3. Where the Hate Started

1862 Words
Aaliyah's POV When Carson left I can't help but remember all the memories I had with him. I remember how my hate towards him started. ~Flashback~ As I happily run to our front yard I saw my father arrive after his long business trip. I run towards him but halted midway when I saw a child hiding behind his back. I fixated my eyes on the boy who is tightly holding the hem of my father's clothes. "Don't be shy Carson. She is Aaliyah your sister," my father uttered. I looked at him with furrowed eyebrows having a hard time processing his words. "Dad," I called him. My father bent down and then hold both of my shoulders. "Meet your brother Aaliyah, Carson Augustus," he uttered all smiles. I brought my eyes back to the boy hiding at my father's back. His ocean-blue eyes met mine and upon seeing him all I feel was hatred. "I hate you!" I shouted then run away. When I saw my mother walking towards the front yard I immediately hugged her. "Mommy," I cried. My mother bowed down and then wipe the tears on my face. "Deal with it Aaliyah," she uttered firmly. She's always this hard but this time she hurt me more than I could ever imagine. My mother dragged me to where my father and Carson is standing. "Greet your brother Aaliyah," she commanded and I felt betrayed. I felt like they are all against me. "H-Hi C-Carson," I uttered in between my sobs then extended my hand. "H-Hi A-Aliyah," just like me he nervously took my hand. Our hands touch for a few seconds but I immediately pulled it out and hid it behind my back. "You must be tired from your trip, let's go inside," my mother uttered coldly then we walked inside our mansion. I was about to run inside my room when my mother called my name. "Aaliyah," she uttered, and based on her tone, she is mad at me. I walked back to the sala and sat across from Carson. I am glaring at him but he responded with a small smile that pissed me off even more. After that day, Carson was introduced to the public as a legitimate son. They created a story that he resided in the US because he needed treatment. The public believe their story and after that, all the attention was on him. His the smart child, the gifted one while I am nothing but a daughter of Olivia and Albert Augustus. I am nothing without my name. "I told you not to f*****g touch my things!" I heard my mother shout and it was coming from the living room. I was curious so I made my way through our living room and that's when I saw the ten-year-old Carson being scolded by my mother. Everyone favored Carson but not my mother. Whenever my father is around she treated Carson as her child but when he is away she loathes Carson's existence. I walked towards them and I saw Carson bowing his head at my mother, not wanting to talk back. "Useless bastard," she uttered then walked out leaving me and Carson in the living room with the broken vase on the floor. Carson started picking up the broken vase and seeing him like that made me forget the hate that I felt toward him. I helped him pick up the broken pieces of the vase. "You might cut your hands, Aaliyah," he uttered then looked at me but I just rolled my eyes at him and then continued picking up the broken vase. After a while, I accidentally cut my finger with the sharp edge. "Ouch!" I whimpered in pain while looking at my finger filled with blood. Carson looked at me in panic then took my hand. He take a closer look at my finger and then made me sit on the sofa. Carson excused himself then after a while he came back holding a first aid kit. "I already warned you, Aaliyah," he uttered and he sounded angry. "Are you scolding me?" I asked in my usual bratty tone. He took a deep breath and then looked at me before shaking his head. "No, I'm sorry," he uttered softly which made me feel guilty so I just shut my mouth and let him clean my wounds. "Oh my God!" When I heard my mother's voice I immediately pulled my hands from Carson and then hide them behind my back. "What did you do to my daughter?!" she asked hysterically then grabbed the hand that I am hiding behind my back. It is already clean and Carson put some bandage on it so it doesn't hurt anymore but I know my mother won't let this slide. My mother hid me behind her back and then faced Carson. I was shocked when she suddenly slapped Carson. Carson's face turned to the other side because of the intensity of the slap. When he faced my mother I saw blood on his lips. "I'm sorry," he apologized even though he didn't do anything wrong. "Mom it's not his fault," I defended my mother turned around and then held my shoulder tightly. "Are you defending him, Aaliyah? Are you defending that bastard who ruined our family? That f*****g bastard stole everything from you! You should hate him, do you understand?! Answer me, Aaliyah," my body started to shake in fear, and tears formed in the corner of my eyes. " Y-Yes M-Mommy, " I responded with my shaking voice. After that, my mother dragged me to my room. " Don't go near that bastard, " she commanded then left me. I sat on my bed crying because of guilt. I felt bad for Carson but my Mom is right. He ruined everything. We are doing fine not until he showed up and tear our family apart. In the eyes of the public, we look like a perfect family but if you look closer you will realize it's flawed. You will see the ugly truth behind the perfection of the Augustus Clan. I stopped crying when I heard someone knocking on my door. I walked towards it and then opened the door but no one was outside. I was about to close it when my eyes accidentally landed on the floor and there I saw one banana milk. I picked it up and I saw a note attach to it. 'Don't blame yourself, I am fine,' by just looking at the handwriting I can tell that it is Carson. I shut my door close then stared at the banana milk on my hand. "I hate you, Carson," I uttered but that doesn't sound like truth more of a reminder, that I should hate him. Years passed and we are still hiding my father's dirty secret. We are still the perfect Augustus clan respected and envied by everyone. "How is your business Carson?" my father asked while looking at his favorite child intently. We are having dinner and it becomes our norm to tackle Carson's achievements. "It's fine Dad," he responded shortly. "I heard that your real estate company is leading in the business industry, I am proud of you son," he uttered with a wide smile plastered on his face then later on he turned his head on me. "What about you Aaliyah?" he asked. I held the spoon tightly and then forced a smile. "I am planning to try modeling Dad," I shyly responded which made my father laugh. "Modeling is not even a decent profession Aaliyah, it won't guarantee you success," he uttered. I bit my lower lip to stop my tears from falling. I felt my mother squeezing my hand I turned my head on her and I saw her slightly shaking her head as if telling me not to talk back. "Modeling is a good profession Dad and Aaliyah is fitted in that field. She can ace modeling Dad," Carson defended which made my father silent for a little while. Our father looked at him and then nod his head. "It won't guarantee a successful future though anyway, do you have any plans of entering politics Carson?" my father asked. They continued their conversation and I remained silent because my plans won't interest my father anyway. When the dinner was done I headed towards our pool and then sat at the edge of it letting my feet be soaked in the water. I let out a huge breath and then let my tears flow freely. "I hate you, Carson," I uttered with gritting teeth and fist tightly closed. While my eyes were fixated on the water I saw a shadow reflect on it. I turned my head and I saw Carson standing behind me holding a paper bag. "You didn't eat your dinner," he uttered then handed me the paper bag. I ignored him and then brought my eyes back to the pool. After a while, I felt him sitting at the edge of the pool as well but he maintained enough distance. He put the paper bag between us and then looked at the pool as well. We stayed in that position for a few minutes and after a while, I heard my stomach growl which made his head turn in my direction. "That's not me," I defended even though it was obvious that the sound came from me. He nod his head and then bit his lower lip fighting the urge to smile. "Okay," he shortly responded then pushed the paper bag a bit on my side. When I smell the burger I couldn't resist it anymore. I took the paper bag and I saw him smile when I did that. I started unwrapping the burger and then took a bite. Ever since I discussed to my mother that I am planning to be a model she put me into a strict diet forbidding me to eat fatty foods. "You will be great Aaliyah," he blurted out of nowhere. I turned my head on him. The moon reflected on his ocean blue eyes and they look majestic. I felt like I was hypnotized and all I did was stare at his face. After a while realization hit me so I quickly looked away. " Not as great as you," I responded then continued eating the burger. "You don't have to be as great as me Aaliyah," he uttered. I looked at him and when our eyes meet he automatically smiled. "You will be great not because your achievements will surpass mine but because you are you, Aaliyah," he added, and hearing his words brought comfort to my heart and my soul. Carson has his ways of comforting me. He can always find the right word to make me feel at ease. But I shouldn't allow myself to get swayed by his kindness. "You know what Carson I won't be dealing with this kind of competition if you didn't appear and stole everything from me," I uttered as I look into his eyes. "I hate you, Carson," I firmly uttered then walked out without even looking back. ~End of Flashback~
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