CHAPTER 3- Run Away

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(JANE’S POV) I woke up with a very painful headache and for some seconds, I stayed squinting at nothing in particular. I could not properly open my eyes because of how much my head and my eyes hurts. I could not even move properly for a short moment and I only lay back with my head on the pillow. It took a few seconds for my mind to actually snap back to reality and then in an instant, I sat up in such a start and with a gasp. I looked around quickly with my eyes now scanning my environment. I was in a very classy and an elegant room. It was definitely a hotel room. I threw my legs off the bed trying to ignore the pains that I was feeling all over my body. But I realized that I was not wearing any form of clothes. I quickly brought the sheets up to my chest to cover myself up and it was then that I looked beside me and saw a stranger asleep. I slapped my hand over my mouth quickly so that I was not loud. It seemed like he was sleeping deeply because he did not even shift an inch. He did not even budge. I could not see his face clearly and I could only get a good view of his jet black hair as he slept on his stomach. The memories of last night suddenly came crashing down on me so heavily and with no mercy. Without even looking down, I knew what it was that had happened. I remembered every thing that happened. Every detail. I could feel my heart racing as I got a flash of the night of passion that had transpired between us. I could also feel some pain in my joints and my whole body. Now I was not sure of why my heart was beating so fast. Was I panicking or was I excited? But even that was nothing compared to the pain that I felt deep within my chest as I suddenly remembered the reason why all this happened in the first place.. I was sad and I was heartbroken. I remembered that I had been betrayed and nothing seemed to be able to take the memory away from me. Nathan and Maya clear in my head and I could recount everything that happened between them. I slowly got out of bed and i winced at the pain that I felt in between my legs. I growled lowly at the ma who was still fast asleep. Mr Smith. Nathan’s boss. He took my virginity away and I don’t even know him. He doesn’t know me either. I could not stay here. I needed to go home and fix up myself. My parents would be expecting us and I needed to find what to tell him. My heart broke as I remembered that now there would be no one to take over from my father. Because Nathan had f****d up. I sucked in a sharp breath and sighed heavily. Then I looked around and quickly wore my clothes and took my shoes in my hands. I did not want to make any sound because that would even be more embarrassing to me now. I was very ashamed and so immediately I was done dressing up, I hurried towards the door. After giving him one last glance, I rushed out and I did not look back anymore. I ran out of the hotel ignoring the confused eyes that I met on my way out. Then I hailed a cab and I quickly got in putting my head back on the head rest as the driver took me to the location I had voiced out to him. (CARL’S POV) Loud chirping birds woke me up and I groaned in irritation at the noise that they were making. Why could they not be quiet? What was this noise all about? As I raised my head from the bed, that was when I noticed that I was the only one on the bed. I sat up slowly as I looked around the whole room, there was no one. I stood after a sigh and when to shut the windows first. Good. Peace and quiet. Now why is there no one in the room with me? I looked around with my eyes. I came home with a beautiful and a very fiesty chick last night, it was a great night, how could I forget. So where was she? At The bathroom or at the balcony? But I did not even need to check because my senses told me that I was the only one in the suite. Also her clothes and her shoes were gone so that confirmed it? She was gone. The girl from yesterday. How could she be gone? Not far I hope, because a morning without her would turn out to be disappointing. It was still too early. I sighed and lay back in bed with my eyes closed as I tried to reminisce on the night that we had spent together. I smile knowing that I had showed her a lot of things yesterday. And she had me in a sensual place as well . She had walked up to me so proudly. But then there was a problem. Why was she not here? Did she not enjoy it? I have never woken up to an empty room. The women are usually falling at my feet because they want more. They always want more and I always tend to send them out. Except for the woman I had spent last night with. With a murmur, I took the phone beside me and dialed the number of my personal body guard. Todd. I ignored the feeble greeting and went straight to the point. “The woman I brought in, where is she?” I asked Todd looked at me with uncertainty in his eyes and I knew at that point that she was really not here and he had no idea. “I-I-“ he stammered when he saw the fury in my eyes . I could even hear his heartbeat racing. I felt a growl from inside me. How incompetent! “You let her steal away? Or maybe she even got stolen. I would not know because you did not do your Job.” I told him simply and angrily. He had his head bowed down in shame while I looked at him angrily. “Get out.” I said angrily and with that he scurried away even with his huge size. I hit my fist at nothing in particular. Damn it! I thought I would have some more this morning when I woke up. That was too good to have had just once and she disappeared. It is settled then and I must find her. That won’t be hard. I could find anyone I wanted to. All I needed was something of theirs. But as I searched the room with my eyes, I could see that she left nothing behind. “Damn it!” I cursed but then I remembered how much had scent had thrown me off guard. She had s very tempting and strong scent so I am sure that it would be very easy to find her. So I turn over the sheets so that I could smell it but then I am startled. I froze as my eyes met the large patch of red on the bed. What the f**k is that?
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