Chapter 6 Anthea's POV

1979 Words
" How f*****g embarrassing. This was a disaster , what should have been a proud day for our family. It . . it was a disaster. My poor Samuel " my mother cried out in distress. My father tried to comfort her , but she was inconsolable. Her usual polished look was distressed , make-up ran down her face and her hair was a mess. " The Alpha sorted it dear , he put them in their place", he said to her calmly. His hand rubbing her back as he sat beside her. " He shouldn't have had to, Paul. How long must this family suffer for something we had no control over? How long must I feel shame for her? " A sharp pain shot into my stomach. I was hidden in the hall. I moved back out of the way , so they wouldn't spot me. When they had come back . Peter had told me to stay in my room , he told me what had happened. And he said it best I wasn't in mothers face right now. It would be for the best so that nothing hurtful was said while mum wasn't in the right frame of mind. But I had come out here like a masochist craving the pain. I felt the tears stream down my face. My chest felt tight and my stomach nauseous. They had tried to stop Samuel mating their daughter because of me. He would hate me for that , hate me for his inlaws disliking him. They would hate him or us more now , especially because it sounds like the Alpha showed them up in front of an audience. Would this happen to Timothy and Peter too ? What if their mate was OK with rejecting them ? I saw the worry in Peter's eyes when he was telling me. Lorna had refused it , their mates could not, they could think it was not worth the risk . Dashing at my eyes , I moved quietly and let myself out of the back door. I ran through the packland with ease. I had gotten used to sneaking around and going unseen like a ghost. I ran until I hit the lake and I didn't stop running. I threw myself into the cold water , submerging myself in the ice of it. Fully dressed, I didn't care , I curled my body up into a ball and kept myself down for as long as I could. Sometimes I wish the lake would just wash me away , carry me off until I hit the wide open ocean and I could just sink into the depths of it and disappear. My thoughts were not ones of a happy person. But when my lungs burned I always came up out of the water. Gasping for breath and disappointed with myself even more. No matter how horrid this life was , I couldn't just run away from it. I said it was for Peter , that I stayed for him. But I knew that was a lie too. The truth was I was more scared of being out there , than I was living here as a pariah. Looking up at the sky , I moved the water through my fingers. Felt as the current moved itself around my body. " When is it enough for you ? " I asked them , hoping they would for once answer me back, tell me what it is I had done so wrong. " For who ? " I heard a deep voice behind me. Whirling around in the water , I opened my eyes and, of course, it was him. The last person I wanted to see. Tall , hair black and eyes a dark brown that almost looked black , lips that looked kissable and plump and cheek bones a woman would kill for. And, of course, f*****g naked, all his tanned skin on show. A big tribal tattoo covered his chest and down one arm. Then the pack symbol was tattooed big on his fore arm, along with a wolf. His wolf. " Who were you talking to ?" he asked when I had obviously lost the ability to speak. Especially when my eyes had landed on his very hard and thick erection that stood proud against his stomach. I don't know why I was looking at it so much , I would have no clue what to do with it. Embarassed, I looked away. " No one " I muttered. I wasn't about to tell him. I questioned the fates all of the time. Hoping one day they will actually come forward and speak to me. Tell me why ? Why did they do this to me ? What had I done so wrong ? " You obviously were ? " he said. " And why the lake dive and staying down so long ? " he tipped his head at me. What was with all of the questions ? And what was he even doing here ? I moved and got out of the lake but on the other side away from him. Putting the lake between us. I started ringing out my clothes. " I am talking to you " he says , his voice was sounding annoyed now. Inwardly I laughed. He was used to people just doing as he said so much , that me not answering him annoyed him. " I know I hear you ", I said quietly. He could hear me , there was no need to shout or project my voice. I started to walk the long way back home. Being on this side would mean crossing back through the river downstream a bit. But at least he was on that side. Or at least he was , until he jumped the river and landed in front of me. Stopping me in my tracks. " Don't walk away from me " he said in a deeper voice than I had heard from him before. " My wolf is riding me pretty f*****g hard right now , your walking or running away from me would be seen as a challenge and he will hunt you down " . I looked up at him and my mouth popped open. His eyes were flashing yellow. His wolf was just below the surface. " What do you want ? " I stammered out. He tilts his head , his eyes studying me and it made me feel uncomfortable. I felt like if he looked enough he would see everything. " You were wanting to kill yourself " he says suddenly. I gasped and stumbled back , tears instantly pocketed my eyes, just waiting to fall over the edge. I have never used those words , never. But wasn't that what it was I wanted when I wished the lake would wash me away. " How . . . how ?" I tried to get my words out but they wouldn't come. " Alpha, Anthea, we have a telepathic connection to all the pack. But you I can not read , because you are meant to be my . . . , my wolf to your wolf can though. And your wolf just screamed it at mine pretty f*****g loudly " . He couldn't even say it . Couldn't say I was his mate. And my traitorious Wolf sold me out. "Because your being an i***t ", I heard her softly in my mind. I shook my head and squeezed my eyes shut, the tears finally falling over. " You don't know anything , you just came along. I have had to live with this my whole life ", I snapped back at her. I opened my eyes when I realized I had said that out loud. Enzo was staring at me. I was getting fed up of this , fed up of him. " What are you doing here ? Why were you at my window ? You don't want me as your mate. So even if I did want that, it is none of your business. Me gone. Will solve your issues anyway ". I dodged round him and started walking off. The tears were back in full force now , not just a trickle and I didn't want him seeing them. " Is this to do with what happened today with Samuel ?" he asked , ignoring everything I had just asked him. " It's nothing to do with you ", I told him as I kept walking. " Anthea " he snapped , but I ignored him. " Anthea stop " he said again , but I didn't. " Anthea " he roared , but the end sounded like s**t , his wolf. Turning , I looked back and sure enough his wolf stood there. I stood frozen. Scared to move , I didn't know what he had meant when he said his wolf would hunt me down. To what , hurt me ? His wolf edged closer and circled me , his nose sniffing at my skin, his muzzle bumping me as he tried to get closer. " Let me out ", I heard my wolf say. I shook my head. " No" I whispered. I heard her huff " Let me out and us wolfs will do what you two clearly can't ". Mate , she meant f*****g mate. " No " I snapped at her " He doesn't want us ", I told her. The big wolf growled low in his throat " The i***t side of him doesn't. This magnificent animal does , so let me out and the i***t part of him won't have a choice. " I couldn't do that. I couldn't mate with him on a technicality, that his wolf took it out of his hands.Growing some conviction and courage, I looked at the wolf in the eyes. " NO , I wont let her out. You won't force this mating the both of you , you hear this. You are our counterparts. And you do not get to make that choice " I said to her, and the wolf stood looking at me in the face. The height of the wolf was not far off from my height. The wolf before me, if possible, looked at me sadly. Right before , it shifted back and Enzo stood there looking at me with shock and confusion. " He had full control then. I am only back now because he knew you were telling the truth . I couldn't have stopped it. You could have been the Alpha mate. Why did you stop it ? " I dashed at my eyes. "You've never not been wanted, Enzo , never been looked at as a disappointment. Sneered at and taunted. Well I have , I have had it my whole life; pack members, my own parents and family. And now my mate does not want me either. The one the fates chose for me. I have questioned the fates my whole life. You all see them as blessing givers and saints. I see them as sadistic and evil. Why would they put me through all of this my whole life if they were not ? Being me is no blessing, Enzo. I would not wish this feeling on anyone , especially not my mate. You would feel the embarrassment of the pack when they saw who your mate was. Especially because of your position. That is why I will not mate with you. I wish the rejecting would have worked and I'm truly sorry for you that it didn't. If you find a way , I will happily do whatever you need of me to cut the link between us. Have a good day, Alpha "
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