around his waist. She holds onto the shelf up behind her for support. He grabs her ass and pulls her into him, entering her wetness with ease. They both moan at the instant pleasure. Rasmus takes her quickly, slamming her down into his c**k. She moans wildly at his exciting pace! He can feel her core tightening around him. “Oh! I’m about to.. to.. Ohhh!” She moans. He pulls out fast and rubs the head of his bursting member onto her bundle of nerves, causing them both to let out a series of blissful moans. They are both hot and panting as they clean themselves up. Rasmus kisses Airania’s exposed breasts one last time before she slips back into her dress and out of the little building. When he steps out into the fresh air of the still early morning, his lover is nowhere to be seen. Feeling more focused on his task ahead, he gives a whistle for Mel to scoop low for him to jump into the saddle. The wind fills the wyvern’s wings as they take to the sky.
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