Chapter 5 Enzo’s POV

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" Enzo, I need you at the pack house. In five minutes, a new mating has been found and I think you should be the one to give them their good blessings today , alongside me. It is great practice, for when you take over the pack ", my father said down the phone. I internally groaned, it's the last thing I need. For someone's mating to be rubbed in my face and for me to act happy about it. Especially when I have the situation I have. Looking down, I grimaced at the site in front of me. Tiffany was giving her best at sucking my d**k , but even though hard, it was unpleasant. And it wasn't hard for her. I'd been invaded all day by the images of Anthea naked. Twice now I had seen her , and twice it had burnt itself into my skull. My father's interruption had come at no better time. Now I could stop concentrating so hard, to keep , well, hard. I had to keep my eyes closed and my head tilted back for the last five minutes just to achieve it. And, of course, keep pulling up the images of her. If she had affected my d**k now , I would be seriously pissed. I was just hoping it was the fact it was Tiffany and I was sober. Only drunk can I tolerate her rancid attitude. I'd grabbed her out of sheer desperation, to try to eradicate the small slim figure images in my mind. And the blonde hair as white as snow , even the innocent eyes that were a colour I had never seen before. They were like a violet blue colour. f**k, f**k it all. " I'll be there ", I snapped down the phone. I had been locking him out of our link , so dad resorted to calling . I thought it was something important to call after trying to link , but nope, a stupid mating. " Tiffany, get up ", I said rudely to her. She looks up and smiles. Of course, she heard the conversation, " I can have you done in a few minutes ", she says with a sly grin. " I highly doubt that ", I grumbled, lowly and removed my d**k from her hands, putting him away in my trousers. " Are you saying I'm rubbish? " She says offended standing up. She was staring at me , like I had grown three heads. I didn't have the energy to deal with her. " I'm just not in the mood Tiffany ", I told her, and walked around the back of the building I had dragged her to. She falls into step with me. " Poor baby , I bet it's all the stress of becoming alpha. You need a strong woman at your side to take off some pressure ". The hint was strong in that statement. " I don't feel any pressure at all , look Tiffany. I don't think you are meant for me. I don't want you wasting your efforts. So maybe you should concentrate on finding your mate. I do not wish to waste your time. " There direct and honest , and hopefully she takes the hint. Today was on me, and that's why I needed to set it straight. The last thing I needed was her to get her hopes up. " WHAT " she shouts and it stops me in my tracks. I looked around and saw her outburst had caught the attention of many wandering pack members. " Tiffany, quiet " I hissed her way , giving her a warning look. She crossed her arms over her chest and the look she gave me told me she was about to be anything but that. " You are the one to seek me out twice now, Enzo. I am your best option. It is clear you are not going to find your mate before the ceremony, no matter how many sluts you have bedded. And you know that , that is why you have sought me out. I am the beta's daughter and I am unmatched. I am one of the strongest female wolves in the pack". She steps closer and lowers her voice. " But I will not be disrespected by you while you sort your s**t out. You won't make me look like a fool in front of the pack. So I'll tell you this once, Enzo , stop hoeing around. I am willing to reject my own mate for you if they come along. I would be happy being your bond mate although I was hoping we were fated. I'm the best you'll get " she said, with conviction and with venom. I couldn't help the laugh that escaped my mouth at how serious and how much she believed that. " Really , you think that ? For one, the current Alpha mate told me of your rudeness the morning after. Anyone who has the audacity to be disrespectful to the current alpha mate and the pack luna is of no material to be an alpha mate or the next luna. You have no respect, Tiffany, and I can not stand your company for longer than five minutes. If I took you home again, my mother would rip off my d**k for me. Maybe you should take yourself off the pedestal you put yourself on and readjust your personality for your mate. If not, I do feel sorry for him. And also do not speak to your future Alpha that way , it's a fast-track way of being booted out of here . You were a drunken lay nothing more". I walked off, leaving her with an outraged expression. My mother had taught me better. But I was in a fowl mood and definitely not in the mood for her. I'd get it in the neck for this. I had just shown disrespect in public to the betas daughter. My father, no doubt, when he hears about it in the rumor mill from the onlookers, will lecture me on how an alpha should represent oneself in public. f**k it , she deserved to be knocked down a peg or two. Stomping up the porch steps to the alpha house. I let myself in and found my parents in the living room. Mum was sitting on dad's knee. Her head rested on his shoulder. It seemed they were just enjoying each other's company for a beat. Mum and dad never hid their love for one another , most wolves didn't. PDA was just the norm. The pack runs were pretty much an open s*x show if you were to just look. With the slight bit of decorum to where the pups were concerned , we weren't animals, completely.We moved it away from them. But nakedness was just a normal everyday thing to see. So it didn't gross me out to see them like this. " Who's the unlucky couple ?" I joked as I took a seat on one of the chairs opposite them. Mum smirked a little , but dad didn't. His face was all business. " A mating is a blessing, Enzo ", he started, and I held my hands up, cutting him off. " I'm joking dad, of course I know that , I don't need a lecture on the importance of mates ". I rolled my eyes. He huffed , mum climbed off of his lap and ruffled his hair as she left the room. " Samuel Dandis and Lorna Pash , they will be here any moment with their family to present their mating to us. Then they will seal the bond and share it with the pack " he said, getting up. Dandis , s**t, that was Anthea's family. I'd only just got my raging hard on to f**k off , well not entirely Tiffany helped with that. Now she is coming here. Why does this girl all of a sudden have to be everywhere? I needed to study or do research or something. I needed to find out why breaking the bond hadn't worked. Dad looks at me funny , and I realize I must have been expressing something in my expression. Probably frustration. He was about to say something when mum came back into the room. " They are here " she smiled happily. Dad looked me over again and I smiled , a fake one. But he just furrows his brow and drops it. He walks out the room and I follow him out to the front door and out onto the porch. Mum stood by dad's side and dad stood tall. A solid front . Infront of us were the two families and a small audience had gathered behind them. It wasn't compulsory for pack members to come witness this , but some just liked to, I suppose. " Welcome , I hear we have some good news " my dad said, smiling happily down at them. My eyes were scanning the Dandis family though , and came up empty. She was not there. Why would the whole family not be present at that moment? Was she not happy for her brother ? Her family was beaming, Lorna and her sister Delila were smiling. But Lorna's parents were not, something wasn't right there. The mood drifting off of her mum and dad felt off. But Anthea's mum must have been oblivious because she spoke up , her voice strong and proud. " Yes alpha, last night at the run my son found his mate in Lorna. We have come today to present you with this beautiful , strong and very proud, mating between two fine wolves " she beamed. " I see you and your family are more than happy with the fate match." My father says , but then his gaze lands on Lorna's parents. " But you both stand there unsettled , please express what it is that does not have you feeling blessed ". I saw Anthea's family's parents snap their attention in their direction, full of confusion. They were obviously unaware of the atmosphere. It became awkward. " Please Mum, dad , don't do this " Lorna begged quietly. As she looked back at her own parents, she looked mortified when their expressions didn't budge. Her father clears his throat, " Alpha, we wish to petition, or ask you to please not allow this mating. We want to ask you to make them reject each other ". A round of gasps could be heard from the onlookers and her family. Samuel looked angry. " What , why would you ask such a thing ? " Anthea's mum snapped at them. Lorna's mother looked at her , but remained steady in the resolve she had. " Alpha , we fear the genes Samuel carries. We do not wish our daughter to mate and have pups with Samuel". The picture was forming in my mind where this was going, and I felt something deep in me spike with rage. But I kept it buried. Kept to my training. " And why is that ?" My father asked. His voice sounded tense , I knew that it was the calm before the storm. Her mother scoffs " We all saw the daughter they birthed , the one that is yet to even shift for the first time. Our lineage is strong , made up of strong wolves. We do not want to take the risk that it is something they carry in their genes " she spat with disgust. Peter was the one to break Anthea's family shock and he looked like a raging bull as he stepped out of the line. " Now f*****g listen here " he went to start . But my father's booming voice stopped his words. " Peter " he said loudly. " Stand back with your family, son" he ordered, and you could tell Peter didn't want to obey. But his repose for the alpha outweighed his need to rip into her. My father crossed his arms and I knew he was about to blow his lid, but my father didn't need to shout to put someone in their place. " Never in my time as alpha have I been more disappointed. You are asking this of me. Are you questioning the fate's ? Are you demeaning everything wolves hold as sacred mates being the most sacred thing of all? " Her mum and dad have the grace to at least start to look worried. But they don't speak. " I did not remove their daughter from this pack when she was born because I believe the fates have a path for her. Whatever that is, even me, as an alpha, does not have the power to question that , so how dare you ? Their family went on to produce three strong, healthy wolves, one of which had been chosen to mate with your daughter. The daughter that you are obviously disregarding the feelings of. Lorna, do you wish to accept Samuel as your mate ?" She steps forward, looks at Samuel, then back at my dad. She looked pissed. " I do Alpha " she tells him. He nods his head. " Then you two have my blessing. Go on off you go and complete the bond ", her mum goes to say something, but my dad gives her a deadly look. " You two, I would like to speak to you in the house privately ". Lorna runs up to Samuel and throws her arms around his neck , planting a kiss on his lips. Within seconds, both of them had shifted , shredded clothes left on the ground as the wolves took off at a very impatient run. I wasn't about to miss the telling off my father was about to give her mum and dad. Wasn't I a hypocrite though ? I felt anger at them calling her less , yet I refused to mate her ? But it was different. I was the next alpha, right ?
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