chapter one

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"Do you want us to go in with you?" my dad asked, with a straight face may I add. "Nope. Not like you mean it" I said picking my nails. My mom reached out from the front to hit me behind. "f**k! what?" "Behave yourself child and do not use that language near me or else I'll chop off your tongue" she said giving me a warning glare. "Yea, but why did you do that" I said almost whispering the last part. " Look Bel, your a smart kid, but just so you know it was extremely hard for me to get you into this school in the middle of the year, the only reason they accepted you was because you are a bright kid, but I also had to promise them that you are not usually aggressive," he turned to look at my mom when she faked a cough, "I'd like you to secure your future, you are my favourite girl Bel, but you need to know how to behave" he raised an eyebrow that notioned for my reply. "I get you dad, I promise" "Alright then, have a great day at school today, it's important to make female friends too, not just male friends" "Noted" he has a huge problem with me having more male friends but he doesn't spurt it out the way he wants to. I gave him my best smile and leaned in to kiss them both on the cheek. "thanks dad, thanks mom, love you" "love you too baby" "okay, bye now" i said and hurriedly got out of the car hoping that I'll get to the class on time, not that I know where it is located. I promised my dad that I will behave but I am not sure I will completely do that, but of course I can try. I scoffed as I heard myself, I'm not capable of being good, being good is boring, I need fun, just then I will try my best not to be caught, it's utterly sinful, truth be told It wasn't really my fault, I mean the girl was hovering over me with her height and also kept on flipping her hair at me, so I thought it would be nice to pull it, it really looked like she couldn't keep it to herself. I was only pushed to do it. "Hey," a male voice called from behind me greeted. "umm, hi" "You are the new girl?" he asked. I shook my head, "I am new though" He laughed, "everyone knows you are coming, Bella right" "Yes I am Bella and do you know where the class for math is holding, I think I'm late" I said showing him that I'm not one bit interested in what he had to say about anything else except the answer to what I just asked him. I mean does everyone in this school act like this, you can't just see someone and start talking to the person. "I'm heading there" he said smiling, "let's go" uhuhh I see his the peace making guy, why else is he smiling while I'm serious right now, "after you" We walked into the class and almost everyone turned to look at me. I wasn't one to care about that so I walked up to an empty chair and helped myself. I could hear them quietly murmuring about me. I can hear them, they do know that right. And well, they think I'm cute, like very beautiful. "s**t you are sexy as hell new girl" a boy shouted from the other side of the class. I turned to check him out, he seemed like the back bencher who will just not do great at his studies no matter what. I gave this "i-know-but-f**k-off" smile and went ahead to bring out my books from my bag. I hate waiting and apparently the class is not starting till the next one hour. I brought out my sketch pad and started drawing a scratch I saw at the front wall of the class, it looked like a design or it looked like I could make it to be one, I started to sketch leisurely. In twenty minutes I was done, and bored again. I started to look around and listen now, thinking of what I could do to this gossips. No. I shook my head, this is what idleness makes me do, look I'm looking for a way to get expelled. In time to when I wanted to get back to my sketching, a boy got through the door of the class. Dark shiny brown hair,  with a few strings falling to his face, he was tall and had a tight but fine shaped pointed nose, his skin looked tanned, I needed to see his eyes, though it isn't quite seeable from my side. But his face was beautiful. I think my eyes followed him to where he sat beside me, I don't understand why is so uptight, he doesn't seem free, is he shy? God no, I laughed mentally. I turned to say something but the teacher walked in before I could. "Goodmorning class" it's a female math teacher, wow. "Goodmorning, Mrs Smith" "How was your nights" she asked giving us a very broad smile. "A girl and I almost f****d" same dumb boy said. And the class bursted out laughing. "But what's funny? Did I miss a joke?" I solemnly asked because I'm obviously lost. The class grew very silent at that. "And you are?" the teacher asked with a thankful look on her face. "I am the new girl" I said with a smile curving on my lips, I could almost see me loving this woman. "Oh you are. Can you introduce yourself to the class" "Not necessary" a girl with ponytails said. "Sure," I said, "I am Bella Delores and I am from Bennett high school, I had to join in the middle of the year because I was expelled," I turned to look at the girl and smiled wickedly before adding, "for beating up a girl who couldn't keep shut and is currently in the hospital". "Ermmmm.... okay then, nice intro, Very nice. so now if we may can we start the class" she said and cleared her throat. "Right" I said. "Does anyone here have any idea about bearing and distance from your other classes?" no one answered "No? okay then, we will start from scratch" At the end of the class I realized that I liked the woman and I would like to ask her some questions but that will be after I was done with this handsome guy beside me who wouldn't take off his eyes from the board and his books, I'm a hundred percent sure he wasn't looking at the teacher too. Does he have some sort of Virgin eyes or something. Maybe he doesn't look at girls. "See you class" Mrs Smith said and left the class. "Hey, I'm Bella" "Hi Bella" he said dryly. "You won't tell me your name?" I asked faking a hurt face. "I'm Ander" he said. "okay, how are you doing Ander?" "I'm good" "I'm good too" I said without anyone asking. "Do you want something?" he asked urgently. I grinned, "nope, why" "I have a class to attend to, thanks, bye". He said and stood up to go. "Alright then I'm coming with you" sincerely I don't know why I really feel the urge to tease him. He didn't say anything he just looked ahead. I hurriedly picked my books and followed him. "So you are shy of me pretty boy?" I asked smiling. "No I'm not, I just like been left alone" he replied. "I feel bad for you" I said with a sad face. "Why" he asked with a confused face. "Because I'm about to be your pest, as in like close to your skin" I smiled wickedly, "plus it surprises me a great deal that you are handsome but shy, it's a weird combo" "Look-" "shushhh," I said and place my hand on his lips, "your mouth is soft pretty boy, I want to kiss it" I laughed really hard when he took three huge steps back, "chill, chill, I was just kidding" He took a breath of relief and said "I need to get in to the class, alone please" "Alright then pretty boy, but do get used to this," I said and pat him on the shoulder before leaving him alone. I felt his eyes on me as I walked past him, and I smiled to myself. The next class was Geography, I haven't  figured out if I liked that subject or not. I took a sit in the middle of the class, and I got the same look I got when I got into the mathematics class. I ignored them and focused on everything except them, after all the introductions and classes and breaks, it was time to go home, I went to my locker and got some books then started to head out. "Hi Bella, I'm Camila" a short girl called. "Well, hi Camila" "I was wondering if you needed new friends, I can be your friend, I like you and you are cool" "And have you wondered if I do" the girl looked like I have hurt her feelings. "urmmmm, I am joking, yea, just kidding, I like you too and we can be friends" I was actually completely serious. "oh yay, good because I have a lot to update you on, yea"? "Sure, I will be all ears" "Great, and by the way, I love your hair, blond is beautiful" "Thank you, Camila" I said smiling. "Sure thing, are you heading home right now?" "Yea, my parents are coming to get me" "oh alright then, we will just talk tomorrow, yea?" "Okay, bye" She hugged me tightly and left. Hug? I let out a few breath and walked out of the locker room, I wondered why there where still people in the place. when I think about it, I realized that the school wasn't that bad at all, in my highschool, You be passing by and see a couple making out, literally anywhere, here they have a little decency, not that they get an A if I was grading them I will give them a D. i went out and saw my parents car waiting for me, I smiled and hopped in. "So?" my mom asked expecting me to give them detailed information. "I'm taking my own car tomorrow" I said smiling. My dad laughed, "sure honey" We all Chuckled and drove out.
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