Chapter 6

647 Words
Elizabeth Jones: My lunch with Ethan was really nice, he never tried to seduce me and we talked so much that it felt like we had known each other for years. After we got back to the company, he went to his office and I went to my desk where I started to organize some documents. After a few minutes of organizing, everything was finally over and suddenly one of the receptionists got out of the elevator and came towards me. - Hello _ said "Hi," I said politely. - I wanted to talk to you, are you busy? she asked - Can not talk. - Do you have something with Mr. Miller? _He asked - No _fai_ why the question? - Nothing, it was just to warn you not to get your hopes up with him, because he would never have anything to do with you _he said looking at me from top to bottom_ everyone in this company has tried something with him but he just didn't look at anyone why he only likes upper class people, so don't kid yourself _ he said and walked towards the elevator. I sighed and ran a hand through my hair, she's right, he would never look at me. And I don't want to suffer for love, not again. Before I came to New York, I was 17 and I was in love with a very handsome boy and we hooked up once and I deluded myself into thinking we had something and when I went to talk to him, I saw him kissing my ex best friend and I went to him, and he humiliated me by calling me poor and ugly and said that he had only stayed with me because of a bet with his friends, and the fake Sabrina just laughed. I left there devastated and promised that I would never deceive myself again, it was just s*x, a few kisses and nothing else, and I don't want to go through it all again. So I'm going to do my best to avoid Ethan. When I got my appointment, I left there, I didn't want to see him. Arriving home I took my cell phone and sent a message to Emily for her to come sleep at my house and quickly she replied saying that she was coming. I went towards the kitchen to make popcorn and it didn't take long when the doorbell rang and I went to open it for Emily to come in. - Help me here with the popcorn _ I said and she helped me put everything in a large bowl and we went to the couch and put on a movie. - So how was your first day at work? _He asked - It was good and my boss is hot _ I said - Hmm is already interested in him _ said - No _I said and she looked at me raising her eyebrows_ Maybe but you know I'm easily deceived and I've suffered a lot with that and he's a rich man, handsome he should only go out with models _I said - Yeah, you're right _he said and sighed_ but maybe he's no different. - Maybe but I'll try to avoid him as much as possible, which will be impossible because he's my boss _ I whimpered and she smiled. - Good luck _ he said and we smiled. We started watching the movie and when I was going to put popcorn in my mouth I was hit by a pillow. "So that's how it is" I said and she looked at me scared. -Lizzie was just a joke, I've stopped _she said taking steps back - Come back here _ I said and she started running around the table with me behind her, we played and laughed a lot and then went to sleep.
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