Who is he?

1269 Words
The next day… Liana's pov I come downstairs for breakfast in a beautiful green dress. The edge of the full-sleeves look like a bloomed rose, white lace collar like waves, six small white buttons on either side, and a silt cult on the middle bottom. “You're looking beautiful.” Evelyn compliments as soon as her eyes notice my presence at the end of the stairs. Everyone from the family is already at the breakfast table. I slowly reach the table and take my seat next to Evelyn as usual. A maid serves my breakfast and steps back. All four of my brothers are busy eating...they don't pay attention to my presence at all. “Good morning, Liana.” Waylen mutters softly with a smile. “Good morning.” My sweet tone wishes him back with the same smile courtesy. Silence replenishes the table and only the clicking sound of spoons knocking the plates suffuse the air. “There's something I want to ask…” My timid voice breaks the silence and only Evelyn looks at me. “What is it?” She asks. “I have to go to my parents' flower shop today…someone wants to buy our shop and contacted me yesterday.” Words come out of my mouth. “That's wonderful news.” “I would have come with you but I have an urgent meeting.” Evelyn mumbles. She's the owner of a well-known boutique shop that has the best collection of wedding dresses. Her schedule is always packed and her business requires her to travel abroad sometimes for the deals of rare ruby and diamonds to be used in the wedding dresses. Whereas Mr. Waylen is the owner of a big law firm and just like his wife, he rarely stays at home. “Poly will go with you, okay?” “Thank you!” After breakfast I leave first and wait for Poly outside leaning against a black car. All of a sudden… He comes out alone wearing all black and meets my gaze. His shirt is satin and his sleeves are rolled up. Royce Maxwell. The only brother with mismatched eye colors…his left eye is light gray whereas right eye is crystal blue. This is my first time noticing the beauty of his mismatched eye colors. He slowly walks over to me and a smile glints on his charming lips. Just like the other Maxwell brothers he, too, has dark thick hair and a height of 6 '2. “Poly isn't coming!” His deep voice breaks the silence. “Uh…why?” I ask. “She is not feeling well.” He replies. It is quite strange because till one hour ago…Poly was absolutely fine. He doesn't say anything after that and walks over to the other side of the black car my back was leaning against. “Get in the car.” “Huh?” My eyes widens. “I will take you to the flower shop, sister.” . . . The car ride couldn't be anymore awkward. He is driving with a stiff face and I'm feeling anxious beside him. “Are you nervous around me?” He breaks the silence again. “Ahm…no…” My fingers start rubbing each other in hidden panic. Why did Poly have to fall sick today of all days? His addictive perfume fills the car and I notice the veins in his hands as they turn the steering wheel. “How come you never caught my eyes?” He asks another question. A breath slips free of my lips. “Have you ever visited the college library?” I question back. “Nope, never!” He looks at me as he answers. “That’s where I spend most of the time in college…so no wonder your eyes never noticed me before.” *Chuckles “Maybe from now on I will start visiting the library more often…for my sister.” The corner of his mouth curls. My eyes immediately turn away from him and focus themselves on the view outside the glass window. The sky is dark again. “It's going to rain.” My lips mumbles. “Do you like rain?” His voice is as soft as a cloud. “Yes” A smile glints on my lips. My mom loved rain and it's because of her that I love rain, too. . . . We arrive at our flower shop a little far from the main town only to see the clients are already waiting inside. Surprisingly, Royce follows me inside. A married couple in their forties is sitting on the white couch next to the glass window shrouded with green golden pothos leaves. Rayon must have opened the door. I perch on the cushion chair in front of them and greet the couple with a smile. “Your shop is beautiful.” The lady speaks. “Thank you so much.” My soft tone answers her compliment. Royce stands behind me like a grumpy bodyguard on duty. “I am Mr. Hornad Miller and she's my wife, Jasmine Miller.” The man introduces both of them in a stiff tone. “We're ready to buy your shop…and the amount we will be paying you for the shop is 9000 dollars.” The offer is way too low especially for a shop that sells well and even the area is the best where flowers grow every year without a single disappointment. Yet I'm hesitant to argue…business was never my forte and my parents were the one who handled everything. Out of nowhere burdened with such responsibility…I don't know how to handle this situation. “9000 dollars? Are you kidding me?” Royce steps forward. My eyes startle. “This is the only flower shop in Velverine that sells well and the area grows flowers every year without fail…9000 dollars? That's a petty joke!” The couple look at each other in stress. “50000 dollars.” He names the price. “Isn't that a bit too much?” Jasmine raises her voice, yet her husband grabs her wrist and asks her to keep quiet. “Don't buy it then…there are many who would pay even more.” Royce tilts his head with the threat. “We will buy it.” Mr. Hornad agrees. He must have recognized Royce Maxwell. “Let's sign the deal next week.” Having said that, the couple leaves. “Thank you!” I turn to Royce and express my gratitude for his help. All of a sudden… “It feels like a year, Lia.” Rayon's voice reach my ears and my head immediately turns to him. I walk over to him and we hug each other. Rayon used to help my parents in the flower shop and even after their death, he was still managing the shop. We depart our hug and our eyes meet. “You're a strong girl, Lia.” “Thank you, Rayon.” He will be getting half of the money and with that he can start off his own flower business in Velverine main town. His dream is to become the best florist. Rayon smiles and his gaze softens. “Sister? My head turns to the direction of his devilish voice. His eyes are looking at me but the look in them is kind of unpleasant or should I say mysteriously vengeful. “Huh?” My brows furrow. He steps into my space and grabs my wrist in front of Rayon. “Who is he, sister?” Even his tone is like the devil is asking for my soul.
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