2. Goodbye

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Aaliyah's POV I wanted to leave him but when my mother called asking me to come home I forced myself to get in his car. I am a bit drunk and I can't even walk straight. I don't want to risk my life just because I heard his stupid confession. The whole drive towards the mansion was quiet. After our heated conversation, none of us dared to talk. When we arrived at the mansion I immediately get off from his car but before I could even leave the garage he held my wrist to stop me from leaving. "What do you want me to do Aaliyah?" he asked and he sounded hopeless like he is willing to give up everything. I faced him and then looked at him intently. "Leave me alone Carson," I uttered emphasizing every word. Pain crossed his eyes, and laughed in disbelief when he heard my words. "If you only knew how many times I tried doing that Aaliyah," he fired back and he looks like he is in trouble. I pulled my hand from him and then took a few steps back. "This wrong!" I shouted to make him understand. "I know! I f*****g know that!" he shouted back which made me tear up. Frustration, anger, pain, disappointment, everything mixed up. "Then stop loving me, Carson. Stop that stupid feeling of yours," I uttered then turned my back on him but before I could even walk away he spoke. "Do you want me to hate you Aaliyah?" he asked which made me freeze, is that what I wanted? I slowly nod my head without looking at him then continued walking away. I wipe the tears that cascaded on my face and then run towards my room. I immediately open the door and then leaned my back against it. I covered my mouth to stifle my sobs. Why am I hurting? This is wrong. I shouldn't feel this way. He is my brother and I shouldn't feel anything special towards him. My knees can no longer support my body I sat on the cold floor and then covered my face using my palm. After a while, my phone vibrated and when I looked at it there is a message from Carson. From: Carson Stop crying I will no longer dry your tears. That's what the message says and it made me remember those moments when Carson is always by my side when I am feeling down. During my first runway, I made a huge mistake. I slipped and the dress that I am wearing was torn apart. I heard the crowd's loud gasps and all I can do is to sit on the floor and let my tears fall miserably. I have no idea what I should do when suddenly Carson covered me with his coat and assisted me in standing up. He helped me to run away from the crowd. He allowed me to cry when I am down. Once I am done releasing my frustration he will always wipe my tears and tell me that everything is going to be okay. He is always kind to me. He never once treated me badly. He always motivates me to believe in myself and do great things because he believes that I can be something great. Carson has always been good maybe that's the reason why I am confused right now. After a while I heard a knock on my door, I am hesitating if I should open it or not but curiosity got over me. I opened the door and I saw banana milk on the floor with a note attached to it. 'This will be the last banana milk that you will receive from me,' I smiled bitterly then took it before closing my door again. I wiped my tears and then fixed my face. I decided to take a bath and it took me an hour since when I am in the shower I felt like my thoughts were gone and everything is blank. When I am done taking a shower I wrapped myself in a bathrobe then walked towards my bed and sat at the edge of it. I picked up the banana milk that Carson gave me and stared at it for a while. I let out a huge breath and then opened the drawer of the side table. I placed it inside because that will be the last. I won't receive any banana milk from him. I decided to blow dry my hair and when I am done I wear comfortable clothes. I heard knocks on my door again and when I looked at the clock it is already time for breakfast, so that must be our maid. I walked towards the door and then opened it and I was wrong because it is my mother standing in front of my room. She looked at me with a creased forehead and then cupped my face. "What happened to your eyes Aaliyah?" she asked then started examining my face. I took a few steps back and then shook my head. "I cried watching the movie Mom," I uttered lying but I don't care if she will believe me or not. "Okay," she responded even though she isn't buying my reason. "Let's have breakfast," she added so I nod my head and walked beside her. When we reached the kitchen I met his eyes again and I saw how he intently scanned my face. His jaw clenched while looking at me but later on I ignored him and walked toward our father. " Hi Dad, " I uttered then kissed his cheek. "What happened to your eyes?" he asked while looking at me intently. "She cried watching the movie," and just like Mom he didn't buy it but he didn't ask further questions. "Let's eat," he uttered not an invitation but more of a command. I nod my head and sat across from Carson. I am avoiding his gaze so I kept my head bowed down. "I am planning to leave the country Dad," the silence broke off when Carson said those. I looked at him and I saw him already looking at me. "I might be away for a year," he uttered and I hate myself because I felt my heart throb in pain. Carson's POV From my eyes fixated on Aaliyah, I diverted it to my father. He looked at me with a creased forehead shocked by my sudden decision. "A year is a bit long Carson. What is your reason for leaving?" he asked. "I am planning to expand my business Dad so I might travel to Asian countries for the time being," I explained and he slowly nod his head. "Your company can already gain billions and I guess it is indeed time to expand it. Just tell me if you need anything," he uttered and he looks happy upon hearing my news. I have no plan of expanding my business yet all I want is to be far from Aaliyah because whenever I am near her I always find myself hardly smitten. "You are already a multi-billionaire Carson, I guess it is already time to settle down. You are at the right age to get married," he uttered but I just smiled at him and then shook my head. "Marriage is a big thing Dad I will think about that when I am ready," I politely responded but he wasn't satisfied with my answer. "You don't have a girlfriend or a special someone?" he asked and upon hearing his questions my eyes automatically landed on Aaliyah who is trying her best to avoid my gaze. "No Dad," I responded. My heart is owned by someone but I understand that she can't love me back. I respect Aaliyah's decisions that's why I am leaving. "Do you like models son?" my father asked and I heard Aaliyah choke upon hearing his question. I immediately handed her a glass of water. "Are you okay Aaliyah?" her mother, Olivia asked her. Aaliyah, nod her head and then continued drinking the water. Her mother caressed her back and when she was done coughing she looked at me. "I don't think models fit Carson Dad," she responded without tearing off our gaze. "Well, we can try Aaliyah, Dad?" I turned my head on my father and he nods his head. "Maybe you should introduce some of your model friends Aaliyah, who knows one of them might captivate your brother's heart," he joked and then started to laugh. Aaliyah laughed awkwardly and then turned her head to our father. "Carson treats women as clothes Dad," she responded refusing to introduce me to her friends. "Well, maybe a model can change his nature right, Carson?" I nod my head and then brought my eyes back to Aaliyah. "I will try," she responded defeatedly. When we are done eating dinner I saw her heading toward our pool so I followed her. When she noticed my presence she turn around and gave me a death glare. "What are you doing here?" she asked with gritted teeth. "I'm leaving," I uttered hoping that maybe she will stop me but I forgot that Aaliyah is heartless. "Then leave," she responded like it was nothing. I felt like someone punched my chest when I heard her cold voice. "Take care of yourself, Aaliyah," I uttered then smiled at her before turning my back. "I hope you won't come back Carson," she coldly responded before I walked away. I wiped the tear that escaped from my eyes and then took a deep breath. I walked towards my room and decided to start packing my things. I will leave early so I guess by then she is still asleep. I spend my day preparing all the things that I needed while Aaliyah is out. Night came and I couldn't sleep all I did was wait for the morning to come. When it is finally morning I walked towards her room and then slipped a letter on her door. I just said goodbye to Dad and Olivia. Before I could even pull out my car from the garage I saw Aaliyah running towards my car. I immediately get off and then meet her halfway. "Take care of yourself," she uttered panting. I nod my head at her and pulled her into a tight hug. She didn't protest so I allowed myself to feel the comfort of her hug. "Goodbye Aaliyah," I uttered, and upon saying those I heard her soft sobs. "Goodbye Carson," she responded. I broke off the hug and then planted a soft kiss on her forehead. I smiled at her for the last time before walking toward my car. When I get in I buried my face in the steering wheel for a few seconds. "Goodbye Aaliyah," I uttered one last time then drive away.
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