Chapter 4

726 Words
Elizabeth Jones: What man! Calm down Lizzie, he's her boss so keep your distance. Emily said he was rude but he treated me well. After I got home, I sent a message to her saying that I got it and she said that she wanted to go out to celebrate but she couldn't because she was busy working, I thought it was good because I don't like to go out, I prefer to stay at home and read a good book or watch a series. I had eaten at a snack bar and as I was full I didn't have to make lunch, I went to pay the electricity bill which was quite expensive, I didn't even use all that energy. I spent the afternoon sorting out some things and after dinner I went to the bathroom and took a shower and then fell into bed and turned on the television to watch my favorite series "The vampire diaries" I started watching and out of nowhere Damon "Gostoso" came on I yelled, I'm kind of crazy. I watched until I fell asleep. [...] The weekend went by normally and then Monday arrived and as I am anxious, I woke up super early and took the opportunity to take a long shower and then went to the closet and put on a black suit. I love black. I took a taxi and went to work. Arriving at the company, I went towards the elevator and went up to the top floor and sat down at my desk. As it was my first day I had to wait for my boss to give me the instructions. A few minutes later the elevator was opened and he got out of it and "f**k" every day this man gets more beautiful. - Good morning Mr. Miller _ I spoke - Good morning Miss. Jones, arrived very early today - I was anxious and I couldn't sleep well so I came early _ I said - Very well, I'll go to my office and I'll bring some papers for you to fill out, there are many and I can't sign them all by myself _he said - I'm at your disposal sir _falei_ if you want to bring all the papers you won't have any problems _falei "I'll be right back," he said and left. A few minutes later he returns with a stack of papers and places them on top of my desk. "Here it is," he said. - Ok _falei_ I will try to sign as soon as possible. "Okay," he said and left for his room. I looked at his body and stopped at his ass and bit my lips, that's a lot of temptation. I stopped drying my boss and started signing as fast as I could and after two hours I was finally done. I organized everything and walked to his room to deliver it, knocked on the door and he told me to come in. - I finished signing everything sir _ I said and walked to his table and stopped beside him where I bent down to put the documents on the table and when I went to get up he was looking at me, actually looking at my breasts "bastard" , he noticed I was looking and looked away. - Thank you _ said - Is there anything else to do? _ I asked - Yes, he said - What? _ I asked - Have lunch with me and I won't take no for an answer _ said "Then I accept" I said. - I'm just going to finish this report _ said - All right _tali_ I'll wait for you there at my table. -Stay _talou_ means .. I'm going to need his help to finish faster. -So let's go there _ I said and sat down in front of him and he handed me some folders where I had to put the papers in order. [...] A while later we were done and he looked at me and smiled, I'm sure my cheeks are red. - Let's say We left the company and when passing through the reception the women looked at us or rather looked at the man next to me and I don't know why but I felt uncomfortable with that. We got in his car and then left.
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