Chapter 3

691 Words
Ethan Miller: As soon as I woke up I went towards the bathroom where I did my hygiene and looked at myself in the mirror, I sighed when I looked at my body. Since that day I have never been the same, but I don't regret it and if I could I would do it all over again. I wear my suit and head towards the kitchen where I have my breakfast and head towards the company. Today I was going to do interviews for the new secretary, the last one only lasted a week, they keep throwing themselves on me and running their hands over my body and I end up being rude because since the incident that happened to me, I feel insecure and I don't like physical contact. Arriving at the company, women are all showing off to me, I feel uncomfortable with that, after what happened to me I only got involved with one woman but when she saw my body, she told me a lot of horrible things and since then I can't stay with anyone because I always think they're going to tell me the same things she said. Arriving in my office, I face the window while looking at the busy streets of New York. They knocked on the door and I asked them to come in, she must be the first candidate for the secretarial position, I smelled very good and when I turned around, I saw an angel right in front of me. Did I die and go to heaven? She looked me up and down and mumbled something I couldn't make out, I smirked as she calmly approached my table. - Good morning Mr. Miller _she spoke with her sweet voice that shivered all over my body and made me imagine her moaning my name "f**k" _ I'm Elizabeth Jones and I came for the interview. - Good morning Miss. Jones _falei_ felt it and let's get started. She sat in front of me and I couldn't help but notice her body, she's beautiful, her dark hair with her blue eyes that look like the sky, her full mouth and her curvy body and her not too big but perfect ass and her full breasts that made me want to put them in my mouth. - Do you have experience? _ I asked - Yes I do, I've worked as a secretary for three years and a short time ago I left due to personal problems _ she said and handed me her resume to analyze and other documents and I can say that I was impressed. - Did you go to law school? _I spoke - Yes, but as it is difficult to find work in my area, I decided to manage the way I can _he said -True _ I said and she looked at me and we stared at each other, her eyes are like magnets that leave me hypnotized. She's different from the others, she didn't even try to throw herself at me or say anything shady about it. - Very well Miss. Jones, you're hired _ I said and she smiled and that was the most beautiful thing in the world, this woman is just perfect. - Thank you very much Mr. Miller, you won't regret it - he said smiling from ear to ear. - Very well, you start on Monday at seven o'clock and don't be late _ I said _ I can't stand being late _ I said a little more thickly and I saw her shrug her shoulders and gave me a squeeze in the chest. -Okay, I won't be late _she said and got up. - Until Monday, Ms. Jones _ I spoke - Until Mr. Miller _ spoke and left I sighed running my hands through my hair messing it up, this woman is so beautiful but she's not for me, she would call me a freak if she knew about my problem and if she saw my body, I don't even want to think about it because I'm not preparing to hear anything that can hurt me, not again.
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