Chapter 7

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*TRIGGER WARNING* SEXUAL ASSAULT Serenity “Melody! Melody! You’re up! Move your ass!” Fatima yelled out. I rolled my eyes. I should never have gotten involved with these people. “No you bloody shouldn’t’ve!” my wolf, Nessa, complained. “Listen, Ness, I didn’t know at the bloody time things would be this way. I’m sorry, alright?” I said gently. She just huffed and wandered to the back of my mind. I was cursed. “MELODY!” Fatima barked. “I’m bloody comin’, you fuckin’ geebag…” I muttered. “It’s about time! Bruce has been waiting for you, orospu!” Fatima snarled. I rolled my eyes and walked on to the stage. “Here’s our little songbird now!” Bruce bellowed to the crowd. Cheers and whistles welcomed me to the stage as the men shouted vulgar comments at me. Brutes. I took a seat on my stool in the center of the stage and waited for the music to begin to play. This was how I spent my nights. Singing in this rundown bar in the middle of a mountain town in the States. Land of opportunity my arse! “Sing you stupid b***h!” Bruce spit out in a whisper from the side of the stage. I had gotten lost in my thoughts and hadn’t realized the music had already started playing. “Oh, bollocks! I’m sorry you poor souls. I must’ve lost myself for a moment. No matter! Seth, be a dear, and please restart the song.” I said through the microphone. The crowd laughed heartily at my charm. Men here were suckers for my Irish accent. I suppose it made me seem exotic. Seth, the DJ, started the song over, and I closed my eyes, placing myself far away from this hellscape. I belted out the words to an Amy Winehouse song. I lost myself in the song and when it was done, I opened my eyes. I was in the same place. Staring out at the same crowd of hungry jackals who wanted nothing more than to eat me alive, but I didn’t blame them. My woeful siren song drew them to me, and Bruce knew it. The bastard had found me singing in a lounge in Los Vegas twenty years ago and promised me the world. Little did I know, he was just luring me out here for his own gain. I had tried to run away several times over the years, but it was useless. He would drag me back and beat me an inch from my life. That’s the thing about sociopaths, they don’t let go and don’t care who they hurt to get what they want. I stepped off the stage and was met with a punch to the stomach. I looked up to see Bruce leering down at me. “Next time you’re fuckin’ called, you come runnin’. You hear me, b***h!” He ordered. I just rolled my eyes at him as I tried to straighten my body, which earned me another punch to the gut. I groaned in pain as I tried to catch my breath. “Yes. I bloody understand, you fuckin’ barbarian!” I growled out. He pulled out a syringe from his pocket and jabbed it roughly into my neck. I felt the familiar pain as my strength left my body. Bruce called it his ‘calming concoction’, but it was anything but. It caused fire to blaze through every vein in my body and every time he shot me up with it, I wouldn’t be able to hear or feel Nessa for days. I moaned out in pain as the poison wreaked havoc throughout my body. “Next time, you’ll show me some fuckin’ respect!” He barked out as he spit into my face. He knew once he stuck me with that nasty serum I would be useless for the rest of the night. So he had his bouncer, Chase, take me back to the basement where I was kept under lock and key until I recovered enough to do his bidding. If I were lucky, one of Bruce’s VIP customers wouldn’t feel like having ‘a little extra time with his songbird’. But I was too hopeful. Three hours later, the lock on the outside of the door clicked and Bruce walked in with a man in a cowboy hat and snake-skin boots. “Alright, Melody, Matt here has paid a little extra for your company. Treat ‘im nice. I’ll be back down in-.” He pulled out a wad of cash, “bout’ two hours. Y’all have fun!” He laughed darkly as he shut the door and locked it. “Well now, you’re purdier up close.” He said as he inched towards me. I knew better than to fight. I just stayed silent and turned my face away to stare vacantly at the wall. I sniffed the air, human. “You don’t talk much, do ya? That’s alright. I don’t need you to talk.” He sneered as he began to unbuckle his faded blue jeans. I could smell the musty scent of his sweaty balls as the nasty smell wafted through the air. Just bloody kill me already! “Come here, b***h, and suck my c**k!” He said as he stroked himself. I looked over at him and almost laughed at the little thing. It was always the men with the tiniest p*****s that felt the need to swing them around the most. I didn’t move from my spot on the bed. I might be forced into this situation by a mad man, but I didn’t have to make it easy for them. The man glared at me as he stalked forward and grabbed a fist full of my hair, jerking my face up so he could peer down at me. Well, that was stupid of him. Now, I had to fight, couldn’t let such actions go unpunished. It might not end well for me, but at least I would get a slight bit of satisfaction. “Bruce didn’t say I had to play nice with you. So, I reckon you orta just do what I say because I paid good money for you! Now, open your God damn mouth!” He snapped. I smirked up at him, which was apparently the wrong thing to do. He swung his big arm and backhanded me in the face. I clenched my jaw and turned my face back to his, spitting the blood from my now busted lip into his face. f*****g prick. Maybe if he had been nicer, I wouldn’t have to fight so much. He let go of my hair and wiped his face. “You’re gonna fuckin’ pay for that you stupid cunt.” He muttered. “Oh really? And now who’s gonna make me do that? You? Don’t make me laugh.” I grinned angrily at him as I stood to my feet. He chuckled darkly. “You’re a feisty one. I like that.” He started stripping his clothes off. When he took his hat off, he revealed his severely receding hairline. I snickered. He stepped forward and caught me off guard as he landed a solid blow to my temple, sending me flying onto the bed. I lay there, seeing stars, as I felt his hungry hands paw at the thin fabric of my costume. I felt the cool air hit my breasts, causing my n*****s to harden instantly. He groaned. “f**k… Look at those perfect little pink n*****s…” I focused my eyes to see him leaning over me, stroking his little c**k as he gazed down at my naked form. I gave him a small smile. “Like what ya see, big boy? Hmm?” I said coyly as I swiftly brought my knee up and nailed him in the balls. His eyes bulged, and he fell to his side squeaking in pain and cupping his genitals. “Serves you bloody right, you sad sap!” I said as I got to my feet and went into the small bathroom, shutting the door and locking it behind me. I was not in the mood to entertain some stupid eejit’s lude fantasies. I stared at my battered body in the mirror. I already had a blue bruise blooming on my swelling eye. My plump lips were swelling near the place where my bottom lip had been split. My stomach was littered with deep purple bruises from the blows Bruce had landed on me earlier. I sighed as I turned to the bath and began filling the tub with hot water. At least I still had this. Nessa couldn’t heal me, but the water could. I dropped my panties and stepped into the steaming water. I plunged my head under to soothe the bruises and scrapes that had developed there. I pretended I was floating aimlessly in the Celtic Sea where I had grown up alone. I was free, if only for a few short moments. That was until the bathroom door burst open, and a livid blurry vision of Bruce loomed over me. He reached down and wrapped his large hand into my wet locks before dragging me roughly from the tub. “Thought you’d make a fool out of me, didn’t ya? I’ll fuckin’ show you, you fuckin’ flea bitten b***h! Matt, come over here!” Bruce barked out as he slammed my head into the hard concrete floor. My vision went blurry as I lay helplessly on the hard cool ground of the bathroom. Matt slowly walked into the room with a wicked smile on his face. Blackness crept into the edges of my eyes. “Come on, Serenity… be strong.” Nessa’s voice was coming from somewhere far away. I squeezed my eyes shut and took myself to my safe place, where I was safe. I was walking up the beach that bordered the little village where I grew up. The air was crisp as the waves crashed onto the shore, spraying salty mist onto my face. The smell of the sea soothed my damaged soul in a way nothing else could. Here, nothing could hurt me, nothing could trap me. Here I was free. I could feel a wetness rolling down my cheeks as longing for a life that was little more than a memory, saturated my already aching heart. When I finally tore myself away from the dreamscape I had put myself in, I found myself lying in a heap on the bedroom floor. My head was pounding to the beat of its on rhythm. My arms and legs ached and stung from the abuse that was brought onto me by the cowardly men. I glared up at the two of them where they were standing over me with triumphant expressions on their faces. They were proud of the damage they had caused. Sick f***s. “Anything else you want from her?” Bruce said breathlessly. I glanced over to see Fatima staring daggers at me from the corner of the room as she puffed on her cigarette. “Yea, one more thing.” Matt said before he started kicking me hard in the stomach. I felt my ribs shatter under the hard blows. One of the broken bones must have pierced my lung because the ability to breathe was waning. He finally stopped before grabbing my face and spitting on me. “f**k you, b***h. Like I said before, you were worth every penny.” He chuckled darkly. Both men dressed and left me on the floor, Fatima following closely behind them as they walked out. I heard the click of the lock as their footsteps grew quieter as they ascended the stairs. I lay there for I’m not sure how long, fighting to take in a breath, before mustering enough of my strength to drag myself to the bathroom. I pulled myself up and dropped myself unceremoniously into the now frigid water. One day, I would get out of this place and when I did, I hoped and prayed all of these bastards were inside when I burned this shithole to the ground.
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