4. When He Came Back

1791 Words
Aaliyah's POV In one year I built a name in the modeling industry. I became one of the high highest-paid models but it isn't enough to please my father. My achievements are still nothing compared to Carson who was able to expand his business all over Asia. He successfully achieves his plan of expanding his business and a year later he came back bound to marry someone. Carson came home with a woman whom he introduced as his fiancé. A year before he left he confessed that he loves me but when he came back he is already committed to another woman. "Aaliyah, can I help you with something?" Ava Kinsley asked with a smile on her face. I no longer wonder why Carson fell for her, she has everything that a man is looking for. She has the looks, the brain, and the personality that can make any man fall. "It's fine Ava," I politely uttered and continued mixing the dry ingredients. She nod her head respecting my decision then sat at the chair while watching me move around the counter. I felt uncomfortable with her stares but I have no heart to tell her that. " You must love baking," she uttered trying her best to make a conversation with me. I looked at her then nod my head for a short while and continued mixing the ingredients that I will use in cooking cookies. "I used to bake too but I stopped when my duty in the hospital became hectic," she shared even though I am not asking. I just nod my head and focused on what I am doing. "What kind of pastries does Carson like? I want to bake him something," she uttered. I can't help but ask myself how long had they been together because it looks like they are still in getting to know each other's stage. Ava always asked me questions as if she isn't Carson's fiancée. "He likes cookies," I simply replied and when I am done whisking all the ingredients I put them in the baking tray and placed them inside the oven for twelve minutes. While I am waiting I decided to clean the kitchen. "Let me help you, Aaliyah," Ava offered so I look at her and then nod my head. While cleaning the kitchen Ava kept on sharing random information that doesn't interest me at all. "I wanna watch you in runway Aaliyah, you will inform me once you have an event right?" she asked and she sounded excited so I gave her a small smile. "Yeah sure," I replied and I sounded so cold but she didn't mind it at all. She kept on talking to me enthusiastically which made me feel guilty about how I acted toward her. She didn't do anything wrong to me but her presence pisses me off. After a while, Carson entered the kitchen. She kissed Ava's cheeks then looked at me and smiled. I just nod my head and then walked towards the oven to see if the cookies are done. "I will just check the cookies babe," I heard Ava utter then after a while I felt her beside me. I took the baking tray out of the oven but I forgot to wear my gloves. When I felt my hands burn I let go of the baking tray and it accidentally landed on Ava's feet. "Ouch! " we shouted at the same time. I look at my hands and it is a bit red when I looked at Ava's feet it is a bit red as well. Guilt crept into my system but before I could even bend down to help her Carson carried Ava in his arms then they walked towards the sala. I quietly followed them with guilt running in my system. "Ava I'm sorry," I uttered while Carson is busy checking Ava's feet. Ava looked at me and then smiled but it didn't even hide the fact that she is hurt. Carson started treating her by putting a cold compress on her slightly burnt feet then after a while, Carson put in some ointment. When Carson was done treating Ava he stood up and looked at me. "What were you thinking Aaliyah?" he asked and I can feel anger in his voice. I bowed my head stopping myself to talk back since everything is my fault. "It was an accident, Carson. Stop blaming Aaliyah," Ava butted in I turned my head on her and she smiled at me genuinely. "I'm sorry," I mouthed to her then faced Carson. "I'm sorry," I uttered even though I don't have any idea why I am saying sorry to him. He looked at me intently then let out a deep breath. "Let me see your hands," he uttered after a while so I slowly lifted my hand and showed it to him. His jaw clenched and I saw how his forehead creased upon seeing how red my hand is. He gently held my wrist and then made me sit on the couch beside Ava. "Oh my God Aaliyah that looks bad too, are you okay? " Ava commented upon seeing my hands. She sounded so concerned and I have no idea how I should react. "I'm fine," I responded then gave her a small smile. "This isn't fine Aaliyah," Carson butted in as he carefully checked my hand and applied a cold compress on it. Carson's POV As I look at her hands I can't help but be mad not at her but at her clumsiness. How can she forget her gloves? "Ouch," Aaliyah complained when I started putting the ointment. "I'm sorry," I uttered then started blowing some air as I apply the ointment. "You look sweet," Ava commented after a while which made me stopped from moving. "I wish my brother and I have a relationship like yours," she added. When I looked at her side I saw her watching us with adoration in her eyes. "You have seen Adonis already right Carson?" she asked and I nod my head. "That man is an asshole. It looks like once he acted all sweet towards me he will be sick," she commented and it was followed by her soft chuckle then turned her head on Aaliyah. "You are so lucky to have Carson as your brother Aaliyah," she uttered. Aaliyah gave her an awkward smile and then turned her head on me. When our eyes met we stared at each other intently. "I am indeed lucky to have Carson as my brother," she uttered but her words doesn't sound genuine. I simply nod my head at her and then continued applying ointment to her hands. "Oh my God Aaliyah what happened?!" When I heard Olivia's voice I lifted my head and when our eyes meet she looked at me like everything is my fault. She immediately walked towards her daughter and held Aaliyah's hands. "Ouch Mom," Aaliyah complained when Olivia pressed her hand. "You have a runway tomorrow Aaliyah," she hysterically uttered as she looked at Aaliyah's hands. "I am fine Mom," Aaliyah responded but her mother isn't a fool to believe her. Her hands are burned and I bet tomorrow morning it will look bad. "Why did this happen anyway?" she asked with her words filled with anger then after a while Olivia looked at my side as if her question were meant for me. "I forgot to wear my gloves when I took out the baking tray Mom," Aaliyah responded with all honesty. Olivia looked at her daughter and then rolled her eyes. "Why were you baking anyway?" Olivia asked. Aaliyah looked at me and then swallowed hard as if the reason why she baked cookies is hard to utter. "It's a gift Mom for Carson's birthday," she uttered. Olivia's forehead creased when she heard her daughter's reason. "When is your birthday babe?" Ava butted in that's when I realized that she doesn't know me that well but that's reasonable since we just met a month ago and decided to get married so my father would stop pestering me about marriage but I have other reasons. The real reason why I wanted to marry Ava is to forget her... to forget Aaliyah. I thought that if I divert my attention to someone my feelings would fade away but when our eyes met again, I lost control. Aaliyah had me again badly smitten with her. I let out a huge breath and then looked at Ava who is patiently waiting for my answer. "Tomorrow," I responded which made her gasp. "I should start preparing my gifts for you," she uttered like she is in panic. "How long have you known each other?" Olivia asked after a while with confusion written on her face. "A month Mom," I responded politely. "And a month is enough for both of you to decide to marry each other?" she asked with her creased forehead. "I am sure of Carson Ma'am," Ava politely uttered then looked at me and gave me a genuine smile. "And you Carson?" Olivia asked and her tone sounded like she is interrogating us or something. I am loss for words and I have no idea how I should answer. My eyes are on Ava who is eager to hear my answer. "I am sure in marrying Ava," I responded and I hope that it didn't sound like a forced answer. After hearing our answer Olivia looked at her daughter again. "Make sure to apply ointment on your hands," she reminded Aaliyah. She might be hard on Aaliyah sometimes but I know that she loves Aaliyah she is just showing it in a different way. After a while, Olivia excused herself to do something. Then after a while, Ava received a phone call and decided to leave for a minute. When it is only me and Aaliyah in the living room it was filled with silence. "Does it still hurt?" I asked. She looked at me and then shook her head. We didn't tear off our gaze. We looked at each other's eyes intently and after a while, she spoke. "Are you sure about marrying her?" she asked. "Do you want me to marry her?" I asked back. "Why are you asking me that Carson?" she asked with a creased forehead and she looked mad at me. "Just answer me, Aaliyah, do you want me to marry her?" I asked once again. She let out a huge breath. "You should marry Ava, Carson," she responded which made my heart throb in pain. I should marry Ava that is what she said because that is the right thing to do but that doesn't mean that she wants it to happen.
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