Chapter 4

1459 Words
Chapter 4 Alec We were met at the airstrip by my parents, who immediately swarmed Adeline the moment she stepped off the plane. I rolled my eyes in irritation. “Cheer up, dickhead. They ain’t seen her in a while.” Adam said as he nudged me. I growled lowly at him. “You get on my fuckin’ nerves, you know that?” I snapped. He just laughed good-naturedly and walked over to our family who were gathered by my father’s old Ford pickup. “Come on, pumpkin. Let’s go get you settled in.” My father said fondly to Adeline as he signaled Adam and I to hop in the bed of the truck. I groaned internally as I leaped into the back of the truck, causing it to dip under my weight. “What you wanna do tonight since Addy’s back?” Adam asked as he scooted himself up to lean against the cab of the truck. “What do you mean?” I asked. “Well, our sister is back for the first time in God knows how long. I figured we’d have dinner with Momma and Daddy or somethin’. Figured I’d bring the girls and Tawney. We could make it a family affair. What do ya think?” He asked hopefully. I pursed my lips together in frustration. These decisions were no longer up to me. I had Cassandra to consider. “I don’t know. I’ll have to ask Cassie.” I said. Adam frowned. “You know she’s gonna say no. She always says no.” He grumbled. Cassandra has always hated spending any amount of time with my family. I was never sure if it was because she didn’t like them or if she just didn’t like sharing my attention with anyone else. “She don’t always say no. What about Christmas?” I said defensively. Adam’s eyebrows shot up. “That was because it was Christmas and Momma had bought her presents!” Adam said. “Well, what about Easter?” “You know good and damn well Momma cornered her. Why do you always defend her?” He said in irritation as he turned his gaze away from me. “She’s my fuckin’ mate, Adam! What am I supposed to do? ‘Cause if you gotta an idea, I’m all ears, brother!” I snapped. He didn’t answer. He just stared out at the landscape with a brooding expression. It wasn’t long until we arrived at my parent’s house. River and Haven were running around the yard squealing as they chased each other. I smiled at the sight of my brother’s children at play. I wanted children of my own, but I was too afraid of how they might turn out with Cassandra as their mother. The moment the little ones caught sight of Adam, they sprinted towards the truck. Tawney stepped out of the house. When she noticed us, she raced after the girls to greet her mate. "Daddy!" They sang out. Adam hopped out of the truck bed and scooped up the little pups. "Hey munchkins! Are y’all givin’ your Momma a hard time?" They laid their little heads on his shoulder. I felt the familiar jealousy rear its ugly head as I watched Tawney’s face light up at the sight of my brother. She leaned in and kissed him gently on the lips. "I missed you." She said. Her bell-like voice rang out into the warm afternoon sun. He smiled down at her. "I missed you too, my love. But I come bearin’ gifts! You remember my little sister, Addy?" I watched the two women become familiar with each other when a hateful voice cut through the peaceful landscape. I felt myself wince at the sound of her voice as it drew near. "Alec, did you get the runt? I've been tired of waitin’ on you to get home." Cassandra snapped. Adam and Tawney growled at her insult. I could see the irritation on my mother’s face as she took a deep breath and forced a smile on her face. "Cassandra, dear, what a surprise. You remember our daughter, Adeline?" Cassandra stopped in her tracks as she leered at Addy. I jumped out of the back of the truck and raced up to her, but she put her hand up to stop me. She just stared at Addy like she had never seen her before. I was afraid she would make a scene, but she surprised me by plastering a fake smile on her face as she walked toward Addy. "Addy, how wonderful to see you!" Addy backed away from her, and, much to my embarrassment, she pouted and stomped her foot like a spoiled brat. "Come now, Addy, don't you remember me?" She asked with a frown. "I do." Addy said with a face of stone. I held my breath as my eyes widened. Oh no. I was going to pay for that. Cassandra’s face became like a storm of fury as she glared at Addy, who seemed completely oblivious to the rage building in my mate. Cassandra cut her eyes at me before nodding in the direction of our home. I felt my shoulders droop as I cast my eyes down to the ground and began to follow her. “Alec, ain’t y’all gonna stay to eat supper with us?” My mother called out. “I’m sorry, Momma. But I gotta get home. Zeke wants me to prepare the agreement for that doctor he’s wantin’ to get from Alpha Beau tomorrow.” I said sadly. I could feel my mother’s eyes on my back. “Surely, that can wait. How often does your sister come in to town? Hmm?” She asked. “He’s gonna be busy, Emily. He’s got important pack business to do. Come on, Alec.” Cassandra snapped. I looked over my shoulder at my parents, who were staring daggers at Cassandra. “It’s alright, son. We understand. Maybe we’ll save you a plate, and you can come on over here tomarra, yea?” My father said. I gave him a soft smile. “Sure, Daddy. That’d be real nice.” I turned and followed Cassandra down the road to my house. The moment the door closed she turned on me. “How could you let that little b***h talk at me like that, Alec?” She roared. I growled at her. “Don’t you talk about my sister like that! You was mean as s**t to her in school. What’d you expect her to do? Run into your arms like y’all was best friends?” I snapped. She rolled her eyes at me. “I wasn’t that mean to her. She’s just always been such a whiny baby.” She said flippantly. My lips curled into a snarl. “Y’all tied her to that fuckin’ tree by the high school and poured honey all over her so the bees would attack ‘er.” She laughed loudly. “That was so funny. She screamed so loud!” I felt my blood begin to boil. “You’re f****d up, you know that?” I growled out. She stopped laughing and crossed her arms over her chest. “Well, you’re mated to me. What does that make you?” She sneered. I glared at her as I felt Gentry make his way up to the surface. “You know what Cassandra? I don’t know what the Moon Goddess was thinkin’ matin’ us together, but I wish like hell she hadn’t!” I yelled. She took a step back as fear filled her eyes. “You don’t mean that.” She said quietly. “Don’t I? You are literally the worst thing that has ever happened to me! I hardly ever see my family anymore. I’m always fuckin’ workin’ ‘cause you’re always spendin’ my fuckin’ money!” I roared. She began to shake as her face paled. “I’m you’re mate… You’re supposed to love me unconditionally…” Big fat tears began to streak down her cheeks and, for some reason, it just irritated me more. “You know what? f**k you Cassie! I don’t have it in me right now to be around you. I’m goin’ to Momma and Daddy’s house to eat supper. I dunno if I’ll be back or not. So, don’t bother waitin’ up.” I went upstairs and packed a bag with a few clothes before going back down and walking towards the door. I stopped and looked at her over my shoulder. “And don’t even fuckin’ think about followin’ me over there. I don’t want to see your fuckin’ face again tonight. You hear me?” She nodded her head as I walked out the door
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