Chapter 8 - A big shock

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Myra's POV "You can use the guest room if you want to freshen up." Elisa said, "That would be really nice of you. Thank you." I felt really grateful. "Come, let me show you the room." I followed her. She walked straight to the stairs and took me to the first floor. The ventilation of the villa was really good. It gave a positive vibe to the house. There were three rooms on the floor. She took me straight to the second door on the left. "This is our guest room. You can use this until your uncle comes to pick you up. The other two rooms belong to my children. Only Luca uses this room whenever he comes to meet me." Elisa explained. "Thank you so much for your generosity. You didn't hesitate to help me even though I am a total stranger to you. I would really have been in trouble if I didn't meet you. Thank you." I expressed my gratitude. "You are my guest and why wouldn't I help you, afterall you are from my country. Your motherland is always the best place in the world. Don't you think so?" She asked. "Yes I agree with you. Even though I have spent the best part of my life in Italy, I love my country the most." I said. She left me to relax. I closed the door after she left. It's a normal room arranged neatly as if waiting for someone. I placed my bags on the floor and checked the room. There's a small washroom in the room which gave me relief. I quickly unpacked my trolley bag and took out my pants and shirt and other necessary items. I went to the washroom and took a nice shower. The warm water relaxed my tired muscles. I came out after 10 minutes and got changed. Then I packed my dirty clothes in a plastic bag and kept it back in my bag and closed it. I will have to leave this place as soon as my uncle comes. After doing my hair, I went down but Elisa was not there. I didn't know whether I should go and check for her in the kitchen or other rooms downstairs. I could see three more doors other than the kitchen door. I decided to wait for her in the hall itself. I was about to sit on the couch, when the phone rang. I didn't know what to do. It might be my Mama or it might be someone calling Elisa. "You can take the call. It will be your uncle because no one else calls us on that phone except for Luca." Elisa came out of the door near the stairs. I quickly went and answered the call but it was not my Mama, my uncle. It was someone else. "Hello, who is this? Where is aunt Elisa.?" I understood that it's Elisa's nephew Luca. "I will pass on the phone to Elisa." I said and looked at Elisa and said. "It's not my uncle, it's your nephew." She quickly came and took the phone. I didn't want to eavesdrop on their conversation and so went back to the couch. I could still hear her talking on the phone. She is telling everything about me and that I was expecting my uncle's call. When she came back after cutting the call, she was really happy. "Luca is coming to visit me soon. He is a nice guy. He has always been so caring and loving. He never forgets to wish me on special occasions and even to send gifts. Even my own children sometimes forgets but not Luca. He comes to visit me and also spends time with me unlike my children." She seemed to be on cloud nine. "You really are very close to your nephew." I stated. "Yes and so is Lucien. He likes Luca too. I have to tell him." She said and took out her phone. She talked to her husband in French and hung up. She was so happy that she was humming as she moved around the house. It brought a smile to my lips. This Luca guy must be really nice. "I am going to make his favourite dishes. Please be comfortable dear." She said and went to her kitchen. I wanted to follow her but I didn't have any idea about cooking. I do know some Indian dishes and instant food but not Italian except for the meat balls. Mamma learned a lot of Italian dishes but I never tried. I was busy concentrating on my studies and mamma never allowed me to do anything in the kitchen. Should I go and offer her help? I debated inside my mind and then decided to ask her. I went to the door through which she went. I opened it and found her working fast in her kitchen. "I am sorry to disturb you. I just came to ask you if you want any help." I said. "Do you know how to make any Italian dish?" She asked. "Actually no, my mamma never allowed me to do anything in the kitchen. She just wanted me to concentrate on my studies which I did. I just know a few simple Indian dishes and how to make some instant noodles." I replied. "You are really sweet my dear. Even when you don't know how to cook, you offered to help me. I will do everything myself. Did you have your breakfast?" She asked. "Actually yes, my mother did pack me a lot. I had a sandwich and coffee." I said, "By the way, are you an only child?" She asked. "No, I have a younger brother." I replied. "So, the uncle here is your father's brother or mother's?" She asked again. "Mama is my mother's brother. Actually he used to live in Italy. After marriage he shifted to France. Just like you he married a French woman and it was a love marriage." I said, "Love has no boundaries. Have you ever been to France before?" She asked. "No, this is my first time. My parents did come one time. It was when my uncle had his first child. My brother and I couldn't come as we had exams. At that time we stayed at my friend Sofia's place." I said. That's when I remembered that I hadn't informed Sofia or her mom that I had reached here safely. But she said not to call her, just to email her. But I have no access to the internet. Should I ask Elina for help? But what if she finds out that I don't have any legal documents? I will inform Sofia once mama comes to get me. I hope he comes soon. "Hey, where are you lost?" she pulled me back from my thoughts. "I was just wondering when my uncle would call me." I replied. "Hey, don't worry. You are safe here until then." She consoled me. I watched her preparing in the kitchen. Well I don't know how to cook but my mother surely kept something in the bag. I should go and check it. I excused myself and went up to check my bag. I emptied the bag one by one and I am just shocked. My mother even packed a packet of instant noodles. There were ladoo and fritters which I took downstairs with me. "I have some Indian snacks for you. I hope you like it." I said placing the packets on the kitchen counter. "Oh, that's so nice of you darling but you might need it later." She refused to take it. "I have more and I insist you to take it as a token of gratitude. I will be really happy if you accept it." She agreed and she was happy that she could give two new dishes to her nephew. It was noon by the time she finished her preparation. We came to the hall and that's when the phone rang again. I quickly went to answer the call and this time luckily it's my uncle. "Hello mama, I am Myra. I have been trying to get you since this morning. I am in France. Could you please come and get me?" I asked. "Myra, I can't believe you trespassed the boundary illegally. What's such an urgency that you opted for such a method? Now you want me to get you so that I will be in trouble. Myra, I have a family and I can't put their life in danger. Either just go back as you came or surrender. They will send you back. Don't call me again." With that he hung up before letting me say anything. What am I going to do now? I am an illegal migrant and don't know anyone here except mama. He has turned his back and now I am in a grave hell. Now I feel like I am in between the devil and the deep sea. I am doomed where ever I go.
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