5. Carson's Birthday

1937 Words
Aaliyah's POV When I woke up I heard laughter from our living room. I fixed myself first before I came down thinking that Carson's guests for his birthday must have come early. When I entered the living room the laughter subsided and they all look at me. Elijah, Carson's best friend stood up and kissed my cheeks. "It's nice to see you again Aaliyah," he greeted happily and smiled at me. I smiled back and then met his eyes. "It's been ages Elijah, I am glad to see you here also," I uttered. After a while, I saw Carson stand up and walked in our direction. "Let's have breakfast," he uttered then patted Elijah's shoulder and throw a glance in my direction. "Let's go, Aaliyah?" Elijah invited me so I nod my head and followed them as they walked towards the kitchen. Some of Carson's friend/business partner is here but I am not familiar with them. I am only familiar with Elijah since I saw him a few times at Loungepad back when I was still a partyholic. "So what's your plan for today Carson?" Elijah asked when we are all seated at the dining table. I looked at Carson and when our eyes met I immediately look away. "Ava is planning a dinner party tonight so I guess that's it," he uttered and it was followed by a chuckle. "How about a party at Loungepad?" Elijah suggested and some of their friends agreed to him. "That sounds like a great plan man," a man with blonde hair agreed. "I'll talk to Ava later," Carson responded which made the guys groan. "What a loyal lover," Elijah uttered which made everyone laugh except for me. I just sat at my chair awkwardly finding any humor but I can't find anything funny in Elijah's words all it brought is pain and bitterness. "How about you Aaliyah, are you up for a party tonight?" Elijah asked so I turned my head on him. Then roamed my eyes on the table and the three men with us is also waiting for my answer. When I looked at Carson's side he is also eager to hear my answer. "I'm free tonight so I think I am up for partying," I uttered which made Elijah's smile grow wider. "Come on man dinner party at home is boring, you can convince Ava to change the location in Loungepad," Elijah did his best to convince Carson and after a while, Carson nod his head. "Yes!" Elijah happily exclaimed and after that, we continued eating our breakfast. Afternoon came and Ava came back from her duty. I saw her sitting beside Carson holding each other tightly. When Ava leaned closer to kiss Carson's lips I immediately looked away and walked towards the kitchen. I grabbed a glass of water and drink it straight. I took a deep breath to calm myself then after a while when I heard footsteps approaching the kitchen I fake a smile and acted like I am fine. "Hi," Ava greeted with a genuine smile plastered on her face. She even waved her hands at me so I awkwardly waved back and forced a smile. Ava leaned on the counter a few inches from mine. She took a deep breath like she is really tired so I took a glass and pour some water then handed it to her. "Thank you," she politely uttered then took the glass of my water in my hands. "Carson told me that his friends suggested celebrating his birthday on Loungepad," she uttered after drinking the water. I nod my head at her. "But I think everything is up to you, if you want to have dinner at home then Carson would be fine with that," I uttered worriedly, she might think that her effort was being discarded but I was wrong because she doesn't look hurt at all. She even laughed like she found my explanation funny. " You don't have to explain Aaliyah, "she politely uttered using her soft voice. " It's Carson's birthday and he can do anything he wants. He can do anything he wants though even though it's not his birthday, " she uttered with a smile plastered on her face. " He is lucky to have you, "I blurted out and I can feel pain run through my system when I uttered those words. " We are lucky to have each other, " she responded but I can't find any reason to smile back. I can't even force a smile all I did is stare at her eaten by jealousy because she looks too happy while I am locked in my darkest desire that I shouldn't unfold because it will ruin everything. It will ruin my name, my family, and...him. "Are you okay Aaliyah?" Ava asked after a few seconds when she didn't receive any response from me. I smiled at her and nod my head. "I will just get something in my room," I uttered then walked out of the kitchen without uttering a proper goodbye to her. I walked towards my room then locked it and walked towards my side table and open its drawer. I took out the banana milk and looking at it triggered the tears that I am holding back for a while. "I hate you, Carson," I uttered as I held the banana milk tightly. "I hate you for making me feel this way," I whispered in between my sobs as his face flashed in my mind. Carson's POV Afternoon came and we all decided to celebrate my birthday at the Loungepad. My father wanted to throw a big party but I stopped him since I am not a fan of that kind of event. I will just get tired of greeting people in the business industry. I am glad Elijah suggested this kind of celebration. I wanted to relax even just for a day and forget everything that bothers me. I rented the whole Loungepad and invited my friends in college and some of my business partners. We filled the whole bar and everything is insanely good. Except that my eyes are looking for someone that I couldn't find. "Have you seen Aaliyah?" I whispered in Ava's ear as her body swayed to the beat of the music. She shook her head and then looked at me. "Why?" she asked all confused so I just shook my head and continued searching for Aaliyah using my eyes. It's been a few minutes and I haven't seen her yet so I excused myself to roam the whole bar. I saw her friend Mia dancing to the beat of the music enjoying the night. I walked towards Mia and tapped her shoulder. "Have you seen Aaliyah?" I asked. She looked at me with a creased forehead then shook her head. "She is with me earlier but a man approached us and hit on her so I guess she is having a great talk with a stranger as of the moment," she uttered she sounded drunk so I called Elijah and told him to look after Mia while I am looking for Aaliyah. After a while, my phone vibrated so I fished it out of my pocket. From: Ava Aaliyah is with me. Upon reading her text message I felt relieved. I walked towards the direction where I left Ava but before I could even reach it I saw her hands waving at me. She is now sitting on the couch all smiling as she watched me walk towards her. When I reached to couch where Ava is seated I saw Aaliyah sitting on the couch as well with a man beside her. I sat beside Ava but my eyes were fixated on Aaliyah then, later on, shifted to the man's hand that grips Aaliyah's thigh tightly. My jaw clenched when the man leaned in and whispered something in Aaliyah's ear. "Aaliyah," I called Aaliyah's name firmly so the man looked at me. "You are Aaliyah's brother right? Happy birthday man, " he greeted but I ignored him and looked at Aaliyah intently. "Mia's drunk you should take her home," I uttered. Aaliyah looked at me with a creased forehead like she is against my idea. "It's still early Carson," she complained but I just raised my right eyebrow at her. She took a deep breath and then picked up her bag to get Mia. "I will take both of you home, Aaliyah," the man suggested and stood up but before he could even follow Aaliyah I stood up and faced him. "My sister, my responsibility. You can stay out of this dude," I firmly uttered, the man looked at me with a creased forehead and it looks like any minute he is ready to fight but he chose to back off and walked away. I was about to leave to follow Aaliyah when Ava spoke. I almost forgot that I am with her. "You're leaving?" she asked so I nod my head. "I'll be back. I will just send Mia and Aaliyah home, it's a bit late it's dangerous to let them go alone," I uttered. Ava smiled and nod her head. "I will wait for you," she uttered. I leaned closer and kissed her forehead before leaving her on the couch. I walked in the direction where I last saw Mia and after a few minutes, I saw Aaliyah holding Mia who can't stand up on her own. I approached them and helped Aaliyah in carrying Mia. We walked towards the parking lot and when we reached Mia's car I extended my hand asking for the car key. "What?" Aaliyah asked confused about what I wanted. "The car key Aaliyah. I will drive you home," I uttered she was about to complain but I look at her intently. Aaliyah took a deep breath and then fished out the key from Mia's bag. She handed me the keys and I can tell that it is against her will by the way she rolled her eyes. We put Mia in the backseat of the car. Before I could even open the passenger seat to let her in she did it on her own. I took a deep breath and then walked towards the driver seat but before I could even start the engine she spoke. "What did you do to Nicholas?" she asked like I am guilty of something. "Who is Nicholas?" I asked confused upon hearing her utter an unfamiliar name. "The man that I am with earlier," she responded losing her patience. "He left when you left," I simply replied but she still look at me like I did something bad about that man named Nicholas. Well maybe, a bit. "Why do you keep on meddling in my life Carson?" she asked and she sounded so mad. "Because I am your brother Aaliyah," I uttered as if that is enough. Aaliyah looked at me in disbelief finding my words unbelievable. "You are just my brother Carson. You don't have to involve yourself in everything that I do. You have no right to decide for me and what kind of man I am gonna hook up with. You are just a bastard who ruined my family so stop acting if as you have right in everything, " she uttered and her words pierced through my heart and cut it into tiny little pieces. I nod my head and smiled at her hoping that it will hide the pain that shattered me from the inside. " Okay, " I responded shortly then started the engine and drive quiet
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