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After killing all of Sheriff's teammates, Stanley tells Jordan that we must attack straightaway now, but Jordan refused him. He said no, we will attack tomorrow. Stanley asks Jordan the reason for wait? Jordan replied because it is a large town and we have only a few men. Stanley says then surprise is our biggest advantage. Jordan asks his fellow Arne what day is it today. Arne: Saturday Jordan: Then we attack tomorrow. Stanley: Why? You will understand tomorrow. King Anna asks his slaves, who were these strangers? Why did they kill the sheriff's companions? His slave Wigea tells him. Wigea: I cannot say, their ship was sighted sailing up the coast. It was a ship unlike any other. King Anna: They were not franks them? Wigea: No, they looked very different and used axes. Most were as tall as giants. I fear that these raiders are the same pagans. Who attacked the monastery at Lindisfarne? It is the letter Abbot Alcuin wrote to you of those terrible events. King Anna: “They came to the church at Lindisfarne. “Laid everything waste with grievous plundering “trampled the holy place with polluted steps. “ dug up the altars “ and seized all the treasure of the holy church “They killed some of the brothers, “took some away with them in fetters, “some they drowned in the sea.” Where do they come from, these pagans? Wigea: Some say from the north. King Anna:  Well, wherever come from, they are not welcome in my kingdom. Next morning, Jordan and his team are getting ready for the raid. Jordan calls his wife Abigail takes care today, don’t take any foolish risks, and don’t get separated from the others. She replied i was just going to say the same thing to you, my love. Stanley comes to Jordan, enough of that talk. It’s getting light, and we have wasted too much time already. Jordan: We must wait a little longer. Samuel: Wait? What for? Jordan: Just wait! And listen! Samuel: I don’t hear anything. Jordan tells his teammates well, what are you waiting for? Come with me, Jordan leads his friends to a church, where Christians are praying, Jordan and his companions break down the door of church and enter there. All Christians were afraid, and those who pray there do not tolerate the desecration of their holy place. They try to compete with Jordan's team, but many Christians were killed by Jordan’s companions. The church is in turmoil, Men and women starts shouting in the church. Woman: Get out of the way! Priest: In the name of god, who are you? Why have you come here? This is a place of god. Jordan: If you do not resist, we will not hurt you. Tell that to your people, priest. Tell them not to be afraid. God bless. Priest: They will not hurt you, don’t resist. Do not resist! Jordan's team collects all the gold and silver from the church, and everything else breaks down. Herbert kills Priest. Rogers goes into the room, where he sees a Saxon women and her son. Rogers tries to rape a Saxon woman. In the mean while Abigail sees him. Abigail: Rogers! Leave her alone! Leave her alone! Rogers: What do you care for this Saxon, you b***h? Rogers doesn't listen to Abigail. Abigail is a Shield-Maiden woman, she fights Rogers. When Rogers fails to rape Saxon woman then he tries to rape Abigail, but Abigail defends herself and kills Rogers. When Jordan and his companions come out of the church after looting the gold and silver, Jordan asks everyone, where is Rogers? Abigail: I killed him. Jordan: You killed him? Abigail: Yes, I killed him. Jordan: But why? Abigail: Because he raped Saxon women then he tried to rape me. Jordan: Did anyone else see it happen? Abigail: No. Jordan: That’s a pity, and where were you Stanley? Asking this, Jordan moved forward, they were just moving forward when King Anna's force was ready to attack them. Herbert: Hold! Samuel: What is it? Jordan rushes forward to counter attack on King Anna's force, and the war between the king Anna force and Jordan’s team begins. Wigea commands his companions “Archers to forward” Jordan:  Shield wall! Down! When they forwarded Archers to Jordan’s companions, King Anna's force ran ahead for the competition. Jordan tells his team to stand up, the king Anna force is coming to attack. Jordan: Stand! Brace! Stanley tells everyone, up into the overturned keel, clamber with a heart of steel. Cold is the ocean’s spray. When you death is on its way, with maidens you have had your way. Each must die some day! Jordan’s team counter attacks on them, and they kill the men of King Anna's force, and a friend of Jordan's is killed during the battle. Jordan: Close the wall! Shield wall! Finish. King Anna was very angry at Wigea. When he finds out, his force has suffered defeat. King Anna: How could this happen, Wigea? Wigea: Sire, I have never in my life seen men fight as these north men fight, believe me there is something devilish in the way they look, in their lack of fear in the face of death. King Anna: Wigea that is just a counsel of despair. Are these pagans not men, like we are? Do they not bleed when they are cut? Or do they have wings and tongues of fires? Wigea: No. King Anna: Who are they? Wigea: We captured two of them who were guarding their boat. We couldn’t understand anything they said at all, except one word Jordan. King Anna: Jordan. On the other hand, Michael was taking care of Jordan’s children; Fanky and Michael become very good friends. Fanky: Do you have any family, priest? Michael: I had four brothers and a sister. They all died of a fever, like my mother and father. I was only saved because they had me placed in a monastery when I was just a child. They had too many mouths to feed. Fanky: So, you are alone? Michael: No, God is my father, so I am never alone. Fanky: What does your god look like? Michael: No one can know what god looks like. It would be like looking into the sun. It cannot be done but he did send his only son to live on the earth and he looked like a man Fanky: Odin, Thor and Loki are like men, or are they your gods? Michael: They are not gods. They don’t exist. Jordan gets very sad at Kauko's death; Stanley tells Jordan death was on its way to take Kauko. Don’t grieve for him. Don’t pity for him. Guess where he is now? Valkyries have taken him home to Valhalla. Right at this moment he is…he is drinking ale with the gods. Jordan: Yes, he is happier than even we are, with our boat and…these goods. Samuel: Even so, he was my kinsman. We must avenge his death. It was done in the name of King Anna, and King Anna must suffer for it. Jordan: One day he will, if the gods will it. Stanley: Look at him, he is wetting himself. Jordan: You kept your word. You took us to the town, and I thank you for that. Next night, Michael, Mason and Fanky are sitting together; Mason tells Michael i want to go Kattegat. I want to see my father return soon. Fanky: He must return soon. Michael: I gave your father my word that I would look after you both here. Mason: You are not looking after us. We look after ourselves. Michael: I cannot allow you to go on your own to Kattegat. Your father would never tolerate such a thing. Mason: Then we should go to gather. The three of us. Michael: And who will then look after the farm? For what we are about to receive, may the lord make us truly grateful. Amen Fanky: Can I have some ale? Michael: you are too young, Fanky to drink ale. Mason: I want to make a sacrifice to Thor, for my father’s safe return. Michael: What will you sacrifice? Mason: You! Mason gets angry with Michael and gets up, after Mason leaves, Michael pulls out his holy book, and he talks to his god, where are you, Lord? Tell me. Is it your will that I am here with these heathens? How does it serve you? I don’t understand and for the first time in my life, I am angry with you. You allow my brothers to be slaughtered and sold. Is this really your will? For the first time, I feel lonely. Where are you, Lord? Where are you? And why don’t you answer me? While talking to his god, Michael hears a voice. He wakes up and sees an owl. He calls Mason. Mason: What is it? Michael: We will go to Kattegat, all of us, tomorrow. Next day, in night Jordan and his companions reached Kattegat, where many people stand in front to greet them. This time Earl also stands there to welcome them. So, that they can know that this time what they have brought from kingdom of Northumbria? Man: Kattegat! Chetwynd: Jordan Korg, my friend, how was your voyage? Successful, I hope, for all our sakes. Jordan: The Saxons attacked us when we returned to the boat, in great force but we defeated them! (All Crowed Cheering) Chetwynd: You are the man that people say you are. A great adventurer, and I am happy to salute your achievements and to share in the profit of your raid but I don’t see my friend, Rogers. Where is he? Jordan: Rogers is dead. Chetwynd: Dead? Did he die in battle? Jordan: No. Chetwynd: Then how did he die? Jordan: I killed him. Chetwynd: You killed him, for what reason? Jordan: Because he tried to rape my wife, Abigail. Chetwynd: I find it too convenient that you would make an excuse to kill my friend and my agent on your voyage. What did you think that you would gain by getting rid of him? Jordan: I didn’t expect to gain anything. Chetwynd: I don’t believe you. Earl Chetwynd orders Svein to arrest Jordan. Svein: Arrest him! Earl Chetwynd is about to leave the crowd that Jordan calls the Earl from behind. Jordan: My Lord! For your wife, Debby, would have you not done the same? Svein: I would counsel you all against such actions. There is no way you could prevail, bring him away. Abigail: Jordan! Jordan! Earl Chetwynd calls Stanley to meet separately; Stanley goes to meet in the Earl's Hall. Stanley: You summoned me, Lord? Chetwynd: Yes, I want to talk to you. Please, sit. Drink it’s…it’s a delicate matter. You…you are the brother of Jordan Korg, are you not? Stanley: Yes I’m. Chetwynd:  A spirited man, your brother. Is he fair man? Does he treat you equally when you sail with him? Stanley: Up to a point. Chetwynd: Forgive me, but I think that he likes to rule you and that whatever he says, in actual fact he considers himself to be first among equals am I correct? I get the impression that he wants to take credit for everything, for building the boat, for sailing the west. He wants to be the hero. Is that what is comes down to him? Would he have achieved what he has achieved if it wasn’t for you? What do you say Stanley? Stanley: Of course not. It would have been impossible. Chetwynd: As long as I am earl, Jordan Korg can give you nothing. I, on the other hand, can give you a great deal. I could, for example, confiscate the treasure that you brought back from England and offer you a goodly portion of it. Stanley: Would you do that, Lord? Chetwynd: I might, depends. Stanley: Or what would it depend? Chetwynd: Your ambition. You want to stand out. You want to be someone, Stanley. You want the gods to notice you, yes? Stanley: They would have noticed me already. Chetwynd: Oh no, my friend and do you know why? Because you still walk in the shadow of Jordan korg, don’t you think it’s time you stepped out from it, and let the god see you for whom you really you are? Oh I want you to say hello to somebody. This is my daughter, Carla. She is soon to get married, and I must think very carefully about her future husband. He must be a man of ambition and prospect, as you can understand. I used to have two boys, but they were killed. So, the man that I choose to be my son in law will hold a high and special place, as if he were my own son. Carla, say hello to Stanley. Carla: Hello. Stanley: Hello Debby: Don’t forget about me, my love. Chetwynd: Oh, yes. This is Debby, my wife. This is Stanley. He is the brother of Jordan Korg. Debby: Hello, Stanley. I have heard a lot about you. They say that you are a great warrior. Next day in night, everyone gathers in the hall, Abigail takes Mason to the Earl's Hall, and Jordan is brought in chains, so that Stanley can testify against him. That was Earl's trick. Svein:  Bring in the prisoner. Woman 1: That murderer! Woman 2: Free him! Free Jordan! (The whole crowd was with Jordan) Mason tells his mother Abigail, look at him! He is in chains. Jordan: It’s alright, do not worry boy. Chetwynd: We are all aware of the sacred nature of our duty here. You stand before us accused of the willful murder of Rogers, my brother. Rogers, as some of you may know, was the bastard son of my father, but I loved him like a brother. I asked Rogers, to go with Jordan Korg to England, where they raided a town and brought back many spoils and while they were raided this town, Jordan Korg took it upon himself to cold-bloodily kill my brother. It’s easy to imagine why a man like do such a thing, this is an ambitious man. He does not care to share his spoils and he resents the fact that he owes me loyalty and obedience, as his chieftain. This is a man who does not believe in our traditions. This is a man who does not believe in our laws. (Crowd shouting) Svein: Silence! Silence! Chetwynd: What do you have to say, when you stand before us? And know that you must tell the truth? Jordan: It is true that I killed Rogers. Sadly, your brother, but I killed him when I found him trying to rape my wife. I ask all of you free men, what would have you done if you were in my place? Would have you just stood back, encouraged the culprit? I don’t think you would, and even if I had’ve known at the time he was your brother, I would have carried out the same sentence. Svein: Do you seriously ask us to believe your story? Abigail: I can confirm the story. Chetwynd: You are the wife of Jordan Korg? Abigail: I am, Lord. Chetwynd: How extraordinary that you happened to be there at the same time. Your husband is lying, and you are so under his thumb that he has persuaded you to lie for him. Abigail: Make Thor strike you dead! Chetwynd: What did you say? My husband did not kill Rogers. Svein: Then who did? Abigail: I did! I killed him. I stabbed him in the heart when he tried his best to rape me. Svein: A murder is committed and the only witnesses are a husband and his wife. Chetwynd: Unfortunately, we can’t tell who committed the crime, because they both claim credit for it. You didn’t kill my brother. Look at you how could you? He killed my brother Jordan Korg killed my brother. Svein: We have proof. We have a witness to the killing. You say you are a witness to the death of Rogers. Stanley: Yes. Svein: You will swear this upon your arm ring? Stanley: Yes, I was there. I saw everything Chetwynd: So, who killed my brother? Stanley: Jordan Korg killed him. Chetwynd: In cold blood? Stanley: No, Lord, for a good reason. What Jordan Korg has sworn is true. Your half-brother was caught raping a Saxon woman, then he attempted to rape Jordan’s lawful wife Abigail, the shield-maiden. So unfortunately, you cannot punish him. Jordan: Now, who has the key? Stanley doesn't accept Earl Chetwynd’s offer, and he testifies in favor of Jordan, and Jordan is free from the chains. All of Jordan's friends go to party at Jordan's house. (All laughing) Come, mason. Like father, Like son. Jordan: It seems I owe you an eternal debt. Stanley: I know, and I look forward to collecting it. Samuel:  Let’s drink a toast to Jordan! To his future and his freedom! Jordan: No, no, no, no. To friends and freedom! Everyone says together: To friends and freedom! Man: To you, my friend! You will never be free of us. Jordan: Will you drink with me? Michael: Of course. Jordan: Thank you for taking care of my children. You are a good Christian. Abigail: I wanted to say thank you. You did a fine good thing, Stanley. I hope the gods were watching. Stanley: I didn’t do it for him. I did it for you, shield-maiden. Abigail: I don’t want to believe that. Herbert: So, Jordan! Did you see Chetwynd’s face, when he had to acquit you and then give you half his hoard? He looked so strange! All friends were enjoying party at Jordan's house, suddenly some people attack on Jordan's house Man: Jordan Korg? Jordan: I am unarmed.  Jordan gestures to Abigail get the children. Attackers attack Jordan and all his troops, but they face defeat, and the bodies of these attackers are left outside the hall of Earl Chetwynd, seeing these dead bodies, Svein gets angry. Next day, in early morning Earl Chetwynd goes to oracle to know his future. Because he thinks that Jordan Korg will now become a threat to him who will snatch his kingdom from him. Oracle: Stones and bones. Chetwynd: What do you read? Oracle: Wait. Not so impatient, Lord Chetwynd: Tell me.   Oracle: Ask me a question. Chetwynd: Are the signs threatening? Oracle: Yes. There is a quarrel. There will be violence. Bones and skulls broken I see that. Oracle: He searches for your death. Consults the gods to whom he claims kinship. Chetwynd: Who could believe such a thing? Does he desire to be Earl? Oracle: If he kills you, will it not be so? Chetwynd: Do the gods speak? Oracle: Do they ever stop? Chetwynd: Gods have always been favorable to me. Oracle: They allowed your sons to die. Chetwynd: Do the gods really exist? After listening to Oracle, Chetwynd gets very upset, and oracle starts laughing at Chetwynd, on the other hand, Jordan sitting on the hillside outside the house thinking something.
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