chapter two

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I stuffed a lot of food into my mouth and continued to punch the buttons of my system. There were a lot of researches that I needed to finish, about school stuffs of course. Food helps me alot when I'm studying, and also a lot of music, those ones that doesn't make sense so I just hear the music not listen and maybe move my body when necessary. In a few minutes I was done, my mouth almost tore as I yawned my tiredness away. The thing is I can't sleep this early no matter how tired I am, and of course i never lack something to do. I started to punch my system again and searched for "Ander" on my i********: page. I don't have any idea why I am so bent on knowing this boy but no matter the reason, I am still having fun. My eyes widened twice there length when I saw a full drawn list of Anders, apparently, I don't even know his last name, just his name. That didn't stop me, no, so I went through each page till i got the Ander I was looking for, his name is Ander Cahir. Nice. Nineteen post? oh men, is that guy a teenager at all? He had a few pictures of him and alot from the few of other people. Apparently, he was one of the best basketball players in the basketball team, and has gotten alot of awards, should be the reason that no one really said any rude or sarcastic word to him when he walked in despite the fact that he seemed quiet. I did every research I could until I was convinced that the only reason I was interested in his matter was because he was cute, no, very cute and also quiet not because I am interested in him or I like him. And so, it is settled that I wouldn't let him be. ******* "There is a party tomorrow at Anna's house are you coming?" Camila asked. "Cami, I have no idea who that is" I tried to state the obvious. "Oh you don't need to know the only thing you need is to know where it located and someone who has received special invitation, like me" she said dramatically. "That's nice but I'm not going, thanks though" I said as I went back to picking my books from my locker. "You are not going to my party?" a tiny girl said, stumping towards me. "You are Anna, nice to meet you" I said sarcastically. I really need to be nicer, I'm always rude. "Do you have any reason for not coming to my party?" she asked placing her hands on her hips. "Not that you should know of, and why I'm I being interrogated?" I asked Camila. "Why should I know" "look, I'm literally throwing this party because of you, everyone likes you" "Okay... so.....I'm still lost though". "Everyone in this school will go to a party you go to, okay not everyone but a good number of them and there is this guy I like, he will only come if his friends are coming too, so please Bella, help me out" she said with a pleading face. "first, you are not throwing a party for me but for you, then secondly, I will have to think about it, I'm not a party person" hell yea, I am, but I feel it's kind of too early for that. "Really? but the party is tonight" she exclaimed. "Like this night?" was she waiting for me to come to the school or something. "Yes" I banged my locker hard and took a deep breath before turning to her, "Okay, but I will leave immediately, yea?" "sure, sure" she was practically jumping. she started to run out when I heard her say "someone will here this" I turned to Camila, "who needs to hear that?" "The school" Camilla Chuckled. This school will not stop amazing me. Ever. "I have literature right now see you later?" "Yea sure, see you after class, yea?" "At the cafeteria?" "okay" I'm beginning to like her company, she isn't much of a pest, infact she is cool. I hurried to my class too after she left. I couldn't help the smile that came to my lips the moment I saw Ander on the same place he sat the previous day. Seriously I was expecting him to switch places with someone, but then, it now seems like he likes me being a pest to him. "Hey pretty boy, missed me much?" I said as I set my books on the table. "Not really" this time around, he looked up at me. "Don't seem like that, why are you sitting here then, just say it baby" "Didn't you get the message? we were divided into groups, and me and you are now a team" "What! why didn't I know?" I'm almost shouting, actually I am shouting. Why will I be left out on something like that. Or did I miss a class, or maybe even slept for the whole day. "A message was sent, you didn't get it?" "Obviously not" "Assignments will be sent to us through our emails we have to work them up together, the teacher traveled for something important" "Oh okay then" He turned and looked at me, "so we are good?" I smiled, "is there a reason we shouldn't be pretty boy?" I started laughing when he shook his head. "Yea, so I was wondering, do you prefer pretty boy or Cahir? you know Cahir will sound a lot better doing s*x, you imagine me moaning Cahir" "f**k, Bella, keep quiet" he said and stood up to move to another chair. God I can't stop laughing, how can he be so hot and yet too quiet and shy, i wonder how many girls he has f****d. He sure as hell will be good at it. "Come back pretty boy" I called out laughing. Again, everyone turned to look at me. "What?" After class I hurried to the cafeteria, after pestering Ander of course. "Hey babe" I said as I sat down on the chair opposite her. "Hey, where is your food?" she queried. "I'm not hungry, why do you eat so much ketchup babe" "God, I love it damnit" she said as she licked them off her fingers. "That's gross, camil, really gross" "By the way, you see those boys sitting on that table?" she said gesturing to the direction with her eyes. "Yea?" "Those are the hottest guys in this whole school, and guess what," she didn't allow me to before she went on, "they were all f*****g staring at you the moment you walked in till you sat down right here" she said with so much excitement in her eyes. "okay... so?" "So?" she asked like I have given her the biggest shock of her life. "Yes so?" "Babe you are f*****g beautiful and they are all into, you literally have them at the tip of your hands and you can definitely date anyone you want to amongst them do I have to say more?" she asked rhetorically. "Say no more baby" "Good, so that's why you need to dress your best for tonight's party you have to be lit" "Yea so about that, I don't know what to wear" I'm not a party type, though a lot people think i am, mostly because of how I behave. "All you have to do is invite me to your house darling" she said looking like she got it figured out. "Camila, you are definitely invited to my house" "Well here I come"' she said and we both laughed. "Thanks babe" "I got you. And is it just me or Ander has been staring at you since he got here?" "Ander Cahir? where is he?" "At those guys table, he walked in not long ago" I wouldn't have seen because I'm backing the entrance. "He is among the hottest guy in the school?" I knew, I mean I have eyes, but just to be sure. "Practically the hottest amongst them" Wow, "I mean he not bad" She scoffed, "not dat bad? he is beautiful baby girl. I even heard you called him pretty boy in class today" I actually kind of froze, "News really spread fast here, but yea I did, I just like to pester him. "oh okay then" "i keep on wondering, is he always this quiet?" "I don't know for sure, I mean he talks when he is with his friends like now, see," I turned to see him saying something and laughing "but he seems quiet any other time" "It's weird" "I find his behaviour sexy though" she said licking her lips. "Of course you do" I said laughing. "Do you apply makeup?" she asked me. "Only when it's necessary, why?" "I want to make you up tonight, Ander really seems interested" she said laughing. "No Camil, I'm not making up for anyone, and trust me he is not interested, he hardly responds when I talk to him," I said laughing, "just leave the boy alone and stop looking at him" "As you say Bella, but my instincts never lie darling" "I see, instincts huh?" "Yep" "You are funny"
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