Chapter 6

1439 Words
Alec I walked slowly down the road to my parents’ house. I was so fed up with Cassandra’s bullshit. All she did was say negative things about everyone that I loved and cared about. The s**t was getting old. “You could always just break the bond.” Gentry suggested. “You know we can’t do that.” I snipped. “Why not?” He asked. “’Cause you don’t spit in the face of the Moon Goddess.” I said finitely. He rolled his eyes and grumbled his way to the back of my mind and plopped down. As I neared my parent’s house, I could hear shouting coming from around the back. "f**k you, Addy!" I heard Zeke scream. I stopped in my tracks. What the f**k? "f*****g accept it, you piece of s**t!" Addy yelled back. "No! You fuckin’ psycho b***h!" Zeke roared. I raced around to the back of the house. I dropped my bag and stood with my mouth agape. In front of me was my tiny little sister, sitting atop Zeke who was trying desperately to shield himself from Addy’s little fist that were flying wildly at him. I’d like to say she was just attacking his face or body, but that would be a lie. She was raining down hell fire on the poor man. I heard a loud crack when one of her little fists struck him in the ribs. “Ooohhh! That’s gotta hurt.” Adam said as he cringed. "f**k you Zeke! You f*****g garbage person! I f*****g hate you! Accept it! Accept it or I'll f*****g kill you!" Addy was screaming as she wailed on Zeke. “Lee! Do somethin’! She’s gonna wind up killin’ that boy!” My mother yelled. My father rolled his eyes before walking slowly over to the fray and picking the little wild cat up off of Zeke. Even in my father’s strong grip, Addy was growling and fighting. "Son, you better just accept the rejection. I don't think my Addy here will stop until she kills you." My father said in a bored tone. I watched as Zeke stared longingly at Addy. I saw the moment he gave up and conceded to Addy’s demand. It was then that I lost all respect for the man. "I, Ezekiel Levi Taylor, accept your rejection as my mate and Luna." The sound that came out of the two of them was unlike any I had ever heard. It was haunting. Addy buried herself in my father’s chest, sobbing hysterically. Zeke, on the other hand, was trying to claw his own heart out. “Adam! Help me hold him down!” I commanded. Adam just stood with his arms crossed over his chest with an almost amused look on his face. “Do I have to?” He asked sadistically. “Adam Lee McCloud! Go over there and help your brother hold that boy down, NOW!” My mother bellowed. Adam huffed but came with me to hold Zeke down. We each grabbed one of his arms and pushed it firmly into the ground. For an alpha, I expected him to be stronger than he was. Weird. "Get off me!" Zeke snapped at us. Adam and I backed away with our hands in the air. Zeke looked at Addy and at first his eyes were soft, almost pleading. But as quickly as the look came, it disappeared. In its place was malice and anger. "I understand your reasonin’ behind your rejection, but after this thing with your grandfather, you will no longer be welcome here. Do you understand?" He said. My breath hitched in my chest, and I shot a look at Adam, who wore the same look as me: shock. Addy just nodded frantically. Zeke gave us all one last look before turning around and stalking away towards the pack house. I looked at my sister, who seemed to be in shock. Why had she rejected him? Nothing made sense. “Arrogant prick.” Adam muttered. “Come on. Let’s get ‘er inside.” My father said gently. I didn’t say anything. I just followed everyone into the house. I sat down at the table and my mother came by and placed a kiss on the top of my head and a warm plate of meatloaf in front of me. “I know you’re hungry, baby boy. I’m gonna go check on your sister. In the meantime, eat, then I wanna know what happened. Okay?” She said gently. I looked into her crystal blue eyes, my eyes. “Yes, ma’am.” I said softly. She smiled lovingly at me. “That’s my boy.” She said as she patted my shoulder and walked up the stairs. Adam came in and dropped himself in the seat across from me. He reached over quickly and stole one of the roasted potatoes on my plate. I frowned at him. “Really?” I said. “You wouldn’t eatin’ it.” He said as he licked his fingers. “So, what happened?” He said as he reached for another potato. I stabbed at his hand but missed. “What do you mean?” I said in ignorance as I stuffed a bite of meatloaf in my mouth. He raised an eyebrow at me. “Don’t play dumb. You know exactly what I mean. What happened with Cassandra?” He prodded. I was about to tell him to f**k off when my mother walked back into the room and sat down next to me. “I wanna know the same thing.” She said expectantly. I sighed. Adam, I could tell to f**k off, not my mother. “We just had a fight is all.” I mumbled as I pushed the meatloaf around on my plate. It was my favorite meal, but thinking about Cassandra turned my stomach. “We should just reject her.” Gentry grumbled. I ignored him. “It couldn’t just have been a fight, Alec Wayne McCloud. Now, you gonna pussyfoot around or are you gonna tell me what’s goin’ on?” My mother said as my father walked into the kitchen and sat down next to Adam. It was like looking at a pair of twins almost. “You need to answer your Momma, Alec. You know she ain’t gonna let it go.” My father said as he winked at my mother, causing a blush to creep up her neck and into her cheeks. Gross. “She’s mad cause Addy wouldn’t hug her. She’s mad cause I had to go get Addy. She’s mad cause I wanted to have dinner here. She’s mad cause she said we never have s*x. She’s mad- “ “Wait, y’all don’t have s*x?” Adam asked incredulously. “That ain’t none of your God damn business!” I hissed. “Watch your damn mouth at my table.” My mother snapped. I averted my eyes to the table top. “I feel like that woman is mad just to be mad. She really ain’t got a good reason. She don’t like my family, so we don’t come over much. She don’t like my friends, so I don’t hang out with them anymore. She got pissed off the other day when we left to get Addy because I didn’t leave her my credit card to go shoppin’ with.” I looked up at my mother and saw that her eyes were beginning to water. “Don’t cry, Momma. Please.” She sniffled before wiping her eyes. She reached over and clasped my hand, bringing it to her lips. “You’re a good man, Alec Wayne. That girl is lucky to have a man as good as you.” She said as she stood and went upstairs. I looked over at my father to see an unreadable expression on his face. “I’m sorry you’re strugglin’ son. I wish there was somethin’ I could do. For now though, you can stay up in your old room.” He stood up and put his hand on my shoulder before heading up the stairs. It was just me and Adam sitting at the table. He continued to pick food off my plate, but I stopped bothering to stop him. “Why do you stay with her?” He asked curiously. “She’s my mate. I have to.” “No you don’t. Addy’s proof you ain’t gotta be with nobody you don’t want to.” He said as he got up and disappeared up the stairs. “I told you.” Gentry said lazily. “Shut up.”
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