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(JANE’S POV) When Emilia and I got to Sun pack, it was late in the morning. We had actually left Seattle in a hurry and I was happy to see that it paid. I could see that decorations had not been set up. But there was a lot of arrangements going on. Emilia and I exchanged a heartbroken glance. All these preparations would have to stop, and immediately too. “Janelle.” I heard my mother call me and there she was, now hurrying to me. She had an uneasy smile on her face. “Is everything okay my love?” She asked me patting my head. “We were not expecting to see you until later.” I smiled at her mustering all the courage and strength that I had in me. “Yes, everything is fine Mama.” I told her “well I just had to come earlier you see, so that I could tell you that the wedding is not holding anymore.” I was surprised at how smoothly the words came out even though I said it with so much hardness in my chest. Mum’s face was nothing I was not expecting. She looked very horrified. “What? What happened?” She asked me Emilia was already stammering and so I said the first lie that came to my head. “Actually we just have to postpone the wedding.” I said From the corner of my eyes I could see Emilia look at me with shock and I pinched her from behind me so that she could chill. Mum seemed to relax a little as I said that. But she still looked at me with suspicion in her eyes, but at least she looked less worried. “Postpone? But why?” She asked me “Well you know the venue had some issues and they want us to wait for two weeks .” I said I knew that I had made a mistake by saying that but the words were just out before I could even stop myself. And it was the positive effect for me because mum just raised an eyebrow at me with her face now relaxed. “Oh.” She said “Hey Mama.” Emilia said kind of cheerfully to mum. That was just what we needed now because mum’s face broke in to a smile. She went to Emilia and took her hands giving her a kiss on her cheek. “How are you? I was so caught up in Jane being here I didn’t really absorb your presence. Forgive me?” Mum told her with twinkling eyes. “Forgiven. Forgotten.” Emilia said and she kissed mum on her cheek. I smiled at the niece - Aunty situation which was fully embraced in the mother - daughter. “So you say the wedding will be holding in one week.” She said to me with a raised eyebrow and i automatically nodded at her. “well in that case I better hurry away. Your father is in the vineyard.” She called as she went away but I called her back. “Um… mama I was hoping you would tell Father for me.” I said with a nervous smile. Mum looked at me with a raised eyebrow again. “Please.” I said again. “I’ll see about that.” She said with a sigh and then she kept on walking. “Thank you.” I called after her and she waved her hand at me. “Mama?” I called again. “What is it Janelle?” She said and she stopped and gave me a tired look. I gave her a shy smile. “I didn’t get a kiss.” I dared to say. She smiled at me and then blew me a kiss in the air. I caught it and placed it on my cheek smiling. She laughed and then she walked away. I was still smiling when I turned around and there Emilia stood looking at me with a stern look and with her arms folded. I sighed. “Can we at least get to our rooms first?” I said to her sulkily “You bet we have to.” She told me, giving me a stern eye. I sighed and we walked to our rooms making sure to avoid where we would meet more people on the way. Immediately we were inside and with the doors closed behind us. Emilia turned to me with wide eyes. “What exactly were you thinking?” She asked me I groaned and threw my hands up in the air. “That's the thing. I wasn’t thinking . I just freaked out and I said that.” I said “Well tell me you have a plan.” She said to me, folding her arms. “I don’t.” I said with a sigh as I sat down on the bed. Emilia looked at me as if she had seen a ghost. “You have got to be kidding me! You said that and there is no plan?” She shrieked “Can you please keep your voice down?” I said to her. “So what are you going to do when two weeks comes and you are still in the same mess? In a bigger mess now that you have crazy lies to cover it up.”  She told me. I sighed for the hundredth time. “Can you please give me a second so that I can breathe.” I said to her She stopped and looked at me and ehen she came and sat beside me. “I’m sorry.” She said putting an arm around my shoulder and rubbing my shoulder gently. “No you are right.” I told her. “I have put myself in a bigger mess.” “There is a lot going on Jane.” She said to me. I nodded in response. “I still should have told them the truth.” I said shaking my head. “But I couldn’t. When I saw Mum I could not.” “I understand.” She said to me I have always known that the fact that I am a human being has caused a stir for my father and this pack. It was like there was no leader in sight. No matter what she pack leader could never be a human being. Never! That is why Nathan was the perfect person. Or so I thought. “What am I going to do when two weeks is up?” I said in a whisper. “We will figure something out.” Emilia said with a sigh. I looked at her with gratitude. This was my mess but she was going on with me. “Thank you.” I told her taking her hands in mine and giving them a gentle squeeze. She smiled at me and nodded. With that I lay back on the bed and closed my eyes. What was I thinking when I said that? Would I take Nathan’s dumb proposal?
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