Chapter 9 - Family is safe

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Myra's POV What am I going to do now? My uncle didn't even have the heart to ask me why I came here or at least where I am. I didn't tell him that I came here illegally, then how come he accused me of such a thing. My parents send me here believing that mama will help me. Did papa call mama and tell him why I came to France? He might be terrified after hearing that Italian don is chasing me. That can be the reason for his rude behaviour. What am I going to tell Elisa? The phone is still in my hand and she might be thinking that I am talking to my uncle. I have to make an excuse. What if she finds out that I don't have any documents or the worst that I am being chased by the Italian don? I can't take the risk of getting out of this house and being caught by the police. I quickly thought of some excuse to make and I got one. "Okay mama, I will do something. Take care, bye." I deliberately said it in English. I hope Elisa understands English. "What happened dear?" She asked, noticing my sad expression. "I think I will have to return back to Italy without seeing France." I said sadly. "Why?" "My uncle and family have gone to London. He went there for a business trip and his family accompanied. He went two days back for a month. I don't know anyone else here other than my uncle. I will leave as soon as possible." I said and was about to go back to the guest room when she stopped me. "You already had a bad experience when you entered this country and now it has gotten worse. But believe me dear, the people here are not that bad. You can stay here until you return. On second thought, you can return back to Italy with my nephew Luca. He is on his way. Spend some days here and I am sure Luca will be delighted to show you around the city. For now, take a rest. I am going back to the shop. I have prepared lunch, you can serve yourself when you are hungry." She said and left through the front door. I went back to the guest room and laid down on the bed. Thinking about my future just made me nuts. I didn't have anything to do. I don't even have a phone to call my parents and inform them what happened. But what if I got the chance to call them? Will I be still able to tell them the truth? No, they will be broken if they get to know the truth. They are already worried about me and I can't make them agonize over me. I will have to find a way myself. To get myself out of all the thoughts, I got up and unpacked my bag. I didn't know what my mother and Sofia packed for me. They have packed most of my dresses and unbelievably my laptop. It was in between all the dresses so that it won't be damaged even if the bag falls. I took it out and put it on charge. I need to contact Sofia or my parents and the best would be through mails. I hope Elisa will have an internet connection. I started to keep my dresses back in the bag and that's when I heard the phone ringing from downstairs. What if it's mama calling back rethinking about his words? I got up and ran down but before I reached the phone stopped ringing. I was about to go back when it rang again. I grabbed the phone at once and answered the call. "Hello." "Myra, is that you?" Mamma was on the other side and hearing her I went silent for a few seconds. "Myra beta, can you hear us?" Papa asked. "Papa, I am here." I couldn't say anything more as a wave of emotions made it difficult. "Are you alright? Did you reach there safely? Did you meet mama?" Mamma and papa asked one after another. "I am fine. I did reach here safely. I haven't met mama yet. Actually, he is out of station. For now I am safe. Luckily I met a nice couple. The wife is Italian and so I didn't have any problems communicating. She allowed me to stay at her place until I managed to get another place. What's the situation there?" I asked. "They found out about your escape. They questioned us and we were able to play innocent. For now they have believed us. They are searching for you everywhere. For now we are safe but we can't leave the country until you come back. We can live our life normally except for the fact that we will be on watch. Don't call us again before you get your documents. Try to keep us updated about your through mails. Use our sign language. Take care dear, bye." Even after the call got disconnected, I stood where I was holding the phone. I left a sigh of relief. Now I atleast know that my family is safe. I believe no one would track me that easily as we used Hindi language to speak. Even if they find out that it's me to whom they talked, they won't be able to catch me easily as I am in another country. I think I should try to go back to India. After sometime my family too can join me when the don forgets about me. I should find some way to get a visa document. After keeping the phone back on its stand, I went and sat on the couch. About ten minutes later, the front door opened and Elisa and her husband Lucien came. Lucien smiled at me and said something to his wife. Elisa whispered something in his ear and he smiled. "Buon pomeriggio, sei a tuo agio qui? Per favore sentiti a casa e non esitare a chiedere qualsiasi cosa." "Good afternoon, are you comfortable here? Please feel at home and don't hesitate to ask for anything." "Good afternoon sir, thank you so much for allowing me to stay here. Thank you for your concern and I promise to find a place soon. You speak Italian really well." I said, "No, I am not that good, it's better if I speak French. I can understand Italian, so you can speak to me but I will need her help." He pointed at his wife. "Did you have lunch?" Elisa asked. "Not yet." "Then come, let's have lunch." She and Lucien walked to the kitchen and I followed them. Elisa took out the plates while Lucien helped her to heat the dishes. I looked around but couldn't find any table. "We don't have a dining table here, it's outside." Elisa pointed towards the back door. Lucien took the plates and walked to the door. He turned the knob and the door opened, giving me a glance of the backyard. He walked out and I followed. There in the middle is a small glass roof under which a table for 4 is being set up. There is a passage to the table from the back door. The rest of the backyard was filled with flowers of different colours. How good it would be to have your meals in such a place. By the time I enjoyed the view, Elisa had set up the table. "Take your seat Myra." We talked a lot while eating lunch. After lunch I helped Elisa to clean up the table while she washed the dishes. Lucien went back to the shop while Elisa went to her room after telling me to rest. I went upstairs to the guest room. As soon as my head touched the pillow, I slept. When I woke up, it was already four in the evening. After freshening up, I went down and there was a surprise waiting for me. A young man sat on the couch talking to Elisa. He has his back towards me. When Elisa saw me she smiled and that made the man turn around and there sat the most handsome man I have ever seen. He reminded me of the Greek god I have heard in the stories. I couldn't take my eyes from him, let alone move. I stood rooted while he stood up and walked towards me. "Hello, I am Luca Amanto." He extended his hand. "Hello, I am Myra Shah." I extended my hand for a handshake. He took it and electricity passed through my whole body making my legs wobble.
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