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(JANE’S POV) I stared in disgust at him. This was someone I loved so much. He had been such an angel to me. I guess I was indeed as blind as they say love gets. The way Nathan stood without giving me the feeling that he is remorse , well it greatly surprised me. I expected that by now he would be begging. And it broke my heart. “What silly proposal are you talking about?” I asked him with a grunt. Nathan sighed. “So you mean to tell me that you would really like to end this wedding?” He asked me with his eyebrows up in an arch. I wanted to slap that stupid look off his face. “Yes.” I said solidly and with my chin up so that he did not think I was considering it a little bit. But my firmness did not seem to shake Nathan. He only nodded his head at my answer. “You know things like this happen Jane? We can try to talk this out and get it over with.” He told me. “Everyone is not perfect.” “I thought you were.” I said with a mixture of anger and hurt. Nathan looked at me and then he tugged at his neck tie. I could see that I had made him a little uncomfortable with that line. “No one is perfect Jane.” He repeated to me. “These things happen. Now think of what would happen if we don’t get married. Let’s start with your pack members. How do you think they are going to take it? Everyone is going to start talking about an heir. Worries would start to resurface again. Not to mention your father’s health condition.” He said to me I could not believe it. He was actually trying to use this as a way of emotional blackmail. The nerve that he had to do this to me. It hurt me very much. “You f*****g-“ Emilia started saying but I put my hand up telling her that there was no need. I knew how to handle him very well. “I forgot that you were even here.” Nathan said to Emilia in a mocking tone and then he turned back to me. “Jane, don’t let her deceive you. She would Never be royalty no matter how hard she tries. Now you see me and you, we both understand each other. We know how dangerous a failed wedding would be right now. To you, to your parents, to the pack members.” “I think that is enough.” I said I did not have the energy to deal with him. His presence brought back a load of emotions for me. Come to think of it, he was not even apologizing to me which was what he should have been doing. Instead he is planning on making sure that the wedding still goes on. “I am not interested in your damned proposal Nathan.” I said to him in an icy tone. It was clear to me, all he cared about was what he would lose. And I was going to make sure that he lost a great deal. Nathan looked taken aback. “Are you sure?” He said “Absolutely.” I told him. I could feel my heart tearing apart but I would not let Nathan know that I felt very much devastated. How did I ever not see this side of him? “You may want to put your pride behind you Jane.” He said coming closer to me but Emilia was in front of me within a flash and she was acting as a shield for me. “Don’t come any closer Nathan.” She warned m him He gave her an angry glare and then he turned to look at me. “Jane, I have never done anything to hurt you. Come This is me we’re talking about. It’s me baby?” He said, holding my eyes with him. I shook my head at him as if to block out the words that I was hearing him say. “You have no right to call me your baby.” I said to him angrily. “After what you did. You have no right to even set foot in this apartment.” I pointed my hand in the direction of the day showing him the way out. “Please leave.” I said firmly. He looked at me wide eyed and then I could see anger or disapproval in his eyes. “So what is going to happen now?” He asked me still daring to come closer as he kept looking in to my eyes. “Stay the hell away from her Nathan. She has told you to leave. So leave now.” Emilia said angrily. I could see that she was trying her best to control how angry she was with Nathan. “What happens now is none of your business Nathan.” I said to him angrily. “Just get out of my house now!” I yelled. It must have been at that moment that he knew that I was serious. He stopped where he was, which was just in front of Emilia, and then he looked at me and said “You’re sure that you want me to go?” He asked me in a deep, cool voice that usually sounded so nice to me, but now pricked me to hear. “ Yes.” I said, sounding as stern as I could. I refused to break eye contact with him. He nodded at me and then he backed away now heading for the door. He stopped and picked up the engagement ring before he put it on the table. “I think you should think about this very well.” He said and with one last look at me, he was gone. Angrily I punched the wall and then collapsed to the ground in a heap, crying and sobbing. Emilia rushed to me and hugged me closely. “I’m sorry honey. I’m so sorry.” She kept saying as she patted my back trying to calm me down. I broke into little sobs while hiccuping from time to time. “It’s going to be okay.” She told me as she stroked my hair. Another fresh batch of tears streamed down my cheeks from my eyes. “No it’s not. What am I going to tell Mum and Dad?” I said crying. “The truth.” Emilia said in a matter of fact tone. “This? The truth? The truth break their heart if they know.” I said and then I was shaking my head sat the thought. “No I can’t tell them the truth.” “Then what do you want to do?” Emilia asked with a sigh and I started crying again. “I don’t know” I said “They need to know that the ritual is not taking place.” “We can travel if that is what you want.” She said to me shrugging her shoulders. I shrugged my own shoulders too. “By the time we get there it will be too late. I mean they would have set up all the decorations and everything. And they would have made all the preparations.” I said feeling very weighed down by sadness “Well I have a better idea.” Emilia said and I looked up to see her smiling sadly at me . “What’s that?” I asked her sniffing. “You can go on my back.” She said to me If I traveled on Emilia’s back then it would mean that we can get to the pack in less than an hour. Making it faster than the usual 4 hour journey that going by road would have given to us. “Are you sure?” I asked her “Do you even have to ask?” She said “now since that is settled you need to get ready so that we can leave.” I jumped to go and get a few of my things. Then Emili called on me. “Jane?” She said I stopped and turned back to look at her. “Yeah?” “What do you think the Alpha is going to do about this?” She asked “I don’t know.” I said I really did not know. But one thing that I am well aware of is the fact that if he ever knew what Nathan did, then there would be big trouble.
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