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“Three”   Kam's POV For the next two years of my life, I focused on what I could do. I buried myself with my studies. And I also joined P'Ram in his secret investments in the stock market. I don't think it's a secret from our parents anymore. They probably know by now that my brother had been doing it ever since he had those secret rendezvous with P'Boon. He was preparing for the future. My brother had been a good role model to me. Yes, he makes me jealous of his lovey dovey life with P'Boon. But it does make me more encouraged to be better. Here and there I would be hit on by girls and even boys. And along the way, I've learned to use my charm. Not that I actually got serious. I'm still very young. And it's painful to admit but I still couldn't move on from the love I found and never had. I wonder how angel is doing nowadays. I've had the urge to go that hospital where I met him but it was just to painful. Maybe I'm a coward but at my age, I knew there was nothing I could do about my feelings. I'm on my second year of high school now. P'Ram is graduating. We go to the same school. His boyfriend had also be given the permission to come back to school after being home schooled two years. Poor P'Boon. These two years that passed seemed so slow at the beginning. Then I began to move on from my first broken heart, I found myself riding with time. It was faster. Pretty soon I'll be out of high school and on to college. But I shouldn't rush it, right? "Why are you grinning like that?" Oh, did I forget to mention? I'm at dinner with my family at Shangri-la. It's my 17th birthday and I didn't want a party. And John that was my cousin, P'Pha asking me about the silly grin in my face. I threw him a playful glance. "What? It's my birthday. I have the right to be happy." He shook his head on me. All the while, he hasn't talked with P'Ram at all. There seemed to be tension between them. Yet out parents don't interfere. P'Pha is our only cousin. His mother is my father's sister. My mother is an only child and so we don't have any other relatives from her. All our grandparents are still alive though. While the elders talk, I didn't feel like joining in. It's all about the school stuff and construction business anyway. While my father inherited his parents' construction company, my aunt pursued her career in medicine and her husband is the owner of one of the best private schools in the country. Khumpai Integrated School. We were almost done with dinner when somebody walked towards our table. "Dr. Prae. Good to see you here!" "Dr. Karl! Hi!" My aunt greeted the newcomer. She then introduced her husband and the rest of us at the table. That's when I noticed his company -- a woman and a young man. Holy s**t. It's angel. My chest was thumping so hard, my heart would burst many minute now. I was frozen on my seat. "And this is my wife, Karlene. And my son, Kiet." Dr. Karl introduced his family. My parents, P'Irene, and my aunt and uncle all shook the hands of Dr. Karl and his wife. Us other kids just gave each other a small nod. Mine was probably more of gulping than nodding at angel Kiet. God, I know his name now. What the f**k am I going to do? He's going to have a name in my dreams now, too. Oh, yeah. One of the reasons I couldn't get over him is because I would still dream of him. Weird, right? "Happy birthday, young man. Oh, Kiet shares the same birth month as you. He'll be 22 in 10 days." Mrs. Inchareon said to me. Okay. Now I know his birthday, too. Wait. Did PiT just blush? He's so adorable!!! I'm internally freaking out right now aren't I? I'm seriously just staring at him not minding the conversation between adults right next to me. P'Kiet, huh. He's still as cute as ever. I'm 17 now. I have my money. Maybe not much. I think I'm taller than him now, too. Maybe a lot taller. Good. Good. Good. 'I'm gonna make you mine, P'Kiet. This time, I won't walk away like a puppy.' "Well, we better get going now. It was very nice meeting you." I managed to catch what Dr. Karl said. Wait, what? Get going? No, please leave your son to me. I mean don't leave. Have one more dinner with us. Oh, geez. What the hell am I thinking? My eyes could only follow P'Kiet's figure as the three of them left. And my mouth was most probably gaping too because I felt a hand close my jaw. "What?" I asked P'Ram after I noticed his smirkand the hand that closed my mouth shut. He leaned towards me and asked. "You like that intern, don't you?" He whispered. "So?" I saw his mischievous grin. "What is it?!" I insisted. "Boon is friends with him. Want me to ask him for his number?" P'Ram offered. A smile curved on my face. "You'd do that?" He chortled. "Hell no! You're a playboy. Do you think Boon would let you have his friend then break his heart like what you've been doing for the last two years?" I had a painful frown in my face. If he only knew how I was the one that got heartbroken. He may not have gotten brokenhearted but I know the pain he had been through when he was separated from his fated omega. Not once. But twice. Still, I don't want to share to him how painful it was for me. I may be okay with him getting P'Kiet's number for me but if he knew how I was hurt by my first love, he may do something drastic to help me. Nope. This is my own problem.  Heart problem.  I'll take care of it. I'll find a way to win P'Kiet's heart. My way. You better be ready, Dr. Kiet. Kamon Jarupanivh is about to conquer you. ___________________________________________________  
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