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(JANE’S POV) I ran out of the hotel and for some time I was not sure of where to go to. I still could not believe that this had just happened to me. On the eve of my wedding! If the two people I trusted the most in the world could treat me like this then the world was a cold place to live in. So all Nathan was interested in was being the Alpha of blue pack? All along he was not even a good person. I thought he loved me. I wanted to see him. I wanted to ask him questions. Did he ever feel a thing for me? Or was it all fake? Was any part of it real? I thought of my parents and I felt sad. They would be disappointed. And what would they do with a daughter like me now? How would I find someone that would help me to lead the pack? I cried again and again. My head began to hurt and I was feeling weak. And then an idea came to me, I decided to go to one of the hotels that had a bar. As the bitterness of the strong drink burned my throat, I was still seeing flashes of Nathan and Maya having s*x on the bed. Their conversation still lurked around in my mind as if mocking me and it urged me to drink more. Tonight I wanted to forget. I did not want to feel such pain anymore because it was too much to deal with. I really am a weak human. While I hit deeper in my heartbreak and my sadness , I glanced around lazily and then noticed someone familiar seated not too far away from me and drinking away. A dark haired man was all by himself drinking. The Aura he gave off was one of pride and it was very obvious to see that he had a huge ego. It was not just the way that he looked, it was the way he sat and the way he drank. His hair was shiny jet black and it looked thick but silky, I wondered what it would feel like for me to run my fingers through it. His features were not so clear as my sight was blurry and he was not close. I thought of Nathan and hissed at myself. Thinking of Nathan pierced a sad and hurtful pain right through me even in my drunk state and I found myself angry at the fact that this Nathan, a cheat, had such a strong hold on me. Well I had to let go of what he has over me. A sad smile curved up to my face and a thought came to me. What was I going home to do anyway? To wallow in pain. How about I get back at Nathan right here and right now. It would hurt him very much. I knew what a proud man Nathan was and I knew that he his ego would be bruised if he should find out that I had given my virginity’s out to a total stranger. I noticed the bodyguards that were beside this stranger and that almost confirmed that he was very wealthy. Well, I would give it a shot. So taking one quick drink, I walked to his table trying my best to maintain a straight line as I walked. I was tipsy and I did not want to fall and embarrass myself in front of this man. Luckily I did not. I stood a few inches from him striking a pose and starring intently in to his dark eyes. I did not want to get too close because I did not want to be embarrassed by his security men. They really looked threatening.. One of his eyebrows shot up and he looked like he was surprised to see me. He signaled to the bodyguards to let me pass and with a sexy smile on my face, I walked on so that I could now sit beside him. Boldly, I placed my hand on his chest but before I could even touch him, he had his hand grabbing mine very fast. He was very fast and I smiled even more. Something about that stirred me. “So I can’t touch you Huh?” I heard my own voice sound so strong and challenging. The wonders that alcohol does. It boosted my confidence some more and I was not the usual lady that I am. “What do you want young lady?” His voice was deep and so sexy that it made me nervous in my tummy. But it did not make me nervous enough to turn away from what I was planning right now. “Want to f**k?” I said to him in a very straightforward manner. I hardly believed how freely the words came out of my mouth. This was not me. But tonight I was a different person and this was thanks to the traitors that I have in my life. The strange man looked like he was shocked. Has he not met a number of crazy women. “Have you no shame young woman?” The man said to me but he did not sound so angry. That gave me a go ahead. “So you don’t like what you see?” I asked him in a seductive voice and his eyes dropped to my body lingering on the opening of my cleavage that my silk dress gave. He swallowed hard and even as stiff as his expression was, I knew that I appealed to him. That boosted my confidence. “Or are you worried that I will not be satisfied by you?” I asked him with a mocking smile. He knew what I meant and that seemed to anger me. He scoffed and I shrugged. “I think you’re worried.” I said and I did as if I wanted to stand up from the seat. He held me back as he still had a strong grip on my arm. “Don’t move.” He said He had a commanding tone and it sent spirals in my mind. I looked at him more and then I noticed his sculpted body. Even the shirt could not hide what a good physic that he had. The biceps he had looked so tempting that I wanted to rub my hands on them just to feel. “When you’re done looking you can tell me what you really want?” He asked me with a sneer in his voice. I did not allow his tone to sway me. “ “I want you.” I told him holding his eyes and then something in his eyes changed for one second but he still looked hardened. He downed the contents of his glass and then pulled me up with him so roughly. “And me you shall have. I hope you don’t regret it.” He said in his dark voice as he pushed past the doors with his firm grip still on my hand.
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