Chapter 10 - A new friend

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Myra's POV It wasn't easy to control my expression when I looked at him. I am sure my milky white skin will now be like a tomato. I tried to smile and hide my nervousness. I tried to avoid his gaze and went to sit with Elisa. I have never felt like this seeing any other men or it be because I have never been that close to any man. Yeah, that's right. I haven't ever dated anyone, not even gone for a casual lunch or coffee. It's not because I am not beautiful. Sofia always says that I don't need any makeup to stand out in a crowd. I have milky white spotless skin, brown eyes, an oval-shaped face with a button nose and jet black long silky hair makes me look pretty even without makeup. I did get a lot of proposals since the time I was in High school. I always rejected them all mainly because my culture didn't allow me to adapt to European culture. Elisa was telling Luca about me. She told him about my uncle being out of station and so I am planning to return back to Italy. "You don't have to return back to Italy just because your uncle is not here. You can stay here with aunt Elisa. How long are you planning to stay in France?" Luca asked. "I haven't decided yet. I just want to explore France before starting my career." I replied. "I can help you with that. I'll be here for a week as I have some business to finish here. Would you like me to be your tour guide?" Luca asked. Oh my God, how can I refuse him? Sofia would have definitely left her boyfriend if she got such an offer. What should I do? If I refuse him, then I will have to give an explanation. How am I going to tell them that I am a legal immigrant? Will he be willing to be my tour guide after knowing that I don't have any legal documents? A debate went inside my head which continued until Elisa pulled me out of my thoughts. "Myra, you haven't answered him, he is waiting." "I don't want to bother you. I think I should go back and come back another time." I just tried to sound normal. "You just said that you came to visit France before you started your career. Then if you go back, you won't get such an opportunity again." Luca insisted. "Okay fine, I'll stay for a week but I'll pay for my stay." I didn't want to be a burden on them. "If that makes you happy, I will accept it. It will be one Euro for a day. That means you will have to pay me 7 Euro for a week." Elisa said with a smile. "So, that's decided. We are starting to explore France tonight itself. Get ready by seven." Luca said and went upstairs. "Luca darling, you can use Sam's room. Myra is staying in the guest room." Elisa said aloud. "Elisa, do you have any internet connection? I have to check my mail. Actually I have sent my resume to many companies. I just wanted to check if I got any response or not." Wow, I can't believe how easily I am lying. I haven't lied even when I was a kid and now I am just making one after another to save myself. "We do have a Wi-Fi connection but we haven't been using it lately. I don't know if it will still work or not. I mean we haven't renewed the connection in a while. I am sorry. But you can use the Wi-Fi connection in our shop. Actually we own the whole building. We have given the coffee shop on rent after Sam went to the States." She explained. "Can I go to the shop right now and use the Wi-Fi?" I asked eagerly. "Definitely dear, I will come with you. Do you have a laptop or iPad with you?" She asked. "Yes, I'll just go and bring my laptop." I ran upstairs and took my laptop which was on charging. When I came out of the room, Luca was standing at the doorway of the opposite room. "Where are you going in such a hurry?" He asked. "I am going to Elisa's shop. Actually, I want to check my mails and she doesn't have a Wi-Fi connection here. So I am going to use the Wi-Fi connection at her shop." I replied. "You don't have to go anywhere. You can use my dongle Wi-Fi." He said and went inside. He came back quickly holding a dongle. He held it out in front of me leaving no room for me to refuse. I have to take it or else he is going to stay in front of me wearing just a sleeveless shirt and trousers. His well built body is just so inviting that I won't be able to hold myself for longer if I didn't avert my eyes from him. So I took the dongle and turned the round but stopped remembering that Elisa will be waiting for me downstairs. "Don't worry I will tell aunt Elisa that I have given you my dongle." I heard him walking away and descending the stairs. I let out the breath I didn't realise I was holding. I quickly shut the door and locked it. It took me a few minutes to compose myself and settle down on the bed. I switched on my laptop and connected it with the dongle. I can't sign into my old account. So I first created a new account and then mailed Sofia in her private account. I wrote a detailed email describing everything that happened after leaving her house, even about Luca. I also asked her not to tell my parents about my uncle. I wanted to check my old email account but what if it's been hacked. I decided to close the account permanently and was about to login when someone knocked at the door. I quickly shut down the laptop and opened the door. Luca stood there with a smile. He was holding two cups in his hand. "Would you like to have some coffee? Aunt Elisa went to the shop and I wanted to have coffee. I have a very weird habit. I never drink coffee alone, I need company. I made one for you too. Do you drink coffee? That must have been my first question." He chuckled. "Yes, I do drink coffee. Thank you so much for the coffee." I took the cup from him and was about to close the door when he said. "I think you didn't hear me correctly. I said I can't drink coffee without company and that's my habit." "I'm sorry, I just forgot. I will be down in a few." I said, "There is a balcony over here, we can sit there." Luca pointed towards the third room which I believe is of Elisa's daughter. "But that's your cousin's room!" I asked. "Don't worry, aunt Elisa is just like my mother and she has given me full freedom in her house." Luca walked to the room and turned the knob and opened the door. He gestured for me to enter and I followed him. This room is bigger than the guest room and has a pink touch in everything. There's a big family portrait behind the bed. A beautiful girl with red hair and blue eyes is embracing Lucien. A younger version of Lucien is hugging Elisa from behind. The photo will definitely bring a smile on the lips of whoever sees it. Luca walked straight to the balcony. He opened it and I stepped out but there was nothing to sit on. "Myra, please hold this." Luca gave me his cup of coffee and went inside. Soon he came back holding two bean bags. He placed it on the floor and sat on one of them after taking the cup from me. I looked at him and then at the bean bag. I have never sat on a bean bag before. "Have you not sat on it before?" He asked. "No, it's really low. I mean it's just a few inches above the ground. What if I spilled the coffee?" I asked. "You won't spill your coffee. Give your cup to me and then sit." I did as he said and sat on the bean bag. It's so soft and comfy but I either have to extend my legs or fold it backwards. After I settled down, Luca passed on my coffee. I looked around and understood that the balcony is facing the backyard. I could see the outline of hills at a distance. Evening breeze caressed my hair and made it fly. "Tell me more about yourself." Luca t a said, suddenly making me flinch. "There is nothing much to tell about myself. I am an Indian by bir6th. My parents came to Italy when I was just twelve. Since then, Italy has been my second home. I graduated recently and am currently looking for a job." I said. "Are you looking for a job in Italy or in France?" He asked all of a sudden. "To be frank, I need a job ASAP. It will be great if it is in France." I said, "You said that you came here to visit the places. Are you hiding something?" He asked, making me startled. He is a stranger and it's not at all safe to tell him the truth, I thought. He said as if reading my mind. "Don't worry, I won't betray you. I surely know that you are hiding something." "I am sorry I can't tell you." I said. "You are not telling me because you are afraid. So, I am not going to ask you anything until you tell me by yourself." His words made me relax. We continued to talk and this time it was on general topics. Soon the weirdness between us disappeared and started to like him. "Myra, I want to tell you something about myself. I have no friends because of my straightforward nature. I haven't talked to anyone this much in years. It felt like talking to an old friend. Myra Shah, will you be my friend?" He asked. "It was really nice talking to you and it would be my pleasure to have a friend like you." I accepted the friend request.
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