chapter three

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"A little make up will not hurt" Camila spoke from where she sat on the bed across me as I try on the options she gave me. "I think you have pushed my button too much Camil, I'm already agreeing to wearing this" I said gesturing for the thing I'm wearing. I'm wearing a small white shirt and a very short leather black skirt that hung around my thighs with the sexy black booths I bought for my ex boyfriend's birthday. I looked good, truly but I just wouldn't go for the makeup. "I love what I'm wearing though, so I give you a thumbs up, besides we are late for the party, aren't we?" "We are, but just eye pencil?" did I say she wasn't a pest, no I meant she is worst I am. "I'm hurt. Are you trying to say that I'm not beautiful the way I am?" "No, I'm trying to say I want you to look more sexy, I want to complete the way I'm seeing you in my head" "It's literally the same thing, you are saying I'm not sexy, which makes it even worst" I said feigning hurt. "Okay," she rose her hands in defeat, "no make up" I turned and grinned at her which only made her growl at me. "I wanna get laid, no I want to have a threesome, have you ever had one before" "You horny b***h' I said laughing, "never had one" "Ever had it with a girl?" she asked again. "No, why will I do that, I'm one hundred percent straight, are you gay though?" "Wow you are not that bad then, I have had a threesome before with two guys" she replied totally ignoring the other question I asked. "So you are not attracted to girls but you sleep with them?" She kept quiet, she didn't even want to look at me. "Wait you are gay? No? of course you are not, you just said you had a threesome" I said trying to figure it out, I think I should just shut up since I'm not making any sense infact it looks like I'm hurting her feelings. "Hey I didn't mean it that way, I mean it's okay if you are, I'm just asking to be sure, there is no big deal about it I don't judge" I said trying to soothe the tensed air around us. She looked at me and smiled before talking, "I'm bi" I mouthed "oh" "Yea" "That's pretty hilarious, and fun infact, if I was bi, I would prefer girls, they are more understanding and also yea, a secret," I came closer to her ears before whispering, "gay porn turns me on" She bursted out laughing, "I would say you are pretty confused" "Sure I am" I stated, laughing hard too. "Before I forget, if you don't see me, do know that I'm getting laid yea? so don't bother looking for me" "Perfectly understood" I said sincerely. "Okay then, let's move" she said as she got up from the bed and we headed out to the living room. We found my mom with a lot of books on the dining area. Both her and my dad are doctors, which means they are both always busy, even when at home. My mom's case is the most critical because she writes medical books. So we don't normally see much of each other. I bet you my parents wouldn't know if I had not slept in the house for a week. Sometimes it hurts me that they are not strict. "Hey mom" I greeted. "Hey honey," she said to me, "hello pretty lady" she said referring to Camil. "Hello ma'am" "How are you dear" "I am fine thank you" "Are you guys heading out?" she asked. "Yes, we are going to a party and I will be late" I said moving to the counter in the kitchen. "Be careful" "Will be" "There is a box of pizza in the microwave, it's enough for you and your friend" she said as her full attention went back to punching the buttons on her laptop. I decided that we will eat it in the car on our way to the party venue. "Bye mom" I said and we headed out. "You better drive if the place is far" I said as we walked to where my car was parked in the garage. "It's approximately fifteen minutes from here, is that far?" "Nah, manageable" I said and smiled. We ate while dancing to the high music I played on the radio of my car till we reached the place. "Over there" Camil pointed. I parked beside a white Ferrari car and checked myself out in the front mirror before heading out. There were a lot of people outside already, most in twos, making out, I can't really tell if the party is outside or inside. "Is the part inside or outside?" I asked. "It's inside, people like to make out outside if the rooms inside are filled up" "Oh" I nodded in understanding. "Let's go in" she said and held my hand to lead us in. The place was filled with a lot of people and loud music. "I will go get a drink for us" she said on the top of her voice. "Alright I will be over there" I said pointing at the couch I sighted. "Okay, be careful" she said and she disappeared into the crowd. People are dancing everywhere, there is literally no place to put a leg, I tried though and succeeded in pushing myself through the crowd, I took a soothing breath when I finally reached the couch, there were people there but I didn't pay attention to any. I removed my phone from my leather skirt pocket and started to operate since there was nothing to do. "Hey hottie" a rugged looking guy who was standing over my head called. I dragged my attention from my phone to look at him or more also check him out before I went back to my phone not bothering to answer. Not my type. "Do you want a drink?" he persistently asked. "No, I'm fine" "Can I keep you company then?" "No I'm all good" why do people always come to get on my nerves when I want to be good. "Do yo-" "I'm back, here" Camil came, rescuing me from the torture, I collected the drink from her and sipped, totally forgetting that the guy was still standing there. "Anyways, I'm Dan" I mentally shook my head, he is still talking. "Great Dan, you look like you are huge, wanna f**k?" Camil asked him. So straight forward. I opened my mouth wide in shock, we just got here and she just asked him for s*x. The boy looked from me to her like five times before nodding yes, and before I knew it, Camil had grabbed my car keys and headed out with the boy. "Camil, what are you doing?" I asked no body in particular because she had gone already. God no, not in my car. I sighed and rubbed my head, I took a sip from my cup and decided to let my eyes roam the party room, my eyes immediately darted to those sets of boys that Camil adored. Instinctively, I, without thinking started looking for Ander. I thought that it wouldn't be easy to identify his face from where I was sitting so I decided to look for that beautiful hair colour I greatly admire, that one that I would recognise anywhere and anytime. I didn't see him there so I begin to scan the whole roam, then I thought of what I was doing, I stopped, realising that it was the fear of being disappointed for his absence that kept me looking for him still. I looked at the cup in my hand which is now empty, then decided to go get more drink. It was pathetic that I'm here all alone while my friend Camil, is f*****g a guy in my car. It was when I decided to stand that someone came to sit beside me, I turned to see who it was without really wanting to, but then, I became instantly instilled with the urge to give my best smile because it was Ander I saw. "Hey Bella" "Did I tell you I love the way you call my name?" I asked, not because I wanted to tease him but because that was the first thing that came to my mind when he spoke, but at first, I actually wanted to say that his eyes were beautiful. "You just did" he said smiling. "Of course, I just did" I said stupidly. I guess I'm just so happy to see someone I get along with. Do I really get along with him? No Bella, you tease him any time you cross parts. "Why are you all alone?" "I came with someone but she is with...umm.. she" I stopped remembering what she is doing, but on the lighter note, I can actually say it just for the fun of seeing his reaction, "she is f*****g some one, outside, in my car" "Oh" he said and looked sideways. "Yea" I said as a matter of fact. "I didn't know you would come, I mean I heard but I still didn't think so" he said as his eyes followed every move my hand made, he seems to be avoiding eye contact. But that's what I want because eye contact sure turns me the hell on. "Didn't struck you as the party type?" I asked amazed. "Actually, not one bit" "Well I am" I said smiling. "When i see you in the next parties, I will believe you" he said obviously daring me. "Ander, I think you just told me to save your life by coming to all the parties, you don't need to be shy" I said giving him this teasing look. He smiled and shook his head, "Think whatever you want to think Bel, you are not in the mood for calling me 'prettty boy' today?" "Yes, today, I'm in the mood for Ander, tomorrow Cahir maybe?" I said smiling wickedly, "By the way, i like you calling me Bel too" I said biting my lower lip. He bent his head and smiled shyly, "are you just gonna sit here all night or you will do something fun?" "It depends on what fun is around here" I said still biting my lips in a more sexier way, just to tease him. He thought hard before replying, probably thinking of something with zero intimacy, "dance?" I scoffed mentally, really? that's what he came up with, he will surely regret it, in the most sinful way, "I am about to blow your mind Ander" I said and stood up, leading him to where people were dancing. I snipped Camil entering with that guy, what's his name again, whatever, she was looking a little messy, but in a hot way, and the pervert couldn't keep his eyes off her butt's. "Seems like your friend is back" Ander stated. "Yea, seems so" I raised an eye brow at her when I saw her approaching us. "Missy, here is your key" she said handing them over to me. "Camil I don't want to smell or see anything my innocent eyes have not seen before" I said seriously. "What? I can't hear you, what?" she said and left. I shook my head and turned to Ander who cleared his throat. "Dance, yea, we were about to dance" he stammered. "Let's dance" I never knew that Ander was a very untalented dancer till now, truth, I didn't think he sucke this bad. I couldn't stop laughing at him till the jazz was over. I smiled knowingly at him when work by Rihanna started playing, he knew he messed up. "Urmm, we can....can we go and sit?" he asked rubbing the back of his head. "I want to dance" I said and came closer to put my hand around his neck. "What?" I asked when he froze, "I thought you wanted to dance?" "Yea..." "That's what we are doing" I said then turned and my butts touched his manhood, "I didn't expect you to come and meet me" "Why is that?" "I thought you didn't like being around me, you know because I like to disturb you" I said while moving my hips slowly against him. He took a deep breath before answering, "well, I like you" he stated, "I don't like you pestering me though" "Come on it was just for a few days, and, you do like me after all" I said smiling. "I meant-" he stopped talking when I applied more pressure to his d**k, he froze actually. I bent over and continued to rotate my hips against him, harder and faster, I made sure that my butt was caressing his d**k well enough. "You were saying?" I asked, smiling knowingly. I knew exactly what I was doing to him. I have heard it from a lot of people that I have a nice butt and from few others (boys that I have dated) that its very soft, I thought it would be kind of me to tease him with it. "Urmm....I was...what was I saying?" he said as he brushed his hand through his hair. "You were saying that you liked me a lot" I smiled to myself noticing he was getting hard, I already was feeling him on me. "Bella, Bella, please" he begged. "Please what?" I asked innocently. "Can you turn around? please?" he was practically begging, pleading. "Why, no I want to dance" "We are still dancing, please turn around?" "Why?" "No reason" "Then I'm not turning" "Please" "Tell me why" "f**k because I can't think straight" he said, totally loosing it. I stopped and turned around to see his face, and I saw, I realized that I didn't get turned on while rocking him, but damn right, I'm getting really wet right now, his face is the most beautiful thing in the face of the earth and any other planet at this very moment, he looked wild, his breath thick and heavy, his eyes were fierce, like he was about to loose it, he looked handsomely mad, beautifully crazy, wickedly lost, I found my eyes darting to his lips , they were slightly open and the urge to lean in and touch them with mine was very much irresistible, so I started to lean in, without my eyes leaving his mouth all the way, he was leaning in too. I opened my mouth slightly and waited for his to meet mine, even before his lips touched mine, I thought about the different flavours his mouth will taste like, smell like and how soft he will be or maybe rough depending on how he wants to handle me. l snapped back to life when I saw Camil throwing up in the middle of the crowd, everyone stepped back and left her alone in the middle, no one really cared. f**k. "I'm so sorry Ander, I need to go" I said and went off, I didn't even wait for him to talk. "Hey, hey," I said patting her back, "I've got you. Can you stand" "Yea, I think?" I helped her up and headed to a bathroom, most people continued partying and drinking and some kept on watching, without helping. s**t people are wonderful. Finally we got to a toilet and Camil immediately threw everything out. I held up her hair and continued to rub her back, " sorry, easy... it's fine" "Thank you Bella" "It's nothing," I said, "let's go home?" I asked when she was done She nodded. we helped ourselves out and went home. it was after we left that I remembered that I left Ander, without saying anything or saying goodbye.
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