Chapter 5

799 Words
Ethan Miller: When I arrived at the company and saw her all beautiful sitting at her desk, I felt butterflies in my stomach, I looked like those teenagers. I tried to keep my mind busy not to think about her but it was impossible, when she entered my office to place the documents on my desk and gave me the beautiful view of her breasts, I was mesmerized and I wanted to throw her in that table and f**k her and then suck her t**s. And I don't know what came over me when I asked her to have lunch with me, I must be crazy, I've never asked any woman to go out with me, not after what happened but it just came out so naturally that even I was startled. And right now we're in my car heading to my favorite restaurant and I'm just amazed that she never once tried to throw herself on me and I don't feel uncomfortable around her either. We entered the restaurant and the men present at the place all had their eyes on her and I felt strange because of that and I did something I thought I would never do, I wrapped my arm around her waist and pulled her closer to me. She got a little scared but soon relaxed and gave a shy smile and I saw her cheeks turn red, they looked like two little strawberries. We sat at my favorite table that is away from the others and soon my best friend Dylan who owns the restaurant came to talk to me. - When they told me you were here and accompanied, I had to come see it myself _he said - i***t _ I said and we took each other's hand, he doesn't hug me because he knows what happened to me and that I don't like to be touched in my body. - Who is the beautiful lady? _ he asked looking at the woman next to me and she smiled at him and I didn't like it. - This is Elizabeth, my new secretary _ I said - Nice to meet you miss, I'm Dylan Johnson _ he said and held her hand giving a kiss and I wanted to rip his hand off. - The pleasure is all mine Mr. Johnson,” she said. "No formality, just call me Dylan," he said. He looked at me and saw that my face didn't look good and the son of a b***h smiled when he saw that I didn't like their proximity. - I'll let you eat in peace _ he said leaving and then the waiter arrived taking our orders and left. -Tell me a little about yourself Miss Jones _I said and she looked at me with a little embarrassment but she started to speak. - I'm Brazilian and I came to New York to go to college, I'm 23 years old and I don't have siblings and my parents live in Brazil but I haven't been able to go see them yet _she said a little sad_ and you? - Please just call me Ethan _I said and she nodded_ I'm Italian, I'm 24 years old and I came to New York after my father died, my mother passed away when I was ten years old and I have a brother but he's in Italy, we were very united but there were some problems and we moved away _ I spoke and she held my hand and for the first time I didn't feel like distancing myself. - I'm sorry _he said_ but maybe one day you won't solve this problem, you're brothers and I don't know what happened, but this bond of brotherhood is stronger than anything _he said, this woman surprises me every minute. - Thank you, you don't know how that comforts me _ I said and she smiled, she smiled at me and I'm so happy. The waiter brought our food and we started eating and talking, I feel safe around her and that scares me because I don't know her well and if she's like the other one, I put that feeling aside and we continued to eat and then we went back to the company . I went to my office and got busy signing some files and when I finished it was too late. I ran out of the room to say goodbye to her but when I left, she was already gone. Ethan she's not for you, a beautiful woman like her must have a lot of men after her and you really think she's going to want something with you, my mind practically screamed it. I sighed and went back to my room where I packed my things and then left.
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