The rare girl

1144 Words
Liana's pov A strange noise from outside hitting my glass window wakes me up in the middle of the cold night. “Wh-What?” My eyes widen at the sight. A crow is banging his head on the glass. “Oh my God!” I get out of the bed and run over to the window with my anxious stark feet. *Deep breath My fingers swiftly and slowly slide the window glass and the crow flies into my room and goes straight to the bed where Cheryl is sleeping. His crack voice wakes up Cheryl and she gets scared. “Hey!” “Get away from her!” I shout. My intention was just to save the crowd’s head but now he is scaring my cat. “Hey! You i***t crow!” Cheryl jumps off the sheets and hides underneath the bed. *Knock *Knock I walk over to the door and open it with quite a force, annoyed by the evil crow’s behavior towards my Cheryl. Nash Maxwell is standing in front of me. He's wearing all black and the fingers of either hand inside his pants’ front pockets. The same gray eyes and thick dark hair. A few loose strands are matted on his plain forehead as if he just came out of a cold fresh shower. I can smell his shampoo. He steps into my room without asking and looks at the crow on the bed with empty eyes and blank facial expression. The crow meets his gaze and flies over to his left shoulder. “Wow!” His empty lands on my face. “He was banging his head on my window…so I let him in, but then he scared my cat.” After a four seconds pause his deep voice breaks the silence. He seems to be less talkative compared to his brothers. “Dawn has severe depression.” My soul is quite startled with his answer. “Why? Did something happen to Dawn?” Silence again replenishes the air. He steps into my space and looks into my eyes with a mysterious gaze. “Dawn used to be happy with his parents but then one day an eagle attacked their sweet little nest and killed his parents.” “He was lucky that he survived and entered this castle but the incident left him traumatized.” The story is like he is referring to me. Is he talking about my parents? No, that can't be! I step back from his strong presence and my waist nudges the wooden table behind. “You should have gone to a safe orphanage, sister.” Words come out of his mouth in an unpleasant tone. “Orphanage? Why?” My brow furrows. He tilts his head slightly but doesn't answer my curiosity. “Is something wrong?” His feet step into my space again and he brings his lips closer to my ear. “You won't be able to handle this new family…there's still time…go somewhere far from Velverine and never come back.” He looks into my stunned eyes and it is definitely not a joke. “Good night, sister.” His feet take a few steps behind while his mysterious gaze still on my face and slowly he walks out of the room, closing the door behind him. My lips sucks in a deep breath. “Why does he feel so strange?” *** Meanwhile… Waylen’s pov Evelyn bought a lot of new dresses, heels, makeup, and jewelry for Liana as if she's really her daughter. “This red color will suit her so much.” Her eyes perk up with her words as he stares at the dress in her hands. “Is it really necessary?” I question her unnecessary emotions. “What do you mean?” She drops the dress on our bed and focuses her sole attention to my words. Evelyn doesn't know anything about the ritual and the sacrifice. She's clueless. When I heard the news of Liana's parents’ murder and that she's the sacrifice…I informed Evelyn of her childhood friend's address to bring that child here. But now my wife is getting attached to Liana and this will only break her heart in the future because if not my sons then someone else will sacrifice her. Liana Baker is bound to die and no one in this world can save her from this fate. “Just take things slow for now.” “Waylen!” A smile glints on her lips as she utters my name. “You know that I have always wanted a daughter and now that I have one…you want me to take it slow?” She refuses to listen to me. *Deep breath “Your brother will be joining us for lunch tomorrow.” I changed the subject. “Lucien? That's great.” “He's bringing his secretary with him.” My lips further speak. Evelyn summons Marina inside and orders her to prepare everything for lunch tomorrow with other maids. Lucien’s secretary is a witch. Her name is Flerena. No one knows about this except for The Night Wolves society members. They're not coming for lunch…they're coming to see her. The rare girl who is going to be sacrificed. *** The next day at lunch… Liana’s pov I come downstairs in the living room wearing a short yellow dress that Poly chose for me again. The laces on my back are tied in a crisscross pattern and thin straps carrying the entire dress’ weight on my shoulders. It has three flaps underneath the waist similar to big leaves or petals up to my thighs and white heels matching with the dress style. My hair is tied into a messy bun. I see two unfamiliar faces sitting with Waylen Maxwell on the couch. Evelyn is also sitting next to Waylen and her four sons standing behind the couch. My eyes look at each one of them and their gazes are already on me. “That's my daughter, Liana Maxwell.” Evelyn announces and attracts my attention towards her. “And he's my brother and our clan's Alpha, Lucien Raymond.” I bow to him immediately. He chuckles and gets up from the couch. “You're a rare beauty, Liana.” My head lifts up to him again. “Uh…thank you, sir.” The woman next to him gets up from the couch as well. “She's Flerena, Lucien's secretary.” A smile glints on her lips as her sharp eyes briefly observe my hair. All of a sudden… Lucien starts taking steps in my direction along with his secretary. The closer they're coming, the anxious my heart is growing. Something is uneasy. He stops in front of me and lifts his hand to reach my shoulder. Yet… A strong force clutches my wrist and pulls me away from Lucien and Flerena.
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