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(JANE’S POV) He looked cold and like he was angry that I had exposed that information to Emilia. Emilia turned to Nathan with a shocked look on her face and then back to me. I nodded at her as if to confirm and to clear whatever doubts she had in her mind. “Yeah. He has been f*****g her for 5 years behind my back!” I said to her. “Because I am nothing but a pathetic human to him. That was his excuse.” Emilia  growled and within a flash, she had done a cartwheel in the direction of Nathan taking him down with her legs. Surprised, I jumped back and then I shrieked when Nathan turned his legs around so that he could now be the one holding Emilia. Emilia struck him and he groaned then he threw her on the opposite wall. “Stop!” I yelled and hurried to their middle. Emilia is a very strong werewolf but I know that Nathan is stronger. I am also aware that a huge clash is about to erupt because I can sense the air of transformation as it brews. “Calm down now!” I shouted at both of them as they were still heavily breathing. “Calm yourself down or you both will be in trouble. You know the rules.” I said to them. They exchanged angry looks with each other. I could see that Emilia’s hairs was already sticking out. But she closed her eyes and I assumed she was trying to calm herself down. Nathan on the other hand looked normal. He had even smoothened his clothes. Werewolves were not allowed to change in the presence of human company not unless it greatly called for it and humans were full in this apartment complex. “How could you f*****g cheat on her?” Emilia yelled and I still felt my heart pained as she said it. “And with her best friend?” She said angrily. Nathan turned to me with his eyes angry. “You just had to make a scene.” He said to me with disgust in his voice. “You!” Emilia charged angrily but I was already holding her in place. There was no need for her to be punished because of this Nathan. “Don’t mind him Em.” I said my voice was shaky but I tried my best to come off looking as firm as I could. My heart was shattered but I did not want this traitor to know that!   I faced him squarely and took my ring which I threw at him. It hit his chest and fell down to the ground. “I think you would pick this up.” Nathan said in a mocking tone as he looked down at the ring on the floor. “I don’t think so.” I said to him angrily. “I don’t need it. You can take it and get out now!” I pointed at the door which was behind him. He merely moved an inch and I wished that I had the powers of a wolf so that I could fight Nathan. Hit him! I wanted to hurt him so bad. “Get out Nathan!” I yelled at him but he still did not budge. “I don’t think you should be so fast to chase me out because you need to listen to what I have to tell you.” He said and to my greatest surprise, he came and sat down on one of the chairs. Emilia really wanted to have a go at him but I held her straight trying to focus more on why Nathan was confident. I knew him and I could sense that he had something to say. “What do you want Nathan?” I said angrily to him. I hated that he was here and he had such control over my emotions. “Have you told your parents about anything?” He asked I felt so pained. How could he ask me that? That was the only thing that was important to him. He really was interested in the throne wasn’t he? “What do you care about?” I spat at him. Nathan was unaffected by my reaction. He nodded as if he understood me. “You have not told them I see.” He said to me “And what makes-“ But he caught me short. “I suggest that you should not tell them what has happened between us. Because well the wedding is going to go on.” He said I wanted to slap the confidence that he has on his face. “Are you f*****g crazy? You would think I would marry you after what you-“ I was saying angrily but he cut me short again. “Yes you will. And because you have no other choice.” He said “I have a proposal and it is not time limited. So I think you need to sit down and hear me out.” He said 
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