Chapter 5

1428 Words
Cassandra No, no, no, no, no! This wasn’t supposed to happen. It’s like the second that little runt came back into town, a light switched on inside of Alec. I needed to go see Maggie. I grabbed my purse and jacket and took off out the front door, heading straight for the bar in town. I found Maggie hanging off of Dustin, one of the pack warriors. He had his hand up her skirt and she had a look on her face like she was about to come undone. I licked my lips as I watched him f**k her with his fingers right in the middle of the crowded bar. Maybe we could share the warrior later. It’s not like Alec would feel my betrayal. That only happened with your fated mate. I walked up behind the warrior and Maggie’s eyes met mine. She pulled my face to hers and kissed me. I felt my n*****s harden beneath my thin tank top and I moaned at the erotic feel of the fabric as it rubbed the sensitive little buttons. I pulled back and stared at her swollen lips with a look of hunger, but now wasn’t the time. I had to focus. “Mags, I need to talk to you.” She pouted as her hips continued to hump Dustin’s fingers wildly. “Right now?” She whined. I smiled at the adorable sound. “Yea, right now.” I said. She looked down at Dustin, before reluctantly backing away from him. “What the f**k Maggie? You promised if I fingered you, you’d suck me off in the parking lot.” He said angrily. I spun him around and pressed my lips firmly against his as I massaged his straining c**k through his pants. “If you’re patient, you’ll get a lot more than a blow job in the parkin’ lot.” I whispered seductively in his ear. He reached around and palmed my ass, squeezing it hard in his massive hand. “Fine, but don’t be long.” he commanded. He would wait. The stupid fucker always waited. I grabbed Maggie by the hand and pulled her into the women’s bathroom. I turned to her with a look of panic. “Maggie, that potion is wearin’ off again. Alec is startin’ to pull away. I cain’t let him go. I need to have his baby, so he cain’t ever leave me. It’s the only way to keep my place in the pack.” I said urgently. She narrowed her eyes at me. “That’s all you want me for, ain’t it? Just for my Gran to make you potions, so you can keep that precious Beta b***h on his leash?” She sneered. My heart cracked a little. “Mags, you know that ain’t true.” I said as I reached for her face, but she jerked her head back. “Ain’t it though? The only time you come to see me is when you fuckin’ need somethin’!” She snapped. I felt guilty. She wasn’t entirely wrong, but I couldn’t be seen with her. Not yet anyway. It would ruin everything I had worked so hard for. “I know, baby, but it’s only for a little bit longer. I just have to get knockedup with that pricks kid. Then we can be together. I promise.” I pleaded. She growled. “So, f**k me? Huh? You don’t think it hurts me every time you f**k that loser?” “You know I ain’t got a choice!” I threw my hands in the air. “There is always a choice!” She snapped. I heaved a sigh. “I just need the potion this last time, I swear. I’ve seen the way Alec looks at Adam’s little brats. He wants kids. If I have to I’ll just knock ‘im out and take it in his sleep. Just please, Mags.” I searched her eyes and felt that familiar glee from watching her resolve crumble. “Fine. But this is the last time Cass. Promise me!” I walked towards her and cupped her cheek. “I promise.” I leaned in and kissed her softly at first, but the heat began to build between us, and the kiss quickly deepened. I pushed her roughly into a stall and pushed her down to the floor. “Lick my p***y, baby. I’m so fuckin’ horny from watchin’ that prick finger f**k you.” I said breathlessly. She grinned up at me through her thick dark lashes. She lifted my skirt up and pulled my panties to the side. “God, you got such a pretty pink pussy.” She cooed as she ran one of her perfectly manicured fingers through my slick folds. I hissed at the electricity that shot through my body. God, I loved this girl. The Moon Goddess really knew what she was doing when she mated us together. The woman had a tongue that rivaled my vibrator at home. Her delicious little pink tongue darted out of her mouth and ran between my p***y lips. I moaned in satisfaction. “Pull my clit in your mouth baby. Suck it like it’s a little c**k!” I snarled as I fisted her strawberry blonde locks and pulled her mouth against my soaking wet p***y. She drove her long tongue deep inside me, causing me to throw my head back in pleasure. “God Mags! That feels so fuckin’ good!” I moaned. She pulled back and looked up at me, a sinister look on her face. “That’s all you’re gonna get until you get rid of Alec.” She said as she stood and walked out of the stall, leaving me a pool of frustrated need. That little minx. I adjusted myself and followed her out of the bathroom to find her right back where I had found her when I got there. My heart tugged a little at the sight of her with someone else, but the truth was I had no right to complain. I had chosen my path. I turned to walk out of the bar when someone grabbed my arm. I felt the blissful sparks race through my body as I turned around. “There’s more of that potion that my Gran made in my room at the back of the closet. You can head over there and get it I guess.” Maggie said. The look on her face made my heart ache. “I swear this is it, Mags.” I said as I brushed a lock of her hair behind her ear. She rolled her eyes. “Whatever, Cass.” She turned and walked back to Dustin. She grabbed his hand and pulled him behind her as they left through the back entrance of the bar. “This isn’t going to work.” Ash, my wolf, said. “Shut up. What do you know?” I grumbled. “I know you’re an i***t. I know that instead of being with my mate, I lie next to a man I couldn’t care less about. I know that his wolf is suspicious of us, and I’m not sure how much longer it’s going to be before they realize we aren’t their true mate.” She said as she ticked things off on her paw. “You’re such a b***h, Ash. You don’t know s**t. This is gonna work and Gentry is as dumb as Alec is. They don’t suspect shit.” I said irritably. “Of all the humans, in all of this miserable existence… why did mother pair me with you?” She said as she turned around and slinked back into the farthest corners of my mind. I had never gotten along with my wolf. She was always trying to rain on my parade. I walked over to Maggie’s apartment and let myself in with the key she had given me years ago. I looked around at the pale blue walls where pictures of us together hung proudly. I wish things could be different. I wish I could just be with Maggie, here in her little apartment. We could have a couple of pups or not. It didn’t matter as long as I had her. But that wasn’t how life goes. Life was forever f*****g me, so I had to take what I wanted. What I deserved, and nothing was going to stand in my way. Not a silly little mate bond, not my b***h of a wolf, and not some scrawny little runt.
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