
1096 Words
“Four”   Kiet's POV I can't believe I met him again after almost two years. Where did all my restraint bring me to? Where did my my self control of not trying to find out who he was take me to? Yeah, to a single meeting that made my resolve melt into nothing! That boy that made me feel like I was some creep pedophile almost two years ago just coincidentally happened to be eating at the same restaurant my family went to. And it's his 17th birthday. He was fifteen when I started to have a crush on him?! Stars in heaven! I'm screwed. He's grown so freaking handsome. Damn. I'm pretty sure he's a lot taller than me now, too. He looks so confident in his formal clothes. He carried himself well.   Ugh. I want to eat him. No! Fudge, no! Focus, Kiet. You're in front of his parents. I almost forgot about that. My dad already introduced me and my mom to the rest of the people at the table. But I guess, though my eyes are looking straight at them, my mind is on the boy who's been driving me nuts for almost two years now. Now, what? How am I supposed to continue trying to forget him? Now I even learned his name. Kamon Jarupanivh. And his birthday, too. This is gonna be harder to forget him this time than I thought. We're five years apart. And he's underage. Can't this get harder? We were on our way home and I'm still dazed after seeing the handsome boy. Kamon. Ah, I love his name already. "Those were Daniel's sons. They're both alpha. They grew up so fast." I hear my dad chat with mom inside the car. I'm in the back seat. Dad us driving. "Isn't the older one dating the Vongvanich kid? The youngest? The one you mentioned about fated or something?" My mom asked. Yeah, I know that Vongvanich kid. His name is Boon. Crap. I forgot he's dating that Ram Jarupanivh kid. Wait. Kam and Ram... They're brothers? Could this coincidence get any more coincidental? Does that even make sense? Probably not. Right now, my thoughts are all over the place. My parents' conversation barely registers in my head. "Hey, honey. Didn't you say that you're friends with the youngest Vongvanich?" My mother asked me. "Uh...yeah. Why?" "Do you know he has two brothers? Maybe you should date one of them." "Mom!" I heard her chuckle along with my father. This isn't new. Them trying to make me date someone. I'm already gonna be 22. A virgin 22 year old young man. I'm not picky. I'm just not ready, that's all. We reached the house with father and mother making jokes on the way. Been married since before I was born and they're still as sweet as ever. I hope I can find my own alpha someday too just like my dad. My mom is very happy with him. She's the epitome of the happiest wife in the world. Ah, I love them both. I said goodnight to my parents and headed to my room. I took a shower and relaxed while checking my phone. My mind kept wandering back to Kamon's face the whole time I was trying to busy my brains with research. I'm in my last year of medicine and aside from my internship, I have a major paper to do. That kid is gonna be the death of me. I gotta stop thinking about him! * So much for that thought though. The next day, I was still dead tired after not being able to sleep well. Kamon's face kept popping in my head. And when I did fall asleep, he was in my dreams. "Hello, my P'Kiet..." Wow! Even my dreams made me imagine how he would be calling me. Now, I'm gonna be thinking about this all day. It was already seven in the morning when I came downstairs and had breakfast with my parents. It was the usual except for the part where I got picked on by my mother over my raccoon eyes. I have class today at 8:30  so I left, driving my own car. My dad had already left when I did. I arrived at school with a few minutes to spare. It's only Wednesday which means I have one more day before my free day comes. Friday. I was a zombie all morning, throughout my two classes. By the time I was in my last minutes of rounds at dad's hospital, I felt like any time soon, I would drop. It was almost five o'clock. Fortunately, I was able to finish my work without sucking at it. Leaving through the lobby, I stopped by the receptionist's desk. Sometimes I would receive notices at my pigeon hole. "Hey, Kitty. Are you free on Friday?" One of the residents at the hospital, P'Scott approached me before I could get to the front desk. Then we walked together. I remember the last time he asked me this question. Him and Gizelle dragged me into a bar and I got so drunk, I had the worst hang over in my life the next morning. I am the best wallflower. I could just sit there and be ignored all night, I would end up sleeping in a corner or very drunk while everybody else is partying. I do want to have fun but I find myself ruining it by being a buzzkill. I pondered on what my colleague asked me. "Hm...depends. Are you guys bringing me to the same bar again?" "Nope. We're going to Hua Hin this time. Gizelle's boyfriend invited me to his birthday party. You'll be my plus one." I raised a brow on him. "What happened to your girlfriend?" He clicked his tongue. Geez. How many times does this guy change a partner? I wish he would find a permanent one. I get tired of seeing him change a partner like he changes clothes. "So?" He asked again. "Ugh. Yeah I guess. My mother is just gonna nag on me anyway if she sees me staying all day at home on Friday again." P'Scott smiled and wriggled his brows. "Cool! I'll send you the details later."He checked his wristwatch and cursed under his breath. "Gotta go, Kitty. See you tomorrow." "Sure." I turned my head towards the nurse behind the counter at the reception. "Hey, did I get anything?" She tilted her head. Probably noticed my grumpiness. "You look so tired, Dr. Kiet. And yep. You got a letter today." She took something from one of the pigeon holes. "Here you go." The nurse was throwing me a playful grin after handling me the small carnation pink envelope. I shrugged it off and put my attention back to the letter. My jaw dropped when I saw the name of the sender. Kam Jarupanivh. _____________________________________________________  
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